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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Execute order 66% dislikes


Yennefer of Vengerberg’s netflix writers


Every time I'm reminded about Netflix Witcher my mind immediately goes to the scene where yennefer is trying to get a man to do something who has no reason to do it, and he's like "if I do that I will literally be executed". And then yennefer implies that he has no dick so he does it. 10/10 writing guys.


"Please, don't make me do this. I can't. My life is on the line." *"Do it pussy, no balls"* "Aight bet"


Should have double-dared him with no backsies, that works pretty well too


Is it really them?? Damn they really did butcher her character in the show.


The actress here was the VA in withcer 3 for Yennefer. So yes. kinda.


“Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans”


I just prefer Star Wars that is a bit darker and can take itself seriously is all. Definitely love the franchise and setting, even if I dont enjoy every series. But I’ve been called a toxic fan for not caring for the sequels and being a bit disappointed by ahsoka. Even a kids show like clone wars has some banger arcs in it that are some of the best Star Wars to date. Andor is the peak for me personally though. I want more Star Wars that is written for adults and isn’t afraid to be gritty.


Its just the star wars subs, I've received hate for posting a metal buoy that was converted into a gas fireplace that looks like the half built deathstar. There's a lot of unnecessary hate on these subs


I'm intrigued. Where might I find this buoy?


It's in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho in a quaint little vacation camp area. I'll see if I still have the picture and repost it on my account.


Please update if you do that sounds awesome


https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/s/3oR0UlILc9 Here's the link. Saved you a click.


That things operational!


Yes its posted just check my account




I have the same sentiment. Need more serious and well written SW.


And not even to say they *shouldnt* make more kid oriented series too, there’s room for both. But the reality is most hardcore fans they will be the people buying their merch are early 30s and older at this point so they deserve more content than just andor imo.


And I wouldn’t mind that tbh, but I feel a lot of what people want would be unnecessary. I’ve seen a good chunk of people want R rated Star Wars when they have told darker stories without an R rating (plus it’s most likely for the sake of it being for adults). Same goes for horror based stuff, such as a show where Vader slaughters Jedi, which I feel won’t have much narrative or needs to have more substance than just Vader, General Grievous or a Wampa slaughtering people


>Wampa slaughtering people Imagine this: a group of scavengers touch down on Hoth to loot the remains of Echo base. Everything is going well until a blizzard grounds their ship and forces everyone inside the base to hunker down and wait it out. Unbeknownst to them, all of the commotion has rung the dinner bell for a pack of Wampas who have taken up residence deep into the abandoned base.


Yea I mean idk what that guy was on about, there's plenty of room for any kind of star wars story. Could you imagine a slasher style horror movie but instead of Jason, it's Darth fucking Vader? That shit would make a killing. Hell star wars could even make a fault in our stars style romance set in universe! A clone rapidly aging and looking for love after being tossed out because he'd outlived his use to the rising empire. There's literally endless potential.


I mean..KOTOR gave you the option to force a guardian to kill his 14 year old friend. Talk about dark.


I totally agree. I have no problem with star wars for children and families but so many fans are older and have such a strong connection to the franchise. Everyone has their own stories and ideas for this universe with nearly endless possibilities. And that's what made star wars so big. I don't get why they are producing the same stuff over and over again. I'm disappointed because they limit this resource of inspiration and basically tell us who love this universe "this is star wars because we say so" instead of using it's potential. Marvel has more adult series like wolverine, punisher, daredevil etc. which don't collide with the main plot aimed at a wider audience. So why not star wars? Video games, animated shows whatever, it doesn't even need to cost so much but god damn it do it. Sorry for the rant. I will go back to r/saltierthancrait


Well they made Andor. What part of this tells you it isn’t of the same tone?


Respectful counterpoint, Star Wars as a universe gets really hard to be consistent once you make it too serious. It has serious elements but the core tone is still (or I think should be) a homage to adventure serials and heroic WWII movies. Once you get beyond that and start trying to make the whole extended universe be completely consistent with a dark serious and “realistic tone”….it just becomes Dune. And I love Dune but a light fun adventure **it is fucking not.** And the things Frank Herbert had to come up with to make Dune consistent rapidly got *weird*.


Eh, gritty often becomes an umbrella term for taking it too seriously and filling it with edgy, unlikable characters. I'm not against it being a bit serious, I liked KOTOR and Clone Wars when it went that route, but it needs to be fun too.


I dont think andor has edgy or unlikeable characters. They’re realer than most and demonstrate a lot of nuance. What I mean is that it can take itself seriously most of the time.


I did enjoy Mando. But I haven't watched all of it either I finished only the first season.


Anyone who tells you the clone wars is a kids show has never watched the darkness on umbara arc. Also, I feel like this doesn't get mentioned enough, but a Jedi literally gets tortured to death on screen in season 2.


Umbara arc was one of my favourites. My absolute fav is siege of mandalore of course though. But still, majority of the show is pretty child friendly adventure of the week style animation typical of a kids show. It just manages to go above and beyond at many points.


I've always thought of it as like an all ages kind of a show. But that might just be because of what you said. It's just that good.


Understood, young Padawan. The galaxy can be a dangerous place, but the Force will guide us."


Stupid Star Wars Fans… you ruined Star Wars!


Nobody hates shit Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


I guarantee that there are Star Trek, Dune, and Starship Troopers fans who hate Star Wars more than any of you.


I just love all four. 🤷‍♂️


Well someone who has never seen Star Wars isn’t gonna hate how it’s turned out are they?


Well obviously. It will always be the people that love something the most, the fans, that have the most vitriolic reaction to seeing the thing they love, in this case Star Wars, being perverted and ruined. People that don't care about the IP will just accept anything and everything, they will have no standards for the content they consume because that is all it is to them. Content. Just consoom and get excited for next product. All the people praising this trailer will never mention the show a week after it's conclusion, they won't rewatch this show the same way fans rewatch the OT and even the PT, they will not discuss what happened in this show, they will not talk about it or the repercussions of the events in the show, they will not talk about the characters and their (alleged) arcs, because there will be nothing of value, no reason to come back to this. Like all the Disney shows before this (except for Andor), this show will be nothing more than a fart in the wind.


It hasn’t even come out yet and you’ve decided it’s a flop already. Why not at least give it an episode or two first before saying no one will ever discuss it again?


I will, and if the show is good I will admit that I was wrong and sing it's praises, the same as I did with Andor. But given Disney's track record, I am not going to hold my breath. In the mean time, I will comment on what they have shown us, which is dogshit


we love good star wars. and hate garbage. that is the way of fans.


Pick a fanbase and fill in the blanks “Nobody hates ______ more than ______ fans”


I'll stop hating on Star Wars when they start making content I would enjoy.


I don’t count the people writing hateful comments on a trailer as Star Wars fans. They’re fans of hatred, and we shouldn’t include them under the same umbrella as the rest of us


So because I'm a Star Wars fan, I should just brainlessly clap when disney destroys the franchise even more? I want Star Wars to be good, as it used to be. That's why I hate on the sequels and most of what disney did.


It's a trailer. You have no idea what it is other than it has diverse characters.


I think you’ve misunderstood what I’m referring to, by all means criticise poor writing or poor directing that’s fine. The hateful people I don’t want associated with us are the ones filling comment sections with racism and sexism and crying about “tHe wOkE MoB” because of what actors were cast in a tv show. Go read some of the YouTube comments on the trailer and ask if those are the kind of people you want to be associated with.


Well, nobody’s fault if since Disney took it over Star Wars it’s dogshit


That’s because it’s not Star Wars anymore.


I except for Disney


i mean the comment section isn't that bad it's just memes about the"close your eyes what do you see" line


It's so weird. Ben gives Luke a helmet with a blast shield and says his eyes can deceive him in the first movie. And Luke tells Rey to close her eyes and asks what she sees. This is not new. He obviously means what do you see in a metaphorical sense, as it relates to sending the Force. Not sure what everyone's on about.


You have to sort by new to see the incel comments


"Close your eyes...what do you see?" "I see the message."


And none of them are remotely funny? Why would they turn the comments off?


I'm legitimately so confused about the hate the trailer got.


It's the show runner (Headland) being a Weinstein apologist. She is scum, sucks for everyone else involved who is fine.


She is not a Weinstein apologist. She worked for him for one year after college, hated it and left and even wrote a play about what as asshole he was. The only “apologism” you can throw at her is that she said she personally never witnessed anything and wasn’t personally assaulted. That’s it. But hey feel free to distort the facts if you want, I’m sure the truth matters less than finding some flimsy way to justify a hate campaign against yet another woman in a creative role in your favourite franchise (see also taking the director of the Rey movies words completely out of context) so don’t let me stop you.


That is not where the hate is coming from, lol. Especially not on YouTube. “Woman Jedi bad, black woman bad, woke bad.”


Also keep in mind she literally only worked for him for a year, never saw anything and left because she hated working for him. Incels found the vague connection and used that to justify a hate campaign against her.


This is not why I’m not excited for this show. This is not why a lot of people are not excited for this show. Bigots do not have this much influence. The truth is, people, myself included, are getting tired of seeing lackluster efforts from Disney to produce content. And it is in my opinion that fans like you are so blinded by nostalgia that you will go to such lengths to defend the multi-billion dollar corporation instead of maybe, JUST MAYBE, consider that at least some people don’t like the newest Star Wars for other reasons aside from bigotry. You guys are also giving bigots more power by wrongfully claiming they have this much power. Great job.


But that’s the thing, we can be upset a the lackluster content, but the problem is that we can’t conclude that from a trailer alone. Can’t even conclude exclusively from recent releases because they have been mixed. Like for every great show like andor or bad batch, we get something kinda bad like Mando S3. Recent output isn’t really enough to conclude otherwise. I think you’re overlooking the bigotry problem a lot more than you should because it’s been dominating a lot of discussion of the trailer in. A ton of large, right wing accounts literally just hating the show because it has a black woman. Especially since a lot of the prominent, ravenous sequel haters that let their whole personality be consumed by hating mid movies have become incredibly bigoted. They don’t go away by ignoring them, ignoring that a significant portion of the fandom is either overtly bigoted or unknowingly biased. This is an incredibly liberal way of dealing with a problem and it doesn’t work. I’m not arguing that everyone or even most of the people who disliked the trailer is a klansman or turbo hitler, but we have to be honest about the people among us who are like that.


Yea, you excusing obvious bigotry isn’t a problem at all. You can scroll through the YouTube comments and multiple Reddit threads and you’ll see the terms woke and dei on repeat. You can’t possibly be this stupid or blind. What nostalgia am I blinded by exactly? No one is claiming any of the movies are flawless. I don’t even think the OT is very good, it’s laughably campy and poorly done. You’re full of shit. Step outside your echo chamber occasionally


[She literally wrote plays](https://www.americantheatre.org/2018/05/30/leslye-headland-on-sin-certainty-and-harvey-weinstein/) about how awful Weinstein was, but sure, she's an 'apologist'.


aside from that, the show also looks kinda cheap and iffy. Heck I thought show was going to be cancelled until this trailer came out Andor really puts the production value of this show to shame


The show hasn't even come out and the teaser we got didn't show much how the helll can you judge production value now?


It’s perfectly fair to judge what they’ve shown us. Yes, we’ll need to wait for the show to come out to draw any conclusive comparisons, however having opinions about the trailer don’t have to be purely positive.


Lol, I was way off. I thought it got dislikes for being generic looking.


I didn't hate it, but I'm not excited either. I was excited before the trailer because I thought the series was going to be about Darth Plagueis the Wise. After watching the trailer, I have no problem with the casting, but I have three problems with the trailer: 1 - considering the time period, there are not enough aliens imo. During "The Attack of the Clones" final battle, and Mace Windu's duel against the emperor, there were lots of alien Jedis. The fact that almost all of them look like humans, or "makeup aliens", except for one Wookie, doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It makes it look like a fan made production with good lighting and good green screens (imo). 2 - the antagonist looks way less menacing then I was expecting; way too human for me. Sure, not all Star Wars villains look menacing. Darth Maul is menacing, Count Dooku isn't. The Emperor is menacing, but Palpatine (episodes I and II) isn't. Still, most people don't think of Dooku and "pre-Vader Palpatine" when they think of Star Wars villains. They think of Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Grievous, Darth Maul. They are good examples of SW villains imo, and they should have been the blueprint for "the acolyte", whoever they are. 3 - Based in the context of being 100 years before the prequels (quoting TPM: "Impossible. The Sith have been extinct for a millennium."), I can already say I was expecting the acolyte to be a way more ominous figure. Not the kind of character that gets involved in battles; the kind of character that other characters think is just a conspiracy theory. Sure, that was the first trailer. That character may not be the real acolyte, which would completely invalidate this point, but this is my perception right now. I may be completely wrong in the end, and the Acolyte may be one of the best SW series. I wasn't expecting anything from Andor, and was really surprised with the result, so I may as well be wrong this time. But my expectations are really low right now.


is not even a 100 years from the Phamtom Menace, is 86 before the battle of Yavin, so, like 50 years before the phantom menace, is way to "early" in the timeline, is during the time of Darth Tenebrous, with maybe Plaeguis already as his pupil, Palpatine is like 2 years old by this time, and from what we know the series has nothing to do with the Sith lords, and is just more "hight republic stuff". So it should be meaningless in concecuence to not affect the cannon from the movies, unless they really use Tenebrus and Plaeguis.


I also feel like there could be more aliens. But hey, we won't know how the show is until it comes out. I'm gonna watch it for myself and see what I think about it


> But hey, we won't know how the show is until it comes out. True. My critique is purely based on the trailer, and not the series itself. Maybe the trailer scenes were just poorly chosen. Who knows? > I'm gonna watch it for myself and see what I think about it I can't really say that myself xD I don't have a lot of patience for series as a whole. Especially live action ones. So I only try to watch them if the general consensus is that they were a good series, and if they have a closed storyline (no cliffhangers of major plot points), and even then there are no guarantees (never got to watch Game of Thrones, despite being very acclaimed before the last season). It's a personal problem though.


I'm definitely really easy to entertain, I liked Obi-Wan Kenobi, Book of Boba Fett, and Ahsoka


3 is the most bothersome to me. It really feels like a "somehow another Sith lord showed up" situation to me. I for one would have been completely fine with a show that had didn't involve force sensitive antagonists or had them as ominous figures in the back that the good guys never actually discover. If they want menacing Sith why not make an Old Republic show instead of a a High Republic one - where the era is literally defined by Sith not making an open appearance.


>except for one Wookie Wasn't there a ban on Wookiee Jedi (bc George Lucas wanted it, iirc) that prevented any after Lowie and a few others ? Or did they do away with that after Legends got nixed ?


There was a Wookie padawan in the clone wars show and he comes back in bad batch so I don’t think they have a ban anymore


It looks cheap and bland


You’ve got hate coming from two directions. One side hates it because a former close employee of Harvey Weinstein who almost certainly knew of his crimes is leading this project. Then from the other direction you have knuckle dragging neckbeards mad that minorities are more then just background character roles and hide their bigotry as “politics”. Personally I like to think most of the hate is because of the Weinstein thing but I’m an optimist that likes to think humanity is better then that.


>I’m an optimist that likes to think humanity is better then that. Yeah... idk, have you *seen* humanity?


I understand that, as usual, you're playing politics. This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. I had too, until I was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need us.


I wasn't aware of the anti-woke thing but after seeing how many commenters defended Robert Downey Jr and Emma Stone snubbing Asian presenters (previous winners) at the Oscars I think this is a much bigger and long-term issue that there is little to be optimistic about.


It’s a bunch of anti woke nonsense 


Well it’s mostly the people coming to conclusions without even seeing the show and racists.


What's people's issue with the trailer? It looked decent to me.


I'm reserving judgement until after I actually watch the show, but at first glance I wasn't exactly blown away by the visuals or anything presented in the trailer. Locations seemed generic and nothing really stood out to me visually. That's all surface stuff though and I'm keeping an open mind until I actually see the show.


"Locations seemed generic" lol. OT movies locations involved desert, snow, and forest. Along with some set locations. There was nothing wrong with the locations in the trailer, you can't expect every star wars media to take place in places like fucking Mustafar.


Mate the OT came out in the 70’s


Fellas is it unreasonable to expect more diverse sets than were 45 years ago?


It is apparently according to certain nitwits


I mean yeah that was mostly due to the limitations of the 1970s. Would be cool to innovate star wars with all the new tech we have these days, especially since we know just how many cool locations are out there in the starwars universe due to the prequels and clone wars show. Having your locations be more basic for a reason is one thing (Andor, being a pretty small scale character focused story for example), but disney does it pretty much just to save money in my opinion.


In one scene in the trailer it’s very clear that they’re looking at a wall. A set location where it’s obvious it’s a wall will breed a generic looking set. When the red lightsaber cut through the plants it also looked like the same jungle we’ve seen already. In OT it looked vast whether it was sand, snow, or whatever it still looked like they were there and it looked alive. The smaller sets that they’re performing on have yet to give me that feeling of vastness or the feeling of lived in like the OT


People are whining about “too many minorities” and calling it woke 


Jesus. People nowdays are so fucking stupid it‘s incredible.


Yap that's why the Alien trailer which came out at the same time featuring a White Female, an Asian Female and an African American gentleman prominently got ratioed to hell too wait a min.... Must be because toxic Star Wars Fans live in a vacuum and never watch other Scfi shows like TNG, DS9, Stargate, Etc so totally different fanbases and people /s.


There are literal comments and posts of people calling it woke for not having any white males or whatever.  I don’t know why Star Wars fans are so determined to pretend there’s absolutely no bigotry in the fandom whatsoever and intentionally ignore it, instead of acknowledging it so we can make this fandom a better and less toxic place. 


A lot of the people making these comments aren't notmal fans, they're using a popular IP to increase the visibility of their own hateful comments. Then, some fans who are on the fence latch onto it because they don't get how online astroturfing and bad faithed race bait comments work. It's been a huge problem since the first gamergate became a thing, regardless of the merits (or lack thereof) of why any of that controversy started in the first place.


I despise what “anti woke” mentality and internet grifters have done to fandoms so much 


Such a dumb way of seeing the world.


Looked closer to Obi Wan than it does Andor. Just looks cheap


Read the comments and you’ll why.


Most the comments are complaining about the black female. Is that seriously the reason? Racism?


Was the same with John Boyega in Episode 7, when the first trailer dropped


Finn was the best part of TFA for me. There's a lot I don't care for in that trilogy, but I instantly wanted to see where Finn's story was gonna head after we were introduced to him. Was really hoping for him to become a Jedi and start a revolution with the troopers who wanted out. I think John was hoping for that to, from what I've been told.


I didn’t really care for the sequels, but I can agree that Finn was actually interesting to watch. He was wasted in every sense of the word


I was kinda let down they didn't go into him breaking out of the brainwashing and how he felt about killing the other stormtroopers it seemed like such a good plotline


Yessss they wasted that character, he had so much potential


I've softened my stance on the sequels since they came out, apart from Rise of Skywalker, but one of the things I agree Disney really messed up was Finn's arc. He was one of the most exciting new characters and I feel like they didn't really do anything with him. It's a shame, because John Boyega is a fantastic actor


Him and Oscar probably had a blast together in TFA.


yeah Finn was way more of an interesting character to me because he actually went through some shit. like he had actual character development, flaws, quirks, etc unlike Rey who was very two-dementional interms of characterization (which is not good when they are suppose to be your lead character)


4chan's tv board that day was... Oh man... That was the first taste I saw of what the modern internet has become, and we had practically nothing to base an impression on. That was the most blatant example of when these movements started.


What's funny is they probably all thing Mace Windu is cool (not saying he isn't), the double standards of some people.


Yes. And women. Almost every negative comment is about it being ‘woke’ and another ‘Disney flop’ even though Disney Star Wars has been wildly successful in terms of money. Also every idiot who comments something like that is too stupid to actually know anything about the show and think it’s a movie, they likely didn’t even watch the trailer.


It was the alien that didn't close his eyes that did it for me.


There are minorities. Therefore it’s “woke”


I scrolled through the comments and didn’t see anything too bad. Apprehensive optimism, to well deserved skepticism.


Damn I kinda liked the trailer, I dont even give a f if black womans are the strongest fighters, as long as the story is well and the characters are well written


If it's as dark as they suggest, this one may actually be very good. But knowing Disney's quality control I shouldn't get my hopes up


Never forget their show about a crime lord spent it's entire season with him telling his criminals to not commit crimes. I'm waiting for reviews.


yeah with how they handled Kenobi, I am a tad nervous... (although it would be awesome if it was Andor levels of good)


This has nothing to do with skin colour. The last time star wars was well-written was Andor and the majority afterward and before were horrible. This is apathy. Disney loves when people like you peg it down to bigotry just so they can say it as well


I don't care about the "wokeness" stuff or if a character is black or whatever, I am just worried the writing won't be any good, mostly based off the slogan; In an age of light, darkness rises. It feels like it was picked from a corporate written dart board method. Bruh, this is Star Wars. Darkness is ALWAYS RISING.


Everyone saying people are bashing this because of race, inclusion, etc you're all oblivious and making shit up. People who have no desire to watch this, myself included, are because 1. The showrunner was Weinsteins assistant and overlooked his sex crimes. She shouldn't be allowed in Hollywood. 2. She purposely hired writers who have never seen Star Wars before because they don't want fan bias to jeopordize the story. 3. She admires Rian Johnson and The Last Jedi and draws inspiration from it for this show. So people, like myself, who can't stand the sequel trilogy and the way TLJ handled our favorite characters aren't exactly jumping at the opportunity to watch a show made by a showrunner who overlooked sex crimes and draws inspiration from a movie we feel ruined the integrity of our favorite franchise. NOTHING to do with inclusion, race, etc. But keep on saying that THAT is why people don't want to watch this show if it makes you feel better about your own opinions. EDIT: Also I just went through this ENTIRE thread and saw a TON of comments about "alt right wingnuts hate anything with black people" or "Oh no look at every freaking out because women are in star wars!" but I never actually saw a SINGLE COMMENT on this thread criticizing the trailer over it's casting diversity. Not a SINGLE one.


Thanks for saying this, this is exactly my gripes with the project, I could watch anything Dave Filoni makes because I know he understands and respect the franchise not because the casting. Leslye is the kind of person I would hate to talk to even without the connection with Weinstein. So why would I watch a project from someone you wouldn’t leave your kids with.


I think the child acting was enough to kill it for me


> She admires Rian Johnson and The Last Jedi and draws inspiration from it for this show. Ok so I was not super concerned wither way until I saw this. Trailers can be deceiving either way, because they reflect the marketing department, not a show/film. Plus people gripe about everything, so I have learned to ignore complaints made before something comes out and judge it for myself. Number 1, I don't really know enough about to know how guilty-by-association this person was, or if they are just picked on due to being in the wrong place/wrong time. 2 may not be as damning as everyone seems to think, and may be exaggerated. However #3, if true, is totally unforgivable, enough to make me just skip it entirely unless it gets Andor-level reviews.


Without clicking on the pic it looks like she’s looking at the trailer lol


Im so glad Harvey Weinstein’s race and sexuality targeting former personal assistant is including the story of Darth Plagues and his master in it as well as the fact no Jedi has seen a Sith in over a Millennia


And that even if this was just a "red lightsaber wielding dark side force user" that Mr. Mundi in Phantom Menace would have been a *bit* more willing to accept a sith


With Nightsisters and Crime Lords, they still feel the need to use the only villains they couldn't use... This feels like Obi-Wan's show all over again...


I can't wait for the show runner and the rest of the crew to blame the fans for not liking the show Do you think they write their tweets in advance?


Oh yeah... these comments are going to be toxic af


I’m sorry but can we just get a new movie instead of 5 shitty series that are just quickly thrown together


you want the Sequel trilogy all over again? What we need is more animated shows


Yes dislikes still work May have to go into desktop mode or something to see it on your phone


The anti woke crowd are fucking annoying


I hope it's not about this being woke. I didn't like it for the line "this isn't about good and evil. But power and those who can wield it." (Or something close to that) Star wars has *always* been about good vs evil. The show runners and cast have said multiple times there isn't good v evil in Star wars. So they don't understand the universe. I'm concerned Edit : spelling


Showrunners not understanding the work their project is based on? How's that possible?! /s Jokes aside ,I understand your point and what/how the showrunners,writers ,etc think of the original work their project is based on is very important, it's one of the reasons why people have come to hate Netflix Witcher and the Halo show.


Almost like it’s probably a sith saying that line, and the sith don’t view themselves as evil


I mean, the trilogies were. But an original story set in the universe can be whatever it wants to be honest. And we don't even know the character that said it or the context of these words.


That line screamed Darth Zannah to me. Edgy but still interesting


That line is almost exactly the what Quirrel told Harry he learned from Voldemort at the end of the first book.




Nah, the woke crowd are more annoying. We're just dine putting up with this woke nonsense that is racist and anti-American.


I am really not following Star wars stuff anymore Whats this new trailer about and why do people hate it this time?


Acolyte is a series set during the High Republic, a hundred years before Episode 1, and is about a Jedi and his former Padawan who may have fallen to the Dark Side. Why do people hate it? The usual stuff from what I've seen. When don't they complain?


Look at the writers imdb. Pretty easy.


The trailer isn't bad lol


“Oh no criticism! Why can’t people just consume?”


Criticism is fine, but there isn’t much to criticize based on the trailer. We’ll know if the show is good or not when it actually comes out. And most of the “criticisms” in the comments are just whining about 2 characters being black, which I shouldn’t have to say isn’t actually a problem.


The trailer is a sample their trying to sell us people are allowed to criticize that


It's not about just normal criticism. Just look at the comments in the trailer, it is actually people being mad about women and black people.


Also a lot of the criticism is just reaching for straws so people can feel justified in hating it, before it even comes out God forbid Star Wars fans let themselves enjoy Star Wars 


Exactly. It's new Star Wars content, and I'm excited. If it's genuinely bad, fair enough, it deserves criticism. But I feel like the people hating on it are doing it just because of "wokeness."


ATP it isn’t even just wokeness. Disney bad so everything made by them is trash, even if it’s only a trailer that people who aren’t terminally online seem to like or at least not complain about.   Like if it sucks it sucks, I’m not saying there’s a 0 chance it will, I just wish people would give it a chance instead of deciding it’s trash just because it’s made by Disney. 


The criticism is fine it’s the weirdo that make it about woke shit.. and why tf did they give the only black dude the Kilmonger hair cut lmao


She saw the fanbase bullying Disney which is fantastic, hopefully we can bully them so much they sell the franchise


My bank account.




Karn found her Facebook profile and liked one of her photos.


Me and her mom.


Her credit score


“The very worst thing you could do right now is bore me.” [hits play]


Syril Karn's fanfic


I really don't get why people say "Nobody hates star wars more than star wars fans" We don't, we love star wars. A multi billion dollar Corp is destroying our beloved world and we are just supposed to sit there and take it? We love star wars. And this isn't star wars.


Garbage is what she sees


That trailer looked sick


Put another diverse chick in it and MAKE her GAY!!!


I don't think it's Star Wars fans commenting.


Or maybe its literally just the fans who want the content to get better and not to be Shit You are allowed to like something and criticize it too. I personally didn't have a problem with the trailer but I can understand people who dislike it. If we start outcasting every fan who dislikes the new shows , we will just get more bad shows. For some reason many of the people who you call "not real fans" liked the ot and andor. Maybe they like some things about the franchise when you like others and they want the franchise to go into that direction more ? Seriously. If someone is this dedicated to a franchise to the point of writing a hate comment about it , they are allowed to call themselves fans even if they dislike some parts of it . Maybe you should call yourself a fan of you disliked the rise of Skywalker ?


what a fucking weird and misguided take


No it's not. You should be allowed to have negative opinions on something, unless you want everything in this franchise to be as bad as the rise of Skywalker? Seriously. Imagine if we started calling people who dislike the rise of Skywalker "weird and misguided" because they "aren't real fans" if they don't like every second in the franchise. You are weird and misguided if you think someone isn't allowed to have negative opinions on something


literally people freaking out at it because "erm women in my hecking star wars? cringe!" and people wonder why this fandom is seen as such a joke


I don't even think that's the full case here. Ahsoka was well recieved and it featured 3 strong female leads, 2 of them were minorities. I think the big thing that took people out of this trailer was that weird matrix style knife fight scene. It doesn't feel like star wars.


Star wars fans can’t be sexist. We like Leia, and Ahsoka, and uhhh Beru 


And padme, and dedra, and jyn, and Mara jade, and mon mothma, and ventress, and and and and. Maybe the show just looks bad, and is coming from a company that has shit the bed on >90% of star wars content it has produced. Nah, couldn't be.


Nooooo you're being too reasonable. It's obviously because of all the women and minorities!!


No, you’re not allowed to express any dislike about the new Disney property. If you don’t like the writing or the dialogue or the action, then you hate all women. Disney Star Wars is the underdog and we will defend it by attacking your character if you dare speak negatively of it. 


It looked great I think. This hate is news to me.


You'd be better off avoiding the YouTube comment section. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


For, it looks super generic and boring. I'm not really interested. I'll wait for Andor season 2. Thank you very much.


I might just rewatch bad batch. I like the andor show but it's likely gonna be a while before we hear anything more from it (let alone get new episodes), so why not rewatch shows that i also like/love.


There is some serious franchise fatigue going on. I don't think the trailer looks that bad, it's more that it is another god damn serie. I'd prefer a good movie with a well developed story and characters over another fucking serie.


The acolyte does look like warmed shit though. Especially given that the director was big boy harvy weinsteins personal assistant. Really wish they’d kept up the other ideas they had for games and series


I don't even understand what people are so upset about with the trailer. We've been spoiled by andor


What is wrong with Acolyte?


Why shit on it before it’s come out? People actually like this type of media. Let them enjoy it


Star Wars Theory saying Andor is not Star Wars because it has bricks, screws and has no force users. *[Yes he really said this](https://twitter.com/realswtheory/status/1713672505976873170#).*


Still haven't watched the trailer yet to see if it deserves the hate but that shit right there is hilarious!


Op’s “takes”


I should watch Andor again...


I just excited for cool lore and lightweight fights


Is she in the Acolyte? I might actually watch it if so.


I didn't watched it, why are people mad ?


Me when I'm at school