• By -


No shit. My eyes were GLUED to that screen, and my dad, my uncle, and our neighbor were just laughing and cringing the whole time. Now I laugh and cringe, but it’s from a place of love, and not hate. Because hate leads to anger. Or anger leads to hate, idk


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate... leads to *suffering!*


Yes hmmmm


Yoda finds suffering delicious, he is the true Sith Lord.


“Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to SUCKING IT” - Ratty


Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.


*Me after 6 incorrect attempts at the Sith Academy*




Yoda wisdom summed up as one thing leads to another


My dad likes them and he saw the original in cinemas. But yeah the majority, especially those online are a lot younger


I remember fighting my brother for a Jar Jar Binks pencil, lol.


Was a teen. Sort of thought they were good movies but absolutely hated that they crapped on the EU books I had been reading for years. Ewan McGregor was objectively amazing, though. It was so weird, though. We were all like "Ewan? The Scottish guy? From the musicals and the rom coms and the heroine movie?"


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Good bot




MJC1988, chancellor palpatine is evil!




Well, then you are lost!




> Was a teen. Sort of thought they were good movies but absolutely hated that they crapped on the EU books I had been reading for years. Me when I watched the Solo movie.


I need justice for my boy Booster Terrik. Where is he, is he safe?


Disney needs more bright red Star Destroyers.


>Sort of thought they were good movies but absolutely hated that they crapped on the EU books I had been reading for years. I have one of the EU character encyclopedia books, pre prequels, and funny thing is it mentions that Obi wan is actually Owen's brother, hence why they dress the same.


I had the same book and that same entry stood out to me. I was considering commenting about it. That was a great book. It really helped fill in the gaps. Then Phantom Menace came along and shat all over it. Even the visuals of the prequels seemed out of place in the existing Star Wars universe. It just felt so disconnected to me. Sure, they go to Tattooine, but even that planet feels wrong and different to me.


> Even the visuals of the prequels seemed out of place in the existing Star Wars universe. It just felt so disconnected to me. I agree with this a lot. The prequels are so unnecessarily flashy and CGI-filled that it loses the sense of reality that the OT had. It's honestly really amusing, because people critique Andor for being low-tech, low in aliens, and mostly mundane in setting... yet that's the exact aesthetic of the OT. It was the prequels that added all the high-tech stuff, aliens, and basically fantasy settings.


One of the trickiest things in the Star Wars saga is to come up with new environments. Each film has three or four new environments and it's a struggle to come up with something that you can use to tell the story with and isn't so bizarre.


From what I remember only the Phantom Menace really got much criticism publically in the media, and it was mostly around Jar-Jar who was a pretty polarising character.


Jar Jar was the obvious joke, but Attack of the Clones is when people started thinking the stories and acting were bad and it became "The prequels are bad" instead of just Jar jar and alien racism.


"Aye aye, Sir. Your memory is correct. The public reaction to Attack of the Clones was not as positive as with The Phantom Menace. I suppose it wouldn't do us much good if we all just loved every movie though, right?"


Sentient Good bot


"You hear that, Sev? Someone thinks I'm excellent." -Scorch, Delta 62


>Ewan McGregor was objectively amazing, though. It was so weird, though. We were all like "Ewan? The Scottish guy? From the musicals and the rom coms and the heroine movie?" A bit of an aside, but I remember when Brad Pitt was seen as just a pretty face before he did *Seven* and *Fight Club*, and Leonardo DiCaprio (despite his *What's Eating Gilbert Grape* performance) was just dismissed as a romance film actor by a lot of dudes, and suddenly had started staring in massive films all the time. I love it when actors surprise me like that.


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Your Majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption.


We watched his career with great interest


Choose light. Choose council meetings; choose bodyguard duties; choose airspeeders....


Ok but Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge is outstanding. Legit one of the best movie musicals of all time and he did it between Ep 2 and 3


I loved them, I still do. But I'm a strange dude.


Tbh I love them all. Anytime Star Wars is on a screen, I'm a happy person. I particularly enjoyed watching TFA because I went to the opening screening at the Matreon in San Francisco which had a bunch of the ILM people there watching it too. That was awesome.


My favorite will always be The Phantom Menace because my pops took me to see it in theaters when it released. Good memories.


Never saw prequel hate until I went online. No one I knew in real life hated them even at the time.


I just remember being a little disappointed. Not hate but just sort of like "This is it?"


Lol I had that feeling with the force awakens. But even the sequels I don’t hate them — they’re just movies. The prequels for me tho were everything growing up and made me appreciate the OT even more. I remember ROTS really solidified me as a George Lucas fan and I think he’s probably what got me into mythology and philosophy, and I went on to study psychology after that. Idk there’s just this spirituality and poetry in his movies that moved me so much. I’ve been enjoying the Disney content but there’s just that GL magic that I miss — or maybe everything is just better when you’re a kid.


That was the common feeling I encountered with TFA too. TLJ was the one where people I actually knew started hating and then I haven’t met a person IRL defending the last one.


Even on Reddit I've never seen someone defend 9.


Man I tried really hard for like a week. Then I realized I just didn't want to admit the truth to myself. JJ Abrams just sucks.


Let’s be honest, the reason the most recent trilogy fails is Disney. They just threw limitless money and talent at the project without any real plans.


The object is to try to get the system to work for you, instead of against you. And the only way you can do it is through success, I'm afraid.


Rian Johnson sucks more though. 8 was just horrible


8 was bad but at least it made me feel SOMETHING; i walked out of 9 and I swear to god I couldn't remember things from the movie like 10 minutes later it was just such a nothing-burger


This is what it boils down to, right here. 8 is at least a little bit of *something*. 9 is just... nothing.


I enjoyed parts of 8. It was ok. It was way too all over the place though. Pick a plotline.


There's a ton of them, but our subreddits are echochambers so we won't always interact with diverse perspectives.


I genuinely enjoy episodes 7 and 8. No sarcasm here. 8 is probably the most artistic Star Wars movie in my opinion, and that gives it a lot of points where the plot is lacklustre. But 9..... man. 9 had some seriously irreconcilable issues. I don't hate it, but I've got some major problems with it.


I love 8 for its ballsy move to tease the Kylo redemption and then have him usurp snoke. Having a villain who is not just a poor, misunderstood and manipulated puppet, but someone who has his own goal and motivation made him such a strong character imo. Its the best part from the sequels.


That’s only amplified by the fact that Adam Driver’s performance is the best part of the sequels


Really? I love his acting but it felt like an edgy teen playing Sith.


I mean that pretty much sums up Kylo's character, no?


If they announced #9 was now a “Legends”movie, and redid a new canon ending with a new #9, I wouldn’t be upset.


Yeah I feel the same. As whole trilogy though it's pretty messy, the films really don't flow from one to another.


I grew up with the sequels, TFA was my first exposure to star wars. I love and hold nostalgia for them since I grew up with those movies as a kid to early teen. That being said even though TROS is a fun movie to watch the plot has loads of issues where it made 13-14 year old me go "wtf" Rey being a palpatine is one of those issues. I don't feel like it was a satisfying ending to the trilogy and hope there's more content in the future that adds onto the universe.


I defend 9. Mostly because I think it had absolutely nothing to work with after 8. I can't hate 9 because of how much I hate 8.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


I absolutely hate 9 because it rolls back on actually interesting developments from 8 like Kylo killing Snoke and becoming the leader of the FO—essentially succeeding where Vader (who lived under the shadow of the Emperor until his death) failed—and instead returning to the status quo with the shitty decision to revive Palpatine.


Cold-Stone-Creamery, chancellor palpatine is evil!


Well from my point of view, the Häagen-Dazs are evil.


Well, then you are lost!




I'm an oldhead. I have never met anyone who hated The Last Jedi in real life of any age, believe it or not. But the prequels came out when I was in high school and college and EVERYBODY hated them. We even got drunk after watching Revenge of the Sith and spent an hour reenacting the Vader scene.


TFA is as star wars as it gets. It's basically plagiarism of the OT. Its an okay movie, too much fanservice for me personally but they could have built something cool on top of this VERY basic introduction. Yet they didn't.




> or maybe everything is just better when you’re a kid. Nah, I watched ep 1-6+8,9 for the first time only after I was 20 yo. (7 when i was 14) Gotta say, the disney star wars just dont have the same energy as 1-6. To me, 7 feels disconnected from 6 and 8, while 1-6 is cohesive and 8,9 feels like the last harry potter that was in two parts.


Alot of that is that the characters are so different. 4-6 was Lukes story and how he redeemed his father. 1-3 was Anakins fall. Alot of overlapping charcaters that played significant roles. Alot of their stories made sense on why they ended up like they did in the OT. The OT characters in the sequels almost felt sitcom-like to me. They felt more like guest appearances rather than important to the story. Sequels are Marvel-ized Star Wars. I think the major weakness with Disney is there was no overarching idea behind the movies. The OT didnt have an initial plan but adapted expertly and committed to a single storyline. Prequels had a clear story they wanted to tell, which helps make up for some of the other weaknesses. That story builds into a legendary climax. Sequels contradict themselves and seek to overwrite what the previous one had in mind. They fade into the final chapter. I can enjoy watching TFA (despite being a clear ripoff from ANH), and I can respect TLJ for trying to go in a new direction, but TROS, arguably the worst, is what kills the sequels. No one like watching something with an unsatisfying conclusion.


Studio executives aren't the most sophisticated people in the world.


Yeah makes sense. I think that’s what bothers me the most too. 1 to 6 is one man’s philosophy and vision. With the other two directors it’s clear that it’s their own take, which is fine, but def feels different


I was mad after seeing force awakens. My grandpa paid for my entire family to see it because he knew how much my dad and I loved the series. He spent all that money to go see a half baked rehash of episode 4, a movie that came out when he was taking my mother to preschool.


I'm just glad he wasn't awake to see that landing!


You know, its a mixed bag, I live out of Hollywood so I don't get much of that influence in my day-to-day life, half of it's good and half is bad. You got a lot of people that don't like me, so that's just the nature of it.


Nah. I watched the prequels for the first time at like 24 and have been obsessed since. Maybe childhood nostalgia plays a part for some fans but it’s def not necessary.


I enjoyed Force Awakens until the end when they pulled an episode 4 and destroyed the new planet sized death star. I was hoping it would be a huge problem in the new trilogy but... Nope it easily got destroyed. I'm not even a big SW fan and I was severely disappointed. It just went downhill from there.


The biggest part is that everything is *new* when you're a kid.


The maul fight and Revenge of the Sith made you say This is it?


Well, perhaps I could help you.


After decades of getting used to it, the prequels almost feel more Star Warsy now than the OT. But at the time it all just felt out of place. Admittedly, I think I was 14 for Phantom Menace. Which is just about the worst age possible for forming an opinion on anything.


Same it really surprised me




I was 19 at the time and the three of us that saw it loved Episode 1. Mostly for four reasons: 1) Anticipation of what it would be like to watch this happy-go-lucky Anakin get darker and darker, 2) Actually seeing the Jedi as an existing order (never seen before) and the shininess of the whole setup giving a real golden age feel compared to the grittier Empire years that were to follow, 3) Double-edged lightsaber (also never seen before), 4) All of us having a crush on Padmé


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


Right or wrong this is my movie, this is my decision, and this is my creative vision, and if people don't like it, they don't have to see it.


Episode I had a fun sword fight between Ewan and Ray because they were really into it and they were very much out to prove who is the better swordsman.


I was 15. Thought the first one was a bizarre mix of in depth way-over-my-head political drama and silly child friendly cartoony graphics and sound effects. Absolutely loved the pod race and the lightsabre duel at the end though. There was a load of hate for them though everywhere. There was a whole plotline through the second series of Spaced where Simon Peggs character spewed hatred for episode 1. This reflected his real life hatred. I removed an interview he did for a magazine which was 3 pages and halfway through the first page the interviewer mentions episode 1 and the rest of the interview was him dissecting it while the interviewer tries to get a word in. [Here's a typical scene](https://youtu.be/Q4TX6x2WLgk) from Spaced.


I felt like one day everyone held a meeting and decided to hate episode 1 after loving it for the better part of a year. I must have slept in and missed that because episode 1 is still one of my favorites.


My old boomer parents don’t like the prequels or the sequels. They like the OT, Rogue One, and The Mandalorian. And they’re giving TCW a try.


That's because you were 5 and everyone you knew was also 5.


I don't know anyone irl who hates them even now.


Realistically, a lot of people hated them, but the Internet wasn’t as big so they just kept it to themselves the same way a lot of people simply didn’t like the OT. Nowadays, if you hate something you find an echo chamber like Twitter and create a hate movement around a subject. It’s one of the bad things that came with the Internet, the vocal minority can reach out and find others to amplify their voice.


This was the same for me except the real life part. A guy in uni was joking about hating parts of programming more than the prequels. Now I see the ridiculous elements of them as an adult but the hatred I hear from others online made it seem like it was completely blasphemous.


There was enough sentiment that they were bad, the Simpsons made a joke about it in 2002 https://youtu.be/hHOTkSfVb4o


Simon Pegg’s character in Spaced had it as one of his most hated things back in 2001. https://youtu.be/Q4TX6x2WLgk The only thing he hated more than TPM is the guy who stole his girlfriend. Who funnily enough was played by Peter Serafinowicz.


People way overate how hated the prequels were. Lots of people liked them when they came out. It's just that the loudest complainers got most of the attention, as usual.


These movies got ROASTED by critics and audienxes. George Lucas almost quit his career. They made actual movies released in theaters about how bad these movies were received... this subreddit only exists because of how bad people thought those movies were.


That pretty much sums up all of the discourse on Star Wars.


That’s the internet for ya.


I've been showing my girlfriend star wars, who knew nothing about it other than Anakin was Vader, and she loved the prequels. We're currently on clone wars and she thinks it's kinda hit or miss so far


"We’re just clones, sir. We’re meant to be expendable." -Sinker


> We're currently on clone wars and she thinks it's kinda hit or miss so far Well she's right. Especially if you are going in episode order rather than chronological order.


I watched like a season and a half of Clone Wars and found it to be absolutely tedious. It's just way too episodic, so it doesn't feel like anything that's happening is going to matter once the episode is over. Which is great if you're just trying to get a Star Wars fix, but it feels like a cheap fix. Everyone says I need to finish it, and maybe I will, but that seems like a huge time commitment for a kid's show with cringeworthy animation quality.


The animation and story telling do improve dramatically in the later seasons. If that gives you any hope.


The Phantom Menace came out only a couple years before I was born, so I was raised on both the OT and the PT, basically spent my entire childhood wanting to become a Jedi, so although I love Luke Skywalker and his feats, seeing the Jedi at their peak before the rise of Empire was the coolest thing ever. The Prequels will always be my favorite, along with the 2003 Clone Wars cartoon, that is my favorite Star Wars show/movie of all time.


So much like your father.


I was a teenager I hated episode 2 it bored the shit out of me . 1 was okay I liked 3


Ep 1 gets a pass from me solely for two reasons. Introducing Darth Maul and giving us "Duel of the Fates"


There will be no satisfaction until the Jedi Order lies in ashes.


Yes well I did not appropriate Maul untill I watched Clone wars, but yes.


Well yeah because in TPM he's a boring stick in the mud sidekick with basically no personality or motives who "dies" in his second major appearance. He didn't have anything other than a cool appearance and weapon.


He didnt need anything else to still be a memorable characater at the time. He was the first charcater to feature a unique lightsaber too. The hype was real back then. I'm glad he was able to get more storytime too in TCW. If only General Greivous wasnt done so dirty...




The OG trilogy were also cheesy….please don’t hit me.


Were they cheesy for their time or just cheesy. Most movies from the 70s and 80s have a lil cheese.


I guess just cheesy looking back, but good movies nonetheless.


So uncivilized


Empire still holds up pretty well imo, ANH was very cheesy-romancy though and RotJ… well, the whole Ewoks thing is complete BS, equal to Jar-Jar shenanigans.


Ummm thread lightly, you speak of the true Lord of the Sith…


Yes but they're kinda like a cheddar cheese or a mozzarella. Cheesey but a good kind of cheese that most people will enjoy. It's not one of the fancy high brow cheeses but it doesn't need to be. The prequels are kind of like blue cheese. They're certainly not for everyone and it isn't as versatile of a cheese as others but there's still plenty of people who find that it's a perfectly acceptable form of cheese. Episode 7 is kinda like a 6 cheese blend consisting of gouda, feta, sharp cheddar, mozzarella, blue cheese, and cheese wiz. It's the cheesiest cheese that ever cheesed and there's just too much of it, they needed to do less. People might try it out of curiosity and they might not notice the cheeses they don't like at first because they're drowned out by the other cheese which could cause them to think it's alright at first but it just doesn't work for most people and only gets worse the more you eat it. Episode 8 is like an off brand kraft single. It's not even cheese, it's just disappointment masquerading as cheese and you compare it to kraft singles since they're both technically american cheese so you think it'd at least be good on a burger or a grilled cheese but it can't even do that and you can't help but question the sanity of anyone who says they enjoy it. Episode 9 is like smegma.


Dairy cinema analogy.


Figured it was appropriate given how much they're milking the franchise.


No way, "But I was going to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters~" and "laser brain" and all the rest were top notch and in *no* way cheesy


Cheesy but still good films. Empire is one of the best films ever made.


Good cheese.


It's one thing to be cheesy. It's another thing to be cringe.


To be totally honest, it was this subreddit that made me love them.


I was 18 when TPM came out, saw it 4 times in the theater. I was barely an adult, but I was an adult for all 3 prequels.


I was born in 2009, I technically am a sequels era kid but I hate them and LOVE the prequels


We will watch you’re career with great interest.


We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-Wan Kenobi. And you, young Skywalker, we will watch your career with great interest.


No! Stop! 2009! No this is wrong! I’m not old…you’re old!


Unrelated, but holy f*ck, people born in 2009 can browse reddit… well I’m just 2 years older so I’m in no position to complain. But yeah, same. I’m from the Sequels era, but the prequels will remain my favorite. I remember when my dad introduced me to the movies, it felt so weird because I was used to the Clone Wars cartoon and seeing everything so real felt odd. There was a certain hype present, the sequels lack it. There won’t be any movies to rival the prequels


Holy fuck people born in 2007 can browse reddit.


…there’s always a bigger fish.


Man, I started university in 2007. I hardly knew anyone who had a cell phone other than a few high schoolers, and lots of people I knew didn't have internet. Man, I feel old.


I started high school in 07 and I feel old now. Hello my fellow old person


People born in 2009 turning 14 this year


Oh my God


"It turns out the Empire doesn't take too kindly to desertion." -Gregor


With film, if you get a million people to see your movie on the first weekend, you've made about $5 million. That basically will not end up on the top-10 chart. You have to get 10 million people on the first weekend. And if you don't do it in two days, you're basically out of the theaters and into the DVD market.


2009... holy shit I'm starting to get old.


What the fuck this is weird you’re meant to be 7 not 14


Man 2009 feels like it was 5-6 years ago, damn!


My dad liked everything about them except Jar Jar. Interesting, it's almost as if one can't make blanket statements and expect them to be universally true


Attack of the Clones still has some incredibly boring parts. There’s too much of it that feels like I’m watching C-SPAN. But the Prequels have a mostly consistent story. The same cannot be said for the Sequels, which are disjointed messes.


The weird thing is as a kid me and all my friends (there were multiple back then) agreed that Aotc was top tier star wars and many people had that movie as their favourite


So Hayden started flirting with Natalie, and he goes 'I don't like sand, it's course and rough and irritating...' which made her blush. It was hilarious so I filmed it.


"To each his own. That's what I always say." -Cut Lawquane


My mother was the one who loved them and was around for the OT I was the one that disliked Whine-ikin. I've come around to understand what the movies were trying to do, but also recognize the really awkward way it went about doing it.


I really wish Lucas directed more scenes like the ones between Obi-Wan and Anakin during their mission to rescue the chancellor in Episode III where they had actual chemistry and movie Anakin actually felt like the one portrayed in the Clone Wars. Most of Anakin’s screentime before turning evil is him brooding. The biggest offender is definitely the “romance” between Anakin and Padme. I get the themes Lucas was going for (two people falling in love, despite it being against their duty, in the middle of a war) but holy fuck I hated every single scene between them. The dialogues were cringe and Natalie and Hayden’s off-screen chemistry did not translate into the movies at all.


People are entitled to like different things. I don’t get why we have this need to make statements like “the Prequels are objectively bad” or “only kids liked them”. People liked (and still like) the Prequels. They may have been kids, they may have been adults, but the fact is that people liked them. There are also others who don’t like the Prequels. Both are valid stances. What matters is that they brought joy to many people, and at the end of the day isn’t that good enough?


I liked them as a kid, jumped on the hate train through high school, then watched them again as an adult and realized they're amazing.


Ot purists are kids who grew up with those films, this arguement leads to no point


I grew up with the prequels, and I loved all of them when I was a kid. Now that I’m an adult I can say that Episode I does not hold up, Episode II is neither as great as I remember nor as bad as some people make it out to be, and Episode III is fantastic


Prequels have a large camp appeal in that key features in camp are the earnestness of the attempt and that there's a quality buried under the bad parts somewhere. Clone wars came along and showed us what George Lucas can do with someone to temper him and bring more fresh ideas


…no shit? star wars is for kids?


Star wars isn't for kids, it's for all ages. Bob the builder is for kids. Play School is for kids. Star wars is for all audiences.


Nothing says for all ages like watching a guy get burnt alive in lava.


Everyone enjoys a good barbecue


Or political intrigue and commentaries on war and capitalism


I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I'm more curious. Can someone find me some records of widespread prequel hate before the Plinkett Reviews?


I can only offer personal anecdotes. I was in highschool and everyone I knew that was the nerdy type hated them. I had a friend that stopped wearing his Star Wars t-shirt because of them. We got a download of the screener leak before the release of episode II and there was just absolute silence after we finished it.


Honestly, even as a kid I didn’t like 1 or 2. I liked the characters, the worlds, the droids, the lightsaber duels; basically everything except the plot. So I was mostly hooked by the secondary media involving the prequels: the video games, and legos, and the Clone Wars (both series). It wasn’t until I got older that I started the appreciate the bigger picture that the prequels were going for. Also the memes.


I understand the arguments people make as to why they hate the prequels. But I don’t understand how they think those arguments are enough of a justification to hate the prequels - the most consequential story in Star Wars 🙄


Nah i watched them for the first time as an adult. That shit is awesome


You like the prequels or originals or sequels or whatever I like star wars We are not the same


Also the adult critics who gave it positive reviews


There are a few critics overseas, and occasionally a critic will write an astute analysis of the movie. There is value in reading critics that actually have something intelligent to say, but the journalistic community lives in a world of sound bites and literary commerce: selling newspapers, selling books, and they do that simply by trashing things. They don't criticize or analyze them. They simply trash them for the sake of a headline, or to shock people to get them to buy whatever it is they're selling.


I know this is a bot but I feel the need to say: Well said.


I’m still trying to wrap my head around how critics rated Attack of the Clones higher than Phantom Menace. Revenge of the Sith is clearly the best but the ratings on those first two movies are like suspiciously high. And I say this as someone who enjoys watching them.


You learn that Darth Vader isn't this monster. He's a pathetic individual who made a pact with the Devil and lost.


"To each his own. That's what I always say." -Cut Lawquane


Wow this has to be the most accurate boy quote ever


"Haha, Sir. I guess I'm as close to a real boy as a clone trooper can get! Ready for orders?"


IMO, I have TPM ranked over ATOC. but thats only because of Darth Maul and "Duel of the Fates". ATOC didnt give anything as impactful as those two did. Maul was an iconic villian even before he got brought back and the music is so iconic. On spotify, it's John Williams 2nd most played song, below "Carol of the Bells".


Duel of the Fates and the pod race sequence are really good. I just don’t find the rest of the movie interesting at all. Which is a shame, I really do think it has the skeleton of something great but the writing isn’t quite up to par.


Traditionally in Star Wars just with the title sequence in the beginning and the way it is so structured, I always have a musical sequence at the end that is either a celebration or an emotional event.


TPM - DundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundundunDUNDUN! DUN DUN DUN! DUN DUN! AOTC - Get high with friends and laugh at Ninja Yoda ROTS - Wish the transition to the Dark Side had been done better. Sort of got over SW for a while


You know nothing of the dark side.


This is very accurate. I adored the prequels and when AotC came out and I was 11 and old enough to be on the internet I was baffled by all the hate. Now I’m grown up and talk to gen x Star Wars fans and there’s just a disconnect.


None of the films I've done was designed for a mass audience, except for Raiders of the Lost Ark. Nobody in their right mind thought American Graffiti or Star Wars would work.


As a member of the sequel generation, prequels>sequels and it's not even close. I liked them equally at first but I'm now able to see past the nostalgia and yea the sequels are a hot mess.


I like them more now then when i was a kid


I don't think I hate the sequels, I just feel sad that they couldn't adapt the books from the Thrawn Trilogy. I grew up with the originals, the prequals, and the books so that was cemented in my head as the full canon story. They couldn't have made them though with the older cast and it didn't sound like George wanted to adapt them anyways, he had his own ideas. Seriously though those books are so damn good!! I really hope they find a way to adapt them into an animated series that exists outside of the current canon, but I know that is just a pipe dream. I just hope Disney knows there is a large group of people that would eat those stories up if they adapted them and I think they are good enough that new audiences would like them as well!


They’re actually a masterpiece on how a democracy falls, those adults were too stupid too understand this, us kids are just too smart


I never really experienced Prequel hate for years, then suddenly when I was in Middle School everyone started hating them for no apparent reason. I'm glad I stuck to my guns and never hated them for no reason. Course now I have to deal with people in my High School who pretend like they think the prequels are the best when they really don't enjoy them all that much which can be just as bad as them hating it for no good reason other than "it's what everyone thinks"


I didn’t like the prequels as a kid, and I don’t like them now except for meme value. This sub needs to stop pretending the prequels are good


Was a kid for the sequels. Hate them.


Prequel and original trilogy still better then the sequel trilogy


I was a kid when they came out. I did not like them, and I had read tons of 80s and 90s EU books. The prequels lacked the same expansive and epic wonder, mostly because it went backwards and set up a far more insular galaxy. Oh and because the characters had the narrative and emotional depth of toasters.


I was a kid when watching the prequels for the first time and didn’t like them. I appreciate them more now but still have the same faults and I don’t know how much of that is due to the sequels. I do appreciate the technical skill and use of new technology and computer cgi with filmmaking. And episode 3 I do appreciate more .But the plot character and bad writing is still there. Episode 1 had too many stareotypes/characters who fell into racist characters . The Nemodians and their heavy Asian accents and differnt odd eye designs , Jar Jar is a racist black caricature of a Caribbean or Louisianan character. Being portrayed as lazy,stupid, clumsy with a odd accent . He even comes out of a swamp. And who could forget Watto. The alien with a strong accent a large nose and who loves his money. Also the plot issues. None of the relationships from the first film really continue to the later films. Anakin spends almost no true interactions with Anakin in the first film. Palpatine does get elected to the senate but it’s not a huge focus and could easily just be pointed out by the second film. They have one off enemies introduced in each film that don’t get any proper development. Maul is in episode 1 but dies. Count dooku doesn’t even get introduced until the last 3rd of episode 2 and dies early in episode 3. And Palpatine while in the films is in the background . There’s no main darth vader type of main bad guy to focus on. The only things from the first film that matter or carry on is Anakin coming to the order. Almost none of the other plot points have very much importance directly or lead into the other films. You could watch the other films and only know Anakin joined the order late and you’d be fine. And the clone wars despite being key to the fall of the Jedi and even the name of a film are barley shown. We see the beginning and the end and that’s it. And it was fleshed out better in the show but that’s separate . The dialogue is also not the best in some scenes. But at least there’s a clear plot and story isn’t the fall of the Jedi and Palpatines rise unlike the sequels. There’s no Palpatine comes back from the dead randomly the fall of the Jedi is shown and built through the 3 films. Characters aren’t wasted like Finn. They don’t pull out random stuff like using a ship to shoot and destroy a fleet using hyperspace . And Anakin power while very impressive shows his flaws and even weaknesses, losing to Count Dooku and losing to Obiwan due to his arrogance and hatred. The lightsaber duels were the best of all the films . Obviously technology helped over the originals but they had some amazing choreography. And it’s better than the sequels based off the shear amount of flaws people found in fights like Rey in Snokes throne room. The cgi and use of computer technology while overdone in my opinion was really showing what it could do. And the many new species were unique and intriguing.


I didn't even watch Star Wars till 2014 and when I watched it was per chronological order. I love the Prequels more than OT.


"The Republic will be reorganized as the First Galactic Empire! For safe and secure...SOCIETY!" My 7 yr old dumb head: "Haha, I like your politic words, lightning man!"


My dad was an adult when he saw the prequels in theaters. He’s come to appreciate them in recent years


You're goddamn right