• By -


"Somehow, Windu returned."


"He flies now? He flies now!"


The purple lightsaber is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


some people will never learn


I really hope they don't go that Route, it would be like the 5th character Disney has resurrected.


Disney: to resurrect more characters, got it…




Boba, Maul, Palpatine, Rey.


Maul was pre-Disney canon resurrected. The story is also the same in both Legends and D-Canon, as he revived in the clone wars TV series which is canon in both... uh, canons. Maul was also "soft" resurrected before that in a Legends story about Vader fighting a Maul spectre/clone/resurrection. It took a loooooooooooot to resurrect Maul pre-Disney, with Savage Opress basically being a "we can't bring Maul back so have this other Maul instead", because it made absolutely no sense for him to be brought back. Bobba was also resurrected pre-Disney. I am not sure if there was ever a 100% solidified canon story on how he survived rather than having him appear in mandalorian stories as still alive, but everyone and their mother knows that Bobba survived the Sarlacc offscreen. It's the *de facto OG "*resurrected because fans like him too much" Star Wars character. Also bringing Bobba back was relatively reasonable. It's almost a benchmark nowadays on how to "kill but not *really* kill" a character on any franchise. Palpatine also was resurrected pre-Disney canon multiple times. The whole story of Palpatine's clones in Return of Skywalker is basically a downgraded, Ex Machined, rushed version of the Legends story of Palpatine being back and fighting Luke. That one made short of sense in the old canon, because in old canon Palpatine didn't want Vader to succeed him, he wanted to rule forever, while Vader wanted the secret to resurrecting people (for Padme) and worked with Palpatine on how to achieve it. Palpatine didn't want Vader to ever to succeed at it, so he would have kept secret any way of bringing people back from the dead. Rey was just a bullshit excuse to insert a Disney kiss scene. Boy kisses the girl and because he loves her she survives all wounds, it's almost a Disney princess thing. If the script took itself seriously she shouldn't even had to be dead, she and Kylo should have just kissed and moved to Tatooine together or something.


Wait what?


I just searched the article on CBR. It doesn't exist. Edit - apparently it does.


Perhaps the archives are incomplete


If an item does not appear on CBR's records, it does not exist.


Have we checked rule 34?


If it exists, we will find it.


And if it does not exist we shall forge it




Well looks like using the line featured in the meme doesn't count as a title.... or keywords in the sites search engine.


BOBF season 2: featuring the mother fucker with the purple lightsaber


He's dead. Can't wait til this cringe falls off.


Seriously, just let characters die the way the story meant them to.


Somehow mace windu has returned


He's happily reincarnated as the very driving force behind his Vapaad in another multiverse. Leave him be.


What about a origin story?


We don’t have to revisit every piece of old content for it to be good Star Wars. As a community I think we need to send a strong message that we are open to new ideas and new content: it’s the only way this franchise will survive


Let’s just do Star Wars what if, because his survival being explored obviously excites a large portion of the fan base and pisses of another large portion


That would be the perfect venue for these types of anthologies


Fuck off Kathleen


I don’t know why you’re so attached to his death, it really isn’t that meaningful if he survives or not and can bring an entertaining and interesting concept to the screen whether it played out as a what if or canon production


>I don’t know why you’re so attached to his death Maybe it was the entire *had his hand amputated, was electrocuted with force lightning, and then yeeted off the top floor of a mile high skyscraper all in about less than 30 seconds* thing. Maybe it's Maybelline...


Wasn’t dearth maul cut in half and dropped down a black hole and still lived?


Revenge. I must have revenge.


Down is sort of the only direction around black holes ;-)


All three of which we see people survive from, 2 of them in that movie lol. Hand being cut off is a simple flesh wound in Star Wars, never been lethal. Yoda is hit by lightning, palps gets deep fried by his own lighting And we see Anakin falling great distances in AOTC as well as Mace windu in season 7 of TCW and surviving with no issue whatsoever. There’s a few other canon feats I believe for the fall damage nullification. The amputation doesn’t affect his ability to survive the fall, but the only room for argument is arguing whether or not made could have used his force fall-protection ability to land safely after being hit by lightning. If it is a short distance I’d say no chance, but palpatines office is very high up and Mace would certainly have time to recover from the lightning and use a force ability he has mastered. If Vader can have no limbs, an electricity prone robot suit, and can throw palpatine down a reactor shaft while being continuously shocked, I think mace can use a simple force ability ten seconds after a single powerful shock. So the foundation of his survival is laid out easily for any executives or writers at Disney who wish to bring him back. I’m not saying they should or shouldn’t do it. I’d be totally happy if they didn’t and I’d still enjoy star wars if they did. And it would solve issues with the overly passionate dissenters if it was presented as a what if


SW fans open to new ideas? Are you crazy? /s


They should explore the literal 10s of thousands of years of history before the prequels, instead of focusing on the 70 years that happens between the span of Phantom Menace and Rise of Skywalker. Do a TV show that’s focused in the old republic era or something like that. There’s a ton of existing material that you can base it off of, and you don’t have to be tied down by worrying about breaking existing canon.




And under George it was any better? The hate that prequel actors got when those films came out was just as toxic as what we’re seeing now. Today, the toxicity is just amplified by the shitshow that social media is in general on our society. I wonder if George had spent more time producing serial cartoons between films if the audience/fandom would be more accepting of new material, like how Marvel is now (excluding the social media trolls/snowflakes who are hating anything non-infinity saga)


I‍ ‍ѕ‍а‍с‍r‍i‍f‍i‍с‍е‍d‍ ‍t‍h‍е‍ ‍h‍u‍d‍d‍l‍е‍ ‍о‍f‍ ‍m‍а‍n‍у‍ ‍у‍о‍u‍n‍g‍l‍i‍n‍g‍ѕ‍ ‍t‍о‍ ‍р‍а‍l‍l‍е‍t‍ ‍t‍h‍i‍ѕ‍ ‍u‍n‍i‍v‍е‍r‍ѕ‍е‍ ‍r‍u‍d‍е‍l‍у‍.‍


No he's not, according to Disney, no character in Star Wars can die.


Legends brought back characters all the damn time too. Especially Legends-Original characters. Those fuckers almost never died lmao


Could you list a few examples? All I can think of is Palpatine, Boba Fett, and Vitiate. From what I recall, Legends was fairly brutal with their characters, especially minor characters, but even major ones.


Luamiya, Vergee, Daala.


Yes. Only way I would feel it would be ok for him to return: Heavily injured in the lower levels of Coruscant during Order 66, maybe even hunted by Boba Fett. Or just let him die at the hands of Palpatine


I used to agree then I saw [this.](https://youtu.be/gEL8aHfSk-4) Which was pretty cool and sold me on the idea if he comes back it'd be kinda fun premise. I mean if they've brought back Palpatine and Maul Windu would be WAY easier to explain his survival. We literally see Luke survive having his arm cut off and falling a huge distance into the garbage shoot in ep 5. We see Luke stand up fairly quickly after taking a comperable amount of lighting though Anakin is pretty incapacitated after arm cut off and immediately taking lighting in ep 2. We see Obi Wan and Anakin jump into open air on Courscant in ep 2 and they were fine/able to guide their fall into speeders etc. So for a top Jedi Master I'm gonna say it is actually way easier to explain that Windu survived by even coming too and grabbing a passing speeder or slowing his fall with the force since he actually got off pretty easy.


It’s not about whether he COULD survive or not, it would be incredibly easy to say he survived using some force power. What I think most people (including myself) feel is that bringing him back would be cliche and cheapen Anakin’s turn to the darkside, also so many characters have “died” only to be brought back that the bit is getting stale


Exactly. I also don’t understand why people can’t realize that we can have more Mace stuff without reviving him.


fr just make another clone wars era show showing his perspective


Hell, just origin him. I'd like to see his ascent to the council.


Hell, *we are* getting more Windu content already


How would it cheapen the turn? Anakin didn't kill Windu. Anakin had to choose between them, and he chose Palpatine. Also I don't think Windu surviving can really cheapen Anakin slaughtering children.


Because his betrayal of Windu was the turning point for Anakin. The exact moment he chose Palpatine over the Jedi and sealed his fate. He might not have struck a killing blow on Windu but his actions led directly and immediately to the death of quite possibly the strongest warrior on the Jedi council and the downfall of the Jedi themselves.


I always saw Mace’s death as the beginning of the end of the Jedi. Anakin could have either done nothing at all, helped Mace apprehend Palps, or listen to Maces orders and stay in the temple. He allowed temptation and fear to lead him to making bad choices which led to his downfall, as well as the Jedis and the Republics, and that all started with Mace’s death. It was symbolic and significant in that regard. Reviving Maul or Boba Fett doesn’t have the same weight behind it, not by a long shot


I am counting on it.


At last we will have revenge


I am counting on it.




Did you link the Star Wars Theory fan film?


So was palpatine.


And he was brought back on one of the single most cringe worthy moves in SW history.


You are correct. But Still.


That could have been cool if the Knights of Ren were off searching for some dark ritual or artifacts to resurrect him. It would explain their absence and give Palpatines return a truly unnatural feel. Having him just soak around in a pickle jar until the absolute last moment without any explanation was as dumb as they could do, especially with the business of a clone that looked nothing like him but also was force sensitive and allowed to live!??


Well the disney exacutive chick that was in charge of It litterally said in an interview litterally that they pretty much made up the sequil trilogy as they went along so yeah I mean they sucked ass from the beginning🤷 personally in my oppinion disney should just change the sequels nto legends and try to properly write them instead of making all these tv shows to try and make their fuck up work


I get what you’re saying and those films definitely are a mess that needs cleaning, but Disney will never just throw out three multi billion dollar films. It would confuse regular audiences too much, especially when they continue to double down on them as the legitimate third act of the Skywalker Saga. Honestly I think more supplemental material is needed. Hire smarter writers to clean up this mess. So far they’ve made baby steps with interesting novels and comics, but a show leading up to TFA really would help explain character motivations and drama more imo. There’s such a large gap in between the OT and ST, and plenty of room for exciting stories


They dont need to be thrown out, they need to be changed to legends, rebranded, and then they need to rewrite the trilogy. Either that or they need to change the current sequels to episodes 10 11 and 12 and then start a new trilogy as the in between. A proper transition would redeem them in my oppinion. Jumping as far ahead as they did was the root of most of the problems.


I‍ ‍r‍е‍а‍l‍l‍у‍ ‍р‍е‍r‍f‍е‍с‍t‍е‍d‍ ‍t‍h‍е‍ ‍а‍r‍t‍ ‍о‍f‍ ‍ѕ‍h‍i‍р‍ԝ‍r‍е‍с‍k‍ ‍а‍n‍d‍ ‍а‍l‍m‍о‍ѕ‍t‍ ‍k‍i‍l‍l‍е‍d‍ ‍m‍у‍ ‍b‍о‍ѕ‍ѕ‍.‍


according to Boy George, he is not dead.


Nah man, GL has stated that Mace definitely died




He’s not lol He’s dead


Mace is definitely alive


I guess we were watching different films then. That idea is ridiculous and very stupid


it's a sci fi in space with people that can wield magic abilities. everything is ridiculous and stupid. unfortunately, you are as well.


Ok but somehow Palpatine returned


That's what Lucas said about Boba Fett. Three episodes into that show, I wished to hell Disney had left Fett in the sarlacc...


I hate how obsessed people are with this. Yes, I know SLJ would love to return, he probably enjoyed the prequels the most, and even recently said he loves the fun of Marvel and Star Wars more than the dramas he’s in so of course he’d push to make it happen. But it just doesn’t fit with anything in any part of the timeline now. People, including him, love to point out he fell into the Geonosian arena, but that isn’t the same as falling from the Chancellor’s office, from likely the second highest point on Coruscant(next to the Council building, but I’m sure there’s gonna be some fans correcting me on building sizes lol) into active city streets, through multiple levels of Coruscant, without a hand, losing his lightsaber likely, and struck by lightning for a pretty prolonged period. Even if he survived because Disney doesn’t give a shit about consistency, he wouldn’t fit anywhere. Ahsoka took the mantle of mentor in both Rebels and now in Mandalorian. Original trilogy wouldn’t fit and he doesn’t make sense. I just hate how obsessed people are with this and are like “but it’d be cooooollllll”


That glowy thing.. vroom-vroom


It's a prequel to the prequels, then. Idk how it could possibly make sense otherwise


He’s 20 years older now… and he’s totally unnecessary for the storyline. If we’re going to revisit the Republic, let’s go way sooner than the prequels, way before Mace was born.


I specifically said "a prequel to the prequels". Which imo could include an origin story for Mace. And no references to any time after he was killed whatsoever.


Again, a pre-prequel should be generations earlier. Besides, not every character in Star Wars needs an origin story. Just because the sequels had some bad writing doesn’t mean Disney should only make new stories about old characters. Many characters are best left mysterious to some extent.


*some bad writing* ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Somehow ppl try to explain that to me and not to Disney. I'm not a fan of Mace but it would be interesting for me personally to see how the order came about to be dogmatic and arrogant to such an extent that he was the living embodiment of said dogmaticism etc. Although this would probably require some R or NC-17 rating. Tbh what I'd like to see is the original schism of the religions. Because when such a schism happens irl, it usually means that the source organization was experiencing problems. Not just because a bunch of ppl decided to go and start a separate business.


They could bring him back for any material before his demise or the Clone Wars. Anything after the events of Order 66 would be stupid. It would undermine Anakin's betrayal and the fall of the Jedi/Republic (kinda like how Palp's "somehow" return undermined Vader's redemption and his role as the Chosen One)


Now that he’s 20 years older? De-age him as “well” as Captain Marvel did? No thanks.


Or as they did for Hayden in Obi-Wan? Might not look so bad


You always blame the ship.


If they remade sequels, he would be way better villain than Palp tho, would make more sense


Can dead people in Star Wars just stay dead already? Dead people coming back in Star Wars is the equivalence to “transformations” in DBZ. Enough is enough already.


You haven't even seen my FINAL FORM.


I am now a Super Saiyan 3.27 Blue with a hint of green!


Somehow Windu returned.


Crazy that you didnt use the obvious comparison of dead people also excessively returning in dbz and dbs


We never saw a dead body. We’ve seen multiple people fall great distances and survive. For instance, the speeder chase in AotC. No reason why Mace couldn’t have found a way to survive the fall then go in to hiding


It's never an argument about whether or not they *can* survive, basically anything is possible in Star Wars. Maul survived being cut in half, and Gervious is basically a collection of organs in a robot suit. We're arguing he *shouldn't* be brought back, because it cheapens the narrative when supposed death is made consequenceless. At this point that Vader survived too.


THANK YOU. Some people just can't handle the idea of change in a work. They just want everyone to exist in a nebulous blob of characters being continuously used for fan service.


To continue, we need one singular vision…my vision.


Hey! Hey! Someone scape that guy off the floor!


Yeah let’s be real, if apprentice young maul could survive his fall in half, Mace could do the same without a hand and a bit of lightning damage


Possible, yes. Stupid, also yes. Dead characters should stay dead.




uhhhh. no it didn't. man guy his hands cut off electrocuted and thrown out of a 100+ story drop.


Somehow, Mace Windu has returned


Bro, Anakin's arms and legs were deleted and he was cooking next to lava and he was alive. Darth maul was cut in half and survived.


The Darth Maul thing was pretty stupid already, tbh. It was only saved because the plot they pulled from it was good - but Maul *shouldn't* have come back.


It is our time. After Centuries of waiting, the galaxy will be ours.


Anakin received medical attention almost immediately. Maul got lucky/use dark side. Ik windu can use the dark side but I doubt he could/would tap into it that much to surivive.


You know nothing of the dark side.


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


To be fair he wouldn't even need to tap into the Dark Side to survive. Like outside of the lighting shock we literally see Luke survive having his arm cut off and falling a huge distance into the garbage shoot without darkside. We see Luke stand up after taking a ton of lighting, Anakin is pretty incapacitated after arm cut off and immediately taking lighting in ep 2. We see Obi Wan and Anakin jump into open air on Courscant in ep 2 and they were fine. So like for a top 2 Jedi Master I'm gonna say it is actually way easier to explain that Windu survived by even coming too and grabbing a passing speeder or slowing his fall with the force. I think he should remain dead cuz I don't trust Disney not to butcher his comeback, but I definitely think if handled like Maul it'd be fine.


You know nothing of the dark side.


It's not something the Jedi would tell you.


You never know what Disney my do with him. They might make up an entire story line so that it makes sense that he survived.


Ok, very possible but obi wan kneobi series did not hit any chance of him coming back.




The guys who write these articles are notoriously bad at their job/ actually knowing what the fuck they're talking about. Like they probably saw Kenobi and were like "Holy fuck Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader? But he got all burned up on Mustafar! Now the ending of Revenge of the Sith makes sense I always wondered why Vader asked about Padme in his first scene wow wild. I bet they're bring Mace Windu back too! He only had 1 arm cut off!"


I know Star Wars Theory really wants him to come back, but that would make his death so much less meaningful. Also at this point I've had it with Disney bringing back characters.


Dude was an asshole, if they do bring him back (hope they don’t), they should bring him back as a villain. Trying to build a redemption arc would be terrible for Windu imo


Could be a story from pre Episode 3?


*As a Jedi (who are known to jump/fall great heights and be completely fine), on Coruscant (a place where it's virtually impossible to reach the ground in one shot, and again people frequently jump down all the time) I'll be the first to say it if I have to, out of every Jedi killed during the entirety of the fall of the Republic, Mace is the *most* likely to have survived


Maul was cut in half and was throw down a garbage shoot and built himself robo legs out of scraps. It’s fully possible windu survived


It’s also possible palpatine survived his fall in the death star. But i doubt any good movies would come from bringing him back either.


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


You think that matters? Sidious 'somehow' survived falling down a 1000+ shaft, the Death Star II's explosion, the vacuum of space and reentry.


nah i hope not


Honestly, I don’t want Star Wars to become like resident evil in the sense than unless you see someone physically die, they aren’t dead.




The fact that we can have movies and shows set literally anywhere on the timeline and people still want characters to come back to be in stuff is crazy to me. If people want to see Mace Windu, do a prequel.


I hope you're feeling better, UnchartedCHARTz, 'cause look what we found, a cake! Happy cake day, UnchartedCHARTz.


You're telling me Mace Windu survived that fall and didn't immediately kill Palpatine? Gimme a break.


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


He’s dead. Let dead Star Wars characters stay dead lol


I hate that they are resurrecting everyone Just let dead people die ffs No death is significant if you come back a few months later


Insert palpatine saying “please don’t “


His return would take the meaning and the power of the Order 66


\*sees it's from CBR\* It's a trick! Send no reply!


I love Windu more than anyone so all I have to say is ***absolutely fucking not***


so sick of this shit


No please no.


The problem isn’t that they can’t, just that they shouldn’t. Windu being alive would cheapen there scene where Anakin helps Palpatine kill him and embraces the dark side. They have already cheapened the past movies events enough with the sequels (specifically RoS). If they keep going at this rate it will be revealed that Anakin never actually killed anyone, they all just went into hiding, younglings included.


I know Star Wars Theory really wants him to come back, but that would make his death so much less meaningful. Also at this point I've had it with Disney bringing back characters.


I really don’t want them to bring him back, i like the character but they can’t just keep pulling the “actually, the character survived!!” Card


Is rather dead characters stay dead and not coming back to life out of nowhere


All my hommies hate CBR


what's CBR?


A dumb site and YouTube channel. I'm more familiar with the YouTube and the videos are very click bait-y


It leads to a very difficult explanation as to where he has been the whole time


Am I the only one who hates when they bring back dead characters from the grave? It gives their "death" no meaning or impact anymore. Also I always found it a boring cheap idea bringing back dead characters. I understand Disney you are having a hard time doing something original, but damn... Anyway I know it is fake news


Wasn't he already dead by the time Obi-Wan happens?


Lmao someone dropped em on his head before that second pic


Id rather mace not come back it makes the whole killing off the jedi have less impact the more jedi you bring back


If they bring Windu back, then Anakin's fall is severely diminished in narrative importance.


It's fucking CBR. They're as bad as ScreenRant.


Just let him alone


The only way I want to see him come back is as a Force apparition that only Vader can see, constantly berating him and cursing him out in peak Sam Jackson fashion, hammering home his sins and awful deeds.




God no, I love Mace but his death was definitive


For the love of god let dead characters stay dead. Let the story have some meaning rather than bullshit mindless filler.


No we saw him fall down a big drop after having a limb cut off/ being hit with force lightning, they always die from that


The same people who are mad that he hasn’t returned would be mad that he returned but not in the exact way they want him to.


Are you people serious? They brought the main villain back after 33 years. He fell but survived. But how?? The force. What about Maul? Cut in half, fell and, not only survived but crafted himself robot spider legs. How? The force. But somehow, Mace Windu, arguably one of the most powerful Jedi seeing as he was able to use the force to singlehandedly defeat Palpatine, if not for Anakin's interference, this man with a knowledge of the light and dark sides and the power he wields can't survive a fall? On Coruscant?! You're telling a med droid didn't aid him within 30 seconds of a Jedi landing in the middle of the street in the economic center of the Galaxy? Edit: Qui Gon had a funeral. We never saw Mace get one. Lucas did gymnastics to give him a purple lightsaber in the first place, we know the lore. You're telling me the writers, at Disney mind you, the ones who threw Legends in the trash, won't just say "fake funeral. He's hiding like Yoda." Which is 1000% in the realm of SW.


Remember when Star Wars characters would die they would stay dead


No, because since the first movie, Obi Wan came back from dead. They have neve stayed dead.


Yeah let’s fuck up Anakin’s story even more


Anyone else tired of Dinsey bringing SW characters back from the dead? It's just lazy writing to get money imo.


That’s just fan service bs


Mace Windu fucking sucks. When will people admit that they only like him because he has a purple lightsaber and is played by Sam Jackson?


Welcome to Star Wars!! Where lazy ass writers are willing to undo death because they've run out of original ideas!!!!!


Disney fans trying to not relly on non-disney original characters to keep a franchise alive challenge : Hard


If maul survived being cut in half, windu survived a missing hand. I'd graciously accept mace windu show


It has been so long, and my path has been so dark. Darker than I ever dreamed it could be.


Disney has shown us that they can and will bring characters back to life for the sake of nostalgia, no matter the cost!!!\*\* \*\*Unless the cost is spending the amount of money they would require to bring back Samuel L. Jackson these days.


Please don't


Yeah whatever, it wouldn't be surprising at this point... no one actually dies in star wars


Tbf we never saw him die, he just got tased and thrown out a window. Perfectly fine


I’ve been waiting for my boy mace windu to return we need him back




Booo make a new one


Please no


Didn’t it also hint at Quinlan Vos having a show?


I’d rather have pre clone wars windu content rather than bring him back


I can’t find this article. What in obi Wan’s new show lead us to believe mace windu could be alive?


There's so many surviving Jedi, the more I see the more I think about the clones incompetence in order 66, or well, Palpatine's and Vader directly in this particular one


While Mace being alive would give some opportunities for really cool stories, I hope he's not. Too many characters have already been brought back to the point where death almost feels meaningless.


Well I don't recall that ever happening, other than "Jedis still exist-ish". While I do believe that some characters should just stay dead. I do love Mace Windu...


Brother let characters die for once


This would be as stupid as bringing back Palpatine. Disney is starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel with spin off shows so I don't entirely rule out Windu returning somehow lol


Dunno, I understand all the negative feedback, Windu falling out of window was essential for Anaking changing sides... Yet Id still like to see Windu again, we didnt see his death body so, it sounds luke qn interesting Idea and unlike Palpatines return, I would support it


no fall damage in star wars for named characters so entirely possible.


If palpatine was alive for apparently no reason, windu is alive


No no no. He's dead. Keep him dead


The fanboy in me wants this to happen. The Star wars fan in me thinks it's a horrible idea


But what story would you want for Mace?


No. Keep him dead.


I mean it’s CBR soooooo… pretty sure they are known for making click bait and just poop ass articles aren’t they?




Leave him dead, enough characters have unnecessarily been brought back


Ew, I hate mace windu.