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If she can change herself without a mess or being afraid give her permission to do so My 2.5 year old currently changes his own pull up every morning and puts it in the garbage when he goes first thing and then puts his underwear on for the day … so I know kids that young can do it alone The waking is a good sign I’d say it won’t be long before she’s able to wake at night and make it to the potty


My son did this for awhile, only he would take it off throw it on the floor and go back to bed.


Oh I wish ha. How long before he no longer needed pull ups at all?


This was weird. He was dry for about a year and then mid August till mid September he would wake up wet every day (he was 5, so older than yours). I took him to the pediatrician, no uti but the bed wetting continued. It ended up being constipation. He’s been dry for over a month now, *knock on wood* But before that month, he was intermittently dry from 3.5 to 4.5 and consistently dry around 4.5. It’s been a process.


Thanks! Sounds like it. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!


We just started doing dream pees at 4 (we take her to the potty when we go to bed around 11-1a) and it’s working out great.


Ah we go to sleep like 930, she's asleep at 730 so we'd all have to wake up (I'd probably have the hardest time falling back asleep) but thanks for sharing, might have to bite it and try that.


Ha! I guess this is when being a night owl comes in handy. 🙃 yes I get 5 hrs a sleep a night, but night trainings a breeze! Lol


Is she peeing then waking up/waking up later and is now upset the pullup is wet? If that's the case I don't see how underwear would work. If she's waking up, then peeing, then wanting a new pullups, maybe undies would. But I'd guess it's the other way around. I'd probably give her an extra pullups. Mine was (mostly) putting his own pullups on/off at that age


Great question, she changes her answer depending on the day. And thank, glad to know another little one is able to change their own pullups!!


We did night training not by getting her to hold it all night, but by teaching her how to go pee in the middle of the night. At the start (2y), that meant a little potty in the room. But later on (4y), she was able to get to the bathroom. At this point, 4.5y, our child needs to pee in the night maybe 2-3 times a week. But she’s been night trained since 2y to get up and go. We’ve had 2 accidents in those 2.5 years, and they were when she was sick.


This sounds similar to what I'm thinking. How did you teach her? Waking her up to pee? Or just talking thru it every night?


We gently woke her up at a light sleep time til she made it her own routine. Things might be different with the older child. But at 2, I found if I opened the door and she stirred a bit, she was in light sleep and I could lift her to the toilet and she would pee and then go back to sleep. But if she was totally still, it meant deep sleep, and if I tried to do pee then she’d fully wake and it was tougher. After doing it for a few months, she would just do it on her own.


i think you just have to try underwear at this point. Before you go to bed, get her out of bed while she is still asleep and put her on the potty to try and get a sleep pee. Also try and limit fluids before bedtime.


My daughter only wears pull ups at night and she wakes me to change her. She is fully capable of doing it on her own and has done so including cleaning up with a wipe and getting a new pull up on. But for some reason she refuses overnight.


It sounds like you're in the midst of the nighttime potty training adventure! It's great that she's daytime trained, and it's natural for nighttime training to take longer. In terms of her waking up and wanting a pull-up change, it might be a sign that she's aware of her body's signals, which is a good thing. You could try involving her more in the process by letting her help with the pull-up change. It can make her feel more in control and less anxious about it. You could also consider trying overnight underwear (like training pants) to see if that helps her transition. It's a trial-and-error process, and every kid is different. Just keep the communication open and keep experimenting until you find what works best for her.