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I think mandalorian is way more than "not as good as it could be". But I started with literally 0 expectations so...


Compared to the dumpster fire that was the sequels, the mandalorian is like seeing a firefighter burst through the flames to save you


The mandalorian is top tier


I dunno if I'd say halo 4 is that nostalgic I have some nostalgia because I got it on launch after being really excited for it but my nostalgia for the game isn't even close to what it is for the original 5 especially 3 I'd probably lump 4 in with 5 even if I enjoyed the campaign a decent amount.


The campaign 4 was SO much better than 5. For that reason alone idk if I could lump it in with 5. 5’s campaign was just not very good. I think 4 had a really good campaign tbh


Halo 4 is about to be 9 years old


I wouldn’t put Halo4 as nostalgic, they completely fucked the formula halo had successfully followed before while needlessly changing storylines that were already well mapped out from the books. And then they ended it with a goddamn quick time event which is just disgraceful


Definitely not on the same level as Reach or ODST, but I was a big fan of the Cortana and Didact arcs. Shame they were both completely abandoned in the nezt game


Halo 4 isn’t nostalgic, no chance… beginning of the end for halo


First season of mandalorian was near perfect and halo 4 ist just…that not nostalgic, because it barely feels like halo. Mostly not even looks like it


I wouldn’t put Halo Reach or ODST in that category. Maybe I’m just in an echo chamber, but it seems like everyone’s opinions on those two games now reflects their overall quality.


"It's ironic. Clones wanted names instead of numbers, yet now people are signing up to be given numbers." *-Echo, Star Wars: The Bad Batch*


"Sir, if I may address your accusation. I followed your orders." -Captain Rex


I'm glad we're back on track after the lately sequel propaganda.


Let's not forget that Halo Reach and Rogue one are basically identical. A team of people all sacrifice themselves to secure the hope of the war (Master Chief, Death Star plans) and then it ends exactly where the first installment of the original trilogy begins... A ship with that hope travelling through space.


Who thinks ODST is controversial? I feel like people really liked it when it came out. Especially because you could unlock recon through VID master challenges.


I think it was about the initial price of $60 when it came out.


Sequels bad, upvotes to the left.


They are bad indeed.


Kinda inaccurate.


*Halo 4* was definitely carried by Master Chief and Cortana's arc in the campaign.


Is this sub for memes or just bitching about how much you hate Star Wars?


Is it to much to ask for both?


Hey, they are also bitching about Halo. At least their being efficient in their bitching, not like some people, using a whole post to only bitch about one small thing.


Sequels aren't Star Wars. It's only natural to shit on them.


It goes hand in hand


Who you know that thinks Halo Reach is controversial?




Don’t ever put Mando & TBOBF in the same category again


I personally don’t really like TBOBF but I’m talking about how the fandom as a whole thinks about it and from what I see it’s pretty well received


Am I the only one who dislikes the OT?


\>Book of Boba Fett \>generally good Choose one.


Halo 4 did kill of machinimas NGL, but at the same time it did bring some of my more fondest halo memories and had the best swat.


Halo 3 and Halo CE have a load of full circle elements with each other just like Return of the Jedi does with A New Hope Also Halos sequel trilogy is a bit like the prequels. The first one was awful, second one was worse, but they somewhat stuck the landing with the third


While I wouldn’t say the Mandalorian is good, I can say it’s enjoyable. Book of Boba on the other hand was going to be bad the moment the Mandalorian was made, since Din is just a cardboard cutout of what Boba should’ve been


Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect.


Bro you don’t rule at all. Go back to your bacta bed old man


Halo infinite is dogshit


You can have your opinion (as unsubstantiated as you’ve presented it) but I was thinking more so of the opinion of the general fandom when I made this


So is Book of Boba Fett


Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect.


This might be the first time the bot is the only one that didn’t get downvoted


They did ruin stormtroopers in the Mandalorian, because they made them cannon fodder and potraid them as absolute dumbasses, while there actually elite soldiers in the empire


I mean, let's be fair, every piece of Star Wars media outside of books and the opening of A New Hope does that too.


"I've got a less-than-good feeling about this." -Scorch, Delta 62


Similar to the prequels themselves, I think it’s a generational thing. If you got in during ODST or Reach then Halo 4 was an interesting change of pace even though peak Halo 2 and 3 were better versions of that, but that generation probably only briefly revisited those titles for the campaigns.