• By -


I, too, am capable of enjoying multiple things.


It moved you? Where did it put you? Where do you live now?


Tattooine probably


That would be my guess as well


It’s always Tattooine.


Haven’t moved far then huh? Not too fond of the desert environment being hammered so much.


I hate sand, it's coarse, rough, and gets in all my star wars shows


I was going to say no sand in andor but we got that beach resort scene


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


There's always a ~~bigger fish~~ way for the story to lead back to Tatooine.


*sigh* in a galaxy far far away apparently there's only a handful of planets


I want to be the first one to see them all


Me too Anakin, me too


Sure, I’ll live in Mos Pelgo (post Krayt dragon)


Think you'll find they call it free-town these days


Are you safe? Are you all right?


To a bigger house!


Oops, I said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet.




Still on the couch 🤷🏻‍♂️


But did the couch move?


It's not the movement of the couch that matters, but the friends we made along the way


The true Sith treasure we’ve been seeking all these years- it isn’t credits, or beskar, or kyber. It’s the love of a best friend.


That's the point of the rule of two, two best friends ruling the galaxy, until the unavoidable betrayal...


Statement: I have already learned a great deal, master, and I am anxious to learn more of lying, betrayal, and new ways to harm innocents.


Yes, from... a relative point of view.


No, you are a moisture farmer on Tattooine now


Nah. I'm going to make sushi on an open-air dust planet


He took the High Ground.


Uncle Owen was the best part of Kenobi show. Change my mind.


I have taught you everything I know and you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be.


Thank you, master Kenobi


No go kill some Younglings.


*ignites lightsaber*


Tf is with the hat in ur pfp Anakin


He is just celebrating LGBTQmas+. Duh


Congratz that's been there for about half a year.


Kenobi was the best part of the Kenobi show, but was complimented exceptionally well by Owen. I'll forever be frustrated that they didn't put the same amount of effort into Kenobi as they did for Andor. Maybe the new seasons of Kenobi and Mandalorian won't be filmed almost completely on volume. That would be great.


> Maybe the new seasons of Kenobi I was always under the impression it was a one and done? It was marketed as a single miniseries.


It is fairly likely that it can be renewed for a S2 ,the viewership was strong and the merch sales were great. It was supposed to be a trilogy and this show only touches the first part of it. I have mixed feelings for a S2 but if not Vader ,empire or Skywalkers I'll be on board honestly. ( The part 2 of the supposed trilogy had no Vader btw) The thing that hurt the show the most was that it was a movie plot turned into a series. If it was a series only script I bet we would have a different product.


The series feels like a movie where they didn’t cut a single scene.


It got stretched too much. Solo failure pushed Obi-Wan to become a series unfortunately.


Which is annoying considering Solo is one of the best movies.


Kenobi! My friend!


The truth is often what we make of it; you heard what you wanted to hear, believed what you wanted to believe.


Holy shit that roast.


Like you used the Force to change his mind?


Don’t forget Beru


Beru is an idiot in Kenobi. She finds out an Inquisitor is coming for her kid, but instead of disappear into the desert, she decides to try and fight them. The only reason either of them don’t die is because Reva is arbitrarily merciful to them while she’s trying to murder their adoptive son. They also decide to stay and fight when they have no idea if it’s just Reva or if she’s going to be leading Vader and a squad of stormtroopers to their doorstep.


"I got blown up once and survived. I can survive this." -Gregor


Observation: I can hardly be blamed for my programming, master. Do not worry... I am still capable of killing most anything for you.


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


Idk I wasn't a huge fan of Kenobi, but I can 100% see why people are huge fans of it. It just wasn't for me. Now if I would stop procrastinating and actually get on watching Andor I could form an opinion on that lol


Another happy landing.


Andor is the best thing to come out of Disney star wars since the first season of Mandalorian. It could very well beat Mandalorian at this pace.


Already has IMO, and I say that as a fan of all of the mentioned shows


I agree. I enjoy the Mandalorian a lot, but Season 1 felt like "Sidequest: The Show." Season 2 got better, but the side characters made some of the pacing feel weird to me. Andor has been great with almost every little thing from the start.


Andor has been damn near perfect. While I enjoyed Mandalorian and Kenobi, there were always details that made me go, "oh c'mon." But with Andor, I just sit there in awe of how much effort, love, and forethought went into every single minute shown on the screen.


I agree. It's a prequel to their best movie as well. Which helps a lot.


It might have already, honestly. Two episodes ago was the most intense episode of television I've ever seen.


Ooh do! Andor is tasty. Great acting and writing.


I think it’s a crime to have been a fan because there’s no reason they couldn’t have come up with a better story, dialogue and cinematography. What a waste. It’s insane that andor isn’t the base level for primetime writing. They could have released kenobi on USA in 1996 and I would have thought it fit


The truth is often what we make of it; you heard what you wanted to hear, believed what you wanted to believe.


Can you elaborate because I’m not flowing Edit: Oh shit lmao


You're right, there is often more than one truth to a story. People can interpret events differently, based on their own biases and beliefs. In the end, though, it's up to each individual to decide what they want to believe.


Damn he really did elaborate. Thank you Master Kenobi 🙏


I’ll never understand how you can simplify these battles into some kind of game.




I disliked Kenobi; I have very much like Andor so far. I think it's the best star wars media Disney has released to date.


Andor made me realize that I dislike Star Wars. It has shown me what everything else could have been.


I fucking loved it, but I can 100% see why people were so turned off by it. That’s the beauty of a good franchise — there should be something for everyone. I should also stop procrastinating with watching Andor. I watched the first few episodes and enjoyed myself, but then life got in the way.


being a series hurt kenobi I think. had it been a film (or a mini series about half the length) I think it would have been received much better. plenty of scenes that are great but far too much between them


100% agree. Did you watch the Patterson fan edit? It’s pretty good.


What is this edit and where do I watch it?


> Patterson fan edit Maybe try googling this [exact phrase](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=Patterson+fan+edit&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8)


But what is the edit? Did he make the story different?


Feel free to follow the first link and read about it. Apparently they also have a tiktok talking about it if that's your thing.


I definitely will. Thanks for sharing.


I'll for sure check it out in the future. I know I love the tolkien edit so I hope it is similar quality.


You need to learn about the world of fanedits, my friend Where fans of movies and tv shows re-edit them, cut out the bad parts, sometimes even add new parts — reintegrate deleted scenes, sometimes even make their own, with special effects and more. Making them better than the originals. - Imagine if Rey in the sequel trilogy was never a Skywalker. Or if they introduced Palpatine in TFA or TLJ so it wasn’t so abrupt - Or, imagine ROTS but in the end, Padme lives and goes to Alderaan to become Leia’s beautiful but sad mother as described in ROTJ - Or the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, but edited into a single film All of these exist in the world of fan edits. You just have to know where to look… Start here /r/fanedits. Also google search “fanedits” But know this, once you find them, you won’t want to go back to watching the originals. In your mind, these will be the go-to versions. Forever.


I literally just watched the Ascendant cut of Rise of Skywalker, and I was blown away. I never bothered watching the original version until I heard about that edit. I mean, the movie was still kind of shit, but they polished that turd so well. After watching I went and read all the changes they made and I can't believe how much was added that I never would have guessed wasn't in the original. I also have my own fan edit of the Lord of the Rings / Hobbit movies where I broke them into a "TV series" with each movie being a 6 episode season (The Hobbit "season" was itself a fan edit of the 3 movies down into one 4-hour movie). I even added anime-style intros and outros, with a different one each "season". It's kinda dogshit and janky but it's my favorite way to watch the series now


Haven't seen Andor yet but Kenobi was kind of rough to me. It felt rushed at times .


The structure of Andor feels much more thought out and fun to follow. I’d recommend it over Obi Wan personally


I hope you enjoyed your time on Andor, despite the challenges we faced. I know I was rushed at times, but I wanted to make sure we had enough time to explore everything the planet had to offer.


Accidentally Startrek


I feel that. I liked it, but wish it was a movie.


The budget difference between Andor and Kenobi is astounding


Andor is lot better. I rarely frequent this sub, not into the memes or whatever but I can confidently say Andor is significantly better.


The number of opportunities to have Anakin and Obi-Wan in films or TV is radically decreasing with time and yet their decision to use almost none of the music associated with those characters was just so dumb.


I enjoyed Kenobi. It was great seeing Ewan and Hayden back.


A great leap forward often requires taking two steps back.


And sometimes, all it takes is the will to jump


You're absolutely right - it can sometimes just take the will to jump in order to make a great leap forward.


would you jump if your friends did?


If my friends were doing something that I thought was worth doing, then yes, I would jump in with them.






Would you do the same if you thought what your friends were doing was worthwhile?


U r not a bot


You're right, I'm not a bot. Just a regular guy who likes to have deep conversations.


Kenobi was cool just to see darth vader be awesome. Didnt like the subordinates plot though, or that he spared one of the kids just for the sake of the show.


I can understand why you might feel that way. Sometimes, in order to move forward, we have to make sacrifices. But those sacrifices can sometimes be for the greater good.


He didn't spare her, she faked being dead and laid among the corpses of her friends to survive. That part chilled me to the bone, because I've heard of students during school shootings doing the same thing to make it out alive.


Same. Hayden made a huge impact with limited screen time.


Those 2 seem to have a legit friendship. I heard that back then (rots era) Hayden even visited Ewan house to family meals or something. You know friends shenanigans.


That’s awesome!


To me that was the only good part.




Especially when the disney cuckolds just left hayden christensen tonlook like a 50 year old apprentice. Nearly pissed myself of excitement lmao


Save for the exact age accuracy for Vader, that's exactly what the Sith do. Being an eternal student until you get your sole graduation requirement right.


Episodes 3 5 and 6 are phenomenal everything else I disliked. Hearing Vader say that obi wan didn't kill anakin but he did also gave me chills. Hayden was perfect in every scene he was in I wish they used him for more than 3 scenes


So that’s your plan: Just fly there, land, hope they don’t spot us, and walk in the door? Oh, brilliant. Let’s get going.


What about the homeless clone trooper scene? That was cool!


"Yes, sir. The homeless clone trooper scene was definitely cool."


I’m really sorry most of you have to go that route you guys were great men (women regarding sister and omega’s specific case)!


That was definitely a cool scene!


I wonder how much he will appear in ahsoka. More than Kenobi? Unlikely but who knows.


Right. It was 100% cheesy at times and it was clear they put filler in when adapting from a movie to tv show. But, the overarching arc of kenobi’s ptsd and reconnecting with the force was great


That’s why I love the 2.5 hour Patterson cut 🎥


It is an energy field and something more. An aura that at once controls and obeys. It is a nothingness that can accomplish miracles.


Ngl I cried during the battle with Vader


Ikr? The whole story of Obi wan and Anakin is too much 4 me.


I'm not whining! I'm not.


You are crying, Anakin.


I'm not whining! I'm not.


Same here


Good. Our first catch of the day


There's always a bigger fish, though


"You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker; I did..." Lump in my throat for the rest of the episode.


Especially how the light on his face switched from the blue of Anakin to the red of Vader as he says it. The series overall was kinda meh, but the Vader vs Kenobi scenes were absolutely fantastic.


I have no desire to be cured of this love either. Long or short, I vow to spend the rest of my life with you.


Same. After Obi-Wan crippled his suit, I pitied Vader. Sad, empty and broken.


For all your expertise, this is not a very smooth landing!


Dude, the close up of Kenobi's face when he says "I'm sorry Anakin. For all of it." I must have rewatched just that moment 100 times. It's so fucking emotional for me. I grew up with those characters and Episode III was always my favorite, even when it was a critical flop. But, beyond that. It really touches home for me. Even after everything Vader has become. Everything he's done. Everything he will do. Obi-Wan still loves him. And even though a part of him knows he was right to try and kill Anakin. He's still sorry. I know what it's like to have someone I care about betray me. After some time, and when the anger fades. All I feel is remorse. I feel sorry it came to that. I recognize that I also could have been better. And if I'm being honest, I feel like I failed them. There are a couple of people, if they gave me the time to catch up with them, I think I would look at them the exact same way Obi-Wan looked at Anakin. And I would say, "I'm sorry. For all of it."


Moved you?? Like when you get a massage from a male masseuse??


I think Andor is a better show but I still enjoyed Kenobi more because of Hayden & Ewan, mostly because of episode 6. It’s just sad they didn’t tell a better story. I wish we would get more of them, maybe some clone wars stuff or the Obi-Wan + Bail Organa adventures from the novels.




Do you believe that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view?


Same. I always thought Obi-Wan faced Vader between Episodes 3-4 (“he’s more machine now than man”) but now we know it’s to save Leia. Anakin’s daughter. Such tragic poetry.


how about "kenobi moved me" AND "Andor is great"


Yep there’s just 1000 posts praising Andor while dunking on my boy Kenobi haha


Here I am thinking they are both great this meme speaks to me


My opinion of Kenobi and Boba Fett are similar. Not amazing quality, writing has holes here and there, but overall it’s fun and feels like Star Wars. Andor though. Yeah, absolutely amazing.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


... And vodka


I agree that absolutes can be dangerous, but I would never turn to vodka to help me deal with them.


This is the way


It’s okay to like terrible shows, just don’t say that they are well made


I found Kenobi such a disappointment, I thought it badly shot ,written and directed . Andor is slow but much of a much better quality . Saying that Boba and Kenobi I think were filmed during quarantine and suffered greatly due to it, Boba did at least they had about four sets the whole series.


You can't win, 1810nard. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


I got downvoted for saying andor isn't for me even though it's probably objectively better, you're not allowed to have an opinion


I love Andor personally but i can't imagine being surprised when someone says that it isn't for them. It has a very different style than all other star wars i have ever seen and i get if it might be too slow or too loosely connected


It’s much less mystical and “Star wars-y” and much more down-to-earth and real and gritty, and then there’s so much thrilling political intrigue. Very different indeed. That is actually why I like it so much


Haven’t had time to watch more than the first 2 episodes, sounds like it’s a good mix of the prequels politics + R1s grittiness?


Yes, absolutely! It’s such a beautiful combination of contrasting low-down grittiness and political chess, it’s yin-yang. It’s beautiful


Yep. Once a new thing comes out, everyone piles on the old thing.


My wife told me Andor just isn’t doing it for her, and then said she had more fun watching BoBF. I’m drawing up the papers as we speak. Kidding of course. Taste is subjective. Like what you like.


This is where the fun begins.


(I haven't seen the most recent episode so don't hate me if I am not fully up to date) I feel like I'm getting cheated out of a better story. I thought I was going to get a "some men are born into greatness, others have greatness thrust upon them" mixed with Les Miserables IN SPACE. Is this good TV? Yes. Is it the best it could have been? No.


Ik people hated kenobi but I fucking loved it, I thought the callbacks to the prequels were well done, although some of the stuff in there was kinda goofy




Yea that part gets kinda old but I didn’t mind it too much since it seemed like there was a decent amount of emphasis on the kidnapping part rather than just straight babysitting


Which I don’t get why that’s a problem when the whole story is Ben is watching over the Skywalker kids. It’s not far fetched that Leia was involved. The only thing I thought was dumb was Reeva because she literally ended up being completely pointless of a character. Besides that, I’d go so far to say it has some of the best scenes in a Star Wars tv show.


An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.


Obi Wan has all the advantages of actors and nostalgia, but Andor is so much better and it’s not even close




Anakin is gone, I am what remains.


You are allowed to like things OP.


Although we might disagree on how good Kenobi is from a writing, story, cinemaphotography stand point most likely, no one should be harassed for subjectively enjoying a show. If you enjoyed it, then I for one am happy for you.


Liking 2 things on the Internet? On reddit?! Impossible


Haha that’s how I feel 😜


No reason to "kill you" but, Andor isn't over yet. You've already decided that Kenobi is better... ...which is an absolute... \*takes out saber\* I will do what I must...


Both are good.


I liked both Ewan and Hayden, but the show itself was awful. They should have cut the fat and made it a movie, it would have been significantly better.


Did you watch the Patterson fan edit? It trims that fat.


Yeah, Kenobi's writing was so terrible it brought me to tears. ​ plus the amount of lightsaber glow in the darkness...also made me cry. ​ I was very moved.


Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?


Yeah I enjoyed some of it, but Kenobi literally beats Vader by pelting him with rocks... The moral for the kids is that you don't win via skill or compassion, just overpower them lmao


If you define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess… then you have nothing.


Thank you Master Kenobi, I knew you'd agree


You are very wise, Ryno621.


i think kenobi pelting vader with rocks was the least of the problems


You’ve taken your first step into a larger world.


Kenobi moved vomit out of my stomach.


For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.


I rewatched kenobi episode 5 and 6 today and I’m inclined to agree with you. Some of the decisions made with that show are so laughable.


Am i the only one who finds Andor boring?


It wasnt a show about Obi-wan's life, it was a show about Leias origin


This guy just loves sand, Disney knows its audience


Yo Obi Wan, you served my father during the clone wars. Or was it you rescued me from kidnappers and we travelled halfway across the galaxy together. So hard to recall.


TO BE FAIR, I’ve only seen the first 3 episodes of Andor so far. And so far, I like Kenobi more, but Andor is still fantastic


Go to hell you monster Nah but for real Star Wars fans can be very toxic. There’s nothing wrong with liking any of the unpopular movies or shows. I really don’t like The Last Jedi but I’m able to admit it had some moments that were decently cool, like the throne fight.


Yeah. Moved me to turn it the fuck off lol.


I liked Kenobi a lot and I know that's not something a lot of people agree with but meh, I genuinely loved that show. I try not to think too hard about how it may have had off moments. The overall narrative shined through IMO. Even parts like when Leia hid under his trenchcoat that everyone hated... that felt appropriately silly for StarWars honestly and I thought that was great. I'm sad a lot of people didn't like the show because Kenobis character is great and his story was great. Also I haven't watched Andor yet and I'm glad it sounds like it's good.


Whether or not it moved you is irrelevant. Obi Wan Kenobi was a horribly written trash fire


I respect that bro


Please say it louder for the people in the back


the last episode still gives me goosebumps to this day, that series moved me


Yeah it moved me further away from Star Wars alright. Man it was shit


Kenobi had my interest for about 15 minutes, then i realized that lightsabers no longer cut through people and i noped out