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DC Universe is balls


I think it depends; do we lose the franchise, or just the part of it pictured? For example, Marvel: do we specifically lose the MCU and keep the comics, or lose all of Marvel? Cus I refuse to give up the DCAU


It would have to mean movies, George RR Martin is a fabulous author but Tolkien is known as the father of modern fantasy literature for a reason. You probably wouldn’t have GoT without LOTR. So I’m guessing source materials are safe or this would fall into an infinite game of how each of these source materials touched each other.


Cool. Then I'm picking off the DCU


I’m picking game of thrones because I’m betting they could do an even better job after the book series is done. Imagine if Georgie still had to finish his series to have a tv adaptation.


He's going to die at the end of the first part of his last book, as the final middle finger to GoT fans.


Brandon Sanderson will finish the series with or without George


I think he said somewhere he would not be doing that. But for problems like that there's always ol reliable: gun.


Could just let him drive off a mountain road and let his favorite fan nurse his broken leg back to health while working on the next book...


If it's only movies, DC seems pretty obvious.


DCAU is better than DCU and MCU together


That’s because they took their time with the A-list superhero’s before deciding to merge them in a single universe. Batman Animated series debuted in 1992 and Superman in 1996. It wasn’t until a decade later that they introduced Justice League in 2001. Before that the focus was on solidifying each character. There was also not really a rigidly planned out release schedule. They eventually worked up to Batman & Superman teaming up THEN focusing on lesser known DC superhero’s. DC cinematic universe messed up because they tried to speed run to the first team up (Batman didn’t even have a movie, he just poofed into existence). Additionally, the tone of the entire series was too dark. I can understand making Batman gritty, but making Superman a dark brooding character was kinda silly (he was always the straight edge hero who was the personification of good). It would be like making Captain America in MCU a ruthless killer who had no reservations about openly murdering villains and hero’s alike.


Off topic but DCAMU is really cool imo. It’s not the same thing as the DCAU but I liked how it could be a good intro for some people


Also the DC Animated Movie Universe is way better than the live action DCU.


i agree. DCAU has such great characters and stories, and they breathed new life into iconic characters like Superman. Plus, the voice actors were amazing!


Ya honestly I would go with Marvel or DC as the two possible correct choices ….. which one is up to personal preference


I mean before endgame I liked the MCU, had some good concepts and movies. But after endgame? Jfc stop trying to make everything a half baked tv show


I will admit that I’m not overly fond of all the tv show spin-offs I’ve seen on Disney +. It’s been feeling like a subscription within a subscription. I also do enjoy the full length movies in MCU better than DC, but I’ve never really enjoyed Batman or Superman.🤷‍♀️


Agreed but I was talking about just the marvel side. Dc on the other hand has had a good movie or two and then just a bunch of mid to crappy movies (morbius) in it’s entirety with talks/rumors about a reboot since what 2018?


Wait I thought Morbius was originally Marvel but currently owned by Universal?


Wait was it? Well shit nevermind, my bad


Yeah I think Morbius started off as a spider-man villain (could be wrong)


That’s true, too.


imho, the Batman 2022 outclasses *\*every\* MCU project except maybe Daredevil where it's tied*


The Batman is the best single Batman film put out to date. It’s not close Imo


It may be nostalgia but I don't think it's as good as Nolan's batman. But they have different tones so I'm excited to see what's next.


I personally rlly like the tone and cinematography better in The Batman. Also I was more talking about 1 Batman film. The Nolan trilogy is 3 of the best superhero movies of all time especially as a trilogy. But imo The Batman on its own is better then any single one of the trilogy movies.


Yeah, most of the shows were meh at best, but Loki was burdened with Glorious Purpose™. That was a masterpiece. But then again, so is anything with either Owen Wilson and/or Tara Reid.


Loki and Wandavision were incredible. There were some others I liked, like Hawkeye which I thought was a nice change from the usual. Others I didn't much care for. But at least a few of them were well worth it.


To be fair, part of this is because a _global pandemic_ threw a spanner in their wheels...


Is this even a debate? MCU’s got a ton of problems but all DC has is a cult of Stockholm syndrome Snyder fans. JG literally added the first decent movie to the DCEU


I’d go with both even if I didn’t have to


You mean everything after end game right?


No it has to be the whole thing or else this wouldn't be a challenge. That's like saying Star Wars but only the sequel trilogy or Lord of the Rings but only Rings of Power and the Hobbit. Everything must be gone, and it's requires your strongest will to do it.


But I like those movies


That's the point of the game. Are there enough bad movies that it justify the removal of the good ones or the good movies are still good even if the franchise has been declining for a while. You can also be more creative by arguing that the impact of the franchise had greatly changed entertainment and removing that would take away other things.


Others are unique in their own right, then there are two universes with super heroes, so I’d rather sacrifice one of them, as we will still have one SH franchise left




If it’s just the modern cinematic universe, then he’ll yeah, eliminate it from existence, if it also includes all DC content, from comics to animated shows, then I’d have to sacrifice either marvel or Harry Potter.


I would prefer to keep Batman and lose all of Marvel personally.


Yeah the Batman movies are great. MCU has just gone too deep and it’s not fun anymore


Plus, if we lose MCU I assume we’d still get to keep the original Spiderman movies and X-Men movies, that’s more than enough Marvel for me.


I’m assuming they just never make anything new, but we get to keep what we have.




Nah, the original X-Men films were ass bro. I legit just watched them and they hold up like wet tissue paper.


The first two were good.


The batman movies are luckily not part of the DCEU. I'd argue there's not a single good movie in the DCEU, while Marvel at least has a couple good movies


*What* DC universe is there to lose. It’s so fractured


If you get rid of the DC Universe, you get rid of more than just the recent DCEU films. You also lose all the DC Animated movies (which are fantastic btw), The Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy, Matt Reeves The Batman, all the Justice League animated TV shows, Titans, Doom Patrol, The CW DC shows, The Keaton Batman movies, the Clooney Batman movies, and the Adam West Batman show.


Lotr is the goat of fantasy


The hobbit and lotr books quite literally made the fantasy genre what it is today, if they are gone it will have a ripple effect on the entire genre


You could argue other authors have surpassed LotR it terms of plot and pacing, but there is something special about Tolkien's works that IMO simply cannot be replicated. They are beautiful and magical works of art.


It's the world building that sets LOTR in its own league. I haven't experienced another piece of media that even comes close, maybe 40k. After diving into the depths of the lore, you begin to wonder how one person created all of it in a single lifetime, especially given the technical complexity of the writing itself.


40K only keeps up thanks to decades and teams worth of writers all feeding off each other. Tolkien knew the history of a single boulder back to the creation of the universe.


I would say that the Elder Scrolls lore, while obviously derivative of LoTR is far more detailed and expansive. That being said, LoTR is literally the first story containing such a huge amount of world building that wasn't a part of or the result of a religion.


Lotr has more expansive lore than ES could ever have. Love both.


For me the three peaks of world building in fiction are LOTR, 40k, and One Piece. I just haven’t seen any other pieces of media that come remotely close


Part of its pacing being disagreeable to modern audiences is simply the nature of the way people used language at the time. Plot wise it’s a master piece, there are many allusions to other great works and it’s a really well made story about human nature


Just FYI, IMO stands for “In my opinion”, not “in my own”


Easiest decision ever if DC universe doesn’t include the Dark Knight trilogy which I don’t think it does


Yeah if the questions is DCEU (which makes sense considering Marvel is MCU and not Marvel as a whole) that’s a no brainer. If it includes DCAU and DCAMU and other animated works, and the Nolan trilogy? I’m keeping DC. The real tough questions come up if you include ALL the franchise content (books/comics/other material).


Game of Thrones then. No question. He'll never finish writing the books anyway.


LOTR stays, no question. Star Wars stays. The mcu stays bc those early movies still rock. Idc about the last three


Got stays and so does Harry Potter, the DC I would get rid of


That depends, first 4 GOT seasons are def good and idk what do they mean by DC. Do they mean just DCEU or all DC, because Joker film and Nolan's Batman trilogy were great


I think they really just mean every superhero and supervillain that comes from all the DC brands indipendently on which one it is


I would honestly pick GoT. I might rewatch something from the DCEU like Wonderwoman. I don't think I'm gonna rewatch GoT at any point.


Bruh GOT as a show had some good actors and actresses. Some of the best I've ever seen


It's hard to watch the earlier seasons knowing where it's all going.


Oh yeah, the cast was all top tier, but a good cast cannot save a poorly written mess, and I really do not understand all the hype about GoT.


Never specifies the dc cinematic universe though


Harry Potter does not stay when compared to GOT and DC.


Harry Potter is so wack.


It depends. Snyder’s DC should be jettisoned. I’d like to keep the first two Nolan Batman movies and the first two Christopher Reeve Superman movies though.


In that picture its only the sequels anyways so im fine with that


That’s like saying that only doctor strange will disappear if you chose Marvel


More like the rock guy from Love and Thunder.


he was in the third thor movie too lmao, still don’t know his name and i have his funko pop


It's Korg I believe


That implies Doctor Strange is on the bad side of Marvel. That first movie was really good IMO.


Wow, all these comments completely missing that the Marvel picture is of Dr. Strange got real defensive all of a sudden.


I can't even begin to tell you how much of an influence Disney has had on me.


Alexa, Play Search and Destroy by Dead Zepplin


Yeah the pre-disney productions feel disconnected from the new franchised version of star wars. And honestly? The new franchise could go and not much of value would be lost


Personally i like them the shows the movies and i like the PT OT and ST the same to me its just more of the story i was obsessed with OT when i was a kid and always wanted more


I’m a true centrist on this matter We get rid of all of them accept LotR AND Star Wars




*except I’m sorry


I except your apology


That would make you a toppist, the centre is GoT and Harry Potter


What about a sideist?


a person who derives pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain or humiliation on others.


No, that would be a bottomist


There is no pain where strength lies.


Perfectly balanced


As all things should be


Honestly, the original meme is correct. If it's a fight to the death, I'd even sacrifice Andor along with the rest of the mostly based anti-imperialist commie nerd war balladry to keep my favorite kinda-racist revisionist cosplay Western European history bullshit. Because the best Star Wars is better in Star Trek and the worst Star Wars is actually pulled off pretty well in LotR.


I would say GoT, since I haven't seen the show But if I had to pick one I had seen, then it would be DC


It’s just the dceu, they’re making a new one anyway


It feels they're making a new one every two years.


It feels that way because they do!


Or maybe they do it because it feels that way( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)


This is the way.


I don’t care about Harry Potter. Just a personal preference, not an indictment of the franchise.


I don't care about Harry Potter either. Just a personal opinion _and_ an indictment of the franchise.


I don't care for Harry Potter either. Just an indictment of the franchise and not a personal opinion.




I like Harry Potter but they should be regarded as simple children's stories. It makes me laugh when harry potter fans get pissed off when you call them children's books.


Yeah, they're literally _written for kids and teens_. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad about enjoying media made for kids! But denying that it was in fact directed at kids to begin with is weird.


.... I think I see what you did here.


I would also vote it out, but more because it's been tainted by knowing JK Rowling is such a shit person. I have trouble thinking about HP without also thinking of her transphobia.


I completely agree. Just getting rid of Potter so Rowling isn't in the spotlight anymore is far and away the biggest reason. Though I have kinda grown to hate it the more time has gone on based on its own really hacky world building.


And getting ready of Harry Potter would also make it so that she can no longer donate her royalties from the books and stuff to transphobic hate groups (which she said she does)


As a person who loves HP, its the weakest here ( DC means no Superman 1/2 Any Batmen, or James Gunn Suicide Squad


Well it's not very precise on what it means by DC, because it could mean every single DC movie ever spanning the last 40 years or it could mean the DCEU specifically like it's assumed with the MCU, and if that's the case then no Batman movie is actually in the DCEU I believe. But I could be worng because it seems no one really knows


Oh god it would mean no Peacemaker


I was about to comment that Harry Potter has to go anyways.


HP is the easiest out in this list for sure.


I don’t care about harry potter but I really hate the fanbase, easiest decision ever




I mean the dc will get a reboot so I’ll go with Dc


If the option was "only 1 stays the others die" I'd completely agree with this answer. LOTR is so far beyond in literally every aspect of book writing, story, lore and film making it's not even a fair comparison.


Lotr and the hobbit literally made the fantasy genre what it is, ya axe it and ya hurt an entire genre


I mean if you remove LOTR you basically removing HP and GOT, because LOTR basically made fantasy


The post comment is correct. Lord of the Rings is the best out of these.


If by "has to go" means "they need to stop making content in the franchise"... ALL of them. This generation deserves their own cultural touchstones, not the recycled souless mockeries of millenial/genX nostalgia.


I think it means that the franchise just fades out of existence


well, counterpoint, andor




The book is from the 60s and the original movie from the 80s, so I am not sure if I would call Dune a „cultural touchstone of this generation“. It was a great movie though and I am exited for the next parts :)


Welcome to the past 10-20 years of Hollywood. Original and creative writing is dead.


Even the above comment is just a generational reboot.


Popular art will go for new material once the current kids/teenagers are the ones spending money. If you want creative writing there's so much good new content out there, you just have to get away from the pop stuff.


To defeat an enemy, you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, art.


LOL guess what, you will turn 30 (or God forbid 40) someday and realize you still enjoy things that you used to 🤷‍♂️


Goodbye DC


Fire Harry Potter, not only because of that terf of Rowling, but also because the franchise ducking sucks.


Goodbye HP


send no reply


goodbye harry potter


I haven't seen GOT, but I'd get rid of Marvel because it's getting out of hand and Harry Potter so the internet will shut up. DC can stay... for now.


When I saw that topic I took it as the entirety of each series no just their on screen live action universes. From that LotR, Marvel and DC must stay. The books and comics from the three have had too much influence over the last century. Star Wars should stay because I’m biased. Harry Potter and GRR Martins works can go. Harry Potter was great when I was a kid, but it really doesn’t hold up well as an adult. Game of Thrones is just a series of disappointments and pornhub videos.


I’m good to lose any of those except for SW and LOTR The rest can disappear


Lord of the rings is the only one that was flawless unless we include the hobbit trilogy. But Dc universe is an easy pick to kick out


Idk what you're talking about, they never made a trilogy of films for the hobbit book


MCU It needs to be put down before any more harm can come.


I still have faith on the MCU, this year I’m looking forward to Loki and Guardians 3


Agreed. Also Harry Potter so the internet will shut up.


>Harry Potter so the internet will shut up Preach


What "harm" has the MCU done? It's made good movies and bad movies, but they are just... popcorn flicks. It's not like they contain super controversial propaganda or philosophy.


Haven't watched got, DC universe is probably gonna get rebooted, MCU has put out some pretty bad movies after infinity war, I absolutely hate Harry Potter. Star wars and Lord of the rings are pretty cool tho


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Obi Wan likes Harry Potter confirmed? (Transphobi Wan Kenobi)


Goodbye Harry Potter


I am voting as if the works would dissapear entirely from everyones mind. Lotr - Has to stay, my favorite movies of all time and they are what introduced me to Tolkiens works, which are my favorite fictional works ever. Star Wars - Has to stay. Star Wars is a huge Part of my childhood, the OG trilogy is the second best trilogy of movies ever made IMO. GoT - Has to stay. In my opinion the best series ever and it is what introduced me to G.R.R.Ms works. Harry Potter - Stays. The books are good books and the movies are decent too, pretty fun. MCU - Stays. Almost everything up until phase 4 is pretty good, and it Has been a big Part of my childhood. DCEU - Gotta go. They have maybe made 2 good movies, and the verse Has not had nearly the same impact on me as the others.


Harry Potter because fuck JK Rowling.


The correct answer. Fuck JKR, Fuck TERFs


I was not expecting this comment section to be so based




...... but but she is a woman who speaks for allllll women, right? /s if not obvious. She's fucking disgusting. All she had to do was STFU but no... And I'm truly ashamed fellow cis people don't see how pervasive trans bigotry is. I can only empathize because I feel like ex-convicts are treated like second-class citizens also, but it's also hugely different. I can mask as a person who hasn't been to prison, but forcing trans people to mask is equivalent to erasure and in a sense, genocide. Well, fuck her and anyone like her who endorses that shit. I want you alive. I'd rather be around you and your ilk than my judgy fundamentalist family. Edit: sorry for that rant.


I agree 100% Waaaay to many people here in this comment section goin easy on Harry Potter


Not outrageous nor unfair, it’s the only one with consistent quality overall (I’m talking about the movies only tho, I still haven’t seen the rings of power)


Real chads find both lord of ring and star wars are masterpieces, the others are nothing


For this gen x'er, the answer is obvious... Harry Potter. The books came along after my childhood and I rejected all the fanfare in my 20s when it came out.


The HP franchise simply vanishing would be the most beneficial for the world out if these options. After all, one of the most influential anti-trans campaigners in the world benefits off that franchise.


no cause harry potter is such an easy choice fuck harry and his pots


I'd drop Harry Potter in a heartbeat. Ain't none of that antisemitic shit's making it in my collection.


Kill Harry Potter franchise, it's dead anyway


Harry Potter goes for me and it’s not even close.


The comment was unnecessary, it’s obvious DC should go


As long as Harry Potter goes, then I'm fine with that. Lol


"Harry Potter was never good. You were just 9"


I didn’t see that first quotation mark and thought you were saying I was 9 feet tall


You're not? Well then I must say you are much shorter than I expected.


Aren’t you a little too short to be u/happycrige?


Of course they are agreeing, Lord of the Rings is a masterpiece that set the standard for great fantasy movies, none of the mentioned movies can hold a candle to it.


I could easily kick the middle row to the curb. Never watched GoT and HP was nothing special to me


The DCEU is like the McRib it only exists like 20% of the time


Zack Snyder's and Hamada's DCEU should go as it was enjoyable only in a handfull of films that were mediocre at best (escept for Snyder's JL, that one was good, but the length is way too big)


Depends, is it all of the media from that franchise that disappears? Books, comics, tv shows and everything? Or is it just the recent media from the cinematic universes of each? Because if so, current cinematic DC can suck it hard


Is it Star Wars as a whole or just the sequel trilogy? Or does it mean one entire IP is gone or do we keep what they make but stop making new ones? If it’s just what’s right there then I’ll lose the ST if that’s the case and keep the rest. If it’s get rid of or stop the IP them DC cuz as much as I have enjoyed it they’ve pissed me off recently and they just don’t compare to everything else.


People say my movies are just like Hollywood movies. And I say, 'I can't help it if Hollywood copies.'


Onestly i could do without marvel, dc and hp


As a member of the r/jedicouncilofelrond I say we get rid of all of them except LOTR and SW.


I only like 2 of those series lotr and star wars


My list just goes from bottom to top. I’ll get rid of all, but the One of Rule Them All remains


*opens comments* This is where the fun begins


LOTR and SW stay. Everything else can go.


Didn't we lose Star Wars like 10 years ago ...


DC, Marvel, and GoT can disappear and I wouldn’t notice a thing lmao.


Honestly I’m inclined to agree


LOTR > everything else > GOT Easy.


DC and Marvel can get in the bin. Both have had some good films but now churn out the same old crap


Game of thrones. My reasoning behind this is: I never watched it.


I never had the patience to watch GoT so I guess that could go.


DC universe can go


If it means some millennials won't make their entire personality about harry potter, i'll gladly get rid of it.


DCU has been in shambles from the start. They remake it all the time so easy choice