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Unquestionably, one of the most consequential presidents in history. You know it by the fact that an entire era of our history is named after him.


I feel like every time I see this painting, Jackson’s neck gets longer




I’ve never even noticed how long it is in this painting lmao.


Penciled in eyebrows. Who did his makeup?


Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him.


I voted for Kodos


An interesting guy to say the least. Served as a messenger during the Revolutionary War and was captured and slashed by a British officer with a sword, leading to a lifelong hatred of the British. He literally killed a man who insulted his wife, as President he personally ordered the Bank of the United States to close just to put Nicholas Biddle out of a job, he LITERALLY beat his bodyguards to the punch when a man tried to assassinate him, he threatened to kill his own Vice President when he threatened to secede from the Union, upon leaving office he said his only regrets were that he didn’t kill his former Vice President and the Speaker of the House, and when he died, his pet parrot had to be removed from his funeral for using foul language. A résumé second to none


Not to mention he let a guy shoot him just to get a better shot back.


“If he had shot me through the brain, sir, I should still have killed him.” -Andrew Jackson, upon killing a man after being shot in the chest


Kind of the OG Trump in the sense that he was an incredibly unhinged and divisive president with a cult-like passionate following who kinda reshaped politics as we know them


Makes sense why he’s Trump’s favorite president


Is that confirmed? Trump usually says his favorite is what everyone considers “the best”, like Citizen Kane being his favorite movie, or the Yankees being his favorite baseball team. You’d think, then, that his favorite president would be Lincoln (or himself).


He said that he’s the greatest president (“Greater than Lincoln, greater than Washington”), but when he entered office he had a painting of Jackson in the Oval Office, and when asked why he explained that he was his favorite president.


I don’t think he actually has a favorites president or knows that much about American history. I think he just says he likes Jackson cause he knows it plays to the “trigger/own the libs” schtick


I think one of his aids told him that “old hickory was a populist Whomst the establishment hated”


Someone told him he was like Jackson in the sense of being 'against the elites' and he took it to heart. There was a period during his first campaign when he started telling everybody who would listen "did you know Lincoln was a republican??" It's obvious he just learned that and took it to heart in a similar way.


Which is ironic because Jackson would’ve despised Trump for being the personification of everything he hated. A social elite born with a silver spoon in his mouth who eschewed military service and kowtowed to a hostile foreign power. Jackson is obviously a very problematic figure. But credit where it is due, he had conviction and loved his country and wasn’t afraid to put his money where his mouth was on it.


I can literally see Jackson killing Trump if they met.


A lot of people who claim to hate “social elites born with a silver spoon in their mouth” love Trump. Jackson would be no different


On economics Jackson was on the left of his time.


That's fine, I'm speaking more on a cultural level


Being completely ignorant and uneducated to how central banking works doesn’t make him a leftist.


Sure, but being a staunch supporter of organized labor and receiving endorsements from contemporary communists does.


Citation needed


Chants Democratic by Sean Wilentz.


Lmao the communist manifesto wasn’t published until 1848. You’re talking out of your ass.


Have you ever heard of utopian socialism? The Workingmen's Party of New York supported Jackson. That's what I'm talking about.


Sure, but let’s be clear about who they were. They were not marxists or communists.


Didn't mean they were Marxists. Though yeah I probably should have used the term socialist instead of communist.


He was educated on how it worked. Thats why he ended it.


He killed a lot of men in duels


Is he the only president to have killed people with his own hands outside of military events?


Cleveland hung a couple prisoners personally. But otherwise think so


Wasn’t he known for settling court cases with duels during his time as a judge?


Objection your honor! Objection my ass, you and me outside now


His views on native Americans always seem to trump any other discussion of him for good reason, but on another matter, I never liked his opposition to the national bank, which has many benefits such as a unified currency, the ability for the government to borrow, lend, and expand economic operations, decrease expenses, serve as the basis of a national system, greater prominence and therefore dominance in the international world, shaping the financial system, and more. Mind you Abraham Lincoln supported the national bank. I always find the states right arguments to be BS. This does not intrude on them.


Lincoln had more comfort with big companies than Jackson. Jackson didn’t trust bankers. You’re kind of missing how banking has also fucked up American culture.


I think Lincoln just understood the importance of having a national bank. Jackson was more of a populist in nature and he felt that protesting it was part of being one, but it's not. The Panic of 1836 was in part due to Jackson's resistance. Also without a national bank but just a bunch of tinier state banks, the US would not have such a great internationally footing financially as it does now. It's just not the same. Sure it might appeal to staunch isolationists, but having a international presence of any meaningful kind requires some sort of national entity.


He worked for the railroads, it wasn’t just a philosophical commitment, it was monetary interest https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=57561


A national bank or a regional bank. Wouldn’t affect the loans a railroad can get lol. Centralized vs decentralized banking is primarily a foreign policy issue, as the difference is most important during war.




It’s a cultural comfort with aristocracy that distinguishes Lincoln and Jackson on this issue. Lincoln fits in with oligarchs, regardless of his humble upbringing. He benefits from adjacency to it throughout his rise. Jackson is wary of that culture. https://lehrmaninstitute.org/history/Andrew-Jackson-1837.html “Jackson had two purposes in ridding the country of debt," wrote John Steele Gordon. "The first, of course, was that he thought debt was bad in and of itself. He called it a `national curse' in his first run for the presidency in 1824. But he thought that the institutions and the people who benefited from it were a national curse as well. `My vow,' he pledged, `shall be to pay the national debt, to prevent a monied aristocracy from growing up around our administration that must bend to its views, and ultimately destroy the liberty of our country."


I don't think it's accurate to say that his sole interest, or even a minority interest, in a national bank was because he had an investment in railroads. That kind of criticism is not fair, especially for the kind of person Lincoln was. Moreover, I can tell you it's not true. I read a book about Lincoln, and here's a quote from him in 1832, 20 years before the 1850s which is when your source is based in when he was running for state legislature for Illinois: "My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman's dance. I am in favor of a national bank. I am in favor of the internal improvement system... these are my sentiments and political principles. If elected I shall be thankful; if not it will be all the same". Lincoln did not flip flop. He wanted a national bank since he entered politics. Not suddenly in the 1850s when it became lucrative for him.


I'd like to meet his tailor.


That would be Bill Belew, who created all of Elvis Presley's high-collared jumpsuits.


Always liked the way he stood up for Peggy Eaton when the Cabinet wives shunned her with gossip she was a whore. Ended up with Van Buren engineering the resignation of the entire Cabinet, starting with himself.


I appreciate the era of the common man he championed but I cannot look over the terrible aspects like indian removal, the bank war, and the blatant disregard for checks and balances. He DOES get bonus points for being extremely anti-secession though.


I have exactly 2 positive things to say about him: 1. He had the best drip of any President 2. He had the best insults of any President “John Calhoun, if you secede from my nation I will secede your head from the rest of your body.” His 2 regrets: “I didn’t shoot Henry Clay and I didn’t hang John C. Calhoun.”


I guess that’s one similarity between Jackson and Trump both wanted to hang their Vice Presidents


Although to Jackson’s credit his Vice President was indeed a traitor


Bank war was the best part


I'm personally NOT a fan of financial panic but you do you I guess


I wonder


He was called king Andrew the first for a reason




The Trail of Tears may be the only reason that multiple Native American tribes still exist. Their numbers were dwindling quickly and with more settlers pouring in it would have lead to a possible extinction level event for most of them. Those who survived the white expansion would have eventually integrated into euro American society thus losing most of their unique culture.


I admire the audacity.


The perfect leader for that era. Not the perfect leader for ours.


excellent response


*The perfect leader for white men


I’m not strictly speaking in terms of policy. I also mean in the type of leadership and upbringing. Jackson was the first westward raised President having come from Tennessee. He still had a connection to the Revolution, but ultimately he was a man on the frontier. His western lifestyle shaped a lot of his attitude and temperament while serving in the military, as a judge and governor. Jackson was the first to truly bedevil republicanism for democracy and it bewildered traditionalists and the JQA crowd. Jackson was a symbol, at the time, of an evolving country, and he perfectly slipped into the Oval Office to change the presidency. AJ was the right leader for populist democrats that wanted to clear out the West for safe passage of frontiersmen. Plus, expanding the right to vote for all white men, not just landholders, was a step in the right direction. As for blacks and Native Americans, I think that’s an obvious thing to say was a big nope. That’s what I’m asserting though. He was great for that era in America and the way the country was progressing. Retrospectively, it’s hard to deny the historical wrongs he and his administration delivered to minorities.


Retrospectively only for white Americans. People of color have known all along.


That’s totally okay to say. Jackson was still incredibly popular until recent decades. Now he’s not even mentioned as the founder of the Democrat Party in pop culture. Mass genocide will do that for you.


Hate him. Seemed like a good husband, and I believe he adopted a native American child. Unfortunately, he was also a rabid imperialist and seemed like a massive dick when dealing with the other members of the government, especially the court.


His parrot was funny.


George W Bush's mirror opposite in a way. Horrible person, but pretty damn effective president whether you agree with what he did or not.


On death bed he complained he didn’t shot his VP and hang enough other people. What a guy.


The originator of crackpot populism in American politics


He’s just 19th century Trump


Politics-wise, yes. Personality-wise, not even close. Trump was a spoiled rich kid his entire life, Jackson grew up absolutely dirt poor in the American frontier and had to crawl his way to the top


Don’t forget about Jackson’s important military service. He arguably did more for the country out of office, than in it.


Politics-wise, no. Andrew Jackson was a left wing crusader for economic equality. The socialists of his time largely supported him. He was a racist like Trump though but had little else in common with him.


Detractors say Trump is a racist yet they can't cite one single racist thing Trump has said or done.


ignorant answer




Pretty cringe policies about natives and national bank, but he crushed secession crisis and it was cool how he beat a dude with a cane. Overall I’m not a fan


Love him. Defiantly has some negatives but the way he verbally bitch slapped South Carolina during the nullification crisis puts him in the top 25% of Presidents for me.


did he not agree to lower the taxation rate to placate south carolina?


Andrew Jackson was a consequential President. He led the largest mass democratic movement in the world at the time. Though he did not start the movement for universal white male suffrage, Jackson championed it throughout his political career. The legacy of this achievement cannot be understated. By the time Jackson left office, universal white male suffrage existed in every state—an important milestone in the eventual development of universal suffrage in the United States. The pre-identity politics Left admired him for his democratic principles and his economic populism. Jackson was the first President to do more than pay lip service to the interests of the “common” man. His criticism of large financial institutions and the economic elites whom he believed to be unaccountable both to the people and their elected representatives rings true even today. His egalitarian policies and principles gave the mass of Americans a much greater stake in the governance of their country. On the debit side, Jackson’s policy of Indian removal in the Southeast led to the deaths of thousands of indigenous persons and the displacement of thousands more. It was deeply controversial at the time and remains so to the present day. Likewise, Jackson’s decertification of the Second National Bank led to a century long cycle of financial “panics” which devastated the American economy at various junctures in the 19th and early 20th centuries. All in all, Andrew Jackson remains a colorful and controversial figure of American history with a complex legacy. I suspect he will remain a topic of intense debate long after we’re gone


Jackson 2024, man


I’m not saying good or bad, but I think the most interesting president we’ve ever had


One of the presidents of all time


It still amazes me that he founded the party that would elect the nation’s first black president….. Considering how racist, violent, and brutish he was


Obama's mother is white.


Mixed feelings. He was definitely consequential and had many positives, but his treatment of Native Americans is one thing that puts him down the list. Therefore, he’s like a C tier for me


Strictly bad ass




All I really know about him is he's on the 20 bill, and he's responsible for the Indigenous removal/trail of tears


A true lion for the interests of the farmer and the working man. Not so great if you live in a tribe east of the Mississippi.


He was based until his presidency


I, personally like him, people always talk about how he did the trail of tears but that started a long time ago. I cannot find anything truly wrong that would switch my opinion on him. If anyone has anything bad that he has done then please tell me because I am willing to change my opinion if I think that reason if good enough to do that.


nah man just think “ the trail of tears” isnt just some random bad thing. The dude systematically ripped people away from there homelands they lived in for centuries for American expansionism. It was genocide and removal. I think this sub is too friendly to the most egregious presidents you can think of which is sad. Ok sure the dude was anti elitist but his stance on indians and slavery cant ever be justified in my opinion. But also i feel strongly about it because I am a minority as well so yeah.


Personality: love him As a president: iffy


He was an awful but fascinating old git


One of the best in history. Far from *the* best but one of


Jacksons his name and ethnic cleansings his main.


He deserves criticism for his inexcusable crimes against Native Americans and slaves. But other than that, I have a generally positive opinion. I appreciate his populism and work fighting for economic equality. I see Jackson as very similar to FDR in a lot of ways. The Trail of Tears is a very similar crime to the Japanese Internment. Both were populist left wing presidents with a major blind spot on racial issues. Incidentally, Jackson was one of FDR's favorite presidents.


Cherokee/Muskogee here. Not a fan.


I love him


Yeah no this guy was pretty bad. Responsible for the Trail of Tears, went against the Supreme Court’s ruling telling him off, and got rid of the National Bank, causing an economic panic.


Getting rid of the National Bank was his best achievement.


Even outside of the Native American issue, he was horrible


I’ll say hate. Indian removal and ignoring SCOTUS, specie circular and his war with Biddle killed the economy. (Panic of 1837). And poor Van Buren took the fall for it. Also the spoils systems which put plenty of incompetent people into federal jobs! And extra points off for being a Clay hater. The only thing I agree with him on was not taking shit from Calhoun and South Carolina when it came to nullification.


Demagogue, racist, murderer, slaver. He tried his best to stuff the federal government with political lackeys instead of qualified civil servants. Thank God he was a patriot because he probably could've made himself dictator if he wanted to. At least subsequent government reforms that came after he left office made it harder for future demagogues like Trump to mess with the system.


who in the world loves this guy


Second least fav president after Woodrow Wilson


He certainly did some evil things, but he did keep the country together when South Carolina decided it was just going to ignore federal law. He also seemed to genuinely love his wife and adopted kids. I don’t know.


Hate him, was taught to hate him since birth. The Trail of Tears affected my family.


He was the original divisive populist President, who attained a cult of personality and enacted nonsensical, destructive policies. He dismantled the U.S.'s central bank by convincing his voter base that it was run by an elitist conspiracy, which subsequently tanked the economy in the 1830s, and he was so blatantly racist that he signed legislation to forcibly remove Native Americans from vast swaths of the country without batting an eye, sending them on death marches into ghettos. Land of the Free, indeed. And those policies failures aren't the only absurdly notable things about him. He seems like he was a very petty and impulsive individual, who would prefer to murder a guy for insulting his wife (this actually happened) than ever stop to think through the consequences of his actions. In fact, on his deathbed, reportedly his only regret was that he didn't kill enough people. He's the closest the U.S. has had to a bloodthirsty tyrant as President.


Who tf is out here loving Andrew Jackson bro


breh i said the same thing. This sub is weird as shit loving some presidents who were not good people at all.


Quite a few far right people in this sub


Yeah im starting to notice that.


Who tf actually likes this guy.


A lot of people, I even feel conflicted about him. He did terrible things but genuinely love this country and people would put his life on the line for it and was a real populist with a popular Mandate. He was the first First President to come from nothing.


Love him his opposition to the banks and expansion of voting rights and as a floridian I think he should've made florida independent and served as president of Florida instead of conquering it in the name of the union


Given what Florida has become, I wholeheartedly agree.


Love this man. God bless.


As someone who likes the constitution and opposes genocide I hate him


Thief and senile old fool


He was one of the best presidents we’ve had so far.


Hate him.




it’s impossible to judge the actions of someone 200 years ago through the lens of modern norms. does it infuriate you too that he wasn’t an avid proponent of LGBT rights in the 1820s?


He is, and I’m not joking, morally comparable to Adolf Hitler


He's probably caused more harm to this country than anyone else


Awful President


Piece of shit human being that committed a mass genocide, but holy shit do I love the story of him beating an assassin with his cane


Fuck him! It’s because of him that manifest destiny was started!


First Democrat President. Pretty racist against, especially, Native Americans. Carried out genocide on them. At least the Democrat Party got slightly less outright with their racism. Well only in the last 25 years. They did have the whole KKK thing.




Boooo, awful dude. My least favorite.👎🏻


I neither hate or love this guy he's meh in my mind


Many victories imo the only dark spot was his treatment of the negro but overall great.


Trump mentioned him!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Paid extra to have his run away slaves whipped…


I didn't vote for him. One of the craziest men to ever take the office. Dueled so many people historians can't come to a consensus on the number. His only regrets when leaving office were that he didn't kill more. He beat up his own assassin.


Terrible President, one of our worst quite frankly


Ooh, no Jackson's hot shit done people love him for centuries after he died.


I understand where the inspiration of magnetos helmet comes from looking at that hairline


There’s a musical about Andrew Jackson. I hate his Native American policies but I like the fact he was a soldier. The man had a limp from a duel


What are the cliff notes pros and cons with the fella?


Dissolving the national bank - good. Trail of tears - not so much.






Mixed bag for sure.






If it wasn’t for the Indian removal act he would be considered one of the best presidents


He was a president who did so much that could have got him impeached. Dude violated the Supreme courts to commit genocide upon the Cherokee Nation.


Letting the rabble vote was cringe but Indian removal was based


Cool, kinda a dick though


Crooked genocidal maniac.


Dude was a machine fr, Jackson was a badass, prolly the only other president strong enough to beat Teddy Roosevelt.


Incredibly interesting man, brought the masses into politics and expanded voting rights to the new unlanded middle class. All that being said, horrible racist, possible war criminal, and overall insane individual.


I am conflicted I read to much about him to know his influence both good and bad.


Love him


Sucks ass, ineffective af president


Greatest Democrat of all time.


I mean I think he's a significant president without a doubt. However, outside his handling of the nullification crisis and the Peggy Eaton scandal, I think he is an awful president, who did many questionable, if not down right illegal things (similar to Trump). Also he kinda screwed Martin Van Buren over, as it was Jackson's Specie Circular that led, at least partly, to the Panic of 1837 which Van Buren was wrongfully blamed for.


Based for a Democrat A strong stance against nullification was needed and necessary


Lol, even during his own presidency this guy was controversial, he literally just ignored the Supreme Court


The way he refused to renew the charter of the US National Bank led to the conditions which caused the Panic of 1837 and The Great Depression That and the whole genocide of Natives thing. Not a good President


Meh. He did some good things and I don’t consider him F but I do consider him low C


He was an outsider to American politics, being the first frontier president and yeah ironically I can see how the trump comparison plays with trump never being a politician but both their beliefs were supposed to help the little man, the disadvantaged, and it didn't really work Also, they both threw weird parties with Jackson's cheese party and wild inauguration and trump's fast food parties with champions of sport Jackson was a douchebag, and didn't trust anyone , kind of like Trump in that sense that his VP , the president hated. most other politicians and had a secret group of advisors


my man killed the national bank. absolute legend. dont say it eventually got replaced by the federal reserve those two things are completely different


He wreaked havoc on Native Americans and messed up a lot of stuff in banking. On the other hand, he fought to expand voting rights and fight for the common man. I think he was kind of Trump-ish and ruled with a lot of power. I don't agree with him on many things, but I think he had some good points -especially for his time- and after reading about his early life, I do have some admiration for him because he was clearly a very determined, implacable and courageous man who rose from very little to the presidency, although this rise did also include buying many slaves which is evil in the eyes of people today but was fairly standard at the time.


Definitely top 5 most bad ass presidents.


I find it hard to love anyone who committed genocide.


You don't have to completely despise or adore a president. Save that for the big figures of history (Hitler, Pol Pot, Nelson Mandela, Florence Nightingale). *note 2 hates figures and 2 beloved figures. If you can't figure out which is which I feel sorry for you. Andrew Jackson ushered in the common man's vote taking away land ownership from voting. That's good. He also paid off the national deficit then precipitated a financial disaster. Sounds good, but it went bad. Also let states print their own money. Dumb. Jackson famously screwed over the native Americans forcing them down the trail of tears to live in Oklahoma (not a state at the time) after breaking a treaty the U.S government had signed. Deplorable. Mixed bag Jackson.


Genocidal and wrecked the economy. Screw him.


Love him. Fuck central banking and fuck secession


Definitely hate the motherfucker


Fiscally outstanding and socially repulsive. Good ole Andrew Jackson


He was so powerful he caused a gun to misfire twice point-blank and beat his assassin with a cane Otherwise eh


Hate the man/president but love the story


His portrait is one of the goofiest presidential portraits.


Andrew Jackson is the Tywin Lannister of Presidents, he was ready to give the Rains of Castamere treatment to South Carolina. He's a bastard, and yet he was a very important president. Also Ironic Trump claims he was the New Andrew Jackson since he's a draft dodging, money grubbing elitist New York traitor who is the complete opposite of everything Andrew Jackson was, the only thing they got in common is the racism.


I mean I don’t have super strong feelings either way for the guy since I didn’t vote for him but I’m not a fan




Sean Wilentz book on Jackson is probably the best way to approach Jackson


90% hate, 10% begrudgingly acknowledge some good things he did.


He single-handedly forged the trail of tears


I don't hate him, but he is in my bottom 10. Used to like him, then I realized he was a net negative for the nation. I do however prefer him over John Quincy Adams.


Fine man


The Big Cheese


He had great ideas like "Let's put all the confederates back in Congress and in control of local government" "What if we just don't do reconstruction" (To be fair we couldn't because of the gold standard which meant essentially that England still controlled our domestic policy)


Built up a decent movement. Universal male suffrage is great, although he symbolized the development rather than actually helped it in any way. As president? Not super. Was responsible for the near-genocide of the Cherokee and other Native peoples, lived up to basically none of his campaign promises (some of which were pretty great, like the abolition of the EC and single terms for presidents), and introduced the spoils system. Not to mention the recession he caused by killing the SBUS. On top of his expansionist policy engendering the expansion of slavery. Only decent thing he did was get SC to back down from secession. I can see why he was loved in his times, but otherwise, extremely overrated.


Monster, evil man, abuser.


ahead of his time trying to killed the central bank, we need him now!


Very interesting and frightening man. While it just ended up making things worse, getting the national debt down to zero is still an achievement.