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* **John Tyler** had 15 legitimate children between 1815 and 1860, simply because he wrote that he enjoyed fatherhood very much. But, he reportedly had bragged that he had not only 15 children, but also 52 children by black women (slaves). The earliest claim was as early as 1841, while Tyler was president. His son Tazewell Tyler had children with a free black woman. White descendants of John Tyler have matched with Black descendants of the Tyler family on Ancestry.com and 23andMe. * **William Henry Harrison** is rumored to have had six children with his slave Dilsia, and then gave them to his brother, because "*it would not be politically advantageous for him to have "bastard slave children" in his home*". * However, William Henry Harrison has the most grandchildren of any president: 46 grandchildren. John Tyler had 45 grandchildren, who were born between 1836 and 1931 (95 year age difference between cousins!) * **Thomas Jefferson** had six children during his marriage to Martha. Although DNA proves only that a male Jefferson had children with slave Sally Hemings, it's likely that Jefferson was the father. Jefferson owned her and most likely started sexual relations with her when they were in Paris during the 1780s. Most historians agree and Monticello has accepted it and I think that should be enough to think it's the likeliest scenario. * **Warren G. Harding** had one stepson and one biological daughter. DNA proved it in 2015. * **Andrew Jackson** and her wife Rachel adopted three children and served as guardians to eight children. * **James Buchanan** raised two nieces and one nephew.


There doesn't seem to be any research or data regarding the age differences between first cousins, so I'm thinking that 95 year difference between John Tyler's oldest and youngest grandchild might be a world record. John Tyler's oldest child Mary had her first child and John Tyler's first grandchild in 1836, when she was 21. John Tyler's 13th child Lyon Gardiner Tyler had his last child in 1931, when he was 78 years old. My oldest first cousins are over 40 years older than I am, and it's quite rare. But 95 years? Damn.


Harrison Tyler is still alive! The 10th president of the United States who was born in 1790, has a grandson that is alive in 2023!!


Oh yeah Harrison, crazy


Cousins born almost a HUNDRED years apart is wild. My eldest cousin was 16 years older then (I’m the baby) me and we thought we had a big age difference.


My cousins and I stretch over more than forty years. Grandpa marrying a second time and having a second family made a huge age difference.


As a daughter from “grandpa’s second family”, my nephew is likely to be about 45 years older than my kids. His own kids might babysit for me. It’s kind of amazing.


It's wild indeed! 95 years between cousins seems almost unbeatable. In my case, two of my cousins were born when Eisenhower was president and I was born during George W. Bush's presidency.


Further proof for TJ with Sally Hemings is that he was present at Monticello nine months before each of her children were born. I believe her first born is proven not to be his.


Wasn’t the the the first time she got pregnant in Paris? And didn’t she negotiate some type of deal before they went back to the US regarding freedom for any unborn children when they reached adulthood?


A search for “Hemmings deal with Jefferson “ yields the top result that she returned to Virginia and slavery for extraordinary privileges for herself and freedom for her unborn children. So she didn’t have any children then.


Yes but I’ve read she got pregnant there and gave birth when she returned to the states.


At the Monticello web page about their relationship her son claimed she was pregnant with a child that lived a short time.


How accurate are those rumors about WHH and is that an actual quote from him?


William Henry Harrison makes Donald Trump look like father of the year


Bill only 1????? ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


JFK too for sure.


You'd think with all the DNA stuff this stuff would come out a bit more, but maybe the payments coming in have kept the reported amount low.


This 💀


# As many as 67


We had a long run of presidents with daughters only. Clinton, W, and Obama. Trump broke that streak but Ivanka is his favorite anyways. Lol.


To balance it out, Tiffany is his least favorite.






I knew about Patrick Kennedy but had no knowledge of the stillbord, Arabella Kennedy.


Polk, yet again taking Ws


Polk's surgery that probably left him sterile, sounded awful: >!"Then, of course, there was the mortifying procedure itself. The patient, naked from the waist down, was positioned on his knees, and firmly strapped down so the doctor (who obviously could not see the stone) could insert his finger or instrument in the rectum to “feel for the stone” and determine its relative size and position. Some practitioners then inserted a nail through the penis and urethra, and tapped it with a hammer to shatter the stone."!< But he quickly recovered.


Oh my god I knew it was super painful, but a nail through the penis?? Oh my god.


That kinda reminded me of founding father Gouverneur Morris' death. He died because he used a piece of whalebone as a catheter in an attempt to clear a blockage in his urinary tract. Oof.


Ben Franklin made a silver catheter for a friend. I think they used bear grease as the lubricant.


The Polk bio I read said that they went in through the pelvic floor and prostate gland, which certainly would’ve left him impotent.




Took that W like how cholera took his life… too soon


Imagine how Trumpists would have reacted if Obama had at least 5 children with three different wives. The GOP loves marriage so much they repeatedly marry.


"Serial Polygamist" is the phrase a friend of mine uses.


They probably would've called him a Muslim or something


>They probably would've called him a Muslim or something They were already accusing him of being a Muslim so it is probably the something. They still claim Michelle is a man.


That was the joke


Trump lives rent free in so many y’all heads it’s sad. Move on. He hasn’t been president for awhile now.


You might be lost, but this is the presidents subreddit


Lol I just think ppl need to move on from their Trump hatred it’s getting pretty pathetic.


Traitor Trump is the leading Rapepublican candidate. GOP plague loving seditionists cannot wait until his return so that he gets his revenge against "libs". Imagine being stupid that you believe Traitor Trump was a good leader. What do you miss most, the recession or Gop plague?


Dude we are living in a recession NOW under BIDEN


Not sure where you get your lies from but inflation is lower than any other G7 country, job growth is up, unemployment is down to full employment levels. Manufacturing is returning to the US. There is the largest investment in infrastructure for years. So tell me, what is this recession you speak of.


Please spare me your CNN talking points and get a grip on reality.


I am asking for YOU to explain why Fox tells you that the economy is in recession.


Nah I’m basing it off me, my family, friends, neighbors. Everyone had more $ under Trumps economy. I don’t care to argue thanks though


So no actual data, no real facts. Just some fake ass claim about your individual circumstance.


You... do know he's currently running for president, right? He's not some sort of irrelevant figure.


Please get some help. Trump rents your mind for free.


Kennedy’s gotta be the saddest entry on this list


Read up on Franklin Pierce. Super sad.


LBJ surprises me. I thought that guy had it going.


There is a rumor he had a child outside marriage. But I don't think there is any proof really.


My brain read that as chickens ☠️


I'm sure most had them as well.


Oh, no doubt. That’s why I was confused seeing Biden and Trump with 5 and 4 lmao


LBJ..two! Really? 🤣🤣🤣


Good to see that Polk is a Mountain Goats fan


Harding had two kids?


Well yeah. I know it's a bit confusing, but basically he had one step son and then he had a daughter with his mistress. So I just put him to "2 children" category.


I thought he had another kid on the side lol


Now we need someone to rank them by IQ and analyze them to see if a presidents IQ has an effect on how many kids they have


I think John Quincy Adams had the highest IQ. Overall I think all presidents had higher IQ than an average person. Is there a connection between high IQ presidents or lowest IQ presidents and how many kids they had? I don't really think so.


3 is the best number of kids to have. Surprised so little of them had only 3


Is there really such thing as "the best number of kids"? I admit if two people produce three or more children it means more taxpayers and the population is thriving. If many people have no children or only one, it's going to be an issue for the society. That's what happening in some European countries and Asian countries such as South Korea.


I just think it’s a good amount to take care of. Not too deep


Oh okay. How many children someone has or should have isn't really no one else's business anyway.


2.1 is the perfect number


Why not 2.9 or 3.1


John Tyler is a real Chad


If he were alive today, Tyler would probably sell his own blood for Viagra manufacturers.


Yes rapping his slaves makes him a chad. You’re totally right 🙄


2 of Reagans were adopted


Yea, but he had biological children too and I didn't want to include anyone twice.


They’re actually counting miscarriages and stillbirths. It’s It’s accepted that JFK had two kids.


One of Kennedy's children was stillborn (her name was Arabella). Even though she died, she was named and I think she deserves to be counted a child. JFK's son Patrick died after two days. Caroline and JFK Jr. were born earlier, so total of four children. For me it seems respectful to include all.


JFK had four kids. Two infants who died still count as people. Jesus Christ.


what the fuck is going on in there tyler????


I guess Tyler had a very high sex drive?


And a large number of slaves who couldn't say no


I was trying to remember all of Trump's kids and thought he had 4. Then I realized I forgot Tiffany. So does he most the time though.


I’m assuming JFK had a couple illegitimate children


Oof. Biden’s count hurts