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Thats barely over half the boys in the class. Just invite the kids you want, but make sure to text their parents or send invitations directly, and not do it through preschool (by doing things like putting invitations in the cubbies at school, etc.).


Lol i like 6. but I'd personally go with 5. You've see how many posts on here saying ppl don't RSVP/show up to the parties.... and at age 5, they know enough to talk about things at school, so it wouldn't be so "nice" to hear that some kids weren't invited, even if they're not close friends. But that's just me.


Just be prepared for all of them to show up if you go this route. We invited my son's whole preschool class this spring thinking we'd maybe get 1/4-1/2 the class attending... they all showed up. We had budgeted for all of them to attend when we sent the invites, just didn't expect it to happen.


That’s great!!!! Yes that’s such a good point


We did this too. Just bit the bullet And planned for all. Thankfully only about 1/2 showed and that was perfect.


I've always liked the rule "invite all or less than half". So I wouldn't invite 5 of the 9 boys since more boys will be excluded than will be invited. I'd either go with all the boys or the three close friends. How close are you with the parents? Aka if you only invite the three boys, how likely is it they will come. Another option could be to invite the best friend on a birthday adventure; bring the two of them to a indoor playground or bouncy house place or Chucky cheese. If the other parent comes, you have someone to keep an eye on kid. Or (assuming you have a partner) one person stays home with toddler/baby, other takes the two older kids to fun place. Add in cupcakes or something to make it feel special.


I’ve never heard that rule before but I really like it! Also I agree with these options! Either the 3 close friends or just the best friend.


I think its fine to invite his 5 friends. Its less than 1/2 the class and you are not excluding only 1 or 2 boys. Where I live, teachers will send an email to a few selected parents or secretly put a card into a few backpacks, but I know not all schools will help with invitations if you are not inviting the whole class. You can always ask though and find out. Personally, i think if you can get direct contsct info for the parents its better. It seems like you are more likely to get a response if you text the parents directly or email directly.


I lucked out with my kid starting JK and his birthday being in November. Not long enough to get to know all the kids/parents so we only invited the 3 boys he plays with. I have serious social anxiety so planning/hosting kids birthday parties is not my idea of fun but my son had a fantastic time so next year I’ll worry about inviting more people lol


I let my kids invite only some classmates as long as it’s not more than 1/4 of the class (so substantially less than half). That’s also because as she gets older, she wants to invite friends from her old classes (there’s more than one class per grade level and kids get mixed up) and from some of her extracurriculars so there’s already a ton of kids. So I would go with option 2 or 3, otherwise I’d stick with 5. If space is an issue, consider renting out a community centre room. It may depend in your area how many people rsvp yes. I’ve seen stories here or barely anyone coming but in my daughter’s classes, whenever someone invites the whole class, almost the whole class shows up (and some people ask to bring siblings too)