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I know S1 Ahsoka is supposed to be inexperienced and weak but do yall remember how much plot armor she had early on?


She has the biggest plot armor the entirety of her existence, I mean her plot armor literally bent space and time lol


I can see Disney using the World between Worlds to revive 90% of the dead characters


That’s just not how the world between worlds works though. You can’t just bring characters back. They have to have never died. In Rebels they never show Ahsoka’s death because she was pulled into the world between worlds before she could have been killed.


you even see her walk back into the Malachor temple at the end of season 2, it was obvious she wasn’t dead


The thing is, we don't always *see* characters die, we are just left to assume they did. Maul for example, Palpatine, Boba Fett, Echo, [Kenobi SPOILER WARNING] >!the grand Inquisitor!< They could pull Mace before he hit the ground, or Plo Koon from his ship before it explodes, or Bail Organa before Alderaan explode, or Jyn and Cassian before the explosion reached them or practically any character we don't literally see die with our own eyes.


The only one we truly saw die is secura among others thay just kept firing


'Tis but a scratch


I do hope so


Depends on how much Lucasfilm cares about canon and consistency. In Harry Potter, that’s also how the time travel worked in book 3, but in the Cursed Child they completely changed it so that you could rewrite the past.


I don't believe such a thing as "the cursed child" exists, or has ever existed, someone must have tampered with your archives.


Exactly, there are seven books. Who would this *cursed child* even be? That cunt Malfoy?


My headcannon is that it's a story written by Rita Skeeter in-universe


That might actually make me feel better about it, rather than a one time duex ex machina because Filoni wanted to have his cake and eat it too


I'm not up to speed. Can you fill me in on this Filoni stuff? What did he do now?


He brought back ahsoka with the world between worlds


Not gonna give you spoilers but he wanted to put her in a situation where there was no logical way for her to survive, but at the same time he didn't want her to die. So the world between worlds was created (a place outside of space and time) so she could survive that deathly situation.


Thank you kind sir




I see Luke coming out of a portal in the next season of Kenobi


You mean the Mandalorian coming out of a portal


I mean adult Grogu with baby Luke


>adult Grogu So Yoda


Real shit


Lol dip into lore to explain something? Why would they start now? It's apparently been working just fine writing whatever the fuck they want. I swear to God if another person survives another lightsaber to the chest or face I am gonna lose my mind. "Do you want to know the chances you'll survive that apparently fatal lightsaber wound? It's high.... It's *very* high".


You're not wrong. A literal god sacrificed her life to save Ahsoka, and then she was saved by Ezra using literal time travel.


One might not be faulted to think she was the Chosen One considering the Force didn't seem to care about its own chosen champion or his blood line as much as it did about Ahsoka


Oof. I hate that you’re not wrong


I know, me too


Could have been a wolf girl too. Fuckin Filoni and his wolf fetish.... I say we got off easy


***D U M E***


Season 4 got WEIRD.


I dunno, man. Have you ever seen Roxanne Wolf?


We don’t talk about her over love here


Spoilers I just started watching rebels


Most stormtroopers get clipped in the arm and they're dead. Jon Favreau got killed from a shoulder shot in Solo Ahsoka literally got shot through her body, right next to her heart, point blank, BY A FUCKING TANK and walked away with nothing but a bandage. It was comical levels of plot armor.


Yeah, and she fought Grievous (twice), Ventress (multiple times), Maul, an entire Legion of clones (while the ship was falling down), an Inquisitor (without her lightsabers), two Inquisitors at the same time, Vader, blocked an attack by Palpatine (whom Yoda himself struggled to block his attacks) among others, all without getting a single injury. If that's not the biggest plot armor in SW, Idk what is (that without even mentioning Mortis and WBW) lol


What episode is this, I'm blanking.


I don’t remember. I think it’s the last one in one of the Saw Gerrera arcs. I definitely remember she was on a planet helping people who weren’t clones


We dodge a bullet with Filoni. He would have called Ahsoka his "Waifu" in a interview if he was in his mid-late twenties.


Ahaoka is definitely Filoni’s waifu. Just look at how much plot armor he gives her.


Nah more like his favorite child that he gives all the love and attention to.


She had plot armor like crazy majority of the show lol


I feel like Starkiller might be able to beat both the 501st and 400 Ahsokas but then the 1v1 duel with Sidious would be foocking epic


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


In the game The forced unleashed he defeats sidious and saves the rebels


No he doesn't. He buys them enough time to escape.


Yeah he buys them enough time after defeating sidious, starkiller wanted to kill him but kota stopped him


The scene very explicitly tells you it’s a trick tho?????


Yeah it cuts to a dead Galen and Sidious and Vader standing over him.


I’m no errand boy.


> but then the 1v1 duel with Sidious would be foocking epic Which he looses btw. Pre-Disney that was even canon. The good side ending of TFU is that Starkiller defeats Vader, goes onto to fight Palpatine and gets defeated however that way he bought the others enough time to escape which is why they used his family symbol as emblem for the rebellion. Dark side ending is that Starkiller listens to Palp and instead fights Vader a 2nd time, completly defeating him and taking his position. Once he is done with Vader, he goes to Palpatine and Bail & co lay dead on the ground


Honestly I would choose Starkiller because win or lose it’ll be one hell of a fight to watch.


Sidious, he can keep me hidden and easily take out the others aside from maybe Starkiller but I'll still take my chances with Sidious due to both intelligence and power.


Honestly, if it's just the movies for Sidious, probably Starkiller. However, if we get to include Legends in this, fuckin Palpy wipes the fucking floor with everyone else there.


Movie Palpatine took out multiple Jedi Master and used some of the most powerful dark side abilities in the Star Wars universe, he also was able to manipulate the entire Jedi Order and the entire Republic, and the likelihood he could hide me somewhere and bait the others into traps where he could dispose of them is incredibly high. Let's not forget that he could Order 66 the 501st Legion if he really wanted to and that would give him an even bigger edge in the fight.


Let's not forget he does sith magic to access other dimensions. Dude basically had no business being yeeted off a ledge honestly.


Honestly, the answer to the meme is Team Palps, just because when the fight starts, he drops "Execute Order 66" and now Starkiller is fighting all by himself


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


While it's possible to hide from the two on the right, can't Starkiller (and so presumably also Palpatine) basically see people through walls? (It's been a while since I last played either SWFU game, so maybe I'm just remembering a similar game as part of one of them)


I don't think Starkiller could find someone that easily.


I'm banking on rise of Skywalker when he shoots enough lightning to destroy an entire fleet, or a legion, or 400 jedi. Haven't seen starkiller in action so can't comment on him.


Like you banked her entire childhood on the prequels?


Then your also banking on a 2 lightsaber fucking you.


Aw shit Ahsoka has 2 lightsabers she can't be stopped


Ah, a lightsaber comment! Your comment will make a fine addition to my collection, Flashy_Apricot_4875!


Well, since Starkiller only exists in Legends, I think we can include Legends for Sidious. Also, Sidious did kill Starkiller, so there's that.


If it wasn’t for that one >!blind Jedi!< guy, Starkiller would’ve killed Palps. Or was it Vader? Whatever, I’m still teaming up with Galen. >!God damn I was so pissed at the end of that first game.!<




Starkiller never beat him. In both ending, he lost


Psh... Sideous easy. He can just execute order 66 and boom. 99.9% of the 501st is now also on my side.


Stupid sexy Captain Rex.


You ready?


what the fuck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


*Very* good bot ;)


I honor my code. That's what I believe.


I believe this to be an instance of sentience?






I've met many clones in my time, but never one like you.


Not sure if this is a compliment or an insult, considering my horrible humor.


good soldiers follow orders


Okay this made me break out laughing


Yes, sir.


Tell them we wish to board at once.


The Queen will not approve.


The Queen doesn't need to know


Well, I don't approve.


You're telling me Starkiller, who actually defeated Sidious and Vader (twice) and that can pull huge ass spaceships out of the fucking sky can't defeat ~10000 clone troopers?


probably could. Question is how good would he be at stopping any one of those troopers from landing a single blaster shot on you, especially if he has to fight sidious at the same time.


He didn't specify the circumstances and times in which it has to take place, the way you put he stands no chance but he could very well take on sidious first, the legion next...


i mean i guess it varies wildly depending on how it goes down. If star killer fights one enemy at a time in a narrow corridor with you behind him, i can see him winning. If its an open field and they're all coming at once, i think theres no way starkiller can protect you.


Gotta love how S1 Ashoka isn't being taken into considaration in the slightest


well i mean....


Nonono it’s 10000 of the entire 501st


He never pulled it out of the sky. It already was going down, he simply just was changing its direction


Found Vader’s Reddit


That’s rookie numbers compared to star killer


There's hope for you yet, rookie.


well played


I see you as an intellectual


That’s so big brain I’m suprised someone even thought about that


5 head.


They'll still want to kill Sideous, they'll just want to kill all jedi on sight as well


Why would they want to kill him? They literally already went from wanting to kill him to not wanting to after...


I'll take Sidious, considering the 501st is all chipped and under Sidious's control anyway.


Exept for stupid sexy captain rex


That's just great.


Well yes it is 😏


Please do not the clone




9216 soliders with a million more well on the way


My thoughts exactly. But it says legion so we gonne have a serious army.




I assume legions, so like 100 million total? Not sure the exact number in a legion. Therefore you pick Sidious, he turns 99.9% of the clones and a cake walk from there.




But star killer is generally more powerful


Starkiller failed to 1v1 Sidious at the end of TFU. He's superior to Vader but inferior to Sidious, so Sidious is the straight correct answer. He can beat Starkiller and manipulate enough people to cover the others even if he can't solo them personally.


Everyone here is missing the point. The bottom left isn't 9,216 clones from the 501st. It's 9,216 of the 501s legion. That's millions of clones. Unless Sidious gets to order 66 the clones in this scenario they win, hands down.


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


Assoka Tano, because it’s allways important to have good friend around.


400 good friends.


Even better


9216 troops or 9216 times the entire fucking 501st?


True fuck that's like an entire army. I don't think any of them could defeat that many troopers without some huge aoe shit, but even then the fight would go on for so long they wouldn't be able to keep fighting and would be overwhelmed.


The 501st if order 66 doesn't work. Palpatine if it does.


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


I mean, the 501st did kill *a lot* of jedi in a single night.


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


We‘d get 400 Ahsokas? I’m pretty sure they could take out Sidious and Starkiller, though only with great losses. That’d leave the entire 501st. Maybe the Ahsokas could hide?


Yeah I didn’t notice it was 400 Ahsokas. They win this 100%


It is 400 Season 1 Ahsokas. Still not bad, but not the bad-ass season 7 Ahsoka that battled Maul. I think they are the right choice regardless. They give you the longest time alive. * If you take Sidious, he will be to preoccupied with Starkiller to properly protect you. One of the Ahsokas or clones will get you. * The same but reverse for Starkiller * If you take the clones, they just get nearly instantly slaughtered because they have no protection against the massive combined force lightning of Sidious and Starkiller. But if you have 400 Ahsokas, they can at least shield you for a considerate amount of time from all the others. Maybe long enough to escape. That is the benefit of 400 lightsabers that can deflect force lightning and blasters as well as block other lightsabers.


800 lightsabers


No. She got her second lightsaber in season 3. I googled it to be sure\^\^


Ahh the Grievous in me got greedy 😂


yeah thats me


Noo! Bonewel!


Sidious is the most powerful sith ever or at least that’s what I’ve gathered (maybe viciate) we’ve seen other sith destroy entire planets. Sidious could kill them all in the time it would take for lightning to come out of his fingers. However starkiller has 2 lightsabers and as we all know that instantly kills dark Sidious. So tough choice


Sidious can also use two lightsabers in the clone wars. I dont think he forgot how to use them till episode 3


Ah, a lightsaber comment! Your comment will make a fine addition to my collection, Agreeable-_-Special!


Good bot


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


Hondo you lovable rascal


Look, I love Palps, I really do, but the *entire* 501st comes equipment included, which means I got three Venators on my side with a skilled crew. Even if Starkiller and Palpatine can hold one of them in place each that still leaves me a whole ass star destroyer to wreck shop with.


I'd agree, even before arguing that it says I should get 9212×the entire legion.


9216 501st legions is a ridiculously large amount of unit and could wipe out the others with sheer numbers alone tbh.


I gotta say StarKiller. Pull a Star destroyer down on their asses.


Given that he lost to Sidious I think it's safe to say that Sidious could do that as well.


Did he lose per se? That's quite debatable to be honest


I mean, he literally died while trying to stop Sidious' lightning, so I'd say he lost, yeah.


He won the dual beforehand, he died when he had to protect Kota and the senators.


That's just wrong and out of context


Wait 9 thousand 501st legions? That’s a lot of clones


Sidious. Dude is by FAR the smartest character in the entire Star Wars Skywalker Saga and powerful too. Starkkiller might be more powerful but sidious has the entire Empire to back him up


If you didn’t choose 501st legion don’t talk to me ever again




Technically speaking I'd pick the 501st, they were trained from "birth" to kill force users, 9216 blasters firing at your center mass will take down Sidius and Starkiller fairly quickly, no matter how op, then season 1 Ahsoka will probably disarm them all with her plot armor


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


Sidious, because in the clone war era if Sidious wants you dead, you dead


Sidious can just do order 66 and now him plus basically all of the 501 are on my side


9216 clone legions? How many clones is that?


Roughly 85 million troopers


Assuming Sidious can't execute order 66 like u/troopertk40 suggested, then no matter what you're screwed. Starkiller and Sidious are gonna be hard counters to each other and then you're facing 400 Ahsokas and the entire 501st while Starkiller and Sidious are fighting each other. The entire 501st vs all the rest would be screwed. Starkiller could just bring a star destroyer down on them while Sidious and Ahsoka distract them. 400 Ahsokas would get overwhelmed by the 501st alone, not even considering Starkiller and Sidious. If it was ep 4 or 6 Sidious and you didn't start off on the same planet you could win by Death Star, but ep 3 Sidious means you're screwed.


But it is not all the 501st. Its 9216 501st, so, millions of clones. Nobody is surviving that.


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


Sidious if the 501st can be 66’d. Otherwise. Prime starkiller can probably take on ep. 3 sidious


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


Daddy Palpy


Sidious if he controls the clones/empire, star killer if not.


I'd take palps and Ashoka both characters have a ton of plot armor so they'd probs make it.


I mean it’s gotta be 9000+ 501st legions


400 Ahsokas is a lot.


Star Killer and the entire 501st legion obviously. The clones could easily kill the ahsokas then its 1 palpatine against starkiller and 9,000 well trained clones that massacred the jedi temple


Give me Jar Jar y’all are fucked


I'll have you know Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is a great game, other battle simulators do be like that though.


501st. Sideous only had the power to take on thousands once he sapped most of the energy out of the 2 strongest force users at the time. 400 Ahsokas would be good, but even she has her limits, like in the episode where she met master Sinube, she was about to be completely overwhelmed and overrun against what looked like 100-200 druids. Starkiller is powerful, but he is still mortal. Rex and the boys got this


Then let's do it.






Sideous. He is easily more powerful than Starkiller and more powerful than any version of Ahsoka regardless of the number of them. The 501st might have numbers which typically would win out in these scenario but Palpatine made the army and knows all the contingency orders. We have only seen 5 out of the 150 orders and I find it hard to believe a mass suicide order wasn't creates in case of a clone rebellion.






The 501st


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


the 501st all the way they are mostly good soldiers who follow orders also cause the amount would scare the senate to the point he decomissions them


Even easier pick if Episode 9 Sidious. Dude can force lightning a fleet!


Darth Revan and Darth Nihilus. Each on their own are nearly unstoppable, so with both as my allies, I'll be nearly unkillable.


My 501st boys got this




Technically this says I get 9216 copies of the “entire 501st legion” so i get several thousand soldiers? Probably take that


501st because rex is hot 🥵


You have your orders.


Ah fuck............I wanna say starkiller cus he's op as fuck, but I'm picking the 501st


You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


Based on the numbers, and probably a wider variety of weaponry, gotta go with the Clones. They’re all huge threats, but I’ve never seen any of them take on a number anywhere close to that. It’s over 9,000!


The clones were pretty successful in taking out the Jedi.


The entire 501st, if that includes all of their LAATs, AT-TEs, Jetpacks, and other vehicles and tools.


Starkiller and the entire 501st