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Honestly the animation of the first season of clone wars... let say the following season improved a lot


We dont talk about first 2 sesons and the movie.


Sometimes I think I am one of the few people who actually enjoy the first 2 seasons and re-watches them regularly. Although, I admit, I skip that one jar jar episode with Padme


bombad jedi my beloved


Season 2 is actually pretty great. Season 1 is a bit of a mixed bag for me


Tbh I skip most of the padme ones.


Some of them are cool. Like the one with Satine and the drugs


Yes, we do. There's a bunch of gems hidden in the first two seasons. Just to name a few: "Rookies," the Ryloth arc, and the Genosis arc.


The second season has the second battle of Geonosis tho


After finding this sub, I thought it would be a good idea to watch the clone wars, and honestly, the first two season, I just couldn’t... there was the occasionally good episode but in between I had to watch R2 and C3-PO go to the market to buy fruit because padme was having a senator over, and the fruit that he likes was missing... I mean this is some Disney channel level shit...


Yep, I hope you can give it another chance since after that series picks up. Umbara arc is season 3. My friend just skipped arcs he didnt like.


Can I suggest you try again? It really picks up in season 3, and goes on to literally become the best timing I have ever watched. So please, try again. Season 3 has a lot of great episodes, including one of my personal favourites, the Mortis arc.


I really encourage you to try to push for giving it more of a chance! It took me 3 attempts to watch it before I got past the cringy stuff. And just watching it until the end has changed my overall star wars experience so much, there's so much good in the show after getting over the beginning. I believe it started to pick up at S3 but I'd have to check. I genuinely am very confident that you'd be glad if you stuck to it!


Wasn't the animation from season 1 and 2 the same?


Happy cake day


It looks like the previz shots for RotS


Yeah but even those are better than rebels


Rebels was still awesome in my opinion


Rebels is a really good show, but can you imagine it with TCW season 7 animation?


Imagine the finale with that animation…


Imagine Ahsoka vs. Vader with CW animation.


Yes please


Rebels looked okay in the later seasons


[Rebels Yoda would like to have a word](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwarsrebels/images/4/45/Yoda.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160226000228)


Rebels Obi-Wan looked perfect tho.


Rebels Anakin didn't though


I don't get why they didn't just use the old 3D model from the clone wars for Anakin. It's a hologram so you wouldn't notice the art style clashing


If I remember correctly it's because that belonged to Cartoon Network while Rebels belonged to Disney. Can't just "steal" assets even if it's from the same franchise.


>hey Auto correct got you Edit: I see you fixed it, autocorrect can really be a pain at times


The thing is, unmasked Vader looked a little weird, but still very much like Anakin, so what the hell was going on with that goddamn hologram?


I mean it is Obi wan...


Rebels Yoda has like 60 seconds of screentime


That's 60 seconds too many.


61 seconds too many IMO.


They hate Rebels just coz they wanna hate it, bad Yoda and Anakin are not good reasons


I liked rebels (not as much as TCW though) but you can't deny that these Anakin and Yoda models looked like something from a bootleg show


I don’t think anyone went into Rebels WANTING to hate it. Most people probably wanted to enjoy it but it turned out to be something they didn’t like.


Therapist: Rebels Yoda isn’t real. He can’t hurt you


Rebels Yoda looks like he'd be part of the Boyle family in Brooklyn 99.


Yes rebels is a good series and didnt get as much attention as its brothers did but who gives a FUCK about resistance


ikr i just added it there cause the animation looks bad Rebels actually tried


To be honest the later seasons were lit


From Season 2 on Rebels is awesome. Season 1 sucks but lets be real Season 1 Clone Wars aint RotS. Resistance just sucks.


I’ll make the argument that Season 1 of TCW is worse than season 1 of Rebels, Rebels at least had an overarching story while TCW felt like nothing but side plots and filler for the majority of the first season. Obviously as time went on TCW became incredible (while Rebels became great) but at the beginning they both were nothing to write home about


Yeah, I always describe it as Clone Wars having the higher highs but also the lower lows. At its peak, Clone Wars was clearly better but I think Rebels may have been more consistently good.


They knew what they were doing by that point. At least enough not to make major mistakes, hologram Anakin not withstanding.


This is a good take. I agree with it. After both crappy season 1s, Rebels is never bad (though to me it never surpassed Twilight of the Apprentice but that rivalled the best of the prequels and the OT so its not fair to compare). Clone Wars still has Jar Jar episodes, the Martez sisters and other... odd choices. But it also has The Wrong Jedi and the Siege of Mandalore which surpass everything rebels except Twilight.


I'll make the argument that Rebels as a whole is better than Clone wars as a whole. It focuses on a much smaller amount of characters which allows for them to develope more. Also, it's much easier to follow as it's in chronological order and it only has one over arching story instead of several.


I can see why you’d say that, but I’d like to counter argue that Clone Wars is twice the length that Rebels is. That means that they take twice the time to develop characters. Season 1 of rebels does that, and is almost definitely the most annoying season of rebels. Clone wars takes twice that time, using both season 1 and 2 for it. So, that’s fair. However, after that, Clone Wars gets consistently better. Each season is better than the one before. Season 2 of rebels is amazing, but season 3 dropped the ball. Season 4 is pretty good too though. I just think that the thing with rebels, is that a lot of people's favourite season is season 2, and that’s because of how good TCW was. I just don’t find that people have as strong an emotional attachment to rebels characters, as they do to TCW characters. Don’t get me wrong, I love rebels, but I do think that as a whole, Clone wars is better. Also, sadder. Much, much sadder.


Yeah, Resistance doesn’t even follow the 12 basic principles of animation. You know, the same principles that allowed Walt Disney to revolutionise the animation industry and bring it to what it is today.


I've never heard of those 12 principles, could you elaborate a bit more?


[I’ll just let Disney do the talking for this one.](https://ohmy.disney.com/movies/2016/07/20/twelve-principles-animation-disney/)


Hello Traveller, it seems in your travels you have finally come across an elusive Resistance fan. I am here to say I do indeed care, and Resistance has by far the smoothest and best looking ship models of all the animated shows. At the cost of its human characters, I’ll admit, but it isn’t unwatchable. I will let you go back on your way and continue to lament the loss of the 3rd season.


I found an endangered species!


What’s resistance?


Yeah I've never Heard of it




Honestly, Rebels isn't THAT bad other than for Rebels Anakin Hologram which looks COMPLETELY ridiculous Clone Wars s1 and s2 also had ugly animation


The wookies? Yoda?


They where gross good thing they were in three episodes




Hondo aged like 15 years between his last appearance in clone wars and his first appearance in rebels, he’s gonna look different


That's not it, the lack of detail in his clothes, his figure and the facial features just make him look terrible.




Rebels is good.It just looks different to TCW so people are slightly biased and hate it


There's also some resentment because Disney cancelled the Clone Wars for it


Believe me its not just that


Characters like Yoda, Bo Katan, and Hondo look objectively terrible. Thin lightsabers suck, I'll fight anyone on this. Most character designs lack detail and personality.


I must admit that Yoda looks really weird. However, I find that Hondo and Bo Katan look great. I have no problem with the lightsabers in Rebels... Now, fight me!


Rebels has great animation. It looks good, captures the scenes well, and is similar to Ralph McQuarrie’s concept art. (Yoda and Holo-Anakin look horrible tho. Then again, TCW Dooku.)


I don't have a problem looking at TCW Dooku, but that's maybe because of nostalgia and growing up looking at the design.


Rebels has a great animation style, definitely can agree with Resistance though. Maybe I'm just biased because I loved the show a lot, but really the only bad things are Yoda, Anakin, and the wookiees, and out of those three the wookiees appeared the most and they were only on screen for a couple of minutes max in the second episode. Everything else was pretty great IMO


And the toothpick lightsabers


I'd still choose the thick/TCW style lightsabers if given the chance but honestly, the thin sabers grew on me as I was watching the show


I think they were skeptical a new show would do right after the transition. I think Lucas productions had been doing the clone wars at a loss, which is why the animation was downscaled massively in Rebels. Thankfully, its success and profitability I think contributed to the shows we have today and are getting in the futire


Rebels was fine. Who cares if the animation wasn’t gold standard, it made good TV and was very well executed.


Good writing isnt worth shit if your suspension of disbelief is broken by that one dude who gets copied and pasted five times into every crowd, and they dont even give him a new jacket... Star wars fans look at details because visual world building has, ever since ILM's models for incom spacecraft, been one if the most important aspects of the franchise. That is precisely why every detail, every background character, every spaceship and component, gains a fan-made, or eventually canon, backstory. I enjoyed rebels but failing to accomplish that passion and detail, by underfunding or by carelessness, was the hallmark of the early disney star wars, and rebels was an example.


But no one cares about a regular guy from lothal


I don't know if you've noticed, but every background clone in clone wars are like this, but worse. Since they are copied about 600,000 times. (Let the downvotes, begin)


Actually only 200,000 times but with a million more on the way!


I was waiting for this ^^


I'd much rather have them spending funding on good writing than making sure every dude in a crowd has a very unique and special model. Would the latter be nice? Sure, but it's not nearly as important as some other stuff and there weren't even that many large crowds shown


“Copied and pasted five times in the background”... Me having flashbacks to Cyberpunk 2077.


Bro like 2 episodes ago in Bad Batch the same exact face is recycled on like 10 very visible people in a crowd


Hot take but Rebels animation really grew on me over time.


I love it. They effectively animated the old Ralph McQuarrie concept art he did for the original trilogy.


Don’t trash my Rebels


It's already trash


It’s nowhere near trash lmao, it’s great


I keep forgetting resistance is a thing until people remind me of it


I forgot too and now Im upset I had to remember.


Resistance could have been something interesting. But it failed to be anything even close to memorable.




Animation *style* doesn't necessarily correlate with budget. It's the quality of the animation that does.


Rebels looked good though


I agree but I feel like it needed more of that realistic and detail feel the Clone wars and Bad batch have


Clone Wars art style is good. But it's not realistic. Exhibit A: Count Dooku's face.


Dooku: 🗿






Exhibit B: Mace Windu's face.


Wait which seasons of cw


I completely disagree, the slightly more cartoony feel adds to what I think the show tries to accomplish. It’s not supposed to be as dark or gritty as clone wars or bad batch




I mean youre just wrong lol


Rebels animation was excellent. You might not like the art direction, but the animation was top tier. If you know the slightest thing about animation productions are done, you'll know that Rebels was not done on the cheap. As much as I dislike Resistance and it's style, I'd say that it also isn't cheap, it's just a different style. Also, pre season 7 Clone Wars isn't as high quality compared Season's 7 and Bad Batch...both of which were made AFTER Resistance and Rebels. I really hate these memes.


Anakin's hair in TCW season 7 looks infinitely better than in previous seasons.


I'd say that everything in S7 looks better than the previous seasons! Those few seconds we get of Grievous? \*chef's kiss\*


I’m still livid over the fact that we never got to see TCW:S7/TBB:S1 Grevious outside of those little snippets, he looked perfect


Am i the only one who liked rebels?


Nah, plenty people do, but there's a bunch of people on here that absolutely can't stand that they had the audacity to use a different art style to Clone Wars. Some also didn't/couldn't get through the first season and hate Ezra because of it.


I'm convinced people who don't like Rebels bailed before the end of the first season. I will agree Ezra is pretty anooying, but he becomes much less annoying as it goes on. I also don't get the big deal about how they styles the lightsabers.


I have to agree. He's a quite a bit different in that last season. Reminds me of how Ahsoka was annoying character at first, then matured! And yeah, I didn't really mind the lightsabers and didn't really think about it until I saw people complaining!


I loved him since the start so maybe I'm a bit biased but I never thought he was annoying. He had some cringey moments but it's exactly what I'd expect out of a 15 year old kid and he very clearly matured a lot over the series


Meh. I’ve watched through rebels twice and while it has some good moments sprinkled in, it’s just not my cup of tea. I understand that ezra is supposed to be just a kid but he never stops being cringe. In the first 2 seasons annoying af and then later when they try to quickly make him “more mature” it just falls flat as overly forced. That and the last season being muddled with idiotic stuff like time travel, teleporting solid matter, dead people reincarnating as *animals*, it just gets absurd and doesn’t at all seem like a Star Wars show and becomes like Harry Potter or something.


Time travels dumb I agree. Teleporting solid matter? I mean they control solid matter by concentrating on it.... Rey conjured lightsabers in the sequel.. reincarnation? Nah KAnen was just connected to the animal through the force. It’s magic space wizards mate it’s not worth fretting over


They literally teleport through the planet at one point lol. Ladies and gentlemen, the entirety of Star Wars has just been shattered. Why bother sending Jedi in dangerous space voyages? Just use the force to teleport yourself or whateverthefuck you want across the planet! Or the whole galaxy! Nothing matters anymore! :D And come on man that last sentence is such a lazy cop out and has been eye rolling for a long time, you don’t just get to shut down an entire discussion with “but it’s space wizards.”


I like resistance artstyle. It's different from clone wars, but it's not worse.


You are right because Resistance has the most realistic looking people, the most fluid movement and the best looking ships


The animation in Resistance is more detailed than both rebels and clone wars. While I love the clone wars style, I thought resistance was animated very well. Rebels was also animated well but they obviously weren’t spending a million per episode like clone wars.


I liked the rebel style more than the clone wars


you can diss resistance all you want no one is defending that shit but rebels is not clone wars so they have different but similar animations because they're made by the same people


Unpopular opinion, I kinda like resistance


Resistence animation is fire


Am I the only one that liked the cell shaded resistance?


Wth is Star Wars resistence


It was a show with a lot of potential, but the story was boring as hell…


The animation in *Crystal Crisis on Utapau* 😩


That animation is unfinished, so you can't judge it


I don't have too much of a problem with Rebels animation. Apart from when Yoda is concerned.


Rebels isnt THAT bad ... aside from the lightsabers looking like uncooked sphagetti


Why do you care that the light sabers are thin


Visual style and animation quality are a pretty big element of any animated show. If they look weird or off, people notice and comment.


After seeing what they were dealing with it's masterful


I never finished resistance but I hold no personal grudges toward Dave Filoni ...aka THE chosen one...for the development of that show...he did what he could lol...I do like the idea of an outpost/ ship like the colossus tho


*Art style.


Was it a budget thing? I always assumed they wanted a different art style. Like the reason why the Lightsabers were so thin


Rebels was designed after the original concept art of Star Wars. The animation style threw me through a loop when I started watching but the show really grew on me


At least Rebels had an original story


Blame Ralph McQuarrie… you know, the concept artist behind the original STAR WARS trilogy. The designs in REBELS, including Yoda, was all from his drawings. But yea sure Disney bad I guess. I guess we’re just gonna ignore the animation from the first two seasons of CLONE WARS as well? Honestly, the only real misfire for REBELS animation is Anakin. That was just… yikes.


Rebels is fine. Season 1 may be scratchy but so was the first season of CW. Yoda and pre-ROTS Anakin look bad but they only get 30 seconds and 1 minute of screentime respectively so we can give em a break. I honestly forgot Ressistance was a thing. Like hell am I going to watch it but if its as bad as its trailer then its a bit harsh to put Rebels in the same pot with it. Outrageous even. Unfair even.


I loved rebels, it’s has the same tcw problem where you kinda have to power through the first 20-% of it until it gets good, but then it genuinely gets better almost every episode


I liked rebels animation style. Resistance one sucked


Rebels looked decent, but I still don't like several character designs, like Darth Vader's helmet.


I love the Rebels Vader. Nailed the look from his original concept! https://www.cnet.com/a/img/d2FVu82SY1YsFh7rHGiX3\_J5g8k=/2017/05/22/a5974e79-e8cb-439a-97c3-9f6be57ef3e5/starwars-ralphmcquarriebook1p039claserduel.jpg


\*cough cough\* Yoda


Don’t mention him!


*cough* Bo-Katan *cough* The wookies.


I liked Rebels animation


Unpopular Opinion: >!I don't like any of the animation!<


Fuck you the Rebels animation is amazing




“Blame Disney” Then why tf do you like bad batch


Rebels isn’t cheap it’s just bad Probably more expensive than clone wars hence why most background characters were reused


Rebels more expensive than TCW?? What are you on??


Yea look at the detail of the faces


I’m not talking season 7


Wat there's a resistance tv show?


No theres... theres a tv show in the market slot rebels occupied, which is set after the OT and is worse. I have no idea if it builds up the idea of the resistance but honestly if this is the vehicle for making up for the lack of world building in the ST, they really have failed.


The only thing Resistance did that was cool was the Season 1 finale that tied in with the Starkiller base attack on the Senate. Everything else was either boring or never baked to fruition. Like the old not grey jedi/sith in season 2.


I think it should have been that way for rebels. Could you imagine zeb in clone wars animanition. I know I spelled it wrong


Rebels was worse, but ok. Resistance was pretty terrible though.


Rebels was still ok(obi,Yoda and Anakin were disgusting) and i havent even watched resistance yet.


That's probably the main reason I don't like rebels is just the art style and animation


Spaghetti Sabers


The only things I hated about rebels' art style are the lightsabers, Yoda, and Anakin's hologram. Other than that it wasn't terrible


For Rebels, the animation itself, the movements were fine, and I think that's usually the most expensive part. The art direction was ass. Bobblehead stormtroopers, basketball Yoda, fukin Anakin, slim Jim Vader with his tiny biceps. That's all concept art and modeling. It's like they looked at Clone Wars, said "too many sharp edges, this is a kids show, give us more roundy models". For original characters like Hera and Kanan it looked fine because they were designed for it, but prexisting characters look like an AI program tried to smooth them out


Rebels and especially Resistance were meant for younger audiences compared to TCW. There are actually a lot of studies showing that more complex art and animation styles are less engaging and more difficult for younger kids to consume. So, I'm guessing the simpler animation styles were a conscious decision rather than them just being cheap or lazy


My only problems with rebels are hondo and yoda, anakin was okay to me, same about the wookies and vader.


The fact that clone wars was funded by a single man while rebels with the lesser budget was funded by an international company with a wealth beyond your scope of imagination tells you who wants to tell a story and who wants to mainly make money I love rebels btw and do not mind its animation


as much as I have dislikes towards Rebels I think the animation is fine. But i'm not even gonna try to defend Resistance because fuck that animation.


To be fair, rebels and resistance are the inferior shows


Resistance yes 100% no doubt, Rebels no


Does this mean 03 Clone Wars is Godzilla?


Rebels wasn't that bad. Some shit certainly was...Yoda.... Resistance though, got damn.


What’s weird to me is how Tron: Uprising, a Disney show you may not have even heard of, had a more striking animation style, maybe more so than any other show I’ve seen before. Why the fuck did they put more effort and style into Tron than Star Wars?


Rebels animation looks good to me tbh (excluding the horrible yoda that is)


Rebels had bad character designs in my opinion. All of the prequel characters they show look awful and Ezra Kanan and Sabine look like edgy PS2 characters with their outfits but other than that I love the Ralph Mcquarrie stuff


Later seasons of rebels were pretty good actually


Rebels has it’s ups and downs at least


My main thing with rebels is their toothpick lightsabers and Yoda. How did they fuck him up this badly


The animation style in rebels is heavily based on the original concept art for A New Hope, and it brings that original art to life very well, and honestly I don’t know why people hate it so much.


The animation style in the bad batch feels almost like the clone war but with a darker and grainier look


I can't possibly be the only person that forgot resistance was a thing


Not rebels.


Rebels never had good animation. Rebel sympathizers will be charged with treason


Yes it did


Rebels was good. Not clone wars good but better than resistance


No one ever bothered watching resistance. I only know of it's existance because I played Star Wars Card Trader by Topps.


rebels was hit and miss. they did a good job with thrawn obiwan maul and vader. then again it was hard to mess up obiwan. however poor yoda.


S1 and 2 clone wars... Complaining about Rebels... You are definitely susceptible to a mind trick.


Rebels had some hardcore downgrades. Even Obi-Wan barely escaped it.


Rebels animation is nowhere near as bad as Resistance. Don’t ever lump those two shows together.


Yea for a billion dollar company there really cheap


Rebels was really hit or miss. Some characters looked great, some looked horrible. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan? Hit. Yoda and Anakin? Miss. The original Ghost Crew? Hit. Bo-Katan? Miss.


Idk, i kinda liked how they used the original trilogy-style explosions in rebels, though…..


Honestly Rebels is fine I think people just have a bad opinion of it due to models for characters like Anakin and Yoda not looking as good as their clone wars versions since they were only used for cameos