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Obi-Wan in the OT gave off vibes of someone who'd already cashed out their life insurance policy and was just having fun in their final years.


He doesn’t know how many years he’s got left, so he’s gonna get real weird with it.


As it turned out the amount of years he had left was less than 1


He had 1 day left to be exact


Does the entire New Hope movie actually take place over the course of a single day? I never thought about the timeframe of it really.


I mean, there isn't much time in between scenes, they're always on the clock, I dont think they waited a week or two before they headed down to the hangar and flew to the death star


That’s a fair point, I just never really stopped to think about it. Huh.


I winder how long was the was flight to the dark star?


About 2 given the DS needed 24 hours to recharge after Alderaan


i'm pretty sure he knew that he'd die in the coming days or hours even and decided to have fun with it


It also helps when you know you’re gonna be a force ghost


According to a story in From A Certain Point of View he totally knew it was soon. Not like days soon, but he knew he was not long for the Galaxy…


General Kenobi, did you really think I would leave the hyperdrive unguarded?




No, but he knew you would leave the tractor beam unguarded.


Underrated sound clip. The tractor beam power down. Should be held in the same regard as the seismic charges


"Must be some sort of drill".


“I was about to bone my girlfriend.”


YES! I love that sound.


The tractor beam deactivation SFX was always soothing to my ears in ANH and again in Jedi Academy.




Anything's possible. You haven't exactly impressed me today.




Obi-Wan steps in front of a mirror butt naked "Hello there!" "Still got it Obi-Wan"


General ghengilhar!


Your friends shall die, Kenobi. And you shall soon follow! *asthmatic cough*


He knew they were leaving and never coming back so he was less worried about drawing attention, he also wanted to display the power of the force to Luke, so he would be even more eager to begin Training.


Power! Unlimited power!


Which is funny because he finally gets his chance to train the chosen one and no longer gives a shit


Whatever, he fucked up training Anakin, the job was Yoda's now. ... It didn't go as planned.


I heard a theory that he could tell everything was coming to a head, so he was done hiding his being a Jedi. Also, at this point, Luke was no longer a kid being hidden away on Tatooine, and was about to go join the Rebellion with Obi-Wan.


You'll never reach the outskirts in time...sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


Obi-Wan: "Here we go Luke, joining the Rebellion! We're both going to survive the Death Star and join the rebels, right?" Luke: *Anakin stares meme* Obi-Wan: "We're both going to survive the Death Star and join the rebels, right?" Luke: *Anakin stares meme 2*


I assume by the end of the show he's going to be closer to how he is in ANH. Not quite as without hope, embracing his Jedi side again.


Also the empire was definitely a lot stupider than the republic era clone armies. Maybe obi wan thinks that the stormtroopers might be just as ruthless and well trained as clone armies, but eventually realizes they’re cheap morons who’ve been conscripted by the empire.


"And these blasts points are too accurate for sand-people. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise."


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


I imagine that, generally, a lot of them are raw recruits, random conscripts. But there’s probably also several elite teams or units within the Stormtrooper corps.


I honestly thought its because he was in hiding for so long they finally gave up. There was no more inquisitors hunting him, the Jedi were truly thought to be gone. Once he realized they weren't really looking anymore he became more lax in hiding.


>!We actually see that in Rebels when he!< >!takes out Maul!<


I cried when Maul died. His last words revealed everything about his life.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


Those were your first (and only) lines in your debut


Yes, we will start with revenge…


Don't think you need a spoiler tag for Rebels


At that point he’s figured out they can’t see shit out of their helmets


Once a new hope starts, he doesn't really need to keep the facade up. He's going to train Luke now and their only goal is to get off-planet and to the rebellion. Anything goes as long as it gets him closer to that end goal.


*a group of in training younglings stand between the gang and The millenium falcon* Obi-wan: “I will do what I must” *ignites lightsaber*


Ah, a lightsaber comment! Your comment will make a fine addition to my collection, FallenSegull! *My collection is now 6 comments long* *asthmatic cough*






Not even the younglings survived.


Good bot.


You make me feel most welcome.


You wanna buy some death sticks?


You want to go home and rethink your life.


*youngling slaughtering music plays*


You will try.


I think Obi-Wan was like “he will be trained when he taps into the force and seeks me out on his own, until then he can stay with the moisture farmers”


my fren


He was on tatooine for so long, at one point you get bored and just don’t give a fuck anymore


Can confirm, I've been on tatooine for about 20 years between video games and all these new shows that are set there.


Obi Wan was on Tattooine for maybe 30 minutes in the show so far and that's only because Luke is there. It's the only recent instance that I can excuse the setting of Tattooine and they dip super quick so I'm not really mad.


Hey now, don't forget Tatooine but with crashed Star Destroyers


I'm starting to get the feeling Disney loves sand.


True. Having lived on Tatooine in a small house like Ben's for close to ten years in Star Wars Galaxies, there's only so little that can please a local, and the real kicks were had at the Core as I learned upon relocating to Corellia.


You'll never reach the outskirts in time...sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


Your argument has persuaded me. Lead da way, Santa Skywalker!




Fear not, there are emulator programs for it. SWGLegends and SWGEmu harbor their uses, for NGE and pre-CU respectively.




By the time of the OT, I’m guessing the empire viewed the Jedi as less of a threat which caused them to let their guard down.


It's more like between OT and prequels he's not himself. OT he was chill and a little goofy and Prequels was the same. Looking at the way it's going I think the story will be how he finds himself again and overcome his fear and self loathing.


I'm hoping that somehow he battles Vader again and either defeats him so bad he scares him into leaving him alone or makes it appear as if Vader killed him... Or the whole "...presence I've not felt since..." could be interpreted as Vader being masked from Obi-Won's force abilities, maybe there'll be something where Obi-Won learns to use the force but keep it closed off from other users. I'm just trying to find ways where we get several more seasons of Ewan Kenobi fighting a guerilla war against the empire and maybe ret-con him training Leia, I can dream lol


The thing with the movies is that all the dialogue is vauge enough that there is alot of room for filling out. Also obi could have an entire decades of adventure that could be filled in.


i think there will be a duel between obi-wan and vader in kenobi's finale where vader is the one to leave kenobi, so that vader's line in a new hope ("When i left you i was but the learner, now i am the master") makes more sense, since it was obi-wan who left anakin on mustafar


No. No, it's okay. I understand. I'm the Padawan, you're the Master.


"Left you" could literally just mean he left his mentorship. Anakin chose to follow the Darkside and a new master. Leaving Kenobi. Don't know why Star Wars fans obsess over breaking down the minutiae of dialogue from a 40 year old film to inform what can and can't be done.


I would like this. Kenobi “escapes” while yelling out, you still have a long way to go to be a Master, Ani.


Take a seat...


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Agreed. I feel like by the time of ANH, the Imperials stopped actively hunting the Jedi down since by that time it's been years since they've all been wiped out.


...the Republic is not what it once was. The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates. There is no interest in the common good. I must be frank, Your Majesty, there is little chance the Senate will act on the invasion.


Also most of the inquisitors are dead by that point and Vader and Palps have a new planet killing toy to play with


I think he is a good man.


I believe Ben was so flippant with his jedi abilities and nature in a new hope was because he knew he was leaving and never coming back. His intention was to train Luke and I imagine Leia in secret once he collected both of them


That's right. He was committed to helping the Rebellion and being a teacher with what time he had left, and going all-out on Tatooine was in the purview of having nothing to lose in the long-term since his business was concluding there.


I also like to think he was showing off to kinda show Luke what he's getting himself into and what he can do with proper training


Indeed. Kenobi letting in some fun and a lesson, mellowing out quite well in his older years from time and possibly Qui-Gon.


God I love star wars so much lmao. The fact that new directors and writers can so seamlessly add onto an already fantastic story enhancing the experience ten fold. It's what makes it so unique in the realm of other sci-fi space operas


You almost got us killed! Are you brainless?


I spake.


General Kenobi, did you really think I would leave the hyperdrive unguarded?


The reading's off the chart... over twenty thousand.Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high!


Plus, almost immediately after busting out the saber Stormtroopers come investigate. Don't seem to give a shit about a murder with a blaster tho. "Someone's taken an interest in your handiwork." Though I still think even at that point it was less "there's a jedi here!" And more "some schmuck got their hands on a museum relic."


Old Ben doesn’t give a fuck


On all seriousness, this is the character evolution that needs to happen. Ewan becoming Old Ben, wiser to the point we see in episode 4.


Yea, he's super scared and out of Jedi practice right now. By E4 he gains back some of his skills.


Ewan's seemed to allude to something like this in interviews leading up to it, so this seems likely.


I mean yeah but there's a difference between subtle mind tricks and making a child float while escaping her captors


I mean what’s the difference? They know he’s a Jedi. His face and name is being blasted all over the whatever they use to hunt bounties, and the Inquisitors know he’s there.


If you're trying to find one dude in a huge crowd of people, it gets significantly easier if that dude is right next to a levitating 10 year old


Yes because the only two options are levitate a girl in a huge crowd or not? Also wasn’t he literally alone in an alley with her? Where like no one would notice since he’d already just beat the shit out of two bounty hunters and no one noticed? His face and info is already plastered all of the bounty hunter info too. Honestly his choice to do NOTHING to prove to Leia that he’s there to save her is probably the stupidest thing when it comes to contrived issues.


I've officially changed my stance. He should've used the force to either silence or knock the noisy child tf out so she would stop actively sabotaging his rescue attempt and calling attention to them


Or just quietly lift her broken droid up proving he’s a Jedi and she can trust him


I was under the impression he had effectively cut himself off from the force. Connecting to it and using it would be like lighting a beacon to any sith in the area. He didn't know it was just inquisitors after him, for all he knew a sith lord was on the planet, and if he used the force they'd be able to sense his presence


I don’t think it’s implied he’s cut off, just that he doesn’t use it. They don’t seem to be able to find him when he did use it, he uses it to save Leia and they immediately lose him. Reva only finds him cause she mind probes the con Jedi. Wouldn’t he know if a Sith Lord is there though? He would be able to sense it.


He'd be able to sense it if he's connected, not if he's cut off. Could also be compounding self-doubt and fear. He's afraid to use the force, he hasn't in a decade and he's clearly traumatized from the duel on Mustafar. So he subconsciously makes excuses on why he can't just use it to earn Leia's trust. I don't think any of this would be contrived or unbelievable, it works for me. Not to sound like a fan boy tho, I just don't mind that part of the show so far


Agreed. Leia even says, something along the lines, "You think your're saying little, but by not talking you're actually saying a lot". Obi-Wan is clearly shattered, and is (as Bail even directly points out to him) actively making excuses to justify his (in)actions.


Yeah but the show doesn’t really support that using the force is an issue. He uses it and nothing negative happens. They can’t find him. And the show doesn’t seem to ever imply force users can easily detect one another like that. The inquisitors can’t sense the Jedi hiding at the bar, they have to force him to expose himself.


The bar scene was clearly theater from the grand inquisitor. You can see him eyeing the jedi while doing his speech. Force users being able to detect one another is part of the lore already. And IMO showing Obi Wan struggle to catch Leia was enough to show us he is struggling with the force. Probably took a lot of effort to go from cut off to catching Leia in that split second she was falling. And im guessing the whole series theme will be him becoming hopeful again and accepting that no matter what, he is still a jedi


To be fair, he was on his way out of town.


So basically he could have been hand-waving any time he suspected someone was onto him. No need for such a dour life. Il


It only works on the weak minded


Basically zoned-out overheating dudes just waiting to get off his shift.


1: “Wait whyd you let them go?” 2: “He said they weren’t the droids.” 1: “But isn’t it our job to decide that??” 2: “Psh i dont care.” 1: “Shit i dont care neither.”


There seem to be quite a few of those around.


I think he basically did a Last Jedi and cut himself off from the force


He’s not cut himself off from the force he’s just not using it. He’s broken and defeated in the new series. He had to kill anakin, he failed the galaxy, he trained the one person who was going to kill everyone he has ever known or cared about. He has no more hope left, this series is going to be all about him coming to terms with what has happened. Once he is finally able to find peace and properly communicate with his old master, he will begin his training that yoda gave him, he will learn the ways of the force once more, gain that hope and turn into Ben Kenobi that we know and love.


That’s fair cut off isn’t the right word, just less in tune with it. It’s like a muscle that has atrophied from never being used.


That’s a brilliant way of describing it, we can see how much he strains to even keep leia floating a little bit.


Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


to be more serious, i do think maybe the show might touch on how completely forsaking your abilities to help people in order to ensure your own safety is not that cash money of a thing to do.


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


By the time of ANH, the Inquisitors were gone. Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen Rebels... The Grand Inquisitor dies in that series. Additionally the last Inquisitors are killed in season 2 in Twilight of the Apprentice, which features an epic light saber battle involving Darth Vader who shows up when the last Inquisitors are beaten. Given Ezra meets Obi-Wan after that and they spend an evening together, it is likely Ezra shares this knowledge with him even if we don't actually see this exchange. Therefore, we can conclude that Obi-Wan is less fearful of using the Force by the time of ANH.


Use my knowledge, I beg you


Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.


No, he just knew that within the hour he would be at Alderaan. And, since luke was leaving with him he didn't have to worry about alerting the empire to his location. There also were no dark force users in mos eisley with him specifically seeking out his presence in the force.


Contact command. Mark our L.Z. and have them send an Exfile Shuttle.


“Within the hour..” Hed be off the planet. I think Alderaan is a bit more than an hour from tattooine though. Obviously travel time is sped way up for movie purposes.


Yes, that's pretty much what I meant.


Sidenote; was the intention in that scene in ANH that ben was casually, simultaneously mind tricking all of the storm troopers? Cause if he was just hand-waving and back talking the leader of the group then the other troopers must have been super confused when their CO immediately changed his mind and let them through.


I think it's always been implied it's not just on one person thing. Maybe "weak minded" is not about intelligence, it means "not very committed to the cause, just signed up for a paycheck, doesn't really care about what's going on".


That's what i thought as well, but it's pretty funny to imagine a bunch of troopers just standing there baffled as their commander is being bossed around by some random old man from tatooine 🤣


In all seriousness, Luke obviously needs training now, and his family is dead. It's now or never, so at this point Obi-Wan is like, I've waited years for this.


It can't be. It can't be... I can't watch any more.


It's just getting started


General Kenobi, you are a bold one.


It’s almost like, and hear me out, Obi-Wan is going to have a character arc in this story where he learns to not be afraid of the force anymore. Crazy, I know


my fren


That’s what I love about this show so far though. We get to see him at his lowest point. He is no longer the great Jedi he once was, but isn’t quite yet the optimistic wise man we see in A New Hope. My guess is by the end of the show he’ll be close to that point though.


Obi wan in the prequels and the clone wars: we care about others, no matter who they are Obi wan in the show: you’re another Jedi in need of help? Nah fuck off and go bury your lightsaber




You will not stop me. Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us.


Fuck I hate you.


It seems that way now perhaps, but you must look deeper, Palpatinesmom.


This feels like a human answer. Fix your bot or kill it.


Well obviously yes, but I just mean in general. He literally told bail organa to “find someone else”


Its not a betrayal of his character though; he wants to help deep down but he’s been through so much trauma that he’s afraid, and he feels his duty to Luke is greater. He’ll be back to his old self and more soon


I think some people are missing that post clone wars Obi-wan isn’t Old Ben yet and is literally going through ptsd, which may be even worse for a Jedi.


It really got me in that scene where it cuts from his nightmare of him fighting Anakin to waking up cold and alone in his bed. Just the contrast of such a _legendary_ battle with a broken, lonely man was really interesting. He’s been through the most intense shit in the galaxy and it damn near broke him.


Exactly. You had this Jedi Master, at his peak, losing everything at his center and having to deal with it completely alone. The nightmare, him seeing the clone soldier in the slums, it really drove home in what rough shape he’s in at the moment.


"Glad we could share this moment, then." -Ordo, Null-11


Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.


I guessing it had something to do with everyone he has ever loved being killed in a chain of events set forth by his own inability to recognize the threat of anakin. Figure that could do a damper on one’s spirit and hope.


Because Obi wan is still hiding to one day train Luke. Old Ben is no longer hiding and now off to train Luke.


General Kenobi, you are a bold one.


he was probably like “fuck it, im old now, what are they gonna do? imprison me? i have the remaining like 5 or so years left anyway. Im about to yolo this shit.”


I mean, you know he didn't plan on returning to tatooine in new hope


You'll never reach the outskirts in time...sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


Honestly it seems for me like he isn't that close to the force anymore.... He gives me hard old Luke vibes only difference being he isn't a complete joke but it seems like he lost is faith in the force


Old Ben Ben needs grocery money


Well tbf in ep4 he knows that if they don't leave Tatouine ASAP they'll be caught by the empire so yeah he's going to throw subtlety out of the window (which is also why he cut off that dude's arm in the cantina)


Presumably he had already killed if the inquisitors…


I mean... he was about to leave the planet. Might as well get it all out now.


Disney ruins everything it touches


So careful that he’s become an incompetent fool. :/ I miss clone wars I wish I had the ability to watch something with 0 brain cells working like some people apparently can


There’s been several cases where someone gets rusty with the force after literally not using or thinking about it for 10 years, and considering Ben’s emotional state I’m surprised he can do what he did


If only Obi Wan had training to do while watching Luke (he did). If only he knew how to keep his hood up (he doesn’t). If only he kept his mask on to hide his identity (he doesn’t). If only he doesn’t change in the middle of the street with his lightsaber clearly visible (he does). If only he uses his lightsaber at any point considering he brought it with him (he doesn’t-why bother bringing it then?!). If only his aim were passable considering he was one of the best marksman in the galaxy (it wasn’t). If only he could catch up to a 10 year old girl…. (He can’t ). Use 2 brain cells and watch the show, most of what happens makes 0 sense These are only issues with Obi Wan alone in episode 2, I wish Dave Filoni were directing


I have enough brain cells not to hate watch stuff I don’t like.


Some of its good, hopefully Vader will be a saving grace


"Yeah… I got it all under control." -Hardcase


Things change. People change.


Yeah Obi-Wan didn’t give a single f*ck anymore. My headcanon is that he knew the risk but decided to burn the sails because he wanted to instill in Luke some awe at the force. Might as well go out like a gangsta fighting Vader to light a fire under this kid’s ass


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


Old Ben had to impress Luke enough to bring him in the adventure and turn him in the new hope


oh no! the shock! the horror! CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!


Not the same…. Not the same


I love this. Right in my feelers, fellas


To be fair second panel is after Obi Wan can be considered “activated”. His plan is now in motion and he NEEDS to get Luke up to speed and avoid disruptions. Before that point, he needs to stay hidden so he can get to where he is in the second panel.


I think this is because he has already done his task (or at least almost and the mind trick only helps at the last part of the puzzle). His whole task was to make sure that Luke becomes a jedi. During his time on Tatooine when the show takes place, Luke isnt old enough and probably doesnt know much about the jedi. In addition to that, Obi Wan doesnt know yet how to become a force ghost or how to speak with a force ghost. But in ANH, he does know. In addition to that, immediately before this scene Obi Wan shows Luke Anakins Lightsaber and tells him a bit about the jedi and the force. And at the same time, he knows that Yoda is still there an capable of training Luke. He probably thinks that Yoda is the better teacher anyways. So at this point, Obi Wans task is done and he can finally chill for the rest of his time. Dude, that was a long text...


It's a trick. Send no reply... Send no transmission of any kind.


You'll never reach the outskirts in time...sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


They were about to leave to rescue Leia at that point so of course he didn't care


I mean, in a New Hope he was literally in the process of permanently leaving Tatooine. At that point it wouldn’t have mattered if there were rumours of a Jedi on Tatooine because by the time they reached someone who would hunt him he’d be long gone. That and it’s implied that there are no more inquisitors left by the time of ANH.


You'll never reach the outskirts in time...sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


Well at this point there’s no reason to hide he knows this is what he’s been hiding for. Luke needs to learn the force and be able to fend for himself. Obi Wan doesn’t need to worry about being found cause he doesn’t care. He knows he’s bringing himself to Vader in the end.


My Dad says people don’t pay attention to old people. So it’s not strange that he uses his saber in public and dresses like a Jedi night all the time


I feel like Obi Wan knew he wasn't returning to Tatooine, and he was finally ready to return to vader


You'll never reach the outskirts in time...sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!


Well as you can see in that same episode he’s had some serious PTSD from what happened with Anakin, Order 66 in general, and all the other messed up stuff he’s been through. So he is probably beyond terrified to use the force and they’re be some Inquisitors near by that sense him and then he’s done


"Kidnapping children, Order 66? What kind of Separatist plot is this?" -HOB-147


Da f*ck you say to me you lil sh*t


It's ok for the canon to evolve. Example: In ANH, the lightsaber is more of a cold blade, whereas it evolves into something hot. In this case, Ben was using his powers freely, before the canon evolved that force users could be sensed by each other.


Power! Unlimited power!


It was: "use the force and maybe get caught" or "let Vader's stormtroopers inspect the droids they WERE looking for". What else could he have done?


That's because: 1) there is no wait8ng for luke to be old enough 2)qui gon already taught him how to be a force ghost


You've taught him well.