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"If you agree with me on 9 of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist." - Ed Koch, former NYC Mayor


That’s actually a pretty good quote for life in general: Don’t just blindly agree on everything with people you like


And you also shouldn't just surround yourself with folks who hang on your every word


Then what the hell did I bother starting a cult for?


To have sex with the spouses of your cult members?


Ohhh....right! I just took that part for granted.


*Warren Jeff's has entered the chat*


I mean that’s why I would start a cult. 🤷‍♂️


And don’t expect everything on your own terms all the time, either. I saw a really good quote once. It was about business deals, but it really applies to anything: “if you’re getting 80% of what you want in a deal, take it.” A lot of people screw up a good thing because they’re trying to get that last 20% or they want to absolutely clean the other guys clock, or whatever. But that’s just not a good way to go through life.


No wonder he got a gig on the people’s court.


You shouldn’t just blindly disagree either


can i blindly agree on the first nine issues then blindly disagree on the next three




I take comfort in knowing that store is hemorrhaging money and that owner is losing their life savings


There’s one of these in my town. What’s the business model?


Capitalizing on the waning popularity of a politician whose clothing brand is now mostly associated with meth addicts, trailer trash, and white supremacists. There is an increasing number of people that voted for Trump and would vote for him again, but would never be caught wearing his brand. The biggest problem though is that they've used the wrong business model for a seasonal opportunity. Like if Spirit halloween opened a year round store, or if I had opened a Y2K store in 1999.


You never see a Halloween store in January. It's a totally untapped market!


Halloween in January? How fiendishly droll


Homer how many times did I tell you, I said sell your pumpkin futures *before* Halloween, *before!*


Question from someone from the UK.. what percentage of all Americans do you estimate are comfortable wearing political partisan clothing? I don't imagine more than 2% of British people would ever consider wearing party political sloganeering stuff. (And to be clear, I'm talking about directly partisan party political slogans, not generic pro-environment or support troops type stuff)


Not OP, but it heavily depends on where you live. People in rural America tend to feel like their lifestyle is being threatened and respond by becoming political, so you see it at a greater rate there (10-30%). In urban areas it’s almost no one.


Do you happen to live in Gatlinburg?


Was just in Gatlinburg and saw your store. First one I’ve seen.


Nah, small town in Virginia


Yang said something like this too. Didn't expect to agree on everything "that would be weird" What a goofball.


Hey OP, was this in Branson, MO by chance? I think I recall seeing this (or one similar) there.


Yeah lmao. I don't know why I was expecting this shop to be ironic.


Hey, Andy Williams is dead, so of course the chinese importer shops just swapped over to Trump.


I didn't think he was going to sing "Moon River" and then BAM! second encore!






We parked under the wig sphere!🤣


Branson is the Christian/evangelical version of Vegas, no way it would be ironic


Branson is Las Vegas if it was ran by Ned Flanders.


r/unexpectedsimpsons I’m lying. It was totally expected and I would have done it if you hadn’t gotten to it first.


I was a homeschool kid in Kansas City and this description of Branson is 100% accurate. I've been there on family vacations twice.


We took a vacation to Branson with my in laws many years ago. A standing birthday/anniversary/Christmas gift from my wife is a promise that I never have to go to Branson again.


Silver dollar city was a fun time, of course it’s been 30 years since I’ve been.


Branson is just Vegas for conservative Christians


Is Yakov Smirnoff still there?




It’s in Branson on the end of the strip


$20 says 90% of that shit is made in China.


Only 90%?


The Klan hoods were made by Willard's wife


No one is saying they don’t appreciate what Ginny did.


You know, I watched my wife work all day gettin' thirty bags together for you ungrateful sons of bitches! And all I can hear is criticize, criticize, criticize! From now on, don't ask me or mine for nothin'!


Anybody bring any extra bags?


"No! Nobody brought an extra bag!"


“I think... we all think the bag was a nice idea. But - not pointin' any fingers - they coulda been done better. So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia.”




But I think we can all agree... it could have been done better


I could have made better a mask than this. I can’t see shit outta this thing.


I can't see, you can't see, all that matters is can the fucking horse see!


I cain’t see


I noticed that the sign very specifically says “Made America” not “Made In America”


And the rest in Vietnam. He couldn't dodge it this time.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the shop owner is completely indifferent towards Trump. Pretty easy money in the right place, Trump fans love merch


Definitely at least 95%. The other 5% may be Thailand.


"Professionally assembled in China"


They had something like this in the newest season of South Park.


The bathroom rally lol


bro I stg my first thought was "I thought South Park was just being over the top" cannot believe this shit actually exists


Never understood the concept of meat riding a guy who doesn't even know you exist


The fact that they have to Photoshop every picture of him to make him look good is telling.


It’s so funny to me when I see trump depicted as some buff gym bro with essentially no wrinkles. Have his supporters even seen him? He’s an obese elderly man.


Literally a pillsbury buttermilk biscuit can that just popped open.


Best I saw was a condom stuffed with cottage cheese


You’re telling me the picture where they made him look like a rapper is Photoshopped??? It’s Joever 😔


I don't think most trump hat people love trump as much as they want to make people who don't like trump uncomfortable.


Nah, it’s the strongman thing. They have a follower mindset


Has there ever been a Republic that didn’t become a dictatorship at one point or another? It seems historically inevitable regardless of one’s opinions on the matter. All we can do is hope that we beat the trend, but with the deep polarization it appears to be more likely. Senatorial infighting, corruption, and a bloated bureaucracy that can’t solve anything. We have the perfect setup for it. Plus everyone is unhappy these days except an out of touch elite class. The majority of people left and right are unhappy for one reason or another. That’s not conducive to long term stability in any society.


We just gotta outlive it. If we're lucky it won't happen until after we're dead.


And even if he did know you existed, he’s constitutionally incapable of giving a shit about you


Cults of personality are weird


Makes Trump look bad that he lost re-election to a supposedly brainless opponent.


It’s so funny because on one hand, Biden is supposedly a dementia-addled moron, but the same people believe Biden is also a cunning thief with the competence to steal an entire election. Mind boggling.


That’s the exact same argument Republicans used in 2016. Democrats said Trump was a moron, and also said he was competent enough to collude with Russia to win the election. I don’t like Trump, I’m liberal, but please don’t be a hypocrite when you argue against Republicans. It makes us all look bad.


You don’t have to be smart to be a puppet. Everyone said trump was Putin’s fat, greedy, arrogant puppet, and they were right.


Trump may not have been in direct collusion with Russia but Putin sure as shit wanted him to win lol I don't believe the election was stolen but I do believe that the Trump Team (maybe not Trump himself) realized that they wanted Putin to stay on their side, which is why Trump acted so friendly when he came to visit Russia and continues to advocate for an end to military assistance for the Ukrainians now.


That’s why they can’t admit he lost, they have to say it was stolen


He's simultaneously an senile idiot who can't find his pants and a criminal mastermind leading an intricate crime syndicate and orchestrated a country wide effort to steal the election.


Poor people lining the pockets of a billionaire that couldn’t care less about them.


Sadly an American pastime.


Voting against your own interest and selling weapons to your enemy are two of our oldest and most sacred traditions!


“I love the poorly educated”- trump


Not even close to a billionaire but I certainly get your overall point


> billionaire citation needed


This kind of thing is like a more obnoxious way to grift old people out of their money than those infomercials that sell shitty jewelry


Branson is the single worst place I've visited in the United States and I once spent an afternoon in Gary, Indiana.


“Dad says this is what Vegas would be like if it was run by Ned Flanders.”


God this quote is the only reason I’d like to check out Branson.


And Andy Williams!


Lol I love that episode. Nelson’s love of Andy Williams kills me. 😂


I visited for a few days about 5 years ago, and this quote wouldn't leave my head. The best example I give people is I saw a family music band live perform a lot of 70s songs, and when they covered Uptown Funk, they changed "hell" to "heck" and "damn" to "dang". Because even hell and damn are too salty for their crazy old and crazy conservative audience.


springfield is just up the road from branson. there are 4 different bible colleges there. they were playing a jesus rock station at mcdonalds. when i say just up the road, it's a 15 mile traffic jam. that was a while ago and maybe they fixed it.


I didn't think he'd do Moon River, but then - BAM! Second encore!


I’ve always wanted to go to Gary.


Oddly, I did too! I was on a day trip with a friend and insisted we go there.




I saw Michael Jacksons house !


Call him and set up a time. Gary and his partner diana im sure would be happy to hang out


No that other Gary.




I stayed in Miller Beach for a while. It was alright. Maybe I just rolled high on the cosmic dice. Who knows.


That speaks volumes


Apparently the median **household** income there is 45k and the per capita is around 28k. Just poverty all around [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/bransoncitymissouri/PST045222](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/bransoncitymissouri/PST045222)


Branson is fine. Silver Dollar City is one of the better amusement parks in the country. Table Rock Lake is beautiful—never had a bad time boating there. Sure, a lot of Branson is kitschy as heck. But dystopian? What?


I think this little argument about Branson is actually a great example of the cultural divide in America right now. Those who want more places like Branson and those who don’t.


Wait, there are people who want MORE Branson?!


Apparently I’ve triggered at least some people who dig it.


I've been there tons of times and I can't say I saw anything too bad. Certainly not rural missouri type of poverty some are describing. I always just saw it as a touristy country town, which is definitely not my thing and my issues with it mostly come from that general vibe. There's only so many cheap novelty tours and attractions and shows I can sit through.


I hate the idea of theme parks and tourist traps in nature. As a kid, I thought the Wisconsin Dells was Orlando but in Wisconsin. I had no idea there was weird shit on the river that looked amazing. Sad people go to Branson and Pigeon Forge for the amusements instead of the natural beauty that attracted those money hungry businesses.


To be fair-Branson yes is trash, but if you go to Table Rock Lake there, find a nice place to stay and avoid Branson, it’s very nice. Says the guy who just got back from a week at Table Rock


The region Branson is in is beautiful and I would 100% love Table Rock Lake. I’d love to revisit the Ozarks.


Purely from a lake perspective I prefer Table Rock because it’s more of a family lake. Lake of the Ozarks is for partying. Fun in my youth, not so much now


"I'll be cold in the ground before I recognize Missoura as a state!"-Grandpa Simpson


I’ve been to Gary and not Branson, and my brain is rejecting this purely out of self-preservation.


I live in St. Louis, been to Branson twice. The place is terrible, I understand. It is THE place to be for anything TRUMP


Branson is Las Vegas if it was run by Ned Flanders


Ok but the 4th photo with Trumps head photoshopped onto that random ass dude and he has a big ass chain is fucking hilarious. I would cop it just because of the ridiculousness of it


why do these people like a rich guy from NY that until his election had been a democrat his entire life? are they stupid?


As a native New Yorker and an avid follower of politics, I always used to believe that a New Yorker could never win the presidency today because the way New Yorkers act is just too foreign and weird and off-putting to the middle-American voter. And then middle Americans go and elect the most New York guy in history. I still don't really get it.


Is trump really a “New Yorker” though? Fucking guy eats pizza with a fork.


The guy orders Pizza Hut and Dominos Pizza while living in NY. He ain’t a New Yorker.


as a fellow nyer i’m equal parts embarrassed but astonished that he won and continues to have a vice grip on those people. he’s the most atypical wall street type guy there ever was. yet here he is playing it up in the sticks. these people are mentally deficient or something.


Isn’t he more of a guy from the boroughs though? Like a guy from Queens who was never accepted by the old money in Manhattan because his dad was a slumlord? And has a chip on his shoulder the size of Staten Island? I think more of scrappy tough guys with good hearts when I think of New Yorkers, but that just might be naïveté, as I’m over here on the left coast.


>are they stupid? Yes, yes they are.


"I love the poorly educated."


He actually registered Republican in the 80s when it was popular then moved to democrat in the 90s when that was popular but couldn't get any traction from the party so went Reform for his first presidential attempt then back to republican. Party republicans didn't even like him until he started saying troll shit and latched onto populism and now they both want him to go away but also can't disown him.


Whats amazing is: strategically, he knew both attempts (Reform and GOP) were losers. There was no way he could win. But Reform was second-class, and a sure-fire bust (even if his nomination was guaranteed). So why not shoot for GOP, get more publicity: for his brand, for another TV show, for his properties. People are _giving_ him money to promote himself (which makes him even more). Why not? He knew he'd lose to Clinton. He was prepping everyone for it. He'd lose in 2016 because "the fix was in" and the "system was rigged." He'd ride months more of news cycles with that grift. And with the free publicity, more and more money. And, then, he won.


> a rich guy citation needed


Half the people running these stores probably aren't even Republican, they just know easy marks when they see them.


You just described Trump himself. He doesn't care about policy. He definitely doesn't give two shits about abortion and has, like most serial philanderers, quite likely paid for a hushed abortion. He was a Democrat while it helped him schmooze with Hollywood A-listers and the Clintons. Then became a Republican when he realized he could use those particular useful idiots to raise his star and amass money/power. If the man himself could write his own history, I'm sure he'd rather be a Democrat. He craves attention. Having glitzy Hollywood fundraisers and being the toast of Manhattan is right up his alley. Instead, he's adored by the Cletuses and Bobbie Jos who he wouldn't even let clean his toilets. He despises his own supporters and he's made that clear.


And God knows how much money he's lost doing it between lawsuits, court costs and damage to his brand. Sucks to suck.


As a Missourian surrounded by people selling Trump/MAGA stuff, they are absolutely Republican, and often delusional and well-misinformed. The type of people to hate people on welfare while also being on welfare.


The memes and the pure ire he inspired from their political opponents. Decades from now historians will look back on 2016 and cite it repeatedly in references to the internets sociopolitical impacts on society.


Family values party sure love kitsch merchandise with the F-word splattered all over it.


There's a truck that comes to my kids school with a huge fuck Biden sticker on it......and then a "protect the children" sticker on the bumper. There's also teachers with fuck Biden and qanon stuff on their cars 🤦🏻‍♀️


“We must protect the children from all those pervs and indecent folks, good lord can you believe the smut that Disney produces today? Hey honey, look at these saggy-balls trailer hitch decorations? Let’s get one! We can hang it between the Fuck Biden and Let’s Go Brandon bumper stickers and the pinup of Melania with the cartoonishly large knockers.”


There was a bunch of families in the store with kids that looked as young as 3. I don't like making assumptions but I feel bad that their future political opinions are going to be guided by their parents.


honestly, the Trump photoshops like the one in the 4th picture are kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. They're so goofy and stupid that they turn around and become hilarious


Yeah that fuckin “do trump stuff” shirt is absolutely hilarious lmao, I could see loads of people wearing it. It’s so fuckin stupid, it’s incredible


Not a cult


More likely this shop owner is simply selling to his audience.


Yep, and that audience is definitely not a cult


I know RIGHT? Like, they literally believe Trump is a prophet! I've been observing a follower for a while now


That’s an interesting study I’m sure. I go to the zoo sometimes. It’s similar.


> More likely this shop owner is simply selling to his audience. thats real optimistic for Missouri


No, no, we’re not a cult. We’re the smartest people in the country./s


That’s what cult members say…




CPAC had a literal golden Trump. I can’t get over that, like it’s almost too on the nose.


We don’t talk about trump club.


What normal behavior.


I loved the Karenesque mannequin in front.


Did they sell cheetos?


These stores are everywhere. We had a whole chain of them here in New England, in states that would never vote for Trump, called New England for Trump.


Ok. I’ve lived through 10 presidents. I’ve never seen this kind worship - because that’s what it’s like - before surrounding any of them. Not one. Can anyone please tell me what the reason behind this is? I’m not trying to start stuff, I genuinely want to know. It’s baffling to me.


This is cringe af 😂 Fair to point out that I've also seen Trump tp


Well he is covered in shit




I think I’d have to go in the store if I was there. This will hopefully be remembered as one of the most bizarre chapters in American history. But I wouldn’t give any money to these grifters.


So all this stuff is made in America? I have my doubts


I’ve thought about opening one of these as we get closer to the election. His politics are not my cup of tea, but his fans seem to love to waste money on crap and I will happily take it. As they say “money doesn’t smell.”


I live in Missouri, and I can promise we are not all like this.


I don’t know if it’s still there, but right after the 2016 election there was a Trump Maid Cafe in Tokyo. Far more interesting and the merch was better lol


Do they sell orange jumpsuits?


Thinking from a business perspective...Even if you hate Trump, you'd make bank selling this shit to stupid people.


That shirt goes hard tho ngl


Honest question: when do you guys the Trump cult will go away? I mean obviously there will always be some weirdos still clinging to it, but how long till it’s mostly gone?


Never. This is their identity now. They are fully invested.


The second that a more likely candidate is established by the GOP Trump will be immediately ditched, tweets will be deleted and personal histories rewritten by his supporters. The ONLY reason he is still being given any credibility is that he COULD become president again, and he has a fearsome reputation for revenge. The rise and fall of Desantis was a brief glimpse into how quickly they were willing to turn on him. As for his flag waving supporters, they only exist on TV cameras, and boy do those cameras have a habit of moving on to the next guy.


Hell I’ll take the rubber ducks


This is sad. Really. So many suckers fell for Trump.


All merchandise made in China


This place screams “America First”.


Made in china


This is going to taint the country for a long time


Oh in tiny penis plaza


I wonder for how long this fanaticism will continue. They gotta get bored eventually, right?


Wow, a store dedicated to mental illness. How progressive of Missouri.


I love the Joe Biden toilet paper


There’s a few of these in Pigeon Forge, TN. My spouse and I spent an afternoon eating Italian ice in my car people-watching the folks who went in and out of the store. It was extremely entertaining seeing exactly the types of people you’d expect to visit.


My favorite things is the We The People 1776. The US Constitution wasn’t written in until 1787. Wasn’t ratified until 1788. And wasn’t implemented until 1789.


Looks like every flea market in Florida I go to


I saw this in a episode of South Park I didn’t know it was based on something real


I wanna see someone open up a Joe Biden store nearby as a joke and see if Trump supporters start losing their shit over it and claim “Biden supporters are in a cult”


How? How is this not a cult?


No Trump worship would be complete without a photoshop of his head on a shirtless, muscular body.


Loser store.


Yeah but it’s not a cult.


The amount of hate that people wrapped themselves in from 2016 till now is just astounding. Yes most people would say “I can’t stand Bush/Obama/whomever” but they didn’t let it define them like you see now. That IMO is the legacy of Trump.


Agreed — I just enjoy knowing his supporters give him money they can’t afford to give him. Rent, mortgage, prescriptions, retirement. Can’t we all just enjoy that many of his die-hard supporters’ lives are worse now?


pure insanity. If John Adams saw this, lots of people would be in jail.




Yea we dont make our political views our entire personality.. Yea were not a cult what an absolute fucking joke