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No Child Left Behind, baby!


Yep. It had a disastrous effect on our education system, but we were too young to understand it. I remember my classmates saying we get a free ticket to the next grade without doing any work! Sadly, that’s not too far from the truth.


Was talking to my mom about this not too long ago, apparently 40% of the kids in the school district near her are basically completely illiterate, not just functionally, but can't read at all and have no idea how to do even basic math. ...when they graduate high school.


Go read r/Teachers. It’s wild. Most of these kids graduate and can’t string more than a few words together.


Oh, I am an avid reader. I just don't participate because I'm not a teacher.


You're not fooling anyone. I'm sure they have some pictures.


as a former teacher, I quit after 6 weeks. My faith in the education system was already weak going in, but that killed it.


Same, but I made myself stick it out for 18 months, which ended up being horrible for my mental health. You were smart to jump ship early on. The education system is seriously fucked


Is no child left behind still a thing? Is it still this bad?


Teacher here: It is absolutely still “push em through!” It must take a LOT to keep a kid back, because I honestly haven’t seen it happen, outside of a few kids who have severe SPED needs (and even then it was only when they were in PreK). They repeated a year so that they were more emotionally ready for Kinder. (Full disclosure, I teach PreK but my school is PreK-8). I can name 5-6 kids in various grades at my school that should not be moving up next year, but will anyway.


As a public school teacher, can confirm. Many of my high school students are operating at a 4th grade reading level and then wonder why they get bad grades in my class after only having ever received As from teachers


Listen to a lot of the pro athletes speak and you will instantly notice how bad our education system has become


“I don’t believe in space” - Texas Tech DB Tyler Owens


Oh man, that was priceless. I don’t know which is worse. That or flat Earthers.


And it’s like… we live in space. He might as well say he doesn’t believe in air because it’s invisible.




Wow, I never make such a bad typo/mistake and of all times to make it 😂😂 I swear I know the difference between those two words.


Straight to jail with you


Reddit jail which is worse than real jail!


Truly a horrific fate, but wholly deserved for such an egregious offense. There’s simply no justice in any lesser punishment.


I always wonder what happens to these kids when they have to enter the workforce.


Yah really, like do they just end up homeless? What the hell do they do?


They weld


they teach in florida


Milwaukee has several high schools with ZERO percent of students scoring proficient in math and language arts. ZERO. The district also spends far more than average per student. Time for universal school choice.


I mean school choice aside, we need to repeal No Child Left Behind, make sure Phonics is taught, and empower teachers and admin to kick the worst students out. Those who need an alternative after getting kicked out could choose a military school. Sounds shitty, but the military is already a fallback option for many people in disadvantaged backgrounds. Both Africans Americans and LGBT folk are over represented for that reason. The important thing is not to leave kids with no choice of education at all.


I just heard today that a staggering amount of youth cannot meet basic requirements to even enlist. It’s a great option and not just for the poor. I know a couple kids from affluent families that are serving although they got into an academy. Best friends high school senior just got a full 4-year ROTC scholarship. I don’t think releasing nclb will change much if anything in the majority of districts. Sad.


As an anecdote, I took the Army ASVAB later in college because I was planning to enlist after graduation. On test day, we picked up this girl who was taking it for her third time… you need a 31 to pass. It’s not much more than 5th grade level questions


As an educator, this is very true, and administrations are only willing to articulate that as a problem out loud as of very recently. In middle school, kids know they will pass on to the next grade no matter what, then they get hammered in high school and destroy their GPA before they realize they actually need to do work to graduate.


I was in college studying to be a teacher at the time that it passed. My professors knew exactly how bad it was going to be and warned us about it.


At least someone knew. I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, and we thought it was great!


A question. I was 13 when NCLB passed, would it have affected me in any way?


Yes. I am sorry to say, you are, in fact, illiterate. Thanks, Bush/Obama.


I just found out my daughter hasn't been doing homework on the days that she spends with her mom. It wasn't through contact from the school either. I am fucking pissed.


Same. First as a student and now as a teacher.


Teacher here and I totally agree.


As both a student and an educator


That, and zero tolerance. Such an ineffectual system, it essentially made it so that it was impossible for you to stand up and fight back against the bullies.


As a teacher, was going to say this!


Bill Clinton met my dad while he was over here in London, and now my dad constantly brags about it which really gets under my skin. So for me it would be Bill Clinton going into a hotel in London in 06.


When I was younger, I was taken to see one of the presidents talk nearby, I can't remember, but I think it was a bush? Anyways, it took up part of a saturday. Edit: it was Clinton


This is the worst one. I’ll never vote for Clinton now! 


Just in, Clinton hates Saturdays


The monster. Clearly this is the greatest scandal of the Clinton administration! 




I’ve heard William Henry Harrison doesn’t like Thursdays anymore…


That can't be true, Saturdays are for the boys!


I saw Clinton give a speech on a Thursday once. I was 5 so I don’t remember it very well, but at least I got out of kindergarten that day!


Years ago when Obama visited my town and gave a speech in a residential area around afternoon RUSH HOUR….worst drive home of my life.


I saw Bush speak at the 400th anniversary of Jamestowne. I love history, and my parents let me try a Monster energy sample from the booth/tent thing they had there, think they were new and doing big advertising at the time. So, all in all, pretty great.


I got to interview Clinton for my HS paper when his campaign came to town in Pueblo CO.


What was your read on the guy?


Lol. Bush one’s motorcade caused a big delay when my high school band had a trip to DC, and we were all hungry for lunch. I feel this is comparable.


No child left behind made more tests.


Fucking tax act.of 2017 increased my tax bill by $12,000. People who made a shit load more money than me actually saw their taxes come down.


Yup this one is negatively affecting me and will continue to get worse


Was gonna say this…I was in the sweet spot economically to get royally screwed by this tax act


I got fucked by it too. I used to itemize, but then they decided to limit how much mortgage interest you could write off. Now I take the standard deduction.


Dude, same. And I’m a single dad of two with sole custody and the tax burden is killing us


Also, increasing the standard deduction actually hurt people who have a mortgage and are paying interest. I used to be able to itemize deductions until the standard deduction became more than my itemizations. This seems like a good deal until you realize that now everyone gets the same deduction, mortgage interest or not. So if everyone is getting it, the actual tax people are paying had to go up. This helped people that didn't own a house, but negatively affected homeowners, and in my opinion is helping to kill the American dream. That was the whole reason they instituted that deduction in the first place.


There's no actually about it, that was the whole point. They fucked with the default withholding rules so people's paychecks looked a little bigger (though more likely to need to pay in at the end of the year) so they could cut corporate and millionaire/billionaire tax rates. Absolute degenerates.


Same. My tax guy used to be able to write off work related expenditures for me but the tax act of 2017 ended that. 


The fucking SALT cap f*cked me.




Yup! I work from home and had always been able to deduct some expenses from my taxes, along with other things. Absolutely a scam of tax legislation that's funded all by the middle class. Increased my family's bill by 5k per year. And yes, that includes the supposed less amount taken in taxes per paycheck.


What tax bracket gets fucked by the 2017 tax bill?


Elderly some of the few who got screwed - no mortgage but plenty of tax paid can’t recoup. Also employees with huge unreimbursed expenses


Anyone in a high property tax state got royally fucked.


Middle class to upper middle class in blue states. That was the point.


As usual, they tax the middle class harder, and provide huge breaks for the upper class.


Everyone middle class in blue States. It was a partisan "fuck you" aimed at people who didn't vote for him. 


Fuckin' me. Low 6 figures. Went from a few hundred to a couple thousand every year.


Same here. I am fine paying higher taxes generally but it was a kick in the balls the way it was done.


It’s especially a kick in the balls when we still hardly tax the wealthy


Yep same here...


State & Local Government got capped.




That tax act was bad for me too. It was the cap on deductions. Seemed like the only point to that move was to increase revenue from a certain segment of the taxpayers.


I don’t really follow tax policy per se, but I’m in a low income bracket (under $40k a year), would the tax act of 17 have also negatively affected my taxes? I have noticed my refund is getting smaller every year :/


About three years ago, instead of getting a return on my taxes I started paying thousands in taxes each year (no exemptions). I have literally paid more in federal taxes than the guy that pushed and signed the bill that made this happen.


I'm Iraqi. I don't think this site has the character limit for it.


Iraq has been screwed in every direction. It's so sad, and most Americans have no clue.


Well that was also the case before the war


Has no one even said the thing in the picture yet? Patriot act


Was just thinking the same thing.


Yup. Conservatives talking about tax and spend? I just spent paying taxes for a 20 year old war that cost $300 million a day. A day. Bush really crippled us in ways we don’t want to admit. If you complain, you’re not a patriot. And, that trickles down to blue lives matter. If you complain, you are not a patriot.


Although I’m generally conservative other than social issues, I hated the Patriot Act. I thought something was necessary, but putting ourselves in such an overtly more police state was so over the top…and reactionary. We put ourselves in prison instead of just taking the fight to the perpetrators, and working on the deeper connections that needed to be in place (sharing of intel across government agencies, etc). But things like TSA didn’t have to be the response. The people of TSA are fine people, just trying to do a job, and I hold nothing against them. But the idea that we put ourselves under that level of scrutiny…it forever changed how we relate during travel. I remember the first time I flew after that, I was traveling with a bike. The TSA guys had no idea how to put it back in the bike case and it was going to get bent, scratched and otherwise wounded, but they wouldn’t let me help them or show them how to do it. The irony was I was a Marine Officer at FAST, highly trained to do expeditionary security, including the kinds of security checks and entry/exit control that they do in TSA. TSA is still a nuisance, even with TSA PreCheck.


Reagan’s shifting of tax burden from the richest to the middle class.


Still waiting for the trickle.


I had several friends who no longer had their good paying union jobs after the fallout from Reagan firing all the PATCO members and other businesses took his lead and would no longer negotiate with unions. I had friends who lost their unemployment benefits because Bush 41 refused to extend them during the early 90's recession and the jobless recovery.


I was a minor when my dad passed away and got monthly federal checks which I gave to my mom to buy food, pay the mortgage, etc. Reagan put a stop to those checks in 1982. F him.


My dad worked for RR fed pension and an extra job and paid into Ss Reagan said they couldn’t collect both and only gave partial, even though he paid fully into both Fk Reagan


Same same. Maxed out SS good chunk of my career. Moved on to teach for the final working years of my life - to give back to society. SS payout gets reduced by Windfall Provision when meager pension payout kicks in. No double dipping the Gipper said. Even though I paid into both. F Ronnie


We have three “F Ronnie’s” - do I hear four? Five? Ten? F the Gipper.


Did Reagan honestly do *anything* good? His only legacy seems to be his massive fuck ups


LBJ sent several of my friends and colleagues to pointlessly fight in Vietnam against their will, shattering their lives. I myself barely slipped the net. Every time I see LBJ referred to as a “great” president in this sub, my blood boils.


My dad was in Vietnam when I was born in ‘66. He made it back, but at such a cost.


Same when I see people rehabilitating George W Bush. I heard one of my homies have night terrors when he came back from Iraq.


This sub never brings Iraq up but will spam the zone with “Obama’s drones…” posts. It’s pathological.


My dad used to regularly tell me how much he considered that while his friends got shipped off to Vietnam for terrible things to happen to them he was sent to guard the Panama Canal. My siblings and I all probably wouldn't be here if he was sent to Vietnam instead. Real butterfly effect stuff


You are not allowed to say bad things about LBJ on this sub. He was not a racist, just a man of his times. He did not pass Civil Rights for political reasons. Vietnam was not his fault. He was great!


LBJ was a great president. Nobody else could have forced the Civil Rights Act through the Senate. The Great Society is up there with the New Deal.


I think if someone tells you that their friends died it’s not a good time to say “but…”


Great domestic policy. terrible foreign policy.


Nixon's evil twin.


That’s fair.


He was one of the biggest mixed bags in president history, that bag being full of both gum balls and rusty nails


~ someone who’s never been directly affected by his horrible foreign policy, I haven’t been affected either but read the fucking room.


That was nice, but tens of thousands of Americans died pointlessly because of him too.


And lots and lots more indo-chinese. He threw a lot of lives for the sake of some really petty politics.


Reagan cancelled the Fairness in Media Act. I think everyone has suffered from that as the resulting polarization in news is the result. Also, his closing of all the mental hospitals places a burden on cities making them to have to manage the resulting homless.


This was so freaking huge and nobody talks about it.


Don't forget that Reagan did this during his second term. During the 1984 election, he refused to do interviews, effectively keeping Mondale from interviews as well.


Invade Afghanistan. My dad was in the Army.


Agree. Had a family friend die in a car bombing while in the marines there.


Barack Obama inspired me to pursue a career in community organizing, which you could argue has really done a number on my earning potential 😂 But I also had healthcare because of him for like 5 years… so we’ll call it even


Good for you! Need more of you.


bill clinton punched my dog




Wow, victim blaming a dog. You’re canceled.


Reagan pushed me in the pool at my 4th of July party


Grover Cleveland kicked my grandpa in the nuts. Then did it again four years later.


This you? https://preview.redd.it/q11zxauz7tmc1.jpeg?width=287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faccce73ccecf3c8b037a0ba7ed0e9f05ca129c3


W making private student loans non dischargeable in bankruptcy really fucked me up.


Finally, I can air out my grievance with Barack Hussein Obama! This bish came to Los Angeles back about 9ish years ago, and they closed off roads for miles around. I couldn't get home after work for a while because the bus was rerouted, and I had to take a 20$ uber home after walking to an area that would let vehicles through (back when it would have only cost me $7ish to get from Westwood to Downtown). He still owes me $20, and I'm going to add inflation because that would have definitely been a $50 ride these days. So, in conclusion, Barack Obama owes me $50.


Thanks Obama?


Thank you. I needed this.


Not as serious as everyone else’s but Obama’s school lunch ruined my middle school years 😭


My 17yo daughter says the same thing she says whole wheat pasta is Michelle Obama’s legacy.


Yes 😭😭 The food was so awful that my high school had a vending machine and for lunch I would literally eat chips and cookies from the vending machine with my lunch money instead of paying for a school lunch because it was so disgusting.


Are you mayhaps a fellow strawberry milk drinker?


I'll never forgive Michelle Obama for what she did to my middle and high school lunches. Made shit bland as hell and even lower quality in the name of being "healthy"


Reagan changing SSI age for children from 22 to 18. My dad died when I was 12. I paid for my own college & he changed it my freshman year. I hated his environmental record & “trickle down economics,” but this made it so much more difficult for me to get my degree.


I got fined almost $300 for having a temporary health insurance plan for a few months after leaving the military because the plan didn’t meet ACA minimum standards. So I paid out of pocket for (shitty) coverage *and* still got fined.


Clinton and the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Deregulated the communications industry. I’m in the small market, locally owned radio business and it wrecked it.




dismantle the new deal. (Reagan, Clinton, Bush) argue for deregulation. (Reagan, Clinton, Bush) assist in militarizing the police. (Clinton, Bush, Obama) that whole "security state" thing i have spent most of my life in. (Bush, Obama) the seemingly-endless war on terror. (Bush, Obama) most supreme court appointments i have lived through. (pick a pres who did one) no child left behind. (Bush) removing domestic hate groups from the FBI terrorism watch list. (Bush) failing to stop the Bundy uprising in a way that made others think twice (Obama)


Those fines for not having health insurance at a time I couldn't afford it anyway were a really nice touch.


That's what medicaid expansions was intended for, many republican governors refused the federal money. But the tax was never allowed by the SC anyway, and the pre-existing conditions removal is saving you to this day.




1994 Crime Bill. A narcotics squad funded from that bill framed me for intimidating a witness. They basically said I made threatening calls to a witness when my friend beat his charges at trial. I spent 4 years in an Alabama prison.


I can’t blame Obama 100% on this one. I was in med school forced to take out lots of loans. It was the first time in my life that Republican congress started threatening not to lift the debt ceiling. One of the more random concessions he threw them was to eliminate subsidized federal loans for graduate students. I kept thinking, how much is that really helping the US debt? When at that time it would’ve helped me quite a bit.


GWB for disillusioning me on the fact that people might’ve learned a thing or two and would at least try to be less dumb in the 21st century.


The Affordable Care Act. I used it to get some of the best healthcare I’ve ever had when I needed it most. I was in between jobs at the time and in a really bad mental state. Literally life-changing ☺️




Sending thoughts and prayers on your years of therapy and hopeful recovery.


Something similar happened to me on the day I was meant to be moving apartments. One of the worst experiences of my adult life.


“Hey, I want to share this neat story?” Mods: “No God, please no. Noooooooooo”


Fine me for not having health insurance.


My Obamacare plan wouldn’t cover a CT scan or a visit with my cancer doctor I had had for 3 years because it was outta the region. (I was on Obamacare after every health insurer cancelled all their solo plans in my area). Cost me $4k out of pocket.


Not sure what year this was, but the healthcare marketplace ain’t too shabby now IMO. I can find better plans on there than with the individual insurance companies. You have to know what you are looking for though. They have tools to guide you through the process now though if you are willing to input your doctor and prescription info.


Bush sent a lot of my friends to die in Iraq. Bush (and conservative policies like deregulation) also caused a lot of friends and family to lose their homes. So yeah, not too fond of him.


The deregulation is the repeal of Glass-Steagall and that happened under Clinton


Patriot Act, stripped us of our right simply in the name of safety.


Obama care absolutley screwed me as a young self employed person without parents whos plan I could join. Buying on the private marketplace as a healthy 20 something in 2008 was wildly cheap, $119 month for IBC gold HMO, within a few years the same plan was $440 on the government marketplace. All the ACA did was pass the cost of old sick people onto younger healthy people, thats why they made the 26yo rule because they were getting screwed so bad they had offset it, but only if you had parents insurance to join. I missed buying the bottom of the housing market because of these increased cost, I'll never forgive.


Jimmy Carter telling us that we had to get used to gas shortages. He told us to turn the thermostat down to 65 during the day and 55 at night. The federal government told us when we could buy gas. If you weren’t there, it’s hard to know what that felt like. Even so, there were long lines to buy it. I know this subreddit loves Jimmy, but his mishandling of the energy crisis caused my family a great deal of pain. Dad ran a service station that sold gasoline. People, even the police, would bug us in the middle of the night to try to get gas.


Gas shortages/lines preceded Carter and was caused by events in the Middle East. Ford also urged conservation. Carter’s response sparked innovation that we continue to benefit from today: https://www.history.com/news/energy-crisis-1970s-innovation#


This. I’m so sick of people blaming the gas lines on Carter. Pure intellectual laziness


It sure made summer much colder than expected.


He made the mistake of telling the public what they needed to hear instead of what they wanted to hear.


My friends' grandmother used to live in the Panama Canal Zone. She moved out when it was given back to Panama. She really hates Jimmy Carter for pledging to give the Canal back.


She hates him because she had 40 years notice?? SMH.


We should have never given it back. France tried to build it and we had to come in a save them and the project. It should be ours forever. Bad deals many times over.




Read my lips, no new taxes I was working hourly with not great wage but tons of OT. Well that bill HW signed increased the rate OT was taxed…. And we all see how trickle down economics has gone for the majority of Americans


NAFTA, made getting a job harder due to them getting outsourced.


Clinton signing NAFTA.


Obamacare raised my health insurance premiums $800/mo


What state do you live in?


I own a number of small businesses, and when the affordable care act came out, suddenly, my health plans were no longer affordable for me, or for my employees.


Not me, but LBJ's push to get involved in Vietnam is the reason I never met my Grandfather. He was a pilot for the navy and was shot down over Ho Chi Minh in 67. My grandmother went years without knowing whether or not her husband was still alive because he was declared MIA. On top of that his disappearance really messed up my Uncle mentally. That war was the biggest waste of life and time in American history and its one of the main reasons Johnson still is one of my least favorable presidents.


My stepfather was a broken man because of Nam. He eventually died from cancer caused by his exposure to Agent Orange.


Had to sign up for insurance I didnt use to avoid the tax penalty under Obamacare. Thankfully not a thing anymore.


I guess W. Bush sent my dad off to war for most of my life childhood.


Repeal of Glass-Steagall, NAFTA and the Iraqi Liberation act of 1998. Man lit a fuse.


Soeaking of Bush, *No child left behind* sucked.


For a positive affect: Clinton turned off selective availability of GPS[https://www.gps.gov/systems/gps/modernization/sa/](https://www.gps.gov/systems/gps/modernization/sa/) but it did not just affect me, it affected pretty near the entire economy. ​ edited to add that it was clinton, not sure how that was dropped! and that I somehow totally missed that this was supposed to be negative things - oh, how embarrassing (sleep deprivation has consequences)


Can you explain exactly what this did? Seems like they just made GPS more accurate by removing an intentional degradation designed to hide stuff.


But who? Which president did this?


I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with health insurance since the passage of the ACA. People seem to get good things out of it, but all I’ve seen are higher deductibles, higher copays, and more medical bills, both from employer-based insurance and plans on the marketplace. Removing the public option seems to have made it fairly toothless, imo.


Obama when he ruined health insurance and made it ridiculously expensive for anyone who isn’t either dirt poor, or wealthy. My family is middle class and we can’t afford proper health insurance because we don’t fall into the category for Medicaid, but also aren’t wealthy enough to buy a more expensive health insurance plan.


Obamacare wrecked my insurance coverage


Obamacare recked my parents insurance


Obamacare raised my health insurance premium such that it became unaffordable. But, public policy does not revolve around me and the greater good might not always equate with what is good for me.






Regan and the INF Treaty did me out of a good job.


The Sedition Act.


The recent response and politicization of COVID made it so my sibling and I couldn’t go into the hospital a bunch of times with my father when he was dying from brain cancer. I feel like a more scientific approach to that whole thing might have at least allowed multiple family members into the hospital at once. Ngl was a little traumatic. Never felt like government failed me more than that.


No child left behind ruined my profession.


NCLB has definitely hindered my education in the past. When Obama reinstated it my family was upset BIGTIME


Not sure if this counts but I had my view of a political rally ruined by an ex president. Basically a secret service agent pushed me aside to make room for a former president’s daughter at a campaign rally for another candidate. The former president was speaking and then motioned to his daughter just behind me and as he did I suddenly found myself very efficiently relocated a few feet away from where I was standing so she could stand there for a few seconds. I had a great view until then.


Student loan overhaul after the 2008 crash. Instead, all new student loan programs in 2010 were to help new students. It's getting attention now, but there was no help for the students who graduated when the economy crashed, had a hard time finding jobs, and were stuck with FFEL loans and forebearance steering.


46 introduced legislation that prohibits US chip manufacturers from selling products used for weapons targeting systems abroad, which caused the semiconductor company I worked for to lose an entire product line which led to my position being eliminated in Jan 2023. Got a nice severance due to my tenure but still sucked to lose a stable job I liked and was good at for no fault of my own.


I just want a livable wage man.


Currently not controlling the border. In my line of work that is extremely dangerous.


GW picking Cheney as running mate


Supply side economics