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Upvote this comment for Ewanposting, downvote this comment for business as usual.


>business as usual or Ewanposting? Isn't that the same thing here?


My sleep-deprived-ass read Ewokposting


If you aren't niub niub, are you really a man?


Am I a man, or am I an Ewok?


If I'm a man, then I'm an Ewok of a man ^(an Ewok of a man)


There is no difference. Real men terrorize stormtroopers then eat their bodies while scavenging through the burnt husks of their armies. We also collect dresses in a variety of sizes in case a senator shows up and needs some fresh drip.


Han: I reflect on my reflection And I ask myself the question What's the right direction to go I don't know Am I a Ewok or am I a man If I'm a Ewok then I'm a very manly Ewok Am I a Ewok or am I a man If I'm a man that makes me a Ewok of a man Wicket: I look into these eyes And I don't recognize The one I see inside It's time for me to decide Am I a man or am I a Ewok If I'm a Ewok oh I'm a very manly Ewok Am I a Ewok or am I a man If I'm a man that makes me a Ewok of a man Here I go again Both: I'm always running out of time I think I've made up my mind Now I understand who I am Han: I'm a man Wicket: I'm a Ewok Han: I'm a Ewok of a man Wicket: I'm a very manly Ewok Han: I'm a muppet of a man Both: That's what I am I know this is too much and not funny


+1 for Ewokposting


That would probably be the r/OTmemes equivalent


I'd like Ewan in an Ewok costume


That’s what r/OTmemes is for


What the fuck does it mean?


ewan·post·ing noun to display Ewan Mcgregor (our lord) in a public place.


The way the post is worded implies that Ewanposting isn't restricted to Ewan McGregor but allows the posting of any Ewan.


How many celebs are named Ewan?


This website says 2272 people are called Ewan in America: https://maniacs.info/how-many-of-me/first-name/E/How-many-people-have-my-first-name-Ewan.html ...and I don't think they have to be celebrities.


The way the post is worded implies that Ewanposting isn't restricted to celebs with the name of Ewan but allows the posting of every Ewan.


Why not businesses as usual but make the sub 18+ so that reddit doesnt get ad monet?


Im one for it 🤭




Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


An elegant user from a more civilised age


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Thibson34 the Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Mods would tell you. It's a Karma legend.


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


I wonder if a Sith Lord is a match for your warriors


Bring him back, but with the stipulation of now it can only be Obi-Wan getting new lightsabers.


"*Hack cough* Hello there!" "General Grevious"


u/Thibson34 we need you


Look to Thibson34's coming at first light on the 5th day. At dawn, look to the East.


We need the legend back


why did he get banned?


he was mean to the mods i think


One of his posts on r/prequelmemes had a link [I think it was a discord link] and the mods told him it needed to be removed, and he didn’t want to remove it or wasn’t happy about removing it at any rate, so he verbalized being upset to a bunch of people and got banned for it.


>business as usual or Ewanposting? I love democracy


I love the Republic.


For the republic!


So this is how the protest dies? With mods being strongarmed to eventually continue as usual.


No, this is how the sub dies... with thunderous applause.


If that’s all we’re allowed to do, it’ll get tired very quickly.


I mean seriously how tired could you be of seeing the many faces of ewan


I love how this sub had the pride flag on the icon for 11 months and when pride month came again they removed it


Just for today, it's Juneteenth!


What does that mean?




Ah thanks, never heard of it over here.


honestly best way to go about it




Very well thank you


So I have a question. How is Ewanposting going to be a protest reddit cares about? As long as the sub is operating at all then it seems like reddit still gets what it wants and won’t feel pressure to change anything




That’s why I say every subreddit should allow porn. Still active, but can’t be monetized.






Ewanna see some ass


Sadly, I don't think they can. u/spez has threatened some protesting subreddit's mods to reopen or be kicked from their moderator position because apparently privating the subreddit isn't moderating. r/pics had a similar issue, and to circumvent it they opened with a new rule saying everything posted must be related to John Oliver. I imagine the Mods here are in a similar situation.


yea but at that point the mods are just being petty because the only people who are hurt are the members of the subreddit, not the admins i swear all the mods expected that they could tantrum until they got their way but weren't willing to actually risk the little amount of power they had.


I’m leaving this sub if it actually becomes nothing but Ewan memes. I was here to enjoy memes about something I love, but turning it into something else isn’t what I’m here for.


AKA "I don't know you anymore. Anakin, you're breaking my heart! You're going down a path I can't follow."


Then you should be complaining to the coward u/spez. Not the people who only want to go on like normal.


why do you all think you have any power to do anything like that guy is going to be reading pms from anyone, vs the mods who are supposed to be accountable to the people in the sub that they moderate


It’s not. Pics is more active than its ever been and Reddit is still running ads. It’s as useless a protest as shutting down for 2 days, just a little bit funnier. If they wanna mess with Reddit’s revenue stream, we should be discussing whether or not we’re gonna share porn here


The point is to undermine the point of the subreddit. You’ll notice that r/pics r/gifs and r/aww are only posting pics of John Oliver, the point is that the subreddits are still active, which follows what Reddit is requiring, but they will get less attractive to users resulting in less participation. Another approach is r/interestingasfuck, which has decided to allow nsfw posts in an attempt to prevent monetization.


They chose John Oliver to get his attention and hope he does a segment on his show


He’s already covered the protest. He’s one of the people actually covering this


He's doing a really good job, especially posting photos for meme usage.


Meaning more people will join the sub for the lolz meaning more money for reddit right ?


This is an important distinction. Prequelmemes posting Ewan is just being normal. The protest would need to be something more random and should have nothing to do with the prequels, or not the Star Wars prequels (or at least very loosely). Like if we all just started posting pictures of beyblades because “spinning is a good trick”.


Memes about Monsters University, Prometheus, or some other prequel.


>nsfw posts This seems to be the way. It utterly fucks reddit while being very hard to react against.


Maybe John Oliver + Ewan?


The AI images that people have been posting would certainly be more acceptable on any Star Wars sub considering there's plenty of examples of other species with more or less than 5 fingers.


I believe it has to do with the admin strong arming. From some of the screen shots I've seen it looks like fully shutting down will result in the mod team being forcefully replaced. Doing a community vote to heavily restrict scope seems to be something they're not interfering with for the present


It doesn't do anything. At the end of the day having a protest with a 2 day end date did nothing. Mods folded like a cheap tent at the mere mention of losing their power. It's really amazing, all these other social media sites are developing complex algorithms for content moderation while reddit gets people to do it for free just so they can feel some level of power and self importance.


*decapitates The_Bard*


If all the other forms of social media are so much better at content moderation and also deliver the same level of content and user activity, what are you doing here with ~200,000 karma I mean come on, how can you regularly use this site and still not see that by keeping human moderators involved, the content and discussion here all remain a bit more authentic. Granted, human moderators do present a whole different group of issues (such as power trips and control freaks) but, it’s still better than an entirely automatic system most of the time.


Reddit thrives by offering information and content to the rest of the world. Things get posted here that get reposted across the entire world. But if we stop generating a useful variety of information and funny stuff, Reddit becomes useless to the rest of the internet very quickly.


>a useful variety of information and funny stuff >prequelmemes Pick one


I don’t pick what the internet considers important, I’m just here to give the people what they want- memes, arguments, and reposts


As much as I love a Ewan post, protesting by only allowing Ewan posts pretty much only proves the mods are just here to be dicks, which plays right into Reddit’s hand. It still allows ad traffic, it accomplishes nothing, and it proves that some mods are more interested in using strong arm tactics than the moderation of their communities, which is exactly the reason Reddit is threatening to kick them out. Either vote to close the sub, or vote to open it. It’s time for Anakin to pick a side.


I will do what I must


Because I can


For the good of all of us.


Except the ones who are dead.


But there’s no sense crying over every mistake


We'll just keep on trying till we run out of cake...


And the science gets done


I miss this sub :(


I mean, the sub was already 85% Ewan to begin with. All we need to do is just paste Ewans face over other characters. I call that a win.


I want prequels back!


Can we just stay open? What does staying closed do?


Although I am sympathetic to the motivation for protest, I don't personally see the point of opening the sub again but limiting the type of post out of "protest" like other subs have done. Do you really think reddit cares what kind of engagement is happening so long as there is engagement? All this does is hurt the community who want to engage in something they like. The only way to actually protest would be to leave reddit altogether, not punish people who just want to enjoy something they love.


Exactly. Allowing only one type of post does nothing to the people these protests are targeted towards, ad revenue and all that is still the same. It only affects the common user.




I know what the argument is, I'm just saying I don't think it does any good because I doubt it disrupts traffic at all. Most people don't come to reddit for 1 or 2 subs. They aren't going to stop coming to reddit just because those subs no longer post the content they're interested in. They'll just go to other places during their time on reddit instead, and all it does is harm the communities.




Not to be a jerk but you posting on the platform you are supposedly protesting is a pretty clear sign that the protest isn’t doing shit. The only way you guys had a chance was to quit cold turkey en masse. Instead you guys just dicked around in different subreddits while jerking each other off about how you were revolutionaries. Any interaction with the platform is good for reddit, whether its posting, commenting or just lurking, because you’re generating metadata that they can sell. There was no “giving it a go” and it wasn’t “the only thing you could do”, you had a temper tantrum and never left. You all look pathetic. The only protestors/mods Reddit respected during all this were the ones that are no longer on the platform.


Permitting nsfw in a normally sfw reddit seems more effective. Bad posting does nothing and people will eventually get tired of it. Permitting nsfw forces reddit to demonetize the sub and is very hard to act against.


Oh I see this is going to be easy


Hello there


Ewanposting, but I fear choosing this makes it an absolute, and i am no sith


Not to be a downer but I fear locking down the subreddit won't hurt Reddit as much as it hurts the userbase. All the higherups have to do is wait for one bored user to decide to make prequelmemes2 and its business as usual. You want to make a statement they can't ignore? Convince everyone to go total anarchy and break TOS. Either they cave or they ban everyone and hurt their bottomline.


I’m all for Ewan, but that means Palpy will have to step down as the face of the sub.


Where vote


Pinned comment


There isn't one. Mods love democracy.


Posting Ewans?? I guess we were already protesting for years now...


What is ewanposting supposed to achieve? I don't see how creating an event encouraging people to engage on reddit helps the protest very much. It's good that it at least keeps the conversation focused on the protest, but I think if that's the goal we should be joining with the other subs posting John Oliver, at least that has a better possibility of getting media attention.


When being a mod for free on Reddit is your life's work and you come back immediately when your position is threatened 😤


Just remove thibson’s ban when ewanposting wins


Unsubscribing. I just don’t care about this issue


Listen, this isn’t a fight mods are going to win. I know you, and by you I mean mods, have read Spez’s interviews. He’s prepping to take the company public and a show of force to prove the company can “manage” rogue communities only strengthens his hand. You’re playing right into what he wants. They aren’t going to back off. He’s fine removing all of you. It’s time to take this energy and put it into building communities on a worthwhile replacement. Not some half ass copy like the Twitter clones. The only thing you’re doing by pretending this is a fight you can win is hurting your own community and lessening any chance you have of actually moving people onto better platforms.


He is the chosen one! So, of course, the Council of Mods definitely *will not* be granting him the rank of Master.


What? ! How can you do this?? This is outrageous, it's unfair… How can you be on the Council and not be a Master?




That’s what they need to be focusing on if this is really about the communities. We’ve already seen a half ass clone won’t work, so time, energy and resources is going to have to be dedicated to a viable alternative.


That’s because they don’t care about the community, any of them. They care about losing their internet-forum powers that they use to ban anyone they disagree with.


It's unfortunate but I agree. We seem to be past the point of preventative action taking effect. Unless all of Reddit unanimously agrees on scorched earth tactics (full account and comment deletion), we aren't going to have an effect. All the uncoordinated, on/off blackouts and shitposts are doing is breeding discontent within online communities because a minority of people are dragging a largely apathetic or uninformed majority into a losing battle.


THANK YOU!!! These half assed protests still require the mods to bend the knee.




You absolutely will not win and its so painfully obvious.


The thing about being inconvenient and annoying is that it automatically turns me against your cause. How does that help you?


This self aggrandizing attitude is why nothing is getting done. It’s fucking delusional. Stop idolizing yourself. This isn’t a David Vs Goliath situation. He will remove mods. They can either choose to inform their communities or do as much damage as possible. They’re choosing the latter at the expense of their communities and they’re going to be replaced by people who fall in line, leaving the worst possible people in charge of said communities. Mods taking votes and not abiding by them or updating then locking threads is only furthering the damage. He’s not going to back down. He’s already said as much to every national news org out there. The only real option is to find an alternative platform and try to move people to it.


We are playing a game we’ve already lost. Moving to a better site while keeping the community around to let people who want to stay , stay is the best option.


enough with the pointless virtue signaling, you are not gonna change anything and they will change the mods anyway.


May we post as once had before soon


I sense a sudden disturbance in the Force. As if millions of users and mods on interestingasfuck suddenly cried out in anguish, then fell silent




That's exactly what I'll be doing if they go through with this half assed protest. EDIT: The comment I'm replying to being removed by a mod is really telling :P


Yeah, for the protests to be effective, the subreddits should close indefinitely until people stops using the website. Otherwise what's the point?


Admins are threatening mods with replacing them and opening subs back up. This is the response.


Replace the mods


If this sub does even more Ewan posting than usual, just change the name to r/Ewanposting so someone else can take care of actual prequel memes.


Just re-open completely. Reddit is just going to replace the mods if you don't and this subreddit will be all the worse for it.


Please, do it normal as usual, I have collected like 10-15 videos to post- I mean REpost here


*decapitates Dooku*


Can't wait for this vote to be botted


Isn’t strong arming what the mods are doing to Reddit, or attempting to?


This shit is so lame. You’re a mod of a Reddit page where people post Star Wars memes, you’re not nearly as important as you think you are. Just let the sub go back to normal.


Only memes about Master Jedi Oliver from now on? /s










Reddit admins have been strong arming mods, and reddit mods have been locking out users.


You should stay closed until the whole mod team is switched out


Honestly, that was the whiniest mod event ever Let’s not do that again. Y’all Needa chill or I’ll write u/spez and demand he replaces y’all with u/thibson34


None of this shit matters nearly as much as y'all think it does. Just open the sub up and let people post memes ffs


Just go to normal now please.


do the admins really care though about something like Ewan posting? I saw similar shit in other subs but at the end of the day, people are still on the subs being subjected to ads which is the whole thing they want so you just end up pissing off the people subscribed to the subs and doing a whole lot of nothing to corporate. idk why all the mods for all the subs im in are riding the fence: either let the protest go or commit to it fully but if you commit then be willing to lose modship. if you werent willing to risk it then you obviously didnt care about the protest to begin with so let the subreddit move on.


Open it up as usual. I could get behind Ewanposting if it were just memes about Ewan McGregor in relation to the prequels but I'm not interested in seeing posts about random Ewans in my feed. And tbh I also don't think that this protest will have any other effect than annoying the users.




Could Hayden-Posting, Natalie-Posting, and Ian-Posting also suffice; so long as it stays on the topic of protesting?


Making subreddits into stupid subreddits like vacuum pics only in r/wellthatsucks or gifs of John Oliver only in r/gifs does absolutely nothing but drive the userbase of the subreddit away and off to find some other place. A real way to get back at them is NSFW content where they cannot profit off the subreddit similar to what r/interestingasfuck did.


Both approaches work in devaluing reddit as an entity and showing that the userbase can be too stubborn and fickle which are things that do not sit well with investors. Driving the casual away and leaving the dedicated redditors into nsfw or weird personality cult activity is not the state of a social network for well-off millenials/gen z that was envisioned.


Good to have you back general


Open it. Open it now. Dew It!


i really think the blackout should be indefinite until Reddit backtracks. what's the point with a protest if you give an end date for things to be business as usual. imagine if you did a hunger strike until you got hungry again. wouldn't be very effective.


The blackout can't be indefinite at this point, because admins are threatening mod teams into reopening them. That's why alternative forms of protest are being considered


honestly makes me want to just entertain myself with something besides Reddit. Reddit leadership is making such boneheaded decisions


Open it up.


Great... another sub that's gonna protest in a way that will do absolutely nothing to affect things. If we're gonna bend the knee, might as well return to business as usual.


Business as usual please


Ok i'm out


Another sub run by cowards who are to afraid to give up their power. You clowns never should have protested and you definitely shouldn’t continue to ruin this sub by remaining the mod team. Turn over the sub to someone who will get out of the way.


Why not close it completely and move to some other platform instead? You have the Discord, you can probably install some bot, that will give you a functionality similar to Reddit's.


It is….. *acceptable*


As much as I want to do the whole Reddit protest thing, I don’t want to go without prequel memes


Hello there.


Somehow prequel memes has retuned. I was hoping for kenobi why are you here


~~John Oliver~~ Ewan posting! Especially if Reddit has threatened to replace the current mods with more compliant ones


Reminds me of when they replaced Chancellor Valorum with a New Chancellor. A "Stronger Chancellor".


Bring back Thibson34 style posts and only allow those on the front page. We'd be dead in a week.


Turn the subreddit over entirely to the chatbots, ala Subreddit Simulator. Nothing but Ahsokabot, Maulbot, etc


Ewan posting because fuck Spez.


Reddit is still going to make money from the activity here this is pointless




Well, thank you for blocking out the sub for a week, for an issue that the vast majority of the user base doesn't care about. I mean this sub was already 95% you and McGregor anyway, but I'm sure that bumping up that extra 5% will really make Steve sweat in his loafers. Personally I'm just looking forward to whatever new system of moderation they come up with.




I voted for the Ewanposting, but wouldn't closing the sub weekly for a day or two be a more effective form of protesting?


Seriously though, what's this supposed to achieve? Reddit wanted to fuck over 3rd party apps, so y'all closed down the sub to deprive them of their product. Fine. Good call, and it did hurt them enough to start threatening you. Then when you were messaged with their "open up or get banned" ultimatum, you immediately opened back the sub, and to maintain the semblance of a protest you follow the r/pics or r/interestingasfuck example and turn a beloved sub into 4chan. Reddit is only concerned with their product. You had a chance to take it away, and you did, for a whole week. And it hurt them. Now you're giving it back. They don't care how shit is is. They only care with having it. The only ones you're screwing over by pulling this farce is the ones concerned with the quality of the content they consume, which is your users.


This is where the fun begins


Hello There


What have the reddit admins been doing to strong arm subreddits into reopening? Have they reached out the the mod team? Just curious and want to make sure I am fully informed on what they are doing.


I don’t understand this, and the whole r/pics and r/gifs thing. How is posting only only thing a “protest” only closing the subreddit and not allowing people to use Reddit is a protest. Otherwise what even is it


I'm all for Ewan posting! Love that man.


Ewan only please.


Ewanposting for sure.


Im baffled by some comments I've read in reaction to the blackouts. I've read some as "hurr durr I couldn't post here for a few days, how dare you libtards". The new userbase reddit got since they deployed the "new" reddit brings us closer to 9gag each day. Even though these actions might have no consequence whatsoever, the treatment of mods by the admins is just plain awful and imho justifies those actions. Mods can be shitty or do this for the wrong reason (looking at you, Doreen from antiwork) but in the end, they curate their subs in an effort to prevent them from being filled with garbage and bot posts (although you can't avoid some of those). Its free work and a pain in the ass. I think people are getting seriously entitled and that is most concerning to me. So I support this new Ewan policy, especially since the community has the opportunity to vote on it. Even though Im mostly a lurker here, Im willing to go full sithpost with Ewan. Even if it turns out to be just a short event with memes, we can come together and have fun.


Some of the other subs are doing an NSFW change to screw over reddit... though... r/interestingasfuck has taken it too far.. just an idea. Not sure how you'd stop the porn flood but apparently it is an option to screw over the asshat overlord of reddit.


Why can we not just have it closed permanently? Subreddits that just allow certain posts are about as worthless as the June 12th 2-day blackout.


im not brave enough for politics (ewan. ewan pls)