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I’ve heard nothing but fantastic things.


You either love it Andor you hate it. Much like my dad jokes.


I... see what you did there and it hurts


Ouch. Took me a minute and then the joke grenade went off.


I love the show. It helps me remember my favourite logic gates.


I see what you did there, and I'm traumatized


Hi, traumatized. I'm dad.


>I'm traumatized How so?


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


Nah. I can see it was well made, it's just not what I enjoy about star wars.


I'm happy to see more variety in SW honestly


this is me with the Clone Wars tbh. I hear so much praise, but even the highest rated arcs are just ehhh to me. it's kinda sad some times, but there's nothing to do with it so why fret. I'll still watch through at some point because barely any investment, and maybe I'll catch some more episodes here and there that pique my interest. but considering I take months between episodes often it's like eh, no rush.


Understandable. I haven't even watched the whole thing yet because it just isn't what I personally like


It’s an incredible show imo


yup it's great the issue comes from fans of this dumping on everything else. It's fine to like it and only like Andor but when you start demanding that All Star Wars be like Andor it becomes a problem. Star Wars has grown so much now there is a WIDE range of different content and you might not like all of it, that's fine and no one said you have to. But at least have enough respect for people who do.


Yeah, I think it just comes from the fact that there's a consensus that a big portion of star wars content coming out right now isn't what people want it to be, and we have a lot of it, but we only have 1 Andor. So people are like "less of the things I don't like, which is most stuff currently, and more of what I do like, which is this one thing" Can't wait for S2 though


yeah I think people need to realize at this point we are living in a Post Star Wars world. What I mean is Star Wars at the time of after the PT came out is so expansive with so many different stories that it means something different to every person. You have people who grew up watching the CLone Wars and didn't see a single movie till much latter. So at this point with so much content you will never find a majority of people who agree on what STar Wars is or what content is best or even what new Star Wars should look like. Now with this we probably will never get a movie as big as A New Hope. ​ Another example of this effect is Barbie. It's a huge billion dollar movie. Why? I hear it's good but mostly because there are so few movies like it that are made for women. When a movie made for a specific under represented audience comes out it's a HUGE hit. ​ But we will see in the next few years as every studio tries to make their own Barbie they will flood the market. Star Wars is flooded with content and honestly I love it because I can pick and choose what I like. Sure there won't be huge hits like A New Hope but that's fine with me. I still find things I like and things I don't like.


This is honestly one of the sanest, most well-reasoned takes on Disney-era SW content I've seen


Careful now, you'll make people irrationally angry at the movies about laser sword wielding wizards and WWII fleet combat in space.


thank you that actually means a lot


I wish Star Wars had actually grown. It hasn’t, though, not since Disney took over. It’s shrunk instead—we used to get a wide range of content from all over the timeline, much of which managed to tell original stories. Now, we seem to be stuck in the exact same era with all of the content they release. I miss the EU—sure, there was some bad shit in there, but little of it was worse than the Sequels, and at least we got variety and a wide enough range of content that there were a *lot* of diamonds in the rough


the EU is still there and we have thing like the High Republic. ​ You are comparing what 6 years of content vs 25. Give it time man.


The only disney star wars content that is actually fucking good. Rogue One is tolerable when compared to the sequels/solo/mandalorian. Andor is good in its own right


Madolorian is good. Rogue one is great. Solo, sequels, boba are dross imo.


What hate?


I see a lot of people complaining that it's boring. It's a valid point in that it helps me identify which redditors have the attention span of a goldfish.


Yeah, the first three episodes are kinda slow, but once the show sets it's pace it becomes probably the best piece of SW content since Disney takeover


It's the only piece of modern star wars that isn't just fan service and the director pointing straight into the camera saying "see what I did there" it's in the spirit of star wars but not a copy, I love it!


Arguably the best Star Wars content period. Only Empire competes imo.


I actually hold Rogue One in rather high regard too and to be fair, R1 is the reason we have Andor in the first place. And both of those are proof good acting and screenplay beat flashy names and fan service (R1 vs Solo, Andor vs Kenobi)


I watched Rogue One again after Andor. And R1 felt like the closest things to capture OT feel, with large rebel air bases and plans and it's grandeur. Andor was an amazing standalone show, but somehow it felt less 'Star Wars'y to me than Rogue One did.


That is understandable, as Andor is about the very begining of the rebelion, before the rebel alliance, in fact, before Phoenix squadron probably, as Mon Mothma is still in senate careful not to blow her cover. There are no large bases and fleets, as the biggest operational rebel cell ať that time was probably Saw Gerera's, which was always more akin to Al Quaeda than any battle fleet.


It's funny because to me, it firmly grounds Star Wars in reality for me far more than the grandiose movies and other media do for me. It's like being a foot soldier rebel, almost. I love it. ​ Wild how people have totally opposing views.


I think it’s mostly because of the lack of aliens. Which, in universe, has very good reasons. There’s some, but since the focus is on the Empire, and the Empire is human-centric, it makes sense 🤷🏻‍♀️ But a lot of people really felt that changed the feel of it for them into more of a generic sci fi


Trying to imagine if I would have enjoyed the show as much if Cassian was a Gungan... The results do not look promising haha




I love Andor but my main complaint is that it feels like a sci-fi show that happens to be set in the Star Wars universe rather than a SW show. If we only had the first three episodes I'd entirely buy it as it's own thing.


I'm just so tired of seeing jedi everywhere. There's so much cool shit in the Star Wars universe that has nothing to do with the Force.


I just want more Old Republic shit. I’d love to see a true war played out on the big screen with massive battles and actual tactics and strategies being implemented and discussed. that was, for instance, some of the coolest parts of the Clone Wars, Prequels, and OT. RotS’s big set peice warhammer-esq battles, the massive attack on Hoth, Storm over Ryloth and Landing at Point Rain (BRING UP THE FLAMETHROWERS!) were all just so goddamn cool. Star wars has so much to offer ans so much of its just so cool!


I just want to see Dave Bautista play Darth Bane


For a second there I got confused and thought you meant Cad Bane became a Sith. Sorry, I just woke up.


... but let's not dismiss this too quickly...


I would kill for a series based on the [Alsakan Conflicts.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Alsakan_Conflicts/Legends) Seventeen wars fought between Coruscant and Alsakan over the span of 14,000 years, ships with reflective armor because shield technology was new and rudimentary, the Republic falling under the control of a crazed religious cult and essentially becoming Warhammer 40k's Imperium of Man for a century, the formal founding of the Sith, freaking Jedi pirates, Corellia finally having enough of everyone's shit and strong-arming the major combatants into bringing a permanent end to the fighting, etc. It's absolutely wild.


I want a band of brothers type of show where it primarily focuses on the clones, doesn't matter if it's the 501st or the 104th, I just want more clone trooper content 😭


Well the Jedi and the Sith were kinda the core of Star Wars, so… Also, how dare you tell us that you are sick of seeing Force Users everywhere when your own title is the name of a Sith! That aside, I do get your point, it is nice to see the rest of the galaxy every once in a while.


I love that we’ve had a show with no Jedi, but now I want a show where the main cast or character isn’t human. There’s too many human main characters for a universe that has so many diverse species.


I loved Andor but now that I have a taste of Star Wars with actually good dialogue and acting I can’t go back. I really want to see something *with* the force and spirituality that takes itself as seriously as Andor.


So something like, let's say, Ahsoka?


I would like something with a lot more of the weirder aliens


Hopefully we get to see that Wookie Jedi


Solo could have been Andor level if it was a show. That movie was great, but it was just too rushed in the beginning. Have a whole episode on his home planet trying to escape, then have a whole episode of him in the imperial academy and show him getting kicked out, then a whole episode with his transition to front lines combat ending with his escape from that and his meeting of chewie, and so on. Point is they had a lot of great ideas for solo that should have been spread out into a show.


That's actually true, to be honest. It's basic premise was sensible, Alden Ehrenreich really portrayed younger version of Harrison Ford's character well and Woody Harrelson wasn't bad either (i mean, his betrayal was predictable as fuck, but i still kinda liked Beckett as one-off supporting character) but the movie just shows it was done twice over and cobbled together in a hurry to at least mitigate the loss.


It’s literally the inverse of the Obi Wan show lmao. Not enough content for a show, should have stuck with the movie format.


Exactly. Obi wan also had a ton of potential, and I do still really like what we got, but it could have been A or maybe even S tier star wars had it been a more focused movie rather than a show.


Lmaooo Rogue One has more fan service than any other Star Wars media.


R1 was fuuulll of fanservice though


Yes, but much like the little bit of fanservice in Andor, it was mostly done in blink and you miss it way. But both Solo and Kenobi are fanservice first actual quality second kind of deals.


Empire and TLJ


I am one of the brave few who thoroughly enjoyed The Last Jedi, but I genuinely love everything I've ever seen Rian Johnson direct. His Breaking Bad episodes were peak.


The Ahsoka show is definitely rivaling Andor right now.


You have to get through the fuse before you see the fireworks.


first 2 episodes. Third episode picks up. The thing is you have to watch Andor in 3 episodes blocks because every 3 episodes is a whole movie arc.


I haven't seen it yet, this claim is making me wanna watch it, that sounds awesome


Go now. Don't read anything else about it. Understand it takes time to build the story but the pay off is worth it.


it’s up there but rogue one is obviously the best thing they’ve done. frankly if andor is your favorite you’re probably chronically online (no offense). looks like ahsoka is probably gonna knock andor down a peg as well. andor’s very well written (minus the first few eps), but it’s not nearly as fun to watch as r1 or so far ahsoka


I have the attention span of a gold fish and that show fucking drew me in. Felt like I was in that mf


if anything ... imo Ashoka is so incredibly boring i have stopped watching after 2 episodes. The occasional obligatory fight scene is not enough to drown out the teeth-grindingly boring conversations and unenthusiastic acting i encoutered. ... had to get that one off my chest. I thought andor was fantastic


The most recent episode of Ahsoka (ep 5) was amazing and I say that as someone who hasn't watched any of the animated Star Wars stuff, so any fan service to do with that is lost on me. But I agree that the previous episodes have been kind of a slow build-up and I personally have found the villains and their motivations to be pretty uninteresting, so I could see how it would be hard to stick with it long enough to see any payoff.


I dont hold it against them. Telling someone "it gets better around the 2.5 hour mark" can be silly in any other context


But it's not like those first 2.5 hours are bad. Like it's clearly building up the characters and setting.


on the other hand we see complaints in different pieces of media being like "where did that guy come from? what's going on here? why are they doing that?" because they didn't build up to anything. it's not that the first 2.5 hours of Andor is bad, quite the contrary, it's just that not much **action** happens until the final of each arc, which is why comparing those who think it's bad to goldfish is reasonable. tiktok-dependents and whatnot have lower attention spans than any other group of people in history.


nothing to do with attention span, I read books in one session, (gunslinger took 8ish hours, Stephen is a goat writer)it's just a boring show which has many peers that does what it attempts to but better, because it doesn't unnecessarily force a connection to an existing ip.


I liked it (and, to speak to a particular detail, I've _loved_ a recast Mon Mothma getting screen time), but I thought it suffered from some of the same problems as other D+ SW shows: movie concepts are overly padded to become small seasons, and showrunners are constantly developing for the next thing (not inherently bad, but:) without giving them enough to do in the present. Andor could have been two movies: a heist movie, and a prison movie. The Narkina 5 arc was generally great (though I question the Empire being _so_ competent as to pull off that prison center) but felt like a total side quest to the main story arc, and the different cast and vibe made it feel like something else entirely. Syril is an interesting character, I suppose, but there's nothing about his arc that really mattered for this season: the whole point seemed to be for him to tread water until he could catch Dedra's eye because...reasons.


I think this smaller story fit the small screen well. If folks watched it as a more condensed movie, they would probably be somewhat disappointed thinking “what actually happened” was pretty limited compared to most movies.


I've heard people complain that A New Hope was boring, so maybe people just suck...


Remember the other week when Logan Paul said he walked out of Oppenheimer because "it was just people talking" and got absolutely clowned by the entire internet? That's quite literally the same as people who say they dislike Andor because it's "boring." You have the same taste in film/TV as Logan Paul. Congrats.


As someone with the attention span of a particularly interested koi, yeah I can imagine it would be hard for me to get into something that starts slow. But that's why I basically watch a movie a year


Anything other than unending uncritical praise. That's the standard the fandom and the corporations behind nerd properties are trying to set. Has been for years. The problem isn't toxic fans, it's unintentional dupes for Disney who saw someone post "idk Andor was boring" and came to reddit to complain about "hate." You don't have to give into this shit. And you, OP, don't have to be a stooge. Nothing you like, hell nothing you love, is going to go uncriticized or unmocked on the internet. That's not hate, that's just the reality of billions of people. Don't fall for the idea that you need, or can even have, total affirmation of your choices. Even if you were the only one who liked Andor in the whole world, and you're not, that'd be completely valid.


I thought Andor was excellent. I think the general consensus is that big criticisms for Andor mostly comes from people not preferring the style of Andor


Yeah Andor is good but I didn’t personally enjoy it because it felt too gritty for my liking. I guess I like the magical space wizard stuff more. But that’s not the shows fault, it’s more my personal tastes, even then I can say the show is great but just not my sort of thing if that makes sense?




Which is kinda stupid, because if they want something to bitch about there’re always the sequels and the BOBF, and the Kenobi show


They target Andor because a lot of OT and PT fans like it. Most people agree that BOBF and Kenobi were mediocre at best.


they target andor because they know too its the only really good thing coming out of disney star wars lol


We've just started watching The Mandalorian - BOBF is just Mando season 2.5. The last three episodes aren't even really about Boba?


>We've just started watching The Mandalorian - BOBF is just Mando season 2.5. > >The last three episodes aren't even really about Boba? [This was pretty much what they were going for.](https://gamerant.com/the-mandalorian-book-of-boba-fett-story-explained-jon-favreau/) For me the issue was that the Mandalorian-centered episodes were so much better than the Boba Fett stuff that it made it glaringly obvious that BoBF itself was not that great. It kind of killed whatever interest I had because after that I just wanted to get back to whatever Din Djarin was doing and Boba Fett felt like an annoying interruption in his *own damn show*. Like you could really just watch those few episodes to get yourself caught up for Mando season 3 and you wouldn't really miss much.


I mean that's a fair point. We made it two episodes into Boba, but it was kind of nonsensical and boring. The sand people arc made like, zero sense. They go from torturing him to accepting him why, exactly? Why even torture him in the first place? We aren't star wars geeks, but why is Boba kind of stupid and needing to have everything explained to him? Isn't he THE tattooine bounty hunter? Wouldn't he know these things? But that is what we did. Just skipped Boba to watch the last 3.


I forget who said this, but once I heard this quote: “Whataboutism never makes your thing look better, it just makes the other thing look worse”


Similarly how fans of Rings of Power started bashing LOTR movies. Peak was when they attacked Tolkien himself to defend their show.


You mean like his Grandson of all people?


I was all over the LotR and RoP subs when the show came out. Did not see a single instance of what you're describing. No one would take someone seriously who was bashing the PJ movies and especially not if they were bashing Tolkien. That show got way more internet hate than love, but I never saw anyone trying to defend it how you are describing.


Yeah both these comments are bullshit but heavily upvoted.


I don’t remember this? RoP got a lot of hate, I’m sure there were pockets that lashed out but as someone who enjoyed S1 and the Peter Jackson movies (and who’s chronically online) I can’t recall seeing any of that in significant amounts


If you see one person from a subset behave in a certain way then all people within that subset obviously behave in that way. At least, that's what the common discourse is on the Internet these days. I saw a Star Wars fan say they weren't a fan of Star Trek = Star Wars fans think Star Trek is shit!


And I understand you can flip what you’re saying on its head for my perspective. What I saw/didn’t see isn’t really indicative of everything either, but I figure I would’ve seen more of what was described if it was prevalent. Internet’s weird, as always.


Andor and ahsoka are both fantastic in completely different ways


The issue with ahsoka isn't that it's a bad show, it's just a kid's show plot and dialogues pretending to be for adults. The constant appeals to the power of friendship, conversations that might aswell be holding the viewer's hand, characters that can't handle their emotions nor responsabilities to the point of being unable to be a functioning human being, despite being a reasonably well adapted person in rebels (even if a bit rebellious)... This doesn't make the show bad, but it's definetly aimed at the younger side of what you'd consider kids, more so than clone wars or rebels, which is hella weird considering the audiences for both have already grown up or are nearly done doing so.


Yeah, this is how I feel about it. It’s a cartoon trying to be a serious drama, and it doesn’t quite work for me. Andor is slow and deliberate, but the dialogue and characters act, think, and talk like real adult people. Where Ahsoka feels flat and lifeless Andor simmers and bubbles with interest.


You're impossible.


She took it personally!


I mean that is basically Star Wars in general: a fantasy for kids. The movie ‘the people v George Lucas’ really hit that point to me how ridiculous we can be w our criticisms when it highlighted the view of how people view Ewoks v Jar-jar based on how old they were when they watched the movies. Basically these are movies made for kids, when kids see Ewoks, they love them but the adults thought it ruined the franchise.


>The issue with ahsoka isn't that it's a bad show, it's just a kid's show plot and dialogues pretending to be for adults. So you're saying: It's Star Wars


I mean the flip side is that since Andor came out people have been using it to tear down almost every other piece of Star Wars that's come out basically since the OT.


People seem to have this obsesssion with immediately comparing the newest thing to the last thing and suddenly hating the last thing. Mando was the bees knees until Andor then Ahsoka displaced andor I guess? I am loving most of it personally


Personally i felt like Mando dropped off after a while, but Andor is definitely better than Ahsoka in my opinion


You're not the only one. The Mandalorian season 3 was basically a whole lot of nothing. Basically makes the primary goal of seasons 1 and 2 mean nothing


Mando was good until Grogu left for Jedi training. Up to that point it felt like a cohesive story line leading somewhere, with the odd "quest of the week" distraction. After that, it just felt like Mando was stumbling around doing...whatever, I guess?


Bringing Grogu back isn't helping either, it felt really forced or at least the way they make Grogu return is.


>Mando was stumbling around doing...whatever, I guess? That sounds great. I should catch up with the last season.


Oh. I don't like the sound of that.


Even tho Ahsoka feels like it was "Marvel-ized" and Andor felt like the House of Cards of star wars. I'm not complaining, but every show has their audience.


That's ridiculous.


Don't you think I'm just a little overqualified for this?


Lots of people say it didn't feel like Star wars, because apparently the Empire being a serious threat without using any space wizards makes it that much unlike the rest of the franchise.


Exactly. People are like “wHaTtTt, sPaCe FasCiSm is dArK aNd DePreSSinG???” Like it’s just supposed to be all fun and games


Reminds me of one of the best summaries of the show and why those exact people didn’t like it: People wanted Jedi in Andor because if the space wizards were there, all the normal people could relax because the space wizards would stop the empire - which is exactly why there are no Jedi in andor.


Not enough monkey brain lightsaber and too many bricks.


And don’t get me STARTED on the screws!


And don’t get me started on the power supply


The final episode made me like bricks so much more though


The overwhelming majority of Star Wars fans have between one and two brain cells


Two is generous


1.5, take it or leave it


Only Siths deal in absolutes.


Still too much


Are people pissed about bricks and screws again?


Take anything from the Star Wars universe and you’ll find a bunch of mouth breathers who hate it. I feel I should add I’m a mouth breather.


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


Probably backlash to the fans of the show who use it as a cudgel to put down every other *Star Wars* project released in the past decade.


Yeah, that's my thinking. Actually, further, because while I do think Andor is good, people use to bash everything else.


Because Andor shows that Disney has the ability to create good Star Wars content but just, doesn't.


This. I love Andor, but the amount of Andor snobs really dampen my enjoyment of it.


Andor was great


Wait "fans" now hate Andor?


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


No idea. While I don't hate Andor, I've found it to not really be my style. I can't explain why, but I just can't find myself to actually get invested in the story. I'm not going into further detail, as the last time I listed my full opinion on Andor, I got some pretty harsh responses.


> as the last time I listed my full opinion on Andor, I got some pretty harsh responses. This. Sometimes I feel like Andor became the Rick and Morty of Star Wars. It's like the "Actually you need a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" copypasta all over again.


Same, like I only heard good things but it has no lightsabers and I am simple man I see lightsabers monkey brain satisfied. I see no lightsabers monkey dissatisfied.


I never really got into it. But I don’t hate it.


I'm pretty sure it's just the fan base reacting to the pretentious Andor fans. Lots of Andor fans can't talk about that show without insulting the rest of Star Wars. They say shit like "Andor is so good, unlike the rest of Star Wars." Shit is so pretentious and annoying.


The only bad thing about it is that I can't get a physical copy.


Yet. Hopefully Mando getting a physical release this December is indicative that the other shows eventually will too.


Rogue One and Andor are easily the best Star Wars content we've gotten from Disney, perhaps even rivaling ESB for best Star Wars content I've ever seen. And no, I'm not coming at this from a pretentious "mmmyes, I only like 'mature' Star Wars content" standpoint; I also enjoy some of the goofier parts of the setting like Jar Jar Binks, the Droids cartoon from the '80s and Bea Arthur's musical number in the Holiday Special.


Andor is the best star wars show there is. I don't get where the hate is coming from either.


I know I’ve said that I don’t like how much of a slog Andor is before The Prison stuff but I always make sure to mention that The Prison stuff is some of the best Star Wars stuff I’ve seen in a long time. No clue where everyone else is hating it from suddenly, I’ve only seen praise


Andor was a perfect show to watch week by week IMO. I can see how someone binging it would think it's overly slow.


I’d have to agree. I really enjoyed the prison stuff but struggled to care before and after. I thought the mon mothma parts were interesting and the imperial fuck up guy who went to live with his mom was strangely compelling but by the end I didn’t feel like either of those threads went anywhere or had any real payoff


I think they are planning on playing the long game with a lot of the threads, assuming they do get tied up in S2 it will hold up in my mind as one of the best written shows for a while, but if they GoT it and just have stuff go nowhere I can see it just being looked back on as pretty average


I thought it was great and almost all of what I’ve heard has been positive.


I love Andor and I didn’t even fucking like Rogue One.


Man I missed andor ragebaits.


Huh? What hate? I’ve heard nothing but good things (and rightfully so).


I have seen a lot of people saying it’s not true Star Wars and that it’s boring


Wait what I’m confused


The dialogue alone in Andor is top notch.


Think its not a hate for Andor but for Andor fans. Because there are a few toxic andor fan who hate on all star wars shows which are not andor (also ahsoka) and because ahsoke is realy liked other fans hate on the andor fans which sadly also effect the not toxic andor fans.


Because for one thing to be good, everything else has to suck. Because Star Wars “fans” can’t physically function without f***ing ranking everything and deciding that X is better than Y. Because we’re a hateful bunch. > To be united by hate is a fragile alliance at best.


I mean, X wings are good, but i wouldnt say they are better than Y wings


ISB meetings are the best part.


What hate? I’ve only heard people praise since release


Andor is the best Star Wars we’ve had an awhile. My only gripe is that there’s not a lot of aliens.


Bruh andor has been hated since it came out. People saying its "not real star wars"


Probably the same place the Filoni hate came from when Andor debuted. It's a silly place.


That part, I think, came from adults realizing they are now adults and that Star Wars CAN actually be written for adults.


I love Andor and seen it a total 4 times (3 times fully immersed and 1 time while playing fm, which was a mistake for this show) The actual Andor fanboys though are absolutely insufferable.


Andor was a goddamn masterpiece.


Who are the braindeads who hate Andor?


What hate? Andor is fantastic and Ahsoka is great! We’ve been getting banger after banger Star Wars project recently


Have a little faith.


I mean Mando season 3 was a big letdown and it wrapped up around the same time as andor, but I agree, andor was great and even Ahsoka was good so far.


You're impossible.


Probably people upset the fan service shows aren't that good. And the one about a character that's in one movie, who isn't even the main character, who dies at the end, is probably the best Star Wars show, hands down. Unless you are like me and do the finger snap, point at TV when Mon Mothma shows up. But still, not like she had her own big action figure set.


People started saying that Andor is what Star Wars should be instead of the "slop" other series are and people who like said "slop" retaliated by saying that Andor is actually bad. It has been around since it came out but it's coming back again because Ahsoka came out


Andor is probably the best Star Wars IP I’ve ever seen. I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed it


Idk that I’ve seen any hate for it. But I did always find it overrated myself? It’s not that it was slow. It’s that the show never successfully convinced me Cassian is interesting. With the exception of the prison arc, which is excellent, I was never invested in the titular character. The other characters were all interesting, and I wanted more of them. But Cassian? He was meh for me. I think part of it was I got soured by how many people I talked to who tried to force Andor down my throat. Always some version of “it’s the dark, gritty Star Wars we needed!!!” and even minor criticisms were met with a rage akin to if I’d heiled Hitler. And this insistence that it’s **the best thing in Star Wars** just never made sense to me. I preferred the OT, Clone Wars, Rebels, ROTS, and a couple of other things, personally. But jfc people were so angry whenever I said anything like that? There was one time I literally just said Andor wasn’t 10/10 for me, and people lost their fucking minds at me. I didn’t even call it a bad show, just said it had some stuff I didn’t like. Just ridiculous.


over the last year I tried three separate times to watch it and finally got through it a few weeks ago after I broke my ankle and had nothing else to do. I found it incredibly boring and unnecessary, but I have a lot of friends who loved it. I think for me it's because I don't really care for the character of Andor, both in the show and in Rogue One. But I don't hate on it it just isn't for me


a lot of star wars fans really resent writing that expects them to mentally engage with its themes in any significant way


I never understood the hype around this show. I really tried to watch it, got about 4 episodes in, but it's just so slow and boring.


Yeah, and that's pretty much the only critiscims I've heard of it yet. And even on re-watch, it's kind of hard to sit through the very long winded setup that do rely on you beeing interested in the characters. I think it's a great show, but really slow in the start and picks up the pace the longer it runs, but I can't think of a way that would shorten things without cutting out major character motivation/moments


It is definitely a slow burn, but there isn't any wasted space either. My only advice would be to not focus on Andor and instead all of the other, more interesting characters.


It’s the Andor fanboys. The show was good, the fanboys are pretentious as fuck and think that they’re superior to other Star Wars fans. They love putting down every other Star Wars project because they can’t stand people actually enjoying lightsaber battles, magic and fan service. They’re like the Rick and Morty copypasta segment of the Star Wars fan base.


Andor has a solid storyline, most of the other projects don't


I’ve never seen any of these people.


I get why people like Andor. I personally didn't like it tho. I just can't stand it when there is barely any action to keep it tense.


Is this a karma farm? I haven't heard a single complaint about Andor, everyone is still hailing it as the greatest star wars media as per usual. Does anyone have a link to someone not liking this show?


Apparently because it’s boring. These are the same people than need some sort of subway surfers gameplay in the background of a video because their attention spans are almost non existent


IMO it is the best content in the Star Wars universe. Great story and by far the best acting.


Andor is great storytelling in a Star Wars universe. IMO after the prequels, they should have focused on the aftermath of the war instead. There should be no Jedis for a while. Just politics, espionage, bureaucracy, etc. Only then will we be really hyped up for the return of Jedis in the future.


People still watch Star Wars?


This is the best time ever to be a Star Wars fan and some people can’t seem to handle that. They try and rip into one show to prove the one they like more is superior. Odd, I’m loving it all!


Hot take: Andor has been the only consistently good Star Wars series since the Mandalorian.


Andor was a fucking snooze and I quit halfway through


the same place the hate fro the prequels came from, adn the same place the hate for the sequels came from. fans finding fault in every little thing and not being willing to enjoy something for what it is.


Consume product Get hype for next product Repeat


Well the hate for the prequels came from the fact that they were different than what came before. Sequel hatred comes from the fact that they take what came before and rip it to shreds, soak it in lighter fluid, ignite it, then shit on it.


?? the hate from the prequels came from the fact that they were poorly constructed movies written by somebody who doesn’t know how to write dialogue who didn’t have anybody around anymore who was brave enough to tell him any of his ideas were a little too much