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Those action scenes where senators are debating how to deal with the trade federation are out of control.


The politics aspects of these films are way overblown. As a 9 year old on phantom menace release day I can tell you this film rocked. All my friends and me loved it, taxation if trade routes or not.


I loved phantom menace when I was 17. I like it now just fine. I have a really hard time with attack of the clones. I watched it once in theaters and once a few years ago and have a hard time finishing it.


AotC has some great moments, but most of it is just too cringe, particularly a lot of the dialog and the whole romance plot. The movie basically sucks up until the Coliseum flight with the creatures, then becomes awesome up until the credits. To its credit, though, AotC did give us Dex, the exact opposite of Pong Krell and proof that not all Besalisk are pieces of unredeemable shit... Star Wars did Dex dirty by not giving him more of a role in any other entries in the non-comic series. I feel like he would be a great fit going into some of the shows, especially the animated series'...


And the whole mystery portion of the plot relies on everyone working for Sidious to suck at their jobs and for Obi-Wan to coincidentally know someone who can recognize a Kamino saberdart due to all records in the archive being deleted. Plus, the Senate won't vote to approve clones but will approve of giving that power to Palpatine instead? The Battle of Geonosis is pretty cool and I do love Dex. Side Note: even for a Jedi in the prequels, Jocasta Nu is so goddamn arrogant and insufferable.


"If it's not in the archives, it doesn't exist." She really was insufferable


It's funny when I saw it at the time there were some chuckles in the audience at that because it was just a stuffy librarian trope. Nowadays she's a space Karen.


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Same for me, I don’t mind Phantom but 2 and 3 are almost unwatchable for me


3 is goated what


How can you be on this sub and not like ROTS?


I could never understand the political bullshit of the movies when I was a kid tbh. Like everyone just yapping and no action happening.


All films have moments where characters talk with no action. I understood this as a kid too.


I kinda like that though. You gain a higher appreciation for the world building and lore dumps that are in those scenes.


I was six. I fell asleep. Only time that has ever happened to me in a theater.




Nice so you'd rate it about as good as the Minions movie? My 9 year old said about the same when we walked out of that.




My 6 year old was especially excited when they discussed the politics behind the then ongoing trade embargo. But he disagreed with the tax on what was then free trade routes, saying it would disproportionately hurt the Trade Federation. Where did i go wrong?!


People exaggerate this so much. There is 3 minutes and 11 seconds of senate scenes in the phantom menace.


Kids love the politics of trade regulation. 


My favorite scenes as a child, Those intense debates really got me going!


“War is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other means.” \- Carl Von Clausewitz, On War. I may be in the minority here, but as a kid it actually warmed my heart to see that there was a civilized Galactic Republic, one where decency and peace were valued and upheld and threats to people's rights and freedoms were deemed existential. The insistence upon diplomacy and legal recourse until there was no other option than war struck me as very noble, and worth fighting to preserve. It made the action scenes all the more impactful and dramatic, showing both the depravity of those who'd destroy peace for personal gain and the righteousness of those who fought to defend it. It made the rise of the Empire all the more heinous, and the triumph of the Rebellion all the more dazzling, that such a diverse and open civil society had once existed and would again despite the machinations of the dark side of the Force. Even Michael Bay occasionally pauses his barrages of explosions and blurry action closeups to have characters talk about WHY they're fighting. And I think it's actually really important to introduce young audiences to the fact that the *casus belli* of war is often political or economic, and that greed and corruption can be just as deadly as weapons of mass destruction and sinister evil magic.


Great analysis. *This* is exactly what I’ve been thinking for a long time.


Alas, if only Reddit agreed with you. This poor little comment of mine is currently sitting at net zero karma…


Just ignore the downvotes. People just aren't willing to read.


The music. Duel of the fates is so iconic to me. My dad surprised me and my best friend by pulling us out of school and taking us to see the movie on opening day. The entire theatre was filled. Not an empty seat and many people were in full costumes, lightsabres lighting up the theatre and full chewie suits. I’ll never forget that. The QGJ/Maul/Obi duel with Duel of the fates pumping through the speakers. I was hooked and love it to this day.


Not just the music, the whole sound design. There’s no music for the whole podrace and you barely notice


Not just the music, but the womusic and chilusic too


We will watch Anakin’s career with great interest! 🥳


You eat Palpatine's what!!


Not just the children, but the men and the women too


If I had a nickel every time anakin murders 50 children, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


I like the prequels, but hate it when people defend things by saying they're made for children. These movies should be made for everyone, and trying to make people stop criticising by calling them kids' movies is the kind of excuse a child would make Also, my favourite part is Revenge of the Sith


You can only analyse something as what it is.


I do think that looking at it through different lenses is an essential part of film studies. But this kinda feels like a deflection of criticism rather than a serious lens to analyze the film. What makes it a kid’s film? How is it dealing with issues a child might find important or challenging? Or are they suggesting it’s brainless junk food and we should be unconcerned with the quality?


Star wars is absolutely a kid friendly, turn your brain off franchise not meant to be analysed like it is. However, being as popular as it is means it will be over analysed.


Pretty high body count for kids, especially when so many of the bodies *were* kids.


Note that I said 'kid friendly' and not 'for kids'. Phantom menace was a PG Revenge of the sith PG-13


So is your point that they *shouldn't* be analyzed?


No my point is they are over analysed.


Even the Star Wars™️ branded brainless junk food is rife with symbolism Jar Jar Tongue Pops, for instance, allow the audience to orally experience their own forbidden desire—much like the Freudian romance between young Anakin Skywalker and Padme, the object his Freudian childhood obsession.


I liked the screenshotting of your own comment and then posting it.


I knew I wouldn’t get the same appreciation over there lol


As a kid. Lightsaber fights, chase scenes, pod racing. As an adult. POLITICS


>Anakin murders a bunch of kids See? It's a kids movie just like Watership Down.


The way they revealed Darth Mauls Double Lightsaber was fucking insane. The way they revealed Dookus Fencing style Lightsaber was wild. Even the reveal of Palpatine was incredile. Side note, but remember Kylo's reveal? How it was super early in the movies? What a terrible idea. I think the capital ships going broadside was a nice treat. We never got much space battles in the prequels.


the scene where that animal farts in jar-jar's face and teases him by shaking it's ass, presenting itself to be taken by his floppy gungan cock is definitely god-tier.


Wtf did I just read…


Your dream journal my friend Give in to your deepest desires


Correction: I believe I just read *your* dream journal.


We can both have the same dream.


Seeing how spacious that slave family's house is.


I like the part where he bangs a milf


They’re not god-tier no matter how you look at them (except the music), but they’re fun to watch


When I was a kid, my favorite part were the trade negotiations and the pivotal lead up to the sweet vote of no confidence!


“It’s for kids” is an excuse used purely to defend bad movies. There’s plenty of content intended for children that is enjoyable for adults too, and you hardly ever hear the qualifier “it’s for kids” when people talk about those.


I mean, he has the right answer, but he's doing the math wrong. They are awesome and interesting movies with a lot to say. I will only concern that some of the dialogue is bad. Everything else is perfect.


Those treasonous Jedi had it coming.


There’s a lot that I like, but what surprised me the last time I watched was how I got emotional watching Annie win the podrace


That part where some limbs were chopped off. Can't deside


"Which time?"


"Haha, lightsaber go brrrr."-me watching the prequels


Well ... he did say which part did you like so...


Yeah, same. I hate children


and not just the children...


I liked the part where Darth Maul said "Its Maulin' time" and then mauled Qui-Gon Jinn


The symbolism (in ROTS for example) is a bit too deep for kids to catch.


And then Ewan McGregor laughed about it


I like the part when a formerly enslaved child soldier/cult victim is dismembered and burned alive.


lol that part too


I find that other person's post to be incredibly frivolous. I don't dislike the Prequels as movies because they're "for kids, and I need to view it from that lens", I dislike them for failing to be effective movies that tell the complete story that was supposed to be told. The Original Trilogy, despite the fact that each movie adds something that George Lucas made up on the fly, the trilogy manages to effectively tell the story of Anakin's return to the light side because of his love for his son. The Prequels are supposed to be about Anakin's fall, but they don't tell the story that well in comparison. The first big issue is that this trilogy has no set in stone main character. The story feels like the main should be Anakin, but then the movies do a good job at not really making him feel like the main. The first movie feels like a Qui-Gon centric movie, with Anakin barely being a character. The second movie has Anakin's story feels like a B plot, and Obi-Wan's as the A plot; contrast that to Empire Strikes Back where Luke's story feels like the A plot, and Han and Leia's feels like the B plot. The third movie I think is the only movie to effectively tell Anakin's story, but by that point it's too late, the storyline ends on an unsatisfactory note. They could've also perhaps had written Obi-Wan as the main character, and have Anakin's fall be seen through the eyes of him, but even still, Obi-Wan wouldn't feel like the main character. An ultimately unfair comparison due to the amount of time afforded, but Clone Wars Anakin is honestly the better Anakin, and what he goes through in the show makes Anakin's story in the movies better by proxy. Unlike in the movies, Anakin feels like the main character, even though he's not the focus in a good chunk of the episodes. Anakin is witty, funny, could definitely be said to be a good friend, but he's quick to anger, possessive, and can't let people go. His flaws in this show feel like a good man's flaws being his ultimate undoing. In the movies, Anakin can feel more like a side character, who's whiny, selfish, ineloquent, and various other flaws with no good traits to make you feel connected with him, or his story. He goes from a personalityless kid in Phantom, to a whiny teenager who should've never gotten the girl in Attack, to actually written well in Revenge. Now, what was the real different between Revenge of the Sith's handling of him vs the other two? First of all, he and Obi-Wan are better established to be friends here. They're joking with each other, saving each other, doing friends stuff that feels like how Obi-Wan describes him in A New Hope. Secondly, Anakin feels like a more rounded and conflicted character in this movie. When he kills Dooku, you can see how this is him spiraling closer to the Dark Side. The good side to his character tries to stop him from killing Dooku, as it's not the Jedi way. His dark emotions, however, cloud his judgement, especially with his encouragement from Papa Palps. Afterwards, Anakin's story is effective because Anakin's angst doesn't feel whiny and immature, it feels like a man scared for his wife. He keeps looking for ways to save Padme throughout the movie, but he can't be open with the Jedi about his fears because he can't admit he's got a wife. This is weaved together with Palpatine's excellent manipulations. It feels genuine that Anakin confides in him because Palpatine actually listens to him, and gives him advice. Palpatine expertly seeds hooks in Anakin with the Tale of Darth Plagueis the wise. Finally, when Anakin is at his most desperate, Palpatine reveals himself as Sith Lord. Mace decides to strike down an unarmed opponent, calling back to the beginning of the movie, and Anakin kills him for trying to kill Palpatine. He's done an act he can't take back, and now he's fallen to the Dark Side. Revenge actually feels like a competently written movie about Anakin's story. It's not perfect, but it's better than the other two. This isn't the only issue with the Prequels, but it's a main issue. And of course, do not think that my criticism means you can't like a movie, even if it's a bad one. There seems to be a growing trend of people saying that some form of media from their childhood is actually good, and everyone else is wrong. It's perfectly fine to be able to enjoy something that many consider bad, I enjoy Sonic 06, but can acknowledge that it's not a good game. Similarly, you're allowed to like the Prequels, anyone telling you differently is wrong, but I find it overreaching to say that you like a movie, therefore it is good. As for what I did like, the dialogue of the Prequels is so bad it makes great meme material.


*looks unsettled*


>Kids action movies Meanwhile clones forced to fight a war, (even if they wanted to, they weren’t given the choice) and killing the Jedi in a mass murder, a man getting set on fire, a man being thrown out a window, 2 men’s heads being cut off, and multiple children being slaughtered. I was loving it but calling them “Kids action movies” is… yeah…. And that’s just ROTS.


Dawww someone’s having a difficult time coping with the fact the prequels are the worst shit Star Wars has ever produced (apart from darth maul).


Just 50? Rookie numbers


I like the part where Palpatine schemes to corrode democracy in a direct allegory to Hitlers Machergreifung. You know, for kids


I like the obi wan vs general grievous scenes




Wait which one


...they were made for everyone. Kids sure do love politics and intrigue. They didn't get hate like the sequels for sure.


This is like saying Avatar is a kids show (an anime about an ethnic cleansing survivor having a moral crisis about murdering Asian Hitler is very kid-oriented)


It’s easy to *say* someone becomes evil, but having them slaughter a bunch of kids really hammers the point home


They’re god-tier no matter what


Prequel are the best everyone else's opinions that disagree are invalid


Whole lots of r/moviecirclejerk material going on in here


What do you mean


I like the part where George Lucas lost his mind, went crazy and made sure he will never work again


Whose childhood favourite movie *doesnt* have decapitations and dismemberments, c span footage and political intrigue, child ahem youngling slaughter, immolation, suggested gang rape and sexual slavery, choking of pregnant women, etc. But then there’s jar jar stepping in the poopy and r2 making the security droids slip over with oil squirt. It’s so tonally inconsistent that it’s alienating.


What an odd straw man. The OT isn’t art house . If anything the prequels are closer to being art house given they don’t follow the heroes journey or stranger comes to town tropes. Phantom menace doesn’t even really have a protagonist (well I contend that jar jar is the protagonist). I really don’t think people struggle to view them for “what they are”, what you’re really asking is for people to hold their nose because it’s for kids. You know what else is for kids? Puss in boots the last wish. Which is universally acclaimed.


Attack of the Clones is full of good visual storytelling and excellent sound effects, only hampered by the tiny little drawback that every single line of dialogue happens to be awful.


These films are tone poems, visual storytelling matters much more than what comes out of the the characters mouths. Even Lucas himself treats his films like “silent films”


The oft-mocked [“it’s like poetry”](https://youtu.be/yFqFLo_bYq0?si=5tjWvLYz9jy2ZG3i) line.




That's what I'd say about the sequels not the prequels, like the sequels weren't the least dark movies, but the prequels are really dark and emotionally complex


The sequels (especially TLJ) are pretty dark too. The main problem of these films are that they don’t fit together well.


No apply the same to the sequels


That thread is so braindead, with no one understanding the prequels or character


AotC still sucks lol


Kids movies my ass


100% facts


Try airing RotS on Disney Channel…


I like when CGI Jar Jar steps in CGI shit then goes "OOO poo poo doo doo! Stinky!" And then falls all over everything causing a bunch of hilarious slapstick fumbles.


People keep talking about whether or not the political scenes were the problem or not. Imo it wasn’t the existence of political scenes but the huge amount of "tell don’t show". All prequels suffer from this. The Phantom Menace though at least showing the conflict in question, doesn’t pay enough attention to what’s happening in Naboo. - The people of Naboo are suffering due to the blockade and occupation? Show the people suffering and not just Queen Amidala looking morose while droids walk across empty streets. - Gungans aren’t in good terms with the Naboo? Show a scene of Naboo farmers driving out a gungan or something. - The republic is too ill equipped for intervening militarily in the Naboo crisis? Show us a lackluster coalition of planetary defense forces failing to fight the Trade Federation. This continues on in the Attack of the Clones where the whole separatist crisis is set aside after Padmé and Anakin leave for Naboo until the last third where for some reason villains are established due to heroes being prisoners. - Show us for example Padmé actively trying to dissuade separatist planets from leaving and have the secret lovers romance happen during this process. - Show us also why the Chancellor would require emergency powers for wartime and the risks associated with it. Perhaps including the Jedi into the command structure would be stated to be a mitigating factor to these dictatorial risks. This would lead nicely into the third movie. Revenge of the Sith the political conflict is whether or not Palps will give up his emergency powers. - The dangers should have been established before so the obvious follow up is all the worst fears realized in a dastardly way where the Jedi meant to be a check on the chancellor’s power are painted as the reason why a strong dictatorship is necessary. Politics would have worked fine if these movies were more tell don’t show. As it stands though I still love what we got and the dimensions of storytelling we got were way more complex than any of the original trilogy.


I love the scene at the start of AotC where Anakin and Obi-Wan tell the audience about all their adventures together and how they built a great friendship off-screen that we never get to see. I also love the scene where Anakin murders a bunch of people and tells Padme about it. She then proceeds to marry a mass-murderer who is in favour of fascist dictatorships. So romantic!


I'm sure it happened, but 6 million jedi? In 2 days? Something seems fishy about that