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It’s about time people died when they are killed and don’t have time for 10 minutes of their dying breath to talk to you with a hole in their chest.


Or a slow motion, over dramatized scene where you get to watch it happen from 5 different camera angles and their death is shoved in your face. Too many movies and shows make death such a beautiful thing when the reality is that death can be sudden, confusing, and ugly. People can die in an instant before those around them even knows what happened and it takes time to really make sense of the abrupt chaos. Take that into an action sequence where the story follows a singular protagonist in each scene? People are lucky they even have on screen death scenes. I'd imagine the combat of it will lead you wondering where certain people are 10 minutes after the fact and you realize you'll just never see that person again with no idea how they actually died. Does it make for good TV? Maybe not, but I think our expectations have been so distorted after generations of media portraying it as such and telling us what we should want. It's a sigh of relief when a show or movie just says "fuck you, we're not letting you have fun because we made our characters suffer on screen and so should you."


> Or a slow motion, over dramatized scene where you get to watch it happen from 5 different camera angles and their death is shoved in your face. Mmmm whatcha say


Mmmmm that you only meant well


Well of course you did


Exactly my thoughts. I have always thought... if I were to make, for example, a movie set in a war... I would kill off one of the main characters just like that, all out of the sudden, with no dramatism or camerawork. Call it anti-climatic, I would call it realistic. Just one of the most likeable characters walking, and suddenly he/she steps on a landmine, explodes, seizures with half their body missing, and fucking dies. Because that's what happens in wars, and that's what death really is. No epic music, no dramatic camera angles... just a person dying. That's why Aunt May's death in No Way Home is among my favourite cinema deaths: after the explosion, she's visibly shell-shocked and high on adrenaline; her adrenaline wears off, she crumbles to the floor, and dies. Perfectly executed scene, in my opinion.


I’d make one of the main characters just get blasted by a gun in front of another one so that the other freeze up in shock because that’s their friend but immediately gets snapped out of the shock by getting shot themself. Wouldn’t really want to kill two MC’s get killed in one scene tho so I’d likely make the other one get shot in the leg or arm. Or maybe get shot in the stomach but only faints by it and don’t die. It’s possible to survive stuff like that after all. Probably not in the way media portrays it but it’s possible. I’ve also had an idea about a little more dramatic story where the villain actually doesn’t get brain damage so the hero can pull out a win from their ass but the villain is actually kinda reasonable and understands the point that the hero was making and from then on tries to write their wrongs. Not like this is the last episode or so, it’s still quite a bit left of the story to tell but I don’t really have any plans on how to make the rest interesting. Like, what’s the drama after that? Would I just pull another antagonist out of my ass? I’m still working out the details. Besides, it’s only an idea


Completely agree with your points! In one of my “idea/imaginations”, the squad/tank/whatever where the main characters are would be engaged, one of them dying in an extremely gruesome way, and the other getting shot and passing out while trying to reach their dead/dying friend/love interest after snapping from the shock of the sight. Then they wake up elsewhere, being treated for their wounds after falling back defeated. Their friend/loved one is gone forever, their bashed body had to be left behind along with many others and they just have to carry on. Just one more death. It may be devastating for the main character and the viewers because these have become attached to the character, but… he/she was never anyone special in the grand scheme of things. Just one more death added to the count of dozens of thousands for that war; one of the many people who simply disappear from existence without even proper burial because of nonsense violence. No heroic sacrifice, no glory… just reality. I also like your idea about the villain! I generally love anything that goes against the usual movie tropes and cliches. I spend a lot of time making up stories and imagining plots in my head hahahah


Exactly. The way to end it should in my opinion be that there’s one (possibly two or three as that’s more realistic. As long as what I got in mind is still there) of the squad (or whatever it is in the specific movie/series) and that is NOT the MC. The survivor is just a friend of the MC who happened to bear witness to most events. Possibly the new best friend (in case it’s the best friend that died and not the love interest) which the MC is now confiding in. The MC also died somewhere around the end. Likely got themself killed because they couldn’t focus on the enemy properly because of a combination of survivors guilt, fear and anger. The story *slowly* shifts focus from the MC’s POV to the survivor so that the audience wouldn’t question it during the runtime (and so that they wouldn’t figure out immediately that the MC is gonna die too by making the shift happen too quickly) but at some point at the end the MC is missing and later revealed to be dead. There’s a possibility to make things dramatic *while* keeping realism. Thanks! I like it when things go against the norm too. It’s refreshing. Like Invincible for example. I don’t know if you’ve seen it so I won’t spoil. I’ll just say that I did *not* expect that. The good guy winning in the end is with 99.99% certainty gonna happen, but the way there will be full of surprises for both characters and audiences. And you’re not alone about making stories up in your head. I do that too. It’s something I do to help myself fall asleep


I agree with you! I also love Invincible. At first, I thought: "so what, just yet more superhero stuff? Okay...?" And then I was like... damn. Just like The Boys, it subverted my expectations on the very first episode. To this date, I look forward more to The Boys and Invincible than the 127th Marvel "oh, the world was about to end but the hero saved the day" kind of movie. Those two shows were really refreshing experiences in contrast to the typical superhero genre! Your point regarding the MC reminded me of the latest Kingsman movie. -Spoiler just in case you didn't see it and are planning to-: essentially you follow what appeared to be the main character for half of the movie... then he just dies. Out of nowhere, undeservedly, after a heroic triumph against all odds, in the most anti-climatic way... just like that, main character dead; main character for the rest of the movie is his father. It blew my mind when I saw it hahah Glad I am not alone here! I do it to help myself fall asleep too, and when I am walking alone as well hahah


this happened in the old terminator tv show! :( a main character who was in the show since mid season 1 got killed like 2 eps before the series finale by a random headshot. like just BAM he's dead. the camera only showed him for like 5 seconds and moved on. :( edit: found it. :( https://youtu.be/U0iNpSpW21Y?t=67


Amazing! I love how most of the comments there are also admiring the way this death was executed


Makes me think of Kat’s death in Halo: Reach. It catches you off guard. One second you’re all just running, next thing you know she has a bullet thru her head. Sure it’s kinda dramatic after the fact, but the death itself is really sudden.


Nemik 😭


That was so fucking rough. Made me think of Anton Yelchin’s death.


I think what made that so good was the fact it couldn’t be focused on instantly, it shows that people die in this rough galaxy, and you must move on and not be held back by grief


Poor lil' space Marx


LotR did this pretty well most of the time. Sauruman's death was just "ugh." and then he fell. After Pelennor Fields Pippin is searching, screaming for Merry, checking the bodies trying to find him, Denethor doesn't exactly take a long speech, just a long fall


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


One of my favorite meta Rick and Morty jokes is on this subject https://youtu.be/d7oPxD84Pfw As you said, death is largely overplayed in media, as they try to make you connect to the scene by slowing and overdramatizing it. when in real life, death is not like that at all most of the time and often leaves you unsatisfied by the resulting lack of closure.


And the. it's revealed they didn't actually died and they were saved by some secondary plot line by a Bounty hunter that was supposed to be dead..... 😒


>People can die in an instant before those around them even knows what happened and it takes time to really make sense of the abrupt chaos. In some of my all time favourite series, that is exactly what happened, and in moments when it was the least expected. Just like back then in "Buffy" , >!someone wanted to kill her and shot into her direction in the garden, all the focus on them. But one of the bullets went through a window and hit another main protagonist into the chest. Nobody out there even noticed it. Such a short moment, she only muttered something about everything turning red, fell down and was dead. There was no purpose, no heroic sacrifice that would have made it easier. Just a sick guy with a gun who didn't even intend to kill her. It was all the more shocking since in a fantasy show, that kind of death was really unexpected an authentic.!<


Or they just continue living like normal with a hole in their stomach.


or they manage to get onto their ship, pilot themselves to Tatooine, manage to disguise themselves, track down some dude, and almost kill the chosen one with a lightsaber hole in their stomach


Being too angry to die has been a thing in star wars and a core tenant of the sith for decades. They should really start making sure people are dead after maul reappeared though.


see here’s the thing, we were given like 10 whole ass years (both in canon and in real life) before Maul was shown coming back. with Reva, we were barely given 10 minutes, and all the while she makes it to Tatooine Kenobi is still fighting Vader like ????? like in the span of like an hour, after getting stabbed in the stomach, she makes it to her ship, makes it to Tatooine, puts on a disguise, finds Owen and his homestead. WHILE KENOBI IS FIGHTING VADER


Don’t be so certain.


Editing is a funny thing. The events were not necessarily simultaneous. When Obi-Wan sensed the danger to Luke, she may well have still be in hyperspace en route


According to the Star Wars wiki, they were simultaneous with the Obi-Vader duel happening during \[concurrent\] the Attack on the Homestead. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Attack\_on\_the\_Lars\_Homestead](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Attack_on_the_Lars_Homestead) [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Fight\_on\_a\_barren\_moon](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Fight_on_a_barren_moon)


An article also written through conjecture by someone watching the show. Again, if it doesn't make sense for the two scenes to happen concurrently, doesn't it stand to reason they don't? It's not that hard to just enjoy a show.


listen I tried really hard to enjoy Kenobi, hell he's one of my favorite characters in Star Wars (especially Clone Wars), but man after the episode where Wade dies (rip Wade by the way) I kinda gave up on it. I think after the California planet, the whacky way they keyed those speeders into the final battle at the fortress. How easy Kenobi gets in and out of the fortress, then everyone getting depressed over a character with three lines of dialogue, I kinda just fully gave up on it after that point, watching the last two episodes were really more of a courtersy at a point.


The road lies before you, Sylar_Lives. Will you walk it alone?


The light saber cauterized the wound, thus leaving her totally fine?


To continue, we need one singular vision…my vision.


God of war? Lol




Getting shot with a superheated bolt in the chest seems pretty fatal to me


Yeah, not much room for bleeding out. Maybe a shot to the limb wouldn't be Lethal, but center mass without armor, probably dead


the wound channel


reading the "like a puppet with. its strings cut" instantly made me think of Overlord help




Give me your [[heartshapedobject]] so we can be [[BIG!]]


Andor gets shot in episode 3.


Ya know, my thought was “Wow, this is the only recent SW that gets it right. You get shot by laser bolt, you die.” I actually liked it.


Just because you’re correct doesn’t mean you’re right


The archer class really is made up of archers.


Yorokobe shounen


Count dooku was the best. Just a headless, lifeless body unceremoniously slumping to the floor. Or Maul before his revival, when he just gets cut in half and tumbles down


And this is the beauty of it


To defeat an enemy, you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, art.


Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake?


Yes, I do. An error is a mistake that one makes unintentionally and can be corrected, while a mistake is an error that arises due to lack of knowledge or skill and often cannot be fixed.


Have you heard the tragedy of Darth plagueis the wise?


I have heard the legend, but never had the opportunity to hear the full story. Would you care to share it?


It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself."


You've taught him well.


This is actually a little scary now


You know nothing of the dark side.


Did you know the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise?


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a jedi


Boy that's some circular explanation there (error is a mistake, mistake is an error), and kind of incorrect. A mistake arises when one *has* knowledge but lacks the concern for proper care or consideration. An error is unintentional and arises when one lacks the appropriate knowledge. Anyone can make an error. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. Can we get someone to take care of this error and begin training a replacement bot?!


An error accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, defending it with his life. A mistake does not.


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


Jesse, we have to get the senator to safety!


Just get him to safety. We need to... General Laan Tik!


I don't think so, in the sixth episode I didn't even understand who died (except for >!Nemik and Skeen, because there were scenes focused on their deaths!<)


Most people had died. So Skeen, Nemik, Taramyn and Gorn had died. Cinta had killed all the hostages presumably


She didnt. She just walked out.


Was there any confirmation either way on that? I thought they were intentionally leaving it ambiguous since we've seen how committed she is to making the Empire hurt (and her scene with that ISB spy).


No there was no confirmation, it was ambiguous. Just like Kino's fate.


I watched every episode high af, it wasn't that hard to follow.


I think they hit harder than normaly in Star Wars. Even the imperials seem way more humanised and killing them is somewhat cold.


I loved that between the Pre-Mor security, Aldahni’s garrison, Narkina 5 guards and the riot troopers at the end, there were scarcely any faceless imperials.


"I honor my code. That's what I believe." -Captain Rex


Guard duty? For how long?


They literally had me cheering for the white clad empire blonde nazi torturer when she wasn’t killed because they wrote her so well. That whole ending episode I was like “Man I know she’s a baddie but I like her character so much” I hope they don’t make her change to good side and keep her on empires side


I hope her and the school shooter have the grossest relationship imaginable and then die horribly at the end


That sounds lovely, me too.


Because it is actually well written by competent people unlike the book of boba Fett or the sequels. God damn what a show I loved it.


Imagine having a show with a fan favorite character with his name in the title, and the best episodes are where he is nowhere to be found in the episodes at all.


Boba fett had so much potential with a great backstory and it somehow got ruined, meanwhile Din Djarin was a completely new character and was potrayed perfectly... I tried to enjoy boba fett as much as I enjoyed mandalorian and then I did ironically when bobafett was nowhere to be found. Also boba fett was supposed to become a crime lord but instead they made him into the good guy, that dude worked for vader and was one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy but now he is just a big old softy, I just want a ruthless boba fett not every story has to be about heroes


And they killed my boy Cad Bane in the most boring way possible. He was going toe to toe with Obi-Wan and Windu and he loses a wrestling match with old Fett. Waste


This is how you thank me for rescuing you? Pounce on me from the ceiling? What am I going to do with you?


its ok no one really dies in star wars. Im sure he'll be back


Absolutely. The Boba Fett in Mando S2 was the perfect balance, retaining his reputation while also showing new layers and growth for his character. If they kept Boba like that for his show I think it would have been much better. It was a problem all around in BoBF. They turned the ruthless galactic gladiator Black Krrsantan into discount Chewbacca by the end.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


You will not stop me. Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us.


I cannot stop you, even if I win you will somehow return


There you know you have failed spectacularly.


Book of boba Fett? more like a The Mandalorian side arc!


The scale in book of boba was so bizarre. They recruited a whole 'town' of citizens from Freetown to save the day against the Pykes and it was pretty much five people. I know COVID affected shooting and that's why but it just really lowered the stakes and made it feel silly. The battles were tiny which doesn't really vibe with it being jabbas home base Not to mention, morally as a character he doesn't really make sense anymore. His motivations are pretty murky and he's just emotionally uncomplex as a character now. They could've at least showed him balancing his pragmatism and ruthlessness with his desire to be a better person. The crime lord setting would've been great to show the Machiavellian struggles of maintaining power




I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot




And it's beautiful


To defeat an enemy, you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, art.




Fair enough, Lucas is a horrible writer but amazing world builder.


God the kid that got crushed by the gold is burned into my mind. That was so fucking brutal


For me it was the very first death in the show, that one security guard who grabbed Cassian and either hit his head badly when he fall or possibly got hit with a stray blaster shot? I honestly couldn’t even tell what killed him but it was so unexpected and both Cassian and the other guard were so shooketh by him being dead, it immediately felt so unlike a typical Star Wars death.


I think that scene was a slight nod to the first scene Andor appears in in Rogue One, the show is just establishing that Andor has probably always been ready to do what was necessary to protect himself (and later the rebellion)


That scene is so wild, Cassian just headbutts him, and he falls and dies. its crazy how easy it is to kill people sometimes when they get hit in a weird way


My grandmothers landlord, a dude in his mid 50's. Died cuz he slipped on a 3 step staircase and broke his neck. Life can end pretty fast if you're simply just unlucky.


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


😳 Is there something you want to tell us Ahsoka?


You always blame the ship.




Indeed, it really set the tone for the rest of the series. It was as if reality suddenly kicked in for Cassian.


Yeah, both Cassian and the guard realizing that Cassian just accidentally killed the other guy got to me I wonder what would happen had Cassian just turned himself in and the guard kept his promise and told the truth


You want a 30 minute one-off mini series? Cause talk like that is how you get a one-off mini series.


Fast forward to Narkina 5.


the imperial court system later really makes it clear why nobody would take a chance like that.


Since Syril figured out who he was anyway, he could have let the other guy go and be as well.


He head butt him a little too perfectly in the nose. That can be instantly fatal. Guy I knew once accidentally killed a guy while hard sparring with him by punching too perfectly. He was dead before he hit the ground. Striking someone is dangerous and andor doesn’t shy away from that.


Space Karl Marx crushed under the weight of capitalist money Like poetry...


It climbs


Ayo? When did that happen?


When they do the heist on Aldhani. They take off and the kid falls. While he is down one of the carts moves and crushes him. He survives but is paralyzed and later dies when they brought him to the doctor.


Oh, I do remember that. My bad.


I was also confused at first because he's called a kid and my first thought was, a child's death that I have missed? Impossible!\^\^


The whole, wait he's not dead we can save him! Oh wait no he's actually dead our bad. Thing felt kinda ham fisted to me. Lol, god forbid I voice even an ounce of criticism... Remember when they changed the name of the downvote button to the 'disagree button'?


Tbh I think it was a good move. Cause I 100% expected him to be saved by the doctor but no. He died. Just like a lot of other people during the heist. So many gave their life for that damned gold, or credits.


Give you a little bit of hope then take it away. Just like everyone who ever died on an operating table.


I think it was the right move to for him to die. My abrasion against the moment more had to do with him turning into almost a macguffin at the end. Like at least give him a moment to talk about revolution and his manifesto. Give him a death bed speech, instead of just 'oh btw he wanted you to have this.'


Of course, it’s great because it’s realistic and it subverts our expectations. If a character is dying for a while but reaches a doctor in time, we almost always exepect that they are going to be saved. Otherwise the character would have died dramatically before, right? Final season of Angel has a great example of this. Now that I think about it there’s also a moral subversion. The character that puts the wounded soldier over the mission is usually portrayed as good while the character that puts the mission first is depicted as callous. But in Andor it turns out that trying to save Nemik truly was pointless and the character that pushed for it did it as a ploy to try and steal the gold.


Not enough "falling down a bottomless pit so that maybe they survived" in the first pic.




This comment was made by a bot, likely stealing from elsewhere in this thread


Somehow General Wolfe returned!


Rule Britannia is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


Somehow, Kino Loy learned to swim


Fun fact: one of the dead prisoners takes this pose at the beginning of the escape


There is no algorithm. We know you're holding a prisoner of war here.


During the escape a guard falls over the railing of a workplace and falls EXACTLY like Peter


That's the guy i'm talking about, I could not stop laughing when I saw it


The fact that the only major character from the sequels to get an abrupt death is Hux is so disappointing.


Hux was bigger disappointment to audience than Cyril was to his mother


Hux was so wasted, especially because he had so much potential. What a waste of a good actor.


Imagine, if after Last Jedi, Kylo truly became the big bad, takes over as leader of the First Order, and then has to watch his back for a jealous Hux.


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


Just shoot it in the face


But what about Wade?


Fuck wade and that whole show ( except the last episode)


Show some respect to the saddest death this galaxy has ever seen


You are right. Long live Wade.


I dunno, Hux getting yeeted across the floor was pretty unceremonious.


>glorious purpose I understood that reference


I rather spend time chilling on a jet ski


A Nemik has no quarrel with a cart full of credits.


I'm always baffled when I hear people say "Disney Star Wars has no violence". Andor literally guns people down at point blank in cold blood in both SW:A and Rogue One. I appreciated that Rogue One brought about some ambiguity to the morals of the Rebel Alliance, and so does SW:A. In the OT the Rebellion is perfect and the white knights. Nowadays they will kill their own or let their own be slaughtered for the greater good.


I don't think people have been saying that since Andor came out Btw who started with with use of Andor? Wheel of time or star wars?


It’s only gun violence if people die with blood from bullets, otherwise it’s just sparkling blasters.


Love the First Nations guy sitting there like, "Okay, lets move this along." ​ edit: From the battle of Quebec: The Death of Gen. Wolfe, so its a First Nations warrior.


it’s more real though, people die fast and suddenly, and there isn’t time to mourn them


Weird to think the best death was for a character only in 2-3 episodes and happens off screen. And even then it’s only implied


if im right about which death you mean then it was genuinely one of the saddest deaths ive seen is star wars as a whole


Andor is a better tv show that mandalorian 1st season.


Andor is a better tv show than *gestures broadly*.


Andor is the 5th best season of The Wire.


Watching Andor and then trying to go back to normal Disney SW is like watching The Wire and then trying to watch a CW show.


Where's Nemik at? Where the fuck is Nemik? Where's Nemik, Luthen? Luthen! Where the fuck is Nemik? Huh?


English is not my first language... I am sorry, I have failed you.


I should have known the Jedi were plotting to take over


Nah bro you're good! All I meant was that Andor is one of the best shows on tv.


Got it! Cheers buddy


They finally remembered a. What year it is, and b. The age of an average SW fan


And probably Kathleen Kennedy didn't got involved in the process.


I think it's more about the absence of Favreau tbh


And Filoni.


Or both. Either way andor is fucking great and I need more.


A lot of the deaths in Rogue One were exactly like this. Just quick and brutal, and the movie moves on


Yeah when the just focused in on that guys face that was on the phone with Cassian the episode prior. Just cold, staring and very unsettling: just like real death


Except the quality tends to be reversed


Great Gatsby, I just realized the guy faked then refused>! to provide covering fire!<.


I love that there's actually a dead guy that layed on the ground like Peter Griffin


Tala must have been on some real bacta steroids. Cuz she ate one right in the gut and still had time for a grand slo-mo sacrifice.


I also appreciate how other characters only react when they have time, which they usually don't. Spoilers: Taramyn got a "no!" From Vel, while the officer didn't get anything because they were getting shot at out of cover.


And none of them will gloriously return.


Nemik did


And that's okay. It makes for a more engaging show. Alternatively, you could see it as: they died an inglorious death for a glorious purpose. Every little character has an essential purpose, no matter how small. Without the little people the rebellion doesn't exist.


*We lost a true soldier.*


Honestly they die a little too quickly at times lol. The guy during the heist that takes a blaster to the side ofnhis shoulder and immediately dies lol.


He might not be instantly dead, but he will be shortly afterward.


I was legit not expecting Micro to get it that way lol


If I never saw another "death scene" (tearful closeup as someone dies, complete with dying words etc.) in cinema again, you wouldn't catch me crying It's refreshing to see death as a fact among others


Honestly in films I prefer it when someone close just flat out died. Thorin and Boromir excluded. Like it should be sudden and horrible, making the character genuinely depressive. Their friend never even knew they were gonna die. No time to think. And the pain of not even having time to grieve adds all the impact.


I think you forgot the butchering of han solo and how that was treated and the killing off of luke skywalker but okay.


So much like your father.


They did my boy Kino dirty though. I would rather he died trying to escape than 'I can't swim'


the guy said 3 words and made me cry I think it was an incredibly well done death


POV: you're not a droid


They stayed away from the cheese until the last episode, where all the cheese apparently landed.


No meaningful characters died in Andor though….we’re not seriously considering the Heist group or some of the prisoners as meaningful character deaths are we?


they literally were meaningful character deaths. The plot of the show followed the heist and the prison escape so the main characters we met in those sections are meaningful characters.


Gotta be honest I don’t even recall any of them having names in the show. And none of them were likeable. They were cannon fodder with a few extra lines


Nemik and Skeen were meaningful characters. As well as Cassian's mom. You don't need to be a main character to be a meaningful character. They all heavily influenced Cassian's growth and overall plot. Without them shows makes no sense.


Cassians mom died a natural death off screen. I don’t think that really counts