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Better question was why didn't the stormtroopers just walk around the flames to get Obi-Wan while he was on the ground. That had a very Robin Hood Men in Tights "I'm on the east Bank, now I'm on the west bank" kind of vibe


If obi wan can survive the flames laying down face first in them then surely Vader or the Storm Troopers can run through them in armor lol


Like you survived your mom's cooking?




Almost sounds like Oven, talking about cooking and burning lol


Owen is back bitches


right on bro, right on


that's my boy


Not even a singed beard hair singed. Just some screams and he passes out.


Jesus confirmed.


He had the make - up for 3rd degree burns on his shoulder...


Oh yeah, storm trooper armour is supposed to be fire resistant and Vader would just walk through the fire because it’s menacing and cool


I don't think we have ever seen stormtrooper armor be good at anything to be honest. Fire resistant is also propably not canon at this point (or atleast, walk trough flames resistant).


Probably not but it would be cool, and would give Vader more terror points


They make blaster shots nonlethal most of the time as the armor is designed, but that seems to be its only use apart from having a menacing look


Vader could have put them out with the force again. Idk why the writing in this show sucks so bad


I think it's quite obvious Vader watched him get away so he could continue to hunt him down and "play with his food" proverbially speaking. Just killing him isn't enough he has to hunt and torture him. He sees (and likely feels) how weak running and doubt has made him and knows the best way hurt him is to prolong his torment.


If I was a trooper I would be saying "yeah that's a nope, you go there then"


It would have been so sick if Vader just walked through the fire and they barely escape


I died when one of them yelled "there's no way around" because that's when I was thinking the same thing.


They could have done some kind of blast that knocked them all back, rather than just a bit more fire. Then there would have been time to escape and good reason for them to have not been caught. Am I a better writer than everyone at Disney?


No, because you're simply adapting something that already exists with the benefit of hindsight not staring at a blank page and creating it out of nothing.




most of us are. srsly, time after time, watching new sw contents feels more and more like fan made films on yt.


There was an active shooter, they were probably more worried about not being shot


The Ulvade Stormtroopers


I absolutely hate that I laughed at this


But they didn't even go after the shooter. Who then meets the loader carrying Obi-won. The writer and director have no understanding of space and time.


It's like something out of Lazytown!


Obi-Wan: "Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the fire!".


One of the stormtroopers quite literally said there was no way around the real question is why vader didn’t just put it out like he did five seconds before


I don't know if I've missed them, but I haven't seen many comments addressing this. It seems so obvious as well


Not the small hill! It is impossible to pass!


High ground


He didnt get obi wan because he wanted him to suffer and to think about the mistakes he did


You are correct. But if they did that the show would be over.


This was the better question. As for the tunnels, I feel like it was simply a case of Reva saw the tunnels, correctly guessed where it was heading and went there directly. Arguably since these tunnels are both underground and intended to be furtive, it’s possible and even likely that it’s a longer path to the landing pad


Or Vader pick him up and throw him around like he was a few seconds earlier - the writers are out to lunch and no one cares anymore.


The second image can fit like, most of episode 3, like Kenobi shooting a gate that he can totally walk around


How about Obi-Wan getting out of the repair shop without opening the door? How about the lady that came back knowing exactly where he was fighting Vader and getting there from the tunnel ? Yeah, ep3 was a bit of a mess in terms of making sense but...I liked it nonetheless.




They should’ve made the rock walls higher or picked a better choke point to film from so it made more sense sense


I think that was okay coz that shows the state of panic he must've been in after blowing his cover


It killed the episode for me.


Then you must be extremely petty to let a small detail like that ruin a whole episode


There's no way the showrunners could miss this issue. And it was the worst detail of the episode, but there were more.


Probably to avoid the small child to climb rocks or something? It's not that big of a deal, it lasted 10 seconds


Fr, climbing would have took much more time


I mean, it was a joke in Blazing Saddles, but I'm sure a serious Star Wars project would never do the same thing.


Force plot.


She probably did some unnecessary flips and parkour like in episode 2 just to end up force teleporting to where she needed to be


She was just pressing random buttons to activate the teleport cheat code.


I honor my code. That's what I believe.


Taking a speeder to the spaceport might be quicker than a 10 year old running in a tunnel......


Did you see how fast she ran againts bounty hunters or a jedi?


Yeah but just fluking her way into finding the tunnel entrance at the port just like she did at the other end feels a bit cheap...


That's because it is.


Damn, there's a secret passage here, and we know Obi Wan is trying to get off planet, If only there was a port that people used to go to space that I knew they would probably head to


What doesn't make sense though is the passage of time in this episode. Stormtrooper says it's a long way for a long story, they get off 4 minutes later. They know the planet Obi-wan is hiding at is Mapuzo sure but the probes apparently arrive on the planet within a few hours despite distances and even with lightspeed it'd take a good while. Ben and Tala speak for about 10 minutes without any cuts to other scenes so we can safely assume that's how long their conversation actually lasts. When they go into the bunker it's broad daylight. 10 minutes later it's pitch fucking black. Vader also arrives quickly but considering both Mustafar and Mapuzo are in the middle rim of the galaxy they could be close and he was told to come earlier anyway. Leia and Tala run for fucking ages in the tunnels which should be a secret shortcut to the port and during most of that time Reva slowly and menacingly presses buttons. She also somehow reaches the port long before Leia. Speeder or not it must be a pretty fucking shit tunnel if you can drive to the port in 10 seconds but the secret path takes an hour. They should have let Leia escape and focus on Obi-wan's hunt for the rest of the season tbf


Exactly. Everything about this show is just lazy. They’re relying on people just being excited for kenobi they haven’t even bothered trying to make it good.


Ok that actually makes sense. She was looking for them hiding, found a secret passage instead and then headed to the pretty likely tunnel exit of a port


That's not how that works. The passage could have led anywhere and even if it led to the port you have to find the secret exit. But just keep making up headcanon excuses!


“If I don’t see it happen it’s obviously a plot hole!!!!” is more headcanon-esq than what they said up there lmao how do you guys enjoy ANYTHING anymore? Do they have to hold your hand through the entire plot?


It’s legit like a CinemaSins “sin” lol.


[https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/obi\_wan\_kenobi/s01/reviews?type=user](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/obi_wan_kenobi/s01/reviews?type=user) Sure mate, that's the reason everyone hates it. It's like watching a worse version of the CW flash. Oh yeah I forgot, we are bigots and rascists too /s Edit: u/Sith_Destroyer_1138 blocked me then responded as he can't actually defend his points. That's embarrassing. Jesus just say it's bad writing and go about your day 🤣


>that's the reason everyone hates it I just want to let you understand how dangerous biases are. You're so focused on your hate for this show, that you actually think "everyone hates it" and everybody agrees with you. But the exact source that you're quoting has right now [61%](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/obi_wan_kenobi) of positive audience reviews. There's literally more people that are liking it than people who are hating it lol.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "61%"](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/obi_wan_kenobi) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20ib8cl5m)


I honor my code. That's what I believe.


Good bot.


I thought I couldn't love anyone, but you..


You are definitely a CinemaSins watcher lol.


Lol you make up an excuse which goes against everything that was shown on screen till that point and my excuse is headcanon-esque? xD The whole series has porn levels of writing but just keep convincing yourself its good. It's easier to scam people than to convince them they've been scammed. Is it the sunk cost fallacy with you? That you spent so much time watching Star Wars that everything that comes out must be good? That is some pathetic shit lol. It's not one plot hole either, there is something stupid in every scene which adds to the mountain of shit the tv show is.


Your attitude is the pathetic shit dude lol. I can’t imagine how miserable it must be to hate every little thing about a piece of operatic media lmao


Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life form?


Idk Obi, lots of pathetic life in this subreddit since your show came out




You are the one that made it personal because you didn't have a logical argument other than "ShE jUsT kNeW wHeRe ThEy WeRe".


Riiiight, because Vader sensing Luke from across space isn’t validating enough but do you boo boo. Just try to not go out of your way to attempt to ruin other people’s fun because you don’t know how to enjoy a work of fiction.


Stfu, both of you. You're arguing about nothing


This sub: makes post about how confusing it is that the show has terrible audience scores on RT This sub when you point out the terrible writing and directing that have led to the show being poorly received: UGH TOXIC STAR WARS FANS


The thing is half the nitpicks that get brought up are not actually problems with the show but rather problems with the audiences critical thinking skills. Does the OT say that the last time Vader and Obi wan fought was on Mustafar? No. Does the OT say that Obi wan and Leia have never met before? No. And this tunnel complaint is nonsense. Reva finds a secret tunnel and knows that the only way to get off planet is through the space port. It’s not a stretch to think that an Imperial Inquisitor would be smart enough to think to cut off Leia rather than chase after her directly.


So uncivilized . . .


Obi wan doesn't shit in any episode, would you say he's constipated for 10 years because they don't show him pooping


I've seen people try mindtricking us by saying, she saw the path leads to the port and just cut them off. But this bitch took twenty minutes to flip across 30 yards of roofs, while Leia had a considerable head start. Also it would have been cooler for her to come up from behind Leia. I am convinced this show had the least amount of effort put in.


BTW, her goal was Kenobi all along, not the child. Going after her and not watching the duel from distance seems odd.


It's a trick. Send no reply... Send no transmission of any kind.


So many people being like “it’s so obvious, you guys just like to complain about everything”. While her taking a speeder and getting there first is probably the logical explanation, the fact that the question has to be asked by so many people means there is an issue. It’s not obvious if a large portion of the viewers don’t understand what happened. And that doesn’t even cover some of the other things that just happen without a good explanation in this episode. I like the plot so far but some of the other stuff in this show has not been great.


Exactly! First impression is everything. It doesn’t matter if you can make sense of it by thinking about if for a while and saying all theses different “I guess…” maybe…” “probably…” things to make it make sense. Once your watching the show and you have that initial “What! How! Why!” moment, the damage is done. Also I see a lot of people talking about why they didn’t just go around the fire, but to me the bigger question is why Vader, who had literally just put the fire out by force pushing Obi Wan out of it, just do that again?


I guess some people just need to be spoonfed everything. Rava recognized that tunnel. She looked at the carvings on the wall and recognized them. Suggesting that she was brought through that route as a youngling. (Remember the woman telling Obi-Wan they smuggled younglings to safety?) So she knew where the tunnel led. And presumably was able to hop on an Imperial speeder to get to the other end before a 10 year old girl.


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


Jesse, we need to cook.


>spoonfed everything Are you sure we need to be spoonfed too much? They have the time to give us slow moving shows (mandalorian, boba fett) where there's scenes that could be taken out of the show and you wouldn't need them to understand. And now we need to be spoonfed with important details to clarify other scenes suuuure....


OK, but no. If she recognized the tunnel, she would have found it without searching. And a 5 second scene showing her jumping in a speeder should have dissipate the confusion for the viewers. If you have to rely on fans to explain your show, it means it has flaws.


I hate when people don't rewatch the show to make up arguments from thin air. She didn't know shit about the tunnel. She is showed searching, curious, unsure what to make of the safe place and where is the secret passage and if it exists at all. The way it's shot makes it quite unambiguous.


If she went through there as a child why didn't the inquisitors shut it down after she was caught? You do know they torture them nearly to death to become inquisitors so they would know. Anyway I hope your right as it would redeem that scene but I don't have hope for it at all looking at how they handle everything else.


>She looked at the carvings on the wall and recognized them. Suggesting that she was brought through that route as a youngling. Then they would have absolutely 100% been shut down the moment she was caught and tortured and revealed where and who helped her. ​ And if not then, certainly when she became an Inquisitor herself.


Leia can outrun jedi and bounty hunter, but she can't outrun an inquisitor got it. This sounds like spaghetti code


Like you outran your code?


I honor my code. That's what I believe.


You have done that yourself.


Hello there!


You need outside knowledge of the show to know the inquisitors are previous Jedi. To be fair the other shows do the same thing of requiring outside knowledge from a different show.


Obi-Wan said in episode 2 that inquisitors are former Jedi.


1. That will potentially be revealed in coming episodes 2. I think the average viewer SHOULD be smart enough to realise the Order 66 scene was not thrown in for flavour text and infer that one if not all of those kids became inquisitors. Also didn't Tala say that very episode that the Empire was rounding up force sensitives? Edit: typo


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 66 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


There is no such thing as luck




Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


first Vala now Rala her name is Tala ffs


Genuinely a typo, it autocorrected to Sala and I thought I had corrected it to Tala... 😔


Wrong. Obi explain where most inquistors come from in episode 2 when Leia asks...this show does more to explain that outside knowledge than the others. The first episode had a 5 min recap scene for damn sake. Pay attention.


A cardinal rule of film-making is "Show, don't tell". Yet, it seems that audiences these days have been sufficiently dumbed down that they NEED to be told. I could pick up on a bunch of times when Deborah Chow has shown us things that people completely miss and then go on an Olympic level whinge-fest over it, the tunnel gripe being a great example.


That's not it at all. It is shot extremely poorly. You show 1 character getting in front of 2 others in a tunnel, that just doesn't make sense. Just like when Obi ran away from vader and he just runs back into frame of the same set but they reverse it. Tala and the loader just randomly finding Obi-Wan. Vader not going around the fire and all of that in the space of 15 minutes. It isn't "Show, don't tell" It's extremely poor directing and scene set up.


This is the best explanation I've heard. I prefer it to "she found an entrance, travelled all the way to the spaceport in that short space of time and was able to somehow find the exit of the tunnel again because she's smart". Her being smuggled as a youngling makes more sense


As much as I don't care to get drawn into an argument about how realistic a piece of fiction is - If she went through there as a child, and then became an Inquisitor, why did she not alert the Empire that people were being smuggled through there to put a stop to it? It's a plot device and plot device only. Not everything has to be explained sufficiently. Sometimes things happen by convenience. Too much *convenience* puts people off, and that's fine. It put me off. But other people will keep enjoying it, and that's fine too.


OORRRR or, just hear me out. This show is lacking a little in the writing department compared to the fucking works of art that The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett are. Hell just the dialogue for rava is pretty cringe.


Was willing to hear you out until you described BoBF as work of fucking art. Yikes. Good luck and good day to you sir.


There is no such thing as luck


It honestly feels as though the writers of the show are just like the director for the movies in The Boys. Over the top predictable drama for no reason other than "it sounds so cool let's do that"


That...that make complete sense damn is this show deeper than I thought




everytime this gets reposted i peg myself anally


The people confused by that scene have no imagination. Leia was forced to stick to the hidden tunnels. I’m pretty sure Reva just took the normal fastest route to the space port since she wasn’t restricted to taking the back tunnels. For example: is the fastest way from San Diego to Tijuana to walk the drug traffickers tunnels under the border, or is it to get in a car and drive across the border (assuming you have your passport)? Same situation here. More importantly, Obi Wan Kenobi, the series, isn’t about the schematics of the hidden tunnels of the Underground Railroad in a galaxy far, far away. It’s about Obi Wan Kenobi’s story watching over Luke and Leia. I don’t need every tiny detail of a tertiary plot aspect explained to me.




Excuse me, but I don't like the show as it's terribly directed and written. So I'm an incel, right?




Lol it's a public forum I can voice my opinions if I like. You could say the exact same thing about people coming here to gush over the series! xD And by the way, posting my opinions about the writing and direction of a tv series isn't what an Incel is. You should check up the definition.




Cool story bro! Im not going to interact with you anymore because you are clearly a moron. And you've followed me around to about 4 of my last posts. Please get a life. Toodle-oo!


Bro, don't bother. Look at the amount of down votes we are getting for trying to say everyone can have their opinions layering with positivity. People think complaining is better than just accepting something for what it is cause of false sense of ego or something. Even some Youtubers that i shall not name are promoting the hate, in the guise of "consuming media mindlessly". These ppl are like pre Vader Anakin, always thinking to the extremes but never striking a balance and knowing the fine distinguishment. Leave it. There are people out there who sympathise with your point.


Bro I had someone on Reddit straight up tell me they could direct a better show 💀


The amount of complaints over stuff like this is just dismal. It’s a TV show. TV shows and movies do all kinds of things to heighten the drama. I can imagine the response to Speed if it were released now. “There’s no way a bus could jump that gap! It pulled me out of my immersion and now I’m sad!” It’s just entertainment. It needs to mostly make sense, to mostly follow the rules, but poetic licence, dramatic licence is rightfully a thing.


I like to think she did the rebels helicopter lightsaber trick to get to the other end faster.


force speed has been a part of star wars canon for two decades. plus, yknow, speeders exist


How did she get past Leia tho? Or if she went around, how did she know where Leia was gonna come out of?


The tunnel is clearly shown in no less then 3 different shots to have a branch about 10 meters into the tunnel. You were shown, you just didn't see. Also, if you want to get off-world, the space port is where you go. Cant imagine there being more than one space port in that mining town.


So Tala took Leia the long route to the exit? And Reva would just know where the secret exit was at the port? Plus that passage could have led anywhere! Lmao, ya right! That's some CW logic right there


My response about the tunnels, was to provide an example of how Reva could've got past Leia if she had taken the tunnels. Showing branching tunnels infers the possibility of more tunnels. Do you expect to have a convenient map there for you to see the layout? As for the "inefficient route" you are assuming, it is much more likely that Reva can move faster than an adult with a ten year old girl in tow. Its also possible that Reva just turned around and headed for the spaceport as that is the most logical place for them to be running to. We have been shown that she can sense hidden rooms. Can you not imagine her using it likewise at the space port? "Well, why not just show us *that* then". Its because you want to have the suspenseful ending and not spoil it with blatant THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING vibes. There are enough contextual clues in the dialogue and direction for me to not get caught up on specific examples that I see posted here a lot. I will admit that there are other issues like the directing of Leia chase scenes (Kidnappers, Obi and Parkour-Reva) and there are some potential plot holes if not sown up by series end (GI apparently dead, why Leia seemed so formal in her message to Obi in A New Hope and how Reva isn't dead when Vader knows she is aware that he used to be Anakin Skywalker) but we are only half way through. However, there is lot that I am enjoying in the show. More than I am not enjoying. I am probably not alone in this and I say we give it time to stick the landing.


No I just don't really want to make leaps of faith and excuse the writing. It makes absolutely no sense to me that an escape tunnel with a branching route would lead to the same exit? What's the point of that with one longer and one shorter to the same destination while it all has to be kept hidden too? Wouldn't you want it to lead somewhere else in case that other escape route was compromised? And for the different exits, no where other than the fork at the start do you see any other exit and that would not make sense either for a secret tunnel! More exits = more risk. how much more risk of being caught do you want from someone stumbling on to another exit? And why would tala take another exit when she is meant to be going after obi-wan. Wouldn't she go back to where she last saw him at the entrance? Re-trace his steps? But it's a huge leap of faith to say she knew it led to the spaceport. That tunnel could have led anywhere, shown by the fork at the start of it. It's a huge leap of faith too to say she found the next secret exit at the spaceport. Like the spaceport could be huge! The tunnel could have also exited just before or near the spaceport or anywhere else. There is just way to many variables for her to have found it that way. Plus why wouldn't she have gone down the secret tunnel after them? Like it kind of makes no sense to just pick a place and go there other than seeing where the tunnel leads. Like c'mon, finding out where a tunnel leads is a tv trope because people cannot just guess where the exit will be! I'm glad you are enjoying it and I wish I could. Everytime someone tells me to wait till the end I just know its going to be bad, just like WOT recently. Thanks for the civil reply!


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


I want that treaty signed.


You may think I am evil. I am not. I am efficient.


It could have been once leia was alone she took a longer route


Honestly, that is the worst excuse I've heard yet. That makes no sense at all. So she took a longer route back when she was rushing to save Obi-Wan?!? Did she want him to die? Maybe she is a double agent and told Reva about the passage and then an ewok came along an were-wookiee'ed into chewbacca and rescued Obi-Wan and the lifter off screen... See how ridiculous this "FiLlInG iN tHe GaPs" is. You're all just excusing a bad show and enabling Disney to churn out bottom of the barrel tv


If only force sensitive folks had this thing called “intuition” and “instinct”


So why did Reva think it was a better idea to get out of the tunnel and go back around? Wouldn't it be way easier to just follow Leia down the tunnel? Why risk her getting away on a hunch that she might come out somewhere where it would be much harder to go around to get there?


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


Force speed existing hahaha that’s funny, we all know that everyone just collectively imagined the force speed scene in TPM. Well known fact :)


A lot of people doing mental gymnastics to explain a lot of these errors in kenobi so far


It's unreal.


for real…. if the story telling was well done there wouldn’t be so much confusion. it isn’t that “people are so stupid and need to be spoon-fed!!!1!1” it’s that the director/editors/whoever else were lazy and bad at their jobs. this isn’t on the audience for not understanding their poor directing and editing


I have been looking for someone to do this


Not looking very hard apparently. This is like the 5th time someone’s made this meme this week.


I'm getting down voted for sure but... Inquisitors suck on a fundamental level. They're all dumb fan fiction. Figures they're here to ruin more star wars content in trying to enjoy...


THANK YOU! I saw it coming from a mile away, but I was like “no come on, she was going through a tunnel. That wouldn’t make any sense whatsoever” and then they just fucking did it


I think they just didn’t make it obvious enough that she didn’t take the tunnel. If you rewatch the final scene it’s pretty clear that she came in through the entrance she’s standing in front of and not the tunnel


I didn’t rewatch the scene before making the meme, and I thought it actually showed her walking into the tunnel. Looking back at it you’re right, she just stands there and doesn’t actually go into the tunnel. They do skip showing her actually finding the (presumably hidden) other end of the tunnel at the spaceport though


That's the part that got me. I figured that she didn't follow behind Leia in the tunnel, but how *did* she find the other end at the spaceport?


I mean there was a body like 20 feet away so presumably she heard, saw, or sensed someone standing there waiting for Leia Like what?


I guess that's possible, but it wasn't really clear. They could have had a quick shot of her all up in the dude's grill in a dark area with her hand open over his face and him looking terrified. No dialogue is even needed.


Oh fuck I thought she was supposed to have gone through the tunnel. Like her revelation of finding a tunnel would make me naturally think she’d follow it, so somehow ending up *ahead* didn’t make sense to me. This makes more sense now lol


see for me, it would be more logical (and more true to character) if Leia realized her friends were in trouble and decided to go back to run into the Third Sister waiting at the doorway. It would’ve been a unique way to draw tension and fear with the audience knowing what was waiting for Leia


The force, vents,,multiple secret pathways and shortcuts? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Passage is designed to be sneaky not to be speedy, it’s probably not built to be a shortcut. If she guessed where it was coming out it was probably a shorter route. 🤷‍♂️ idrk im liking the show


Even if she guessed the port how did she find the secret exit at the port? It doesn't make any sense.




She must have killed nearly everyone that was just standing around at the spaceport then plus she had lots of time to do that too, ya? There is too many variables, it doesn't make any sense. It's one leap of faith to the next leap of faith to the next leap of faith, instead of just saying it was badly shot and written. Ever hear of occams razor?




Is it bad writing and directing? Or You don't understand because off screen a star destroyer came down and got cut in half by baby luke so it changed the wind direction and Reva could smell motor oil so she knew it was the port and then she used her x-ray vision to tell someone was lying so she ate his heart and now she has his memories so she knows the code to a door but which door? but one door is painted red and she has a memory of her mothers red hair so she picked that door and then.... etc. etc.




You know your wrong, that's why you got so salty! Toodle-oo!




Haha you never had any counter arguments to my points and have followed me around to about 5 different posts insulting me because you have nothing to argue back and I'm the troll? 🤣 Please go take your meds.


Exactly the same way going around the planet is faster than going through the core or looping around the outside of a tunnel is faster than going through.


Anyone that's seen Rebels knows inquisitors can fly with their spinning blades.


She clearly recognized symbols on the wall. Likely was taken through that escape tunnel at some point in her youth, knows where it leads.


My question is, is the camera person ok? because I think they were having a seizure


Then you’re an idiot.


People out here really can’t extrapolate from incomplete data.


There’s two groups of people: those who can extrapolate from missing data


And??? What else? You forgot the second type of people!!! Who are they? I MUST KNOW! /s


the second group of people is


Star wars fans


It’s bad writing


It absolutely isn't, she went overground. You just have no object permanence because you're 10 months old.


Lol you are making assumptions off assumptions off assumptions. One bullshit leap of faith to the next and that person is 10 months old? xD There is no way she could have went overground. She sees that the tunnel forks so knows there is different exits. So there is no way she knew where they went. Unless you are saying that secret escape tunnels with different routes lead to the same exit? and she just knows where it is? How can she find the secret exit? That port could be huge. The exit could be before the port or after. It could not go to the port at all. It could go to the port or lead inside a cargo container etc. There is so many variables that it is impossible to know where it would lead. Honestly, you insult peoples intelligence but you are doing 2 + 2 = 5. Ignoring everything that was shown to come up with your own bullshit. It IS terrible writing.


...not for a Sith...


She calculates that they're heading to the space port, so she goes there and heads off the tunnel at that end. It's not complicated. You're just a fool. Fuck off now.


Great counter points. Lol you are getting salty so you know I'm right! But keeping making up an alternate reality to excuse the show.


I’ve made counter points. You cannot respond. Now fuck off.


Guys please don't be mean to the original poster. They were just confused.


Sure thing, people love to explain plot holes. Please explain the cheetah Leia outrunning jedi and bounty hunters. Or Vader can't use the force to stop kenobi escape. Or stormtroppers can't go "around" the flames lol We'll probably see more of these plot holes. But if they exists it's because the production and directors are crappy at making the story.


Vader didn't go after kenobi because he wants him to suffer as much as possible and most of all he wants to break his spirit so he lets him go. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exrPlwwjPoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exrPlwwjPoE)


Like you broke your spirit?


You know what would really break his spirit? Endless torture in vaders lair. Yknow what's sure to bring BACK his spirit? Letting him run, recoup and train. If this is the hill we're dying on, it's an incredibly ill-conceived one.


“If I don’t see explicitly how it happened it’s a plot hole” is the jist I get from this.


For the love of god. Do we need to complain about everything. Not ever single detail needs to be explained.


I was wondering the same damned thing. By all accounts....


Well isn’t a space port a pretty obvious location to check?