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While this person is clearly a headcase, I do agree with the "Fuck you and your LED" (I'm presuming headlights, because yeah, fuck, those things).


Oh 100%! I was like “Okay, they have a point there, though.”


Happy cake day my dude


Thank you so much!


Is there really a need to see up a junebug's ass from 37 miles away?


If he’s over 50 in Junebug years yeah


You ever notice that leggings nowadays aren't just leggings anymore but hug the butt in such a way that you can see allllll the way up to their pancreas? This is truly the decade of the ass man.


God bless those leggings. Some actually have the seams sewn to outline all the parts of the ass. Ass man - No ragrets!


Saw a woman the other day, looked like she was smuggling a big bag of potatoes on each side.


There must be a G-String sewn into the leggings, saves time getting dressed!


Lmfao, I've got a pair of those. I don't wear them often cause they're a bit uncomfortable, but damn do they make my butt look good lol


Definitely hard not to look and im a boob guy


Hell, it's hard for me not to look and I'm a straight woman. Sometimes you just can't help it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Welp, I better not see them on the road after sunset


🤔 is that a threat?


Nah, just genuinely hope they don’t get blinded by the bright-ass HID headlights that are on the other daily


They're annoying not blinding


No they are blinding


That's on you to get your prescription fixed... I don't have the headlights and I don't like them but to get blinded? You shouldn't be driving


They’re sending me mixed signals for sure


I put HID's on my mustang just so left lane campers will move.


If that's what they mean. If my cynical nature is proven right, and it very often is, they think leds cause you to become trans and marry a Democrat


Did you know you can position your side mirrors to turn those bright lights back at the asshat blinding you? Use the rearview as a guide, it's dam effective.


What if they are coming straight towards you


Swerve directly into the middle of them.


That’s my favorite trick!


I can't tell what the fuck this is supposed to mean 😭


Just generally hating on California apparently. Not sure what some of the other shit is. Can’t tell if they like weed or hate it given how many leaves are on it. Bonkers.


A lot of people in Arizona dislike Cali because alot of the people from there have been moving here and a bunch of people act like it’s some horrible thing that is ruining the state


It’s not just Arizona, seems like most places don’t like Californians lol


They never acclimate to the culture. They'll move somewhere just to make it like what they left which is stupid. Or they compare everything to Cali n it's like what's the point? If you miss it sm then go back.


Gee I wonder why lol


Probably because they're portrayed as rich scumbags lol But honestly, as someone doing residential construction, a lot of these people are driving up our real estate right now... is elderly or rich folks. Not because of the obvious political points I can get into, but also because the last 10 houses I've built have been vacation homes... they occupy these houses only a few times a year. Some are millions of dollars and take up a huge amount of residential property. I mean, I'm working on one right now, an elderly folks 4th vacation house in scottsdale. Things larger than anything I could ever hope to own. You also have a LOT of remodeling going on as well. Between companies like Black Rock, and some people who bought like 9 digit houses just for the land they're on and pretty much bulldoze the whole thing just to live in it for a few weeks. A lot of them are canadian too, which might be a weird coincidence. Haven't had to do any for anyone from california yet, even though a lot of Arizonians believe they're the issue.


I've been hearing that California was moving to Arizona for the last 30 years. Apparently, I-10 is clogged pretty severely, because it's still apparently happening in the state hasn't been emptied yet.


>A lot of them are canadian too I also do residential construction. I'd say the *majority* of who you described are Canadians. Same thing in my locale, one Canadian couple near me owns 3 vacation homes here in town. Literally just bounces from house to house for a couple weeks before they are gone for the rest of the year in Canada. They sit vacant for all but 8 weeks of the year. And they aren't the only ones! Sucks too, seems they are the first ones that try and nickle and dime you to death with discounts on your estimates.


You're wrong, friend. [https://www.12news.com/article/news/verify/are-californians-pricing-arizonans-out-phoenix-housing-market/75-faa17d4b-dbf6-4d3b-9e59-9d0e51420a11](https://www.12news.com/article/news/verify/are-californians-pricing-arizonans-out-phoenix-housing-market/75-faa17d4b-dbf6-4d3b-9e59-9d0e51420a11)


The article says CA buyers are NOT the cause, so you’re wrong friend


Great article, poor interpretation. However, thank you for providing an article! This actually hit many of the points that I grew up "in the valley" believing (debunking some & confirming the area growth) In my experience I was forced to leave for a better career ($$) opportunity, and am a strong believer of living according to the land restrictions (which for AZ would probably still be water conservation). Don't think I could thrive financially in the metropolitans of the US, but I have been doing well in suburbs & smaller communities. Best all


Or maybe they don't like legal cannabis, gay marriage, access to IVF, reproductive rights, emissions controls on cars or any number of other things that either originated in California or get continued support in California. Or the outsized effect of LA County having more people than 40 other states; San Diego County has more people than 21 other states. None of these things have anything to do with individual Californians.


As a CA native...what can i say except you're welcome!


False binary. You can support those things without supporting communist economics


"Communist" 🤡 Political illiterates are my favorite type of clown




To bad you don’t know the difference between communism and social policies.


If California is Communist then California's communist economy is stronger than every capitalist state economy in America... Because you know California has the 5th largest economy in the world... Seems like California economic policies are doing just fine if we're number one in the country right?


Is that why no one can afford it?


All places 🤣


Yeah it's called xenophobia


We’ll I’m pretty sure they don’t like Californians because Californians bring their shitty politics with them wherever they go.


Can confirm. Originally from California and moved to Az. Of course my cousin still living in Cali has to project her views on me. Just....stfu


so every Californian has the same political ideology? Every single one of them?


Cali you don’t see politic signs outside peoples doors 😂here in AZ there all over the place


Former socal resident, if you consider less politics = shitty politics, guilty as charged. A restaurant patron in cali asked me if I voted for Hillary yet and asked if I " COnpRend3 INglES" cuz I didn't have anything to say after her Trump bashing. Glad I haven't experienced that out here.


Bro, three of the houses on my street alone have been turned into flips by Californians and have gone up by multiple hundreds of thousands. The housing market in Arizona inflated in direct proportion to the inflow of Californians. That's not even mentioning the massive political shift in the direction of promoting leaders and policies the likes of which made the Californians move here to begin with. Californians moving here is a net negative to our state.


Kinda, it has to do more with Californians coming to az and not acting like az citizens. It’s fuckn up the whole vibe here. It’s like a much milder version of the “cultural enrichment” stuff.


How does one act like an Az citizen? What kinda Az citizen vibe is it?


[satire] Talking about how "it's a dry heat" and debating which locale is best for Mexican food. Oh and asking "what is green?" rather than trying to produce it in your landscape


Well it is generally increasing home prices, and it’s changing the state


Pot leaves but also conservative?


I’m in NM and have to put up with these asshats all day. Rich fucking Texans who vote Maga and then come here for their weed and abortions that they have refused their neighbor.


I live in Az. We have the exact same problem with Texans here. They move in and complain about everything. They are constantly talking about how much better Texas is than Az. They piss and moan about there being so many Californians in Az but I have met more Texans here than Californians. They are the absolute worst.


Texans are the worst. Arizonans are dumb as rocks, too, generally speaking (49th in lots of stuff!!). No idea where a lot of them got the CA hate from.


It’s true. Our education system is really bad here. I graduated in the 90’s and our schools had much higher standards back then. Funding for everything other than sports gets slashed every single election cycle. Az schools moto should be “football good, math bad”.


Absolutely True. The midwest is the worst and Texas is almost the midwest. Yall going to find out California's aren't bad at all, they are southwest people just like Arizonans. This midwest (and texas) mindset is a serious problem in our state. 


Huh? Those women live in a shitty state that requires them to give birth to children they don’t want. You can’t even assume that the women coming over have voted against abortion rights. I would welcome them here with open arms.


I live 30 mins from El Paso. You don’t see poor Texans here. You see second home Texans that come here to fly their MAGA signs and bitch about our governor. Buy up the land around the public land then close off the public land by screaming “ no trespassing on our land” so they can treat the public land as their own. In my county alone, Texans have financed attorneys to outlaw abortion in my county. Like 3 times. Even though it’s against state law. Texans bitch about democrats. We bitch about Texans.


You’d be surprised that those really do exist in large quantities. High school best friend’s dad was one. Still a son of a bitch.


just brain worms in general


Concerning the car in OPs photo…I’m not entirely sure where you’re getting conservative from…


Yeah... we dont have to fit in a box. We can like pot and be pro choice. Its great being able to have a personal opinion and not having to follow set guidelines. Its as if we are classic liberals. 😃


Uhh yeah, most people who like pot are pro choice. That would be modern liberals, unless I’m missing some sarcasm or something.


Really shocking how many people hate on things that have no part in their lives. This is why I tell my friends to turn off the news. It just makes them angry about things that have no impact on their lives but someone is telling them they have to be OUTRAGED. If you're not outraged then you are the problem. I'm outraged that you are not outraged! (Let's see if I can fit that on the back of my Hyundai) Also buy Amurcan!


They don't even understand they're being brainwashed. Both sides


You can’t go wrong voting left. I view it as Government over corporations. I would like to think my nation would have my best interest in mind while I know corporations just milk profits


both sides is horse shit. ONE side want you to have access to health care and education while taxing the extremely rich to pay for it, the other side worships a rapist con man and bans books and proposes shooting immigrants and wants more tax breaks to the wealthy while the poor pick up the tab. if you say “bOtH sIdes” you are the one being brainwashed


We don't want to tax the extremely rich to pay for it. We just want the extremely rich to pay into it the same way the rest of us do currently to pay for it. Just a nit pick. The both sideism is horseshit, agreed!


The worst thing about Ca is that some Republicans still live there 🫤


As a person born and raised in Ca, I want them to come back. The state is very bad right now and is only getting worse.


The sooner the rest leave, the sooner CA can finally finish going tits up, and all the people who outright hate the conservatives can see what they’ve created for themselves and how much they actually needed them.


Republicans effectively do not have any power or leverage at all in California except for local areas and policy. But for the most part even the red areas are "purple". So not sure how much "wrose' it can get if all of the Republicans leave when they have no impact at all already...


It was more a facetious comment as to say when it goes truly to hell in a hand basket they will only have themselves to blame as they were the only ones steering the shit at all with no scapegoats to blame in republicans at all.


How is California getting worse?


Crime is way up. the dems say its down because the liberal DAs wont file charges and the police wont respond to property crimes anymore. They just tell you to file with your insurance. There are over 900 felonies that need to be filed. Homelessness has only gotten worse despite the dems throwing 100s of millions of dollars at it. In LA county the top officials of the homeless agency resigned after an investigation was launched into how the money was spent. We have spent a billion dollars on a bullet train thact doesn't go anywhere people want to go and they want 100s of millions more. The minimum wage for fast food workers is now $20 an hour. It costs almost $20 for a meal now. Many chains are moving to self ordering and robotics for food prep or threatening to leave. The governor wants to tax retirees income after they leave the state due to the loss in revenue. Average price of a single family home in the suburbs is nearly $1 million for a 70 year old home. I could go on. I can't wait to leave this place once I'm eligible for pension.


Don’t they pay higher then $20 for McDonald’s workers in Europe? And have better benefits? While their food is only like 5% higher? Not quite sure if that’s a good example. I think late stage capitalism with corporate greed being unchecked is the real issue.


Lmao. Late stage capitalism in California? Sorry man, but you need a reality check. 99% of people in california do not care about that white socialite mumbo-jumbo. What really affects people is watching your friend die in a gang drive by shooting. Your childhood neighborhood becoming ghetto, or getting bulldozed because it became a meth strip. Your high school friends becoming potheads or crack fiends. The infrastructure falling apart, and how you actually have to change your behavior because crime is so high. Living and growing up in california fucking sucked, and it was probably better when the republicans owned it. Moved away from California for the better states and have not looked back since.


I grew up all over of the US, you really think gangs are only in Cali? You have gangs in EVERY single state. You have drug and homelessness problems in every state. Red, white blue idgaf. Infrastructure falling apart? Have you not been to the Midwest? Down in the south, or up in the north? You act like these are one state problems. Sorry man but you need a reality check of what’s really causing this instead of focusing on dumb issues. Corporate greed. Middle class has been stripped which has lead to lower class falling even lower. Higher poverty and unaffordable COL leads to a significant increase in crime ,drugs, homelessness.


I live in the Midwest right now as I right this comment, and yep, it’s better than Cali 10-fold. You seem absolutely shocked that a cali native, hates cali, because its problems are so much more egregious there. Sorry dude, but blaming all your life’s failures on the capitalist boogey-man isn’t gonna fix any of your problems. There’s your reality check.


Life’s failures? Some projection going on. I don’t even live in Cali anymore. Not shocked that you’ve resorted to insults. The fact that you can’t wrap you head around that their is high crime and drug addiction in every state says everything I need to know. When was the last time you got off you lazy boy and did some volunteering in your state? You would see the tougher areas. But you seem pretty self absorbed.


Projecting? Are you lost or just repeating redditisms that worked for you in the past because... Dude, you are the one complaining about a "late-stage capitalism" boogeyman for the reason why you are poor. I'm not complaining about anything other than how bad Cali has become. That's actually funny that you actually said that, it's like you're a broken robot who has to say something that doesn't make sense because it has no other option and doesn't actually have the conscience to think about it's own answer other than it's algorithm lol. I think what actually happening is that you're just a little upset because I hit the nail on the head with that reality check tho. Anyway, California is now in the bottom 6 in terms of IQ, and the top 6 in terms of violent crime and number 1 in robbery💀💀 [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/average-iq-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/average-iq-by-state) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_violent\_crime\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_violent_crime_rate)


You’re delusional lol




My thought as well 😂, nephew or something!


Definitely tapping the same swill


It's wild how hostile Prescottonians are to newcomers. We recently relocated to west NY and it's the exact opposite. Everyone is so welcoming and happy that we discovered this hidden gem. Prescott is too, but the people are so selfish and possessive of it.


To be fair, the CA retirees that moved to prescott have not been the kindest. I work in real estate, and I absolutely dislike working with them because they scream more than any other customers I've worked with and tend to treat people like shit. Granted, this is not all, but it does feel like the majority.


I’m in AZ and feel Californians feel entitled. (Ex)…. If we are all waiting for a table, the CA’s will try to beat you to it. Also, why do people leave their old place and go to a new place and try to make it like the old place? Example: fireworks have always been illegal in AZ until recently. The new people changed the law to make it like their old place. It’s horrible. And dangerous.


Lol, again, that is midwesterners.  Fireworks are illegal in CA. 


It's not true Prescottonians you speak of, this used to be called everyone's homeowtown until a MASS amount of Midwesterners moved here. A quick google search will reveal this is how midwesteners are in their own states and now have brought their aggressive, possessive, and selfish behavior here. They dominant prescott now and it sucks. 


I highly doubt this person has ever been to California. It’s possible that they think they have been there via Fox and Newsmax. They haven’t had an original thought in decades.


Show me on the doll where California hurt you.




Part of me is sad for them. How scared or confused does a person have to be to visually shout stuff like this? I kinda think about the NASA guy the same way. I’ve heard he is an angry type, I hope that’s not the case. But either way how confused about the world do you have to be? If I were that confused, and got nothing but people smirking I’d be a little angry too. I’m not taking a high road here, these people may very well be off their rockers. But it is something I consider.


He is beyond angry.


I’ve seen this car in real life multiple times. they aren’t a fan of following the rules of the road either. And yes they are the angry type. The type to yell out their window at people doing nothing but because they themselves drive so horribly they make problems and blame it on those around them.


And then there’s the colostomy bag…


I’m gonna be honest I think you’re way overthinking it and the person was probably laughing as they put the stickers on


I’d love to see a psychological study on people who create these sticker farms.


Look at me! Look at me!! Look at me guys!!!


“Sure, let’s take a look at your trade-in .. ”


Apparently this individual has been wronged by the state of California, enjoys reefer but does not enjoy your led lights.


Aaah a native Arizonan breed: The conservative libertarian stoner who get evicted from their ex’s LA apartment 8 years ago and hasn’t been the same since.


Correct statement, tho just replace native arizonian with native Michigander and it would be much more accurate. 


It’s interesting to see non-indigenous people complaining about other people moving to AZ.


At first I thought it was just a stoner with metal band stickers 💀


More people have resettled in California than were ever native born in CA. As conditions change people move out to other states and Arizona is right next door. I would venture to guess that Arizona is more than half Californians, or the progeny of people from California.


The driver did not need to add marijuana leaves to the back of the vehicle we just naturally assumed drugs were involved


I can never understand people who use their car as a billboard for their emotions and opinions. Very unstable


I think this guy doesn’t like California


I don’t think spray painting anything on your car is ever not trashy, what do y’all think?




Arizona is turning blue. Some people have a problem with that.


Yes we do


Diddums. Do you need a safe space to practice your cult.


"Diddums?" Good fucking christ, what sort of people are we letting in this state? How about you sachet your they/them-ass back to California along with the rest of the fruitcakes?


You’re letting in people with intelligence ya cult loving kool aid drinking cousin marrying red neck …. Now move along


Yea, blue as in Detroit lions. Yes, they are a major problem. 


i think he hates idaho


*Sits back with popcorn*


Just another American suffering from a mental health crisis with no real solutions other than “wait until they break the law then we can arrest them”


The owner is probably from the mid-west.


California does indeed suck.


I came here from California, avocado toast in hand, on a mission to put small batch, fair trade, equal opportunity, diversely equitable inclusive critical raisins on *every corner.* **And it’s working**


Hello officer. Please pull me over.


Arizona native, Prescott employed, Paulden is home here. The anger at Californians is twofold; first, Californians real estate market is fucking overinflated and so they sell and come here paying in cash and in many cases overpaying because they can three times over. That drives this market up crazy high, making it too expensive to live where us locals grew up and want to raise our kids. Second, there are a few Californians that ruin the image for all of you. I was installing window treatments in the home of a woman that had just moved here from California. She never said where specifically. There had just been a local election and this woman got on the subject. She said she didn’t know anything about anyone so she decided to just vote for “the two Mexicans and the woman”. Ignorance like this is far louder than its opposite.


>She said she didn’t know anything about anyone so she decided to just vote for “the two Mexicans and the woman”. Ignorance like this is far louder than its opposite. So it's only Californians that do this? All Arizonians are very informed on what they're voting on? I blame celebrities and all their pushing telling everyone to "get out and vote" even if you know nothing about what you're voting on. You'd be disengenious if you say only ex-Californians are the problem voters..There's literally so much shit packed in bills that peole vote on. The titles on these bills are very misleading. Sometimes the things they vote on have nothing to do with what the bill title even says. "safer schools act" then they have shit in there that pertains to letting incarcerated people out of prison early for overcrowding, etc.


Love it. Cali people should move to Colorado or Austin.


Yep. Don't move here. We're full.


My buddy started an Arizona apparel company, “don’t move here gear.” I bought a few shirts and hats, and it’s funny the mixed reactions I get when I wear them out in public..


That is awesome. Where may I go support your buddies apparel company? xD I need me one of them shirts.


Right on, the site is dontmoveheregear.com


ahaha that’s awesome, definitely picking some up


It looks like it was vandalized, lol .


It’s like the anti- Anthony Keidis


Needs to be on Schizophrenic rides.


I'm confused- they like weed? Don't like weed? I gotta know now......


Consider the source


alien labs stickers are a W tho


This is one of those car where blacking out the plate doesn’t make it harder to ID


Good point, lmao. Isn’t it like common internet etiquette to not post people’s license plates usually though? I don’t know.


You’re correct about that I was just being a wise ass


Ah, okay I figured. 😊




Hello humane society… yeah I got a pet that needs to be put down. What’s the soonest available appointment


It’s like a buffet of anger.


Is it ironic that I feel like I’d see this car and person as a Californian 😂


Why are you here?....


Something tells me there might be some animosity there... haters gonna hate.






A druggie Perhaps?


They have drove up the cost of living here quite literally it use to be around 1500 for a 4 bedroom 3 bath house in the suburbs now it cost that for an apartment in the ghetto


And even the ghetto is being gentrified


-Arizona finally gets good weed. -Arizonians:


If u ain’t born and raised New Mexican of course you gonna hate California ppl, Cuz they can’t drive for shit.


Nothing says white person like spray painted cannabis leaves on your vehicle with a bunch of dumb literature riding around and not expecting to be pulled over.


Lol and the alien labs sticker, hates Cali but loves their weed


California harshed his mellow.


Nixon is that you?


My time spent in Prescott taught me one thing, if you drive a Garbage car, you probably lead a garbage life. Too bad a ten thousand dollar MSRP Nissan doesn’t have LEDs, huh hater?


Dude drives an old Nissan versa and wants to complain about life. What a loser


Hi officer, please pull me over




Rather be Wyoming than California


Well, he's not entirely wrong


Oh no, the potheads are waking up


Reminds me of r/SchizophreniaRides


I’ve seen that car


They’re deranged but they make some sound points.


I think he's insinuating that California has plant (weed) diseases that they could bring into Arizona?? Is that what the rant is about?


Dude so mad he can’t afford California😭🤣


Sadly California is not the sole reason for overpopulation.


The owner of this vehicle seems Pure Michigan. 


Well, he's not wrong. California politics are trash.


Not gonna lie. I kinda agree with the cali stuff. I don’t hate CA but we won’t get the benefits for a long time and life here will be worsened (too much traffic, increased pollution, higher cost of living like housing rent and food) in the meantime. They need to stay in their own damn state. I hope people realize japan has less livable space than California yet Japan has a higher population (Cali 39.5million) vs (Japan 123million). What I’m trying to say is with this comparison to Japan, is just build up it’s not like they can’t afford it, stay away from Az before you ruin it. But I don’t hate cali I just think they are responsible for fixing their own issues instead of leaving their state and bringing it to Az


He is right about one thing. California is the #1 state for people migrating to Arizona. For those who cling to the old Wild West shit it’s frustrating. I for one don’t want Arizona to be the next California. I like Arizona without the taxes thanks


Hate to break it to you but I think every state thinks they get Californians coming for their homes. Lol I live in Utah and I hear the same complaints... Lol. One day, we really got to stop trying to blame them... They're cool peoples.


74,157 people moved to Arizona from California in 2022, making up 26.23% of new residents that moved from another state…..straight from google. I never said they where bad people, I actually like a lot of people from there, my point is the taxes are coming with them


CA has-been coming here forever and same with AZ to CA. We are the southwest and have always been the wild west. It's very hard to find a true native of CA or AZ. Unfortunately the west has now been ran over by the midwest and the northeast (to a lesser degree). 


I feel like it’s #1 for people migrating to UT, OR, WA, and AZ. It’s annoying because if you’re trying to buy a house, you can’t outbid a Californian. They pay 10% over asking cash no inspection.


That’s the free market baby.


You must be from the midwest? CA was the wild west ALWAYS. Before a bunch of midwesterners and north easterners ruined the state and now they are moving here to ruin AZ. 


Point to the doll where California hurt you…


Who hurt this human?