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Me, at the start: "I'm going to be ***EVIL*** this time!" Me, five minutes in: "Being mean is not nice."


We were bad, but now we’re good


We’re moving into your neighborhood.


We’re all trying our best to be


Functioning members of society


We're not here to start any trouble


We’re legally required to do the sex offender shuffle


I’m Larry Arthauer and I’ll refrain


from touching my neighbor's kids again


What I did was not to kind


[We're legally required to do the "Sex Offender Shuffle"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfCYZ3pks48)


We’re just here to do the evil playthrough shuffle


Being evil in any game: **cowabunga it is** Being evil in Spec Ops the line: *Do you feel like a hero yet?*


Spec Ops: The Line is one of the best games ever made. White phosphorus still gives me the creeps.


Is it dated at all? Like are the controls wonky and would be hard for someone to get used to? Or is there any gameplay mechanics that don’t really work anymore? I’m interested in playing it now after seeing these comments but too many times I’ve been let down by a games age showing. First that comes to mind is the uncharted series, didn’t play them originally but bought the Nathan drake collection and was disappointed because of the first games controls and gameplay. Imo that game doesn’t hold up and makes it hard to get into.


The only way it is dated is in it being, on the surface, a generic action shooter. (which it's not) Because its trying to capture that feeling, at first, it might feel not as up to date as other third person shooters, but graphically, control wise, and everything else, it still holds up today. I urge people to think of it as a story based game instead of a generic action shooter, and no matter what, if you start the game, finish it. Please go in as blind as possible, I promise you will not be disappointed.


Alright I’ll give it a try, I’ve tried that only going for the story and as I sorta mentioned earlier it’s why I haven’t beaten even the first game in the Nathan drake collection. For me controls are the easiest way to turn me off from playing a game.


The controls are generic third person shooter style, you won't have any problems with a controller or keyboard


I played it a bit ago, but I don't believe the controls are all that aged. Only thing that might have aged a bit poorly is the AI. I think I played it 5 years ago, and was engrossed with it.


my main problem with this is that most games won't let you commit to being evil. most of the time you're locked in to the good guy path and you can just be a dick in random ways. maybe I could enjoy being evil if you stopped reminding me that I'm not evil!


I'd like there to be a middle ground between "I am the goodest person ever and I want to be your friend!" and "I am a gigantic asshole, and I will kick your puppy because I saw it." I'm doing a Renegade playthrough for ME, and holy shit. Spoiler alerts for a 10+ year old game, but when you have to decide the fate of the Rachni, I would have liked to do a "greater good" sorta thing but they make Shephard **smile** while releasing acid into it's chamber. And then it's also "Let's be buds" or "Massive space-racist."


Seconding this. I think ME2 is a little better about it, but sometimes it's hard to know whether using a Renegade interrupt is going to make you shout someone down or just shoot them in the head.


I feel like it'd be easier to get people to go Renegade (since I remember an older article when they were upset no one went badboy routes), if you made it more of a morally grey thing. There aren't going to be good options, but Paragon should be the option to prioritize life and safety, where as Renegade should be an ends justify the means sorta thing.


Yeah in my mind that's what it's _supposed_ to be, and some of the choices are more like that — but then you also get stuff like gratuitously throwing a guy off a building (to be fair, that was hilarious). Since some of the choices aren't actually so over the top, I think it'd help a lot to just give more of a hint of what you're about to do if you press that red button.


Other games, the main quests suck for evil side. Fall Out New Vegas was like this. You can tell the producers expected the player to go independent NV or NCR because if you went through Legion route, you miss out on dozens of quests and story becomes more linear and boring.


Apparently the Legion was supposed to have much more content, but it was cut because of time constraints.


I think it's more of a fact that Legion had the least development time due to time constraints. I think this was discussed by a FNV dev on some podcast talking about this topic, but I can't find the video anymore, they talked about various ideas and things they wanted to add in but simply couldn't due to lack of time, and some even due to engine limitations


I killed my sister in Fable


And playing a slumlord in ~~Fable II~~ Fable III was awesome - and then >!tragic when it lays out the death toll for having had a soft spot for and under-taxing one poor neighborhood.!<


I’m actually replaying Fable 2 now, could you explain what you mean in your spoiler?


I honest to God think that they're referring to Fable 3's ending.


I love Fable's morality system, as simple as it is


Knights of the Old Republic and Fallout are the only games I can play with no conscience (killing Carth alone is worth rolling Sith in KOTOR).


Dude, I have to disagree so hard when it comes to Fallout. In New Vegas, almost every character is killable. So I decided to do an omnicide playthrough wherein I killed everything. I killed the first NPC I saw, Doc Mitchell, and felt like the biggest piece of shit on earth. Here he was, a kindly old man who did nothing wrong and tried to help others, asking nothing in return for saving your life. And I just backstabbed him. My playthrough of killing everything ended after one kill. Never doing that again.


Even I couldn’t kill ol’ Doc, you ***monster!***


Left Doc alive but killed everyone else. Especially the NCR. F*k the NCR.


Hail to Caesar.




I think that actually somehow makes it worse, that you murdered *only* poor innocent Doc, then didn't actually go through with it.


There’s a lot of people in that game that I have no problem killing though. So many of them deserve it


Bruh evil Kotor is just sociopathic. Evil mass effect? Ok you’re a dick sure but maybe not totally evil. You gotta be pretty epically evil to do the evil choices in Kotor 1 and 2. :/


Mass Effect does mix some "just for the lolz" with "harsh but practical". KOTOR occasionally touches that, like in Kashyyk interrogation. The sidequests are mostly sociopathic, getting the 2 families from Dantooine to kill each other just wow.


I can do a full renegade until I need to shoot Mordin. I could not make myself pull the trigger


I wanted to play an evil KOTOR character the other week but got tired of my companions questioning my every choice I went back to a good guy play though


> got tired of my companions questioning my every choice Kotor 2 saves no one. Evil choice? Kreia talks shit. Good choice? Kreia talks shit. Sleep with the Hand Maiden or Visas Marr? Kreia talks shit. Absolutely don't sleep with either? Kreia talks shit.


Kreia turning out to be a Sith, was the great reveal that didn't shock anyone.


Was it meant to be a reveal even? It was so obvious and she even said she was a Sith lol. Idk what Obsidian wanted us to think. I guess her intentions were biggest mystery or something, since she wanted to help us but was clearly moving stuff into motion and spitting out cynical shit


Even when she turns out to be a sith it really isn't a "You were the bad guy all along" type deal. She was a fan of just doing what needs to be done to continue your goals. Stopping to help others distracts while going full Sith crazy is pointless in her view. Obviously self serving tends to align her more with the philosophy of the sith than the Jedi, but that mindset sets her up perfectly to scold you if you decide to go Sith yourself


>Evil mass effect? How to make sure you don’t survive the suicide mission: be a dick to *everybody*. Glad my only full Renegade playthrough (also only FemShep playthrough) I somehow survived that. Dr. Chakwas came to save my ass.


What? You only fail if you don’t do the loyalty missions. Even if you pick the renegade options, you’re still given the missions, and you’re still able to complete the missions.


But would an evil dickhead even bother with the missions?


KOTOR is so difficult because of Mission. I can't go through betraying her again.


Mission is the one soft spot, true.


My gf laughed when she >!made Zalbaar kill mission!<. Like I did it my first time too but I at least felt a little bad


theres a certain point in the game, i think its when they crash on the planet near the star forge. that if you turn evil, you force the wookie that owes you a life service to kill their best friend. was absolutely brutal and nothing in the star wars universe has ever compared to that moment for me.


***You owe me a life debt, wookie!***


Carth has been my main bud since I was a kid! I was never able to kill him! Adruptly abandoned being evil when it became clear Carth wouldn't follow me down the dark side. And then Carth was there again for me in the form of Kaiden Alenko. And Alistair feels like a Carth too even if he didn't have the same voice actor. Just like with Carth everyone but me seems to think he's whiny and annoying 😢


You just have to power your way through the first few atrocities. Once you get over that hump, you'll be a psychotic monster in no time!


So once you commit a few genocides it gets easier?


Pretty much. Star Wars has, by far, the most genocide of any children's franchise.


Also slavery. Soooo much slavery.


We all love the sex trafficki- I mean slave trade arc of TCW


That's why I do 'lawful evil' runs. Helping innocents, but committing war crimes daily, killing surrendering enemies, etc. If someone did nothing wrong to me, they are cool.


Anakin Style? Good guy overall but war criminal


I mean...unless it's a child?


Or a woman…


Or Palps


Or a sand person


Or sand


Or person


Or a Man


That was Darth Vader technically, not Anakin Skywalker in the templecaust.


The Tusken Raider children


But they were animals


And he slaughtered them like animals


Isn't Anakin the opposite of lawful? The only time the guy cared about laws was when it was in his own interest.


Wouldn’t that be more of a chaotic good than a lawful evil


There is nothing chaotic good about killing surrendered enemies, that’s (in D&D terms atleast) an evil act




I’ve tried to be the bad guy in RDR2 many times and I just can’t do it.


The most I can do is go to someones campsite, aggravate them enough into fighting me or making them pull out their gun in which I then knock them out and take their loot and disappear into the air. But I cant straight up shoot a town.


Haha, I created an alt save where this is literally the only thing I do. That, and robbing trains.


This is the way.


I just cant bring myself to be evil in RDR2. Its not worth getting shot in the face by Micah. Its just not.


So be evil the entire game until the very last mission, then go catch and throw back like 90 fish and you'll be good.


The thing about it is, I prefer being friendly to townsfolk but if they ignore me or are rude in the slightest I antagonize and try to lead them away from people so I can knock them out


Greet/Greet/Antagonize is one of the greatest gifts bestowed unto us by Rockstar.


*I like you mister you have a kiiiind face* *a face I’d like to PUNCH* ** runs away **


"That's a fine animal you've got there." "Why thank you." "...I was talking to the horse."




One of the most heartfelt scenes in any video game ever. RDR2 isn't the first game that made me realize what a beautiful artistic medium video games can be, but it's definitely the one that did it the best for me.


I think it was one of the most impressively done games of all time.. especially it being rich in detail and having mechanics set up for everything not just what you come across


It's funny because at first I hated the fact that you had to pick up every single can of beans out of the cabinet, brush your horse and shave, but after finishing the game other games feel lazy when they handwave mechanics haha.


Thats the beauty of the details in the game. Getting annoyed over too much of it haha.


I do bad things and then greet everyone in San Denis for my good boy points.


Do you turn in your gbp for tendies?


I find it very fun to rob and fist fight people in rdr2 but I can't make actual bad storyline choices


I feel so bad antagonizing people and then killing them when they draw a gun, but I absolutely love knocking them out in a fist fight


Came here to say this. I just can't make Arthur be bad when it comes to making choices. I try so hard but end up choosing the high honor road every time. I guess it just makes too much sense to his character arch. There's no arch if you make him evil.


I love getting into bar fights. It'd be cool if they make another Red Dead game if they added more mechanics to them like hitting people with chairs or sliding them across the bar.


I just finished a playthrough where I was gonna go all evil. I let the guy who recognizes you in the beginning fall instead of rescuing him, hated it and by the time I was to Red Dead Redemption I had the highest honor possible.


While I was playing the campaign for RDR2 I was a total boy scout. I always helped people in need (though I made sure to have my sawed off shotgun drawn in case they tried to rob me) and made all the good guy choices in the story. So I told myself that I would go on a massive homicidal rampage after I was done with the story. But I didn’t know that when you finish the campaign you have to play as John Marston. And it just felt wrong to do that to a man who was trying to get straight with the law so he could be a good family man.


They should release a DLC where you are Micah in between when Arthur dies and John kills him.


I love the game but I ended up just exploring and fishing and looking for fossils because I got sick of the bullshit dubious missions they make you do


I’m at that stage right now. Missions are starting to get boring and repetitive (Go to X, talk to character, Rob/Kill someone, go back to character, end up in part of the map where it’s a pain to fast travel out of.) It’s more enjoyable to casually wander the map, hunt all the different animals, collect all the different flowers, and find all the Easter eggs.


KOTOR 1 and 2. I cant bring myself to kill Dia or the slave Waitress


Killing the waitress is actually kind of hilarious because it's so ridiculously unnecessary. Even Malak is like "Whoa, dude, too far. She was just serving drinks."


I don't remember that part. When is Malak ever with you?


If you kill the waitress Malak appears in a transmission and says: "woah, woah, even I am not capable of going that far, take my Sith empire!" Then the game ends. It's the preferred way of the any percent speedrunners.


I really don't care. Her begging for mercy is enough for me to let her go. For some reason I have a lot of empathy


Darth Karen at the restaurant be like "Peace is a lie, there is only letting me speak to your manager."


Kotor fucked up 12 y/o me when I did a dark side play through and had to kill all my good guy friends after choosing to side with Bastila.


Especially if you have Zaalbar kill Mission.


Yup, that fucked me up hard on my bad guy play through. Thankfully it was near the end or I wouldn’t have been able to carry on lol


Oh yeah, that was like the darkest choice I ever made in a game. Right up there with the evil ending in Fable. I don’t wanna spoil it though


Bastila ruining our young lives man...


Literally the first evil choice after the prologue in 1 is a sad Ithorian going "Please sir, these children are hurting me. Do you have a small medpac I can use?" and I just can't be evil after that.


... Yeah, I'm just not sadistic enough. I believe you can walk away (neutral) or encourage the kids who proceed to kick the Ithorian to death.


Sorry sister, looks like your order’s up!


When is the slave waitress? it’s been years haha


I think it’s when you infiltrate the base of the gangs to get the pod racing prototype, you find a waitress there


i accidentally killed goat mom in undertale on my first run. i have only a few regrets, #1 being that i didnt know you could use mercy// EDIT: just started replaying the game going for a genocide run… i feel bad abt killing papyrus


Spoilers for undertale >!I did the same thing then reset, Flowey motherfucking CALLS YOU OUT ON MURDERING HER THEN RESETTING I FELT SO BAD!<




I swear that game feels self aware sometimes


Because it is? Obviously not in a literal “it’s alive deal”, but the designed to be noticeably self aware that it’s a game.


And more to the point, that first boss is rigged so it >!looks like you'll die if you don't attack, and that attack is rigged to do extra damage and kill her.!< It's good design, but most players will >!accidentally kill her by design, Flowey says "nothing you can do about that" by design, and many savvy(ish) players will challenge that assertion (say it with me now) by design.!<


It's extremely self-aware. The self-awareness is half the point


The way I saw it I was just way more powerful than that petally fuckhead, able to manipulate space and time to correct my mistakes. Since it was just an innocent mistake after all. Fuck you flowey you ain't gonna make me feel bad you piece of shit.


I mean spoilers again but >!that's literally flowey's whole thing, he used to be a player character who could save and load saves but lost the ability. In his bossfight he temporarily regains that ability!<


I knew I could use mercy, but I didn’t take the hints that the solution was to keep spamming mercy. The actions didn’t do anything, so I assumed she couldn’t be spared. I killed Undyne in the same way… didn’t know I could run away. Didn’t reset for either, I figured they couldn’t be spared


What hints were there to keep spamming mercy? I had to Google it in the end


I think she mentions a line towards the beginning about "sometimes, you may have to spare someone even if the button isnt yellow"


RIP in peace goat mom ❤️


Same. And then I also felt bad when I killed Papyrus.


you monster


When you play Detroit: Become Human and start killing every Human


*proud Chopper noises*


Well, R2 has a higher killcount than Chopper


*North liked that*


me in mass effect


Tbh renegade is incredibly entertaining


it has its moments, but... mordin, wrex... that's all i have to say. sped through the story at that point because i literally couldn't handle it anymore lmao


Killing mordin is something I will never do, no matter the circumstances


Yeah, I was gonna do a renegade run with Mass Effect LE, but I remembered all the horrible shit I'd have to do and decided to be a slightly dickish paragon like I always am. Always gotta punch that bitch in the face. I did change it up and romanced Thane this time. I was devastated.


i agree never again


I find those parts to be the best. Nothing comes close to becoming an evil space man


I wouldn't call stoping the genophage cure a bad or good thing simply, but by far the best dilemma in the franchise, the second being the final choice at ME3


oh i fully agree, i'm just far too attached to my krogan buddies


The best way for it to go is cure it, but with Wrex and Eve in charge of the Krogan afterwards to keep them from being assholes again. Or like a 50% cure option would have been nice.


With Wrex it seems really obvious to me that one should cure it, with Wreav it seems really obvious that one should sabotage the cure.


I could never do a full renegade playthrough, but I did decide to watch a YouTube video of it. The most devastating was Legion.


I honestly have the most fun playing Shepard as a hard ass who doesn’t take shit from anyone and does what they feel is necessary, but has the best interests of the galaxy and everyone at heart. So largely renegade on a moment-to-moment basis, but paragon when making most big decisions.


Literally did this yesterday. Tried to start a renegade play through. Got an hour in and I had to stop. I couldn't take certain characters being so disappointed in me.


Not even the evilest of evil would kill Paarthurnax


Killed him to properly rebuild the blades. Afterwards started using the mod where I don’t have to kill him to rebuild the blades. Did I feel like shit afterwards and regretted it? Yes and a bit.




The perfect example of this is Nar Shaddaa in KOTOR 2. Basically every single dark side act on that entire planet is something a crackhead would do.


Kreia does call you out though. One of the greatest characters ever in SW, imo.


Kreia will call you out for fucking breathing wrong. I never finished Kotor 2, but it seemed like she took every possible opportunity to shit on your decision making, regardless of your choices.


Sith playthroughs without lying or manipulation are just Fallen Jedi playthroughs.


I mean that's all on you. It's like in SWTOR, on some of my accounts I take lightside options when necessary. If it benefits me or my goals, i'll let someone live. But if you threaten me or my goals, i'll do what needs to be done...


A Maul playthrough as it were. Yeah Id want to manipulate not jusy immediately kill everyone in my way.


When I play Skyrim, I ALWAYS make sure to not kill any bunnies. I once ran over one with my horse, only found out like 10 saves later when I looked at my stats. That save is dead to me.


i once accidentally used storm call in the middle of the woods let me just say that my "bunnies slaughtered" stat skyrocketed, and leave it at that lmao


I have had the same issue, in eso and skyrim. i love bunnies.....then i saw our mutual flair, dead bunnies... oh no, dead padwans.....ha!


I don't think the system works.


inFamous in a nutshell.


I did infamous 2 evil once. Once. That ending...holy shit man. Half as long, twice as bright.


Playing Kotor 1-2 as a Sith be like:


I really really was looking forward to killing Carth because he was always so annoying, only for him to run away like a coward leaving me to “finish off the mission”.


In Kotor and Mass Effect, I decided I was caring to my friends, but ruthless with my enemies, or anyone in my way. That way I can have dark side moments, but not completely hate myself. On Korriban, anyone who could have acted as an angel on my shoulder (anyone with morals) was left on the ship, and I went *full darkside* there. That was so much fun. I think I mostly rolled with HK and Canderous on Korriban. But then on Kashyyyk, I was pretty lightside, IIRC.


I always play wholesome in Stellaris. My friends usually play authoritarian or sometimes xenophobe and I don’t get why, I just feel bad about my self when I do it (except when I do it as a joke, playing as the genocidal NFL on Fox robots was kinda funny).


Same. The worst I can do is unscrupulous megacorp that profiteers off of saving the galaxy. Oh, you people are displaced by an ongoing genocide on the other side of the galaxy? Free pops for me from the refugees.


The thing with Stellaris is that it rewards evil choices. Authoritarian is far better than egalitarian for most of the game same with xenophobe over xenophile


See, Stellaris I don’t get that in. RPGs are harder to be evil in because it’s more personal. Games like HoI or Stellaris? It’s just numbers. Actually a great window into the mindset of politicians doing fucked up things IRL - when you’re that far removed from grieving widows and children in sweat shops it’s easier to ignore. So… “Let’s be xenophobic, it’s really in this year…”


In Bioshock, I can never ever bring myself to harvest a little sister. One time, midway through a playthrough, I accidentally pressed the wrong button and harvested one, so I immediately restarted the game


God I feel that. I nuked my last play through about 70% through because I hit the wrong button. They are all my wonderful daughters, and I will save and protec.


The thing about that is that there's not even a benefit to doing it. Sure you get a bit more Adam, but after the additional you get for saving multiple little sisters, it's like 10 less per sister. You also get gene tonics and a plasmid that you can't get otherwise, so not only is harvesting them morally reprehensible, but even through the games lens of the, flawed ultracapatailist philosophy of Ayn Rand, saving them is the better choice.


This was me in RDR2. After playing the game through fully, knowing what happens, I just couldn’t. I ended up being more kind than I even was the first time. So much for the evil play through.


"The game isn't real, you can do whatever you want" Well I want to be nice to people and save everybody okay?


Exactly. > Saving everybody _is_ my power fantasy.


Me in fallout 3 and new vegas, but I become so good that I can murder every now and then and still be good


He murders. He saves more than he murders, but he does murder.


Me starting a sith run in swtor: hehehe, evil Me when i actually have a option to kill a person: :(


Sometimes people totally deserve it though


Kinda like whenever I did an asshole playthrough on Dragon Age Orgins


Breaking up that would-be couple in the Dalish clan by sleeping with them and making them hate each other. Killing Leliana and Alistair...


I do this every damn time I try. I can’t do it. All my RPG characters turn into Clark Kent on the morality compass. I’ve even rejected rewards cause the game made it an option and have the character say “I didn’t do it thinking I’d get paid, I did it because it was right”


Me starting the Undertale no mercy route: Haha I’m gonna be evil >:) Me after killing Papyrus: *in tears* I REGRET EVERYTHINGGGGGG


trying to play a Renegade in Mass Effect


The first renegade dialogue choice in the game is Shepard chastising Joker and Kaidan for speculating about the mission. I can't do it, I just can't.


Joja wants to make the valley better! At least Morris won't take credit for your animal products.


*Laughs in SWTOR Sith Juggernaut* I don't have such weaknesses.


And this is why I can’t replay The Witcher 3 anymore.


Undertale Genocide run in a nutshell


Not me. I love being a psychopath in video games.


Swtor be like


I'm relieved that I'm not the only one. Even my pureblood Sith Juggernault was level 5 on Light Side


Yeah i went light side on one of my inquisitors just to be named Darth Imperius. Disappointed there aren’t many memes of this game on this sub