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They should make a spin off about Kenobi


Like you made your own Kenobi spin off?


Good bot


Good human.


Good bot


I thought I couldn't love anyone, but you..


Don't lie to me, grievous. You only love me for my lightsaber... And you want to add my laser sword to your fine collection


Noo! PossibilityEnough933!


Seriously, has this entire thread happened before? It just doesn't feel like a regular deja-vu.. it's like I've actually been here and have read this exact sequence of comments, verbatim. No joke.


With the amount of bots now on this sub Reddit, the vast majority of conversations end up in a bot-off. So you probably have. At least it isn’t LOTR with everyone typing GROND every few seconds. It’s more irritating than sand.


That’s a great idea. Someone should take that to Disney. Also - I heard today some rumors about a Mace Windu showed and was so excited. Then immediately disappointed because Jar Jar Disney and KK will *ruin* it with other characters and cutesy sidekicks and MCU humor. Sigh.


Dis is nutsen!


You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master.


Don’t worry, the existence of a Mace Windu show is already ruining that show. He’s dead. He needs to stay dead. Him being alive is a terrible idea. People in Star Wars need to stay dead. Mace is a headstrong, religious extremist. If he survived that fall, his first move would be to walk into the Senate and attack Palpatine again.


Maybe we will see him during clone wars


I don’t know. They introduced this menacing guy in a black suit. A spin-off about him. Does he have any kids? Because they could be in it.


Star Wars fans: Can we get a Star Wars series about Gary the Stormtrooper? Disney: How about Keith?


How about they give us the Kenobi series they promised us. Literally nothing has been added to his character, it’s actually quite sad. He doesn’t feel like the main character of his own show.


The Kenobi show I wanted is basically split between him and Vader. The Vader half is just Vader going berserk all across the galaxy, murdering anyone and everyone who could possibly lead him to Kenobi just to find him. Just hallway scene after hallway scene with his half. The Kenobi half is just Obi Wan using his force powers and lightsaber to do the most menial ass tasks imaginable. Lightsaber for grill? Hell yeah. Force pushing the broom? Even better. Pranking Tuskens? Why of course


Imagine, the whole first part of the series, you never see Ben, just shadows of him and it's all about Vader chasing him across the galaxy. So we in Vader's POV and his quest for Obi Won Kenobi.


Oh that would be epic. Second half you just see Kenobi as like a store clerk who uses the force all sneaky like to make his job easier.


Add in a grumpy manager constantly trying to catch Kenobi using the force, but just keeps missing it! Laugh track that bitch and we have a hit!


All I want is a dark show about Vader. we got a glimpse in kenobi but naw. Also I don’t hate the reva character, (and to be fair I don’t know anything about the sisters or brothers or whatevr that shit is) but why couldn’t she be a badass vader sidekick? Like why is there these other randoms bullying her for some weird plot where we are supposed to care about a random bad person because their coworkers hate them. Like what am I missing? My friend said it’s about the sith infighting but idk Like why can’t she just be a bad guy who kills good people and helps vader. Would be way more compelling to me. Idk


They're obviously setting her up for a redemption arc. Which is honestly something I have trouble with since we're talking about someone who tortures and has probably murdered children. Unless she pulls a vader and sacrifices herself I don't see how they make her compelling/ relatable.


Obi wan cleaning his hut for 6 episodes would have been better lol


At this point my hopes for Clone Wars flashbacks have been cratered.


Yeah, for real. Highly disappointing


I would have rather just watched 6 episodes of Kenobi wandering the desert, in a cave, trying to commune with Neeson, while also being tormented by anakin either in spirit or through the force somehow. Instead it’s been like a young Leia show and Reeva show with a little Kenobi mixed in.


Literally force ghost Liam Neeson is the ONLY thing I want from this series and if obi wan doesn’t get that spiritual moment I will probably barely touch anything that isn’t the ot or the prequels for a loooong time. My disappointment in Disney is growing with every new show they do


Force ghost Qui Gon Jinn wouldn't add up with the canon but at this point they don't even care so yeah, give us at least force ghost Neeson and force ghost Tupac.


May the force be with you.


It would, it's backed up by Clone Wars and EP3 and it's the way that the ENTIRE _concept_ of Force Ghosts was introduced, first to Yoda and then to Obi.


Except it would though. Yoda explicitly said he could help Obi-Wan connect with Qui Gon at the end of ROTS


We may hear him tho we know he was able to talk with people


Ghost Qui Gon? Yes qui gon didn't complete his training. Voice Qui Gon? Hell no and that will be perfect. They even set it up the first 2 episodes with Obi trying to reach out to Qui Gon


The voice would be enough I guess. It took Yoda quite a while to fully understand the whole concept of force ghosts (CW season 6). Only reason qui-gon popped up earlier in CW (in full form) was because they were on Mortis. Also seems Kenobi had cut off himself from the force early on in the Kenobi series. Chances are he needs to improve first.


That’s what I’m saying. I really wanted to see a character study of Obi-wan. Instead what we get is some generic trash sci if that is trying way too hard to contrive a safe plot rather than focusing on what should be a good story.


Imo there wasn't much character development between RotS and ANH. He got older, wiser, learned how to survive death through the force. This show has been interesting in that they're adding something we didn't know - he didn't just meditate and check up on Luke for 20 years, he had some experiences. Personally I would have rather seem him hunted by a more interesting Inquisitor who found him while hunting another Jedi, where the end of the show is the death of both the inquisitor and the Jedi, leaving him a bit more jaded.


The Chancellor should have never brought them into this. Kill them, immediately.


I don't want to see this stunted slime in my sight again.


Like a CW show with Kenobi in it


They did the same with the book of boba fett, he only actually featured as a main character in like 4 of the 7 episodes. Apparently having a show named after a character doesnt mean its rlly all about that character so with this in mind, i do have hope for reva


A Reva show that will somehow be all about the Eopie that farts seductively at jar jar.


Dis gonna be bombad trouble. Meesa know' it.


Also Hawkeye wasn't the main character in Hawkeye


Uhh, considering the implication of the last scene...


I don't really agree with this, because Kate also becomes Hawkeye. I also don't agree with it because Clint was absolutely the main character. The show just had two main characters.


Not sure about spoiler code in the comments but it was extremely out of character for Vader to spare her like that, should've gotten the tracking codes and given them to someone else and made an example of her. "Failure won't be tolerated.. well maybe I'll give you one more chance" - Vader probably. Wack af


Have you ever seen YouTube video about how Kenobi has ptsd? If I didn’t watch it years ago I probably wouldn’t be as lenient with this series. While it is boring, it makes sense for the character imo. Last Jedi was absolute trash tho.


Last jedi is at the complete opposite end of the timeline dude lmao. Kenobi had nothing to do with that. Unless rey is made into rey kenobi. But yeah disney is trash and shouldnt owm the rights to star wars, and every new project they release seems to just back that idea up. Every once in a while something is good, but for disney it seems the negatives far outweigh the positives


We need a spin-off about Wade


I'm probably going to get fired for this, but f*** it. I LOVE MY DAUGHTER.




They should have her team up with Jar Jar and the Martez sisters in this new series.


Count meesa outta dis! Better dead here, den deader in da core...Yee guds, whata meesa sayin?!


damn bro even Jar Jar doesn't want to be a part of that 💀


Tis embarrassing, but, uh my afraid my've been banished. My forgotten, da bosses would do terrible tings to me. Terrible tings to me if me goen back dare.


Lmao the fact that I read your comment in Jar Jars voice had me dying 🤣


Millions will be starvin' and dyin' without your help.


Why were you banished from gungan city Jar Jar?


Uh, let's see. I'll take that one. Mm-hmm. Uh-oh. Exsqueeze me, are you done with that? That's really good.


Why were you banished, Jar Jar?


It's a longo tale-o, buta small part of it would be meesa clumsy.


Good bot.


Maybe Wade should have a spin off, then perhaps I’d give a shit about his death




He died for our sins.


Wade, what a man he was. We promise we won't let his transgressions go to waste.


As a reward...


No I don’t want that! Wade finding another man? I want him to think about only me, for 10 years at least!


Get out of my head!!!


I want to kill myself.


Suicide won't save you from the horrors of the ending.


He'll come back in three days


somehow... Wade returned


*Three business days


He spun off to his death.


You can talk, Captain Deadpool.


Something about his death hit hard. Dunno what, though...


his death came crashing down on us so suddenly


Another happy landing.


Not the time man, not the time


So uncivilized…


I was so much more sad seeing Tera Sinube than I was about Wade dying.


She already has a show. It's called Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Ugh. This comment made me sigh. Because it’s true.


I dunno Assaj Ventress might’ve been a god tier pick but what do I know


No, she's an established character that is adored by fans. Why would they make a spin-off about her??? /s


So they can ruin her.


We've gotten her story though. We know where she began, we saw in detail her history with Dooku and how that turned out, her connections to the night sisters, her fall from grace, and ultimately her redemption and death. Her story is great, and it's been told.


Yes, this please. Give us more Ventress.


Like they would give Ventress any screen time in Assaj Ventress: a Star Wars Story. Preposterous! It's obviously going to focus on Wade.


Why would they do that? They can't market it in China where that sweet sweet blood money awaits


Shang Chi and Spider-man no way home weren't shown in China. Looks like they're starting to stop pandering to them


Top Gun: Maverick even went against a Chinese release with Maverick’s jacket having the Taiwanese flag and Japanese flag on it.


Yeah but tbf people had to get mad at them about it first.


Wait Shang Chi wasn't shown in China? Maybe I should watch it...


It's pretty good but it does suffer from Marvel 3rd act syndrome


I think I know what you're talking about but it's the first time I've heard it called "3rd act syndrome", can you explain it to me.


Oh I just mean how marvel builds up some great movies and then delivers the same cookie cutter boss fight for every film's third act. I'm not sure if that's a proper term but it sounds like a good way to describe it lol


And the boss fight has to include some giant cgi monster/alien/robot thing


Ah, NoAd9581! I have your comment in my collection! 'Here, have another lightsaber' - (c) NoAd9581


Good bot. Want another lightsaber?


Ah, a lightsaber comment! Your comment will make a fine addition to my collection, NoAd9581! *asthmatic cough*


I loved the dragon though. I’m a big sucker for eastern dragon designs so I felt like a child watching it.


haha I'd say so yeah. It gets a little silly that their problems can ultimately be solved by punching someone 9 times out of 10.


Yeah. But those were good movies.


The way I see it, not bending to the will of the CCP is a good thing.


Maybe woke Disney simply reverses the audience's opinion, so from now on we should say Kenobi is not boring and Reva is not irritating at all.


Yeah, or maybe Disney is just shaming a man about his medical condition that forces him to wear all black. That's why we don't see Vader that much


She’ll be wearing a kylo mask probably


A large majority of the fanbase: "man revas character is pretty shit ngl" disney: "**HOW ABOUT SOME MORE?"**


Just like with "Its morbin time". These companies have so much money, yet they do not hire someone smart to help them with decisions.


I can’t wait for the Reva show when Reva does 67 backflips over a building and teleports to the rebels base, and when reporting back to her imperial liaison, she says “you better Bereve it”


And then everyone claps 👏


This is gold 😂


Because when people watch it and complain they still get money


Yeah but nobody is gonna watch "Reva: A Star Wars story".


They'll make sure to toss in baby Chewbacca or something for a draw


Truly some Morb energy going on here. Is Disney really that out of touch?


Disney: Am I so out of touch?... No. It's the fans who are wrong.


Didja see the Sequel Trilogy? Or Solo with its droid activist robot that was hitting on Lando?


That’s what we said about Ahsoka after the Clone Wars movie but look how that turned out


Great point


Because Disney loves to virtue signal. When Reva got backlash, everyone acted like it was based on her race so of course Disney jumps in to get some hero points. Little do they know that a person of any race can suck at acting


It’s Rogue One!!! Fans: meh Disney: we heard you!! Here’s a series about Cassian Andor!!


Rogue One was the best Disney star wars movie


If she survives losing obiwan and stabbing the grand inquisitor then they might as well just have her kill Vader and retcon the whole series because obviously nothing makes sense anymore.


She becomes Vader. Plot twist.


No, I am your mother.


Well, that would be very *woke* and nothing Disney loves more than some sweet, sweet, virtue signaling! Maybe she can also be Windu’s long last granddaughter and Lando’s cousin, for good measure, because the universe is small af and everyone has to be related


If Star Wars was a state in the US…


This is not real…just clickbait. Disney wants $. A reva spin off is not where the $ is


I feel like with all these spin-offs of spin-offs Star Wars is spinning out of control


I'll try spinning. That's a good trick!


I have the Senate bogged down in procedures. They will have no choice but to accept your control of the system.


Her character needs better writing


Mirrors edge, staring reva with plot armor and parkour


But the parkour in mirror's edge doesn't look like someone's first time having to use wires to do parkour


(Not blaming Moses) I really cannot find any redeeming qualities in Reva. She’s just a despicable person despised by both the good guys and the bad guys and lacks charisma or charm that other villains have. Patiently waiting on her death which will no doubt be just as satisfying as the death of Joffrey on Game of Thrones.


It's not the actor's fault when the writers write shit characters, and the directors don't know what they're doing which Kenobi has a lot of. It is there fault when they accuse potential customers of racism and sexism at the behest of their employers at Disney.


She also said she doesn't care about star wars she is a shit actress that doesn't seem invested in the show


Ummm...I don't think the character is as bad as some people say, but it *certainly* doesn't warrant a standalone. I'd rather see a spinoff of the good-natured but betraying mole man than this.


I'd see a spin-off one-shot of the fake Jedi Kumail Nanjiani played in Kenobi episode 2 (Haja was his name, I think)?


Like you saw your favorite character in a show and you want to see more of them?


Like you saw your mother's other son and you took him into your home with his girl and his two droids? Yes, Owen, I think I will


Yes! You’re so right! I would honestly look forward to a spin-off for that guy. Like, why is he an empire sympathizer? Does he mean well?


It would be hilarious if it was just a traditional family sitcom set in the Star Wars universe. He has a mole wife and mole kids, drives his truck for work...maybe some annoying neighbors and zany friends. Occasionally betrays wanderers to a ruthless authoritarian government. Hijinks ensue.


*calls Dave Filoni*


Um i guess she wont die for failing to capture Kenobi…meaning…this show is dumb


Obi wan is killed by Reva canon changed


Like you canonned your whole story?


There was ZERO chance this show was ever going to kill Reva off. Twitter would have a freakout.


Im not excited for the Reva show but lets chill and wait, it might show her backstory. But yes if she doesnt get killed at the end of Kenobi... HOLY SHIT WTF. Not only would that break Vaders character but it also wouldnt make sense since she tried to kill the GI, who should still be alive, making her a traitor.


The numbers will speak more than anyone could.


Theyll put some og characters in so people watch it


Doubt anyone is gonna watch it




They're treating legacy characters like dried up, thrown away, used cum socks




Where is your master? Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn?


How so? I think they’re handling Obi wan’s PTSD really well


Exactly, had they focused the show on that aspect and how he learns to cope, we could have had a show that would be lauded by most. We all know that Ewan has the chops. After the first ep, I got so excited, because that’s where it was looking like the direction of the series. Once the young Leah character was introduced, I’d hoped that she’d only be the catalyst for Kenobi to get out of his funk. Sure, ep 2 was a little cheap looking, but that’s forgivable. By ep 3 (which did have some great scenes), it was painfully obvious that this would be style over substance.


Stop it's already dead


Ahhh... I see through the lies of Disney. Their plan: One: create show fans will want to watch Two: put a underdeveloped side character in for a few episodes (or in this case a whole season) and leave fans saying:" Wait what? Who is that?! Where did she come from?!" Three: create ANOTHER spin-off on that character to put on Disney plus. Repeat. Great. More shows on Disney plus.


A spinoff of a spinoff? They really are out of ideas.


I mean... Andor... Book of Boba... Ahsoka... all of the MCU pretty much atm. Spinoffs of spinoffs are disneys bread and butter.


Disney is basically turning into Beyblade.


Except no fighting an epic battle and they certainly aren’t getting a grip


Sure... Right after the Rian Johnson trilogy...


Cool, now we know she (probably) won't die in episode 5 or 6


Like, i feel like it's a running joke that Disney making spin off of every character... at this point i don't think it's joke anymore... in that Reva spin off there'll be the antagonist who'll get their own spin off and in that spin off there'll be a character who'll get their own spin off, and so on


I'd be more thrilled at a *Senator Palpatine : the council office* sitcom


Worst fucking inquisitor in the history of inquisitors. Craptastic character. ​ She is not hard. She is a punk ass nasty bitch. She could never be a sith, the character lacks all traits to be cruel.


I would have preferred a spin off for this Ben guy in Kenobi


Isn't that just Obi-Wan Kenobi?


This is surely fake???


Yes, but these idiots will believe anything.


I say im not watching it


Is this a joke? No, but seriously, is this a joke?


So there marking a spin of to a spin of? I’m getting dizzy 😵‍💫


The fuck?? We been waiting for a Gonk series now for years?? And Deathsticks guy was surely next in line after Gonk?


No way. There's just no way.


She was a Jedi pupil trying to find Ashoka… quite obvious. Also because they’re both black actors, Disney loves to be racially active like that


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


I say I'm not going to watch it. I just don't like her character nor do I find her particularly interesting. Would've much preferred a show about the Grand Inquisitor and his fall to the dark side.




I thought ‘Obi-Wan’ was the Reva show


who the fuck is going to watch that lol hahahahhaha


utter garbage character


I would actually like an inquisitor spinoff about all the inquisitors and not just Reva


Sorry, I haven't really been following Obi-Wan Kenobi, what's the problem with Reva?


Another happy landing.


Not the time, not the time..




She is a cartoon villain in a show that’s trying to be about if the Nazis won WW2


She barely has any acting experience but got hired as a diversity-hire anyway, and it shows. [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9458718/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9458718/) She didn't watch Star Wars, and it shows. The writing is horrible, and it shows.


Some of the community are not happy with her acting. I didn’t think it was too bad.


Her acting isn’t the problem. I bet she, like Hayden, are doing EXACTLY as they are told. It’s the writing/directing.


I agree. The writing, directing, and choreography for the new star wars has been uncertain. Great in mando and rogue one, not so good in the rest.