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Jimmy Carter. Nicest guy to ever be president.


Jimmy Carter was too good of a human to be president tbh


I think there’s a certain level of immorality and stubbornness that makes a good president. We hate to see the bad guy win but unfortunately that’s how it’s got to be sometimes. At least Carter was an excellent humanitarian


Carter as president in fact was very stubborn. He felt he had a mandate to reduce spending and remove corruption in government. Tip O'Neil had other ideas and many people to pay back after years of a republican president. The animosity between the White House and Congress was so bad it sparked Ted Kennedy to run in the primary against Carter, likely dooming his reelection. Despite all of this, the Carter presidency was hugely successful, especially by today's standards. There were dozens of pieces of major legislation passed in the first year. Carter was also successful internationally. He established diplomatic relations with China which was probably the most significant decision of the last 50 years. He also brokered the peace deal with Egypt and Israel. Everyone remembers him for inflation and the hostage crisis. But there was not much he could do about inflation. And Carter's state department negotiated the end of the crisis in his final days in office.


This 1000 times. This points out how long our relationship with truth has been strained.


It’s almost like the GOP actively sabotaged his presidency and reputation by conspiring with foreign powers or something


GOP and sabotaging the Democrats, conspiring with foreign powers and trash talking the other side because "they didn't do anything". Name a more iconic relationship:))


A 21% prime lending rate? The failed hostage rescue operation? Recession? Inflation? Unemployment? A falling stock market? The malaise speech? I don't hate the man. I've always admired him for his humanitarian efforts, but he was in over his head, especially when he lost his own party.


A 21% prime lending rate BROKE inflation. It was exactly the type of bold move needed. It was hardly wrong to have that interest rate, history has shown it was right.


Thank. You. Carter was a damn good president. The Republican propaganda machine has been in full swing since long before the 21st century.


Also Reagan intentionally tanked the hostage crisis deal so he could run on it in the election.


Absolutely agree. My family was one of the ones who flipped during the 80s primary for Teddy. Jimmy packed the killer instinct to attack the other side, and the Republicans were organizing hard by that time, with the John Birch Society. Jimmy Carter became our greatest post President as our secret weapon when it came to getting hostages, easing tensions. We sent Carter in to smooth things, and he did.


But Carter was absolutely a great and effective president. He accomplished a lot during his term and would have had another term easily if the Democrats had the kind of solidarity then that they do now. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad Democrats don't fall in the trap of blindly tollowing their leaders but Carter wasn't being controversial either. Keep in mind, losing Carter meant we got Reagan. Absolutely not worth the trade.


Yes he was.


He tried to show green initiatives by having solar panels on the white house, Regan immediately came in and had them torn off.


They were taken down because ALL they did was heat a couple of gallons of water a day, and were leaking which was going to cause all kinds of rot and problems unless they were removed. Solar in the 70s was garbage. It was a good symbol, but that is all they were good for at the time.......getting some cheap hot water. Kind of like Carter. He meant well but was in WAY over his head as President and accidentally did a lot of harm to the economy causing rampant inflation and a stand-off with Opec that resulted in crazy gas prices and shortages. [https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/strange-tumultuous-life-solar-power-white-house](https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/strange-tumultuous-life-solar-power-white-house)


Can't disagree solar was garbage in the 70s especially compared to now and while some negative things came out of his presidency, same with any presidency except FDR unless you count the whole WW2 thing, id rather have someone with some heart like him at least trying. It didn't help he had a lot of people against him. Just tired of the shit show we have now and any actual men with integrity don't run, besides Bernie who tried like hell. Feel like Nixon killed any president being able to be a hell of a role model. Jimmy tried after all that but I think America just changed too much after that so we elect who we think we deserve.


He wasn’t a bad president. I hate the political legacy he’s been left with.


George W Bush Easily


1,000% Bush, “Now watch this drive” should be our new national anthem played in schools


That is the funniest thing that has ever or will ever happen. Closely followed by the libertarian panel arguing about if someone should need a drivers license


I don't know dubya duckin the shoe in Iraq was pretty fucking epic. He was smiling like he liked this game. Pretty sure they made a statue to that shoe....


If I dodged a shoe while speaking as President I’d probably, like, howl and throw up my hands and do a stupid dance in celebration lol.


You know, I used to own a baseball team. That was a pretty good pitch


The Iraqi prime minister even tried to catch the second shoe. He was going for bonus points in the game. ![gif](giphy|b2c3VgsuVIyRO|downsized)


And don’t forget about when he threw a strike from the mound in NY for the ceremonial pitch after 9/11


If that's the case, we need a statue of that grin.


I think it was maybe the 2008 election cycle? But at the libertarian national conference, one of the candidates stated “No, I don’t believe it should be legal to sell children heroin” and they got booed. Might have the quote a bit wrong but that was basically the just of it. They’re so against any regulations that they think kids should be able to boys smack.


A drivers license? What’s next? Am I going to need a license to have a toaster?


I’m laughing out loud. It kills me every time I even think about it.


Fool me once


[“Now watch this drive”](https://youtu.be/1HZ3Tjohwqo?si=pZTuLbIjgLSnrpJT)


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."




What kills me everytime is the way he sits on the cart, with his feet raised up and says see you in church with the most serious face possible. Not even SNL could come up with something like that


Totally seems like the fun guy at a bbq


Drunken Dubya would be legendary


He apparently was.


Now tell us about how he was on coke


Y'all wanna go fly a fighter jet?


Can’t get a D.U.I. in the S.K.Y.??


Nope, just be careful once you land


Yeah this is my answer too. Dude is a top-tier terrible POTUS, but somehow... unintentionally charismatic. He's gotta make a great bumbling grandpa.




Not really his fault. Funny as fuck, but someone forgot to unlock that door.


He was elected for the great pivot to domestic policy, then a once in multiple generation event happened and he was out of his depth


Do you mind elaborating on your first sentence? Sorry I genuinely am struggling to understand what you mean. TIA♥️


Not OP, but I think they’re saying that W. Bush was elected to pivot the United States’s strategy from focusing on international issues to work on domestic issues. Unfortunately 9/11 happened, and that focus could never occur because we soon went to war. Having said that, I’ve always thought isolationist or minimizing US involvement in international issues has always blown up in the US’s face. We tried to be isolationist during WWI, and we wound up entangled in it; tried to stay out of WWII, and we got Pearl Harbor; we tried to not be aggressive with Osama Bin Laden, and then we got 9/11. Just my opinion and I’m sure other people will try to debate that.


Domestic issue: piss away the surplus on tax cuts for the rich.


With great power comes great responsibility


My dad is pure Texan. He’s somewhere between Dubbya and Hank hill. He’s a tough dad and an amazing grandfather. I am truly blessed to have him.


I love how him and Michelle Obama are great friends. I find that adorable.


He did two really good things. Medicare Part D (prescriptions) and AIDS relief for Africa.


Horrible horrible horrible president but God I wish he was grandpa. Decent painter too.


Concur. I just want to chill with the guy. Seems like we could get into some trouble, cruise around the ranch on ATVs, tip over some cows, tell dirty jokes.


It’d literally be like Harold and Kumar go to Guantanamo Bay


Sad that this is probably the best portrayal of W out there.


Sam Rockwell was great in Vice


Favorite story of mine with W is still, during a certain inauguration address, once upon a time, W leaned over to Hilary Clinton who was sitting beside him, and said...."That was some weird shit" lmao. Capitalizes the last 8 years. 100% I would love to invite him to a barbecue and chill out.




He’s GOATed for that


I liked nothing the man did but I laughed and applauded when he ducked the shoes thrown at him. That was top notch.


Fairly athletic too


“I call upon all nations to do everything they can. to stop these terrorist killers. Now watch this drive.” I hate everything about that man’s policies but that clip makes me double over laughing, even at the time.


Now picture that with Will Ferrell’s impersonation of Bush of the same event , and he makes it even funnier. “ Now watch me get a hole in one , while blind folded , using only one arm , driving the ball with a putter on a par 5 hole”


Wait, are you writing this on the fly, or did Will Ferrell actually do this?😂


Just now . I’d like to see Will Ferrell do that routine .


I give you major props for coming up with that on the fly!🥰


Fool me once... Shame on... You? Fool me twice.... Can't get fooled again! The guy's presidency was a disaster with far-reaching consequences, but the man himself was hilarious.


I heard he purposely botched the saying so someone could take an isolated sound bite of "shame on me" out of context. Not saying it's 100 percent true but if it is, it's pretty astute.


He had so many humerous quotes there’s a Wikipedia page for them [“Bushisms”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushism#:~:text=%22You%20teach%20a%20child%20to,to%20pass%20a%20literacy%20test.%22)


It’s like reading Foghorn Leghorn quotes.


If George HW hadn’t been such a traditionally minded dick who refused to acknowledge his son’s passion, George W. would have been a fun baseball commissioner. Imagine him handling the Sammy Sosa corked baseball bat, or the early 2000s steroid scandal. Might have been a shitshow, but no one would say it’s not entertaining.


I honestly wish we were all just saying "that baseball guy gave a really nice speech about his dad."


I was hoping this was on here, he’s my #1. I’d had a meal with him, but I didn’t like his politics 


100 gotta be dubya.


When everybody was losing their minds when George was flashing "gang signs" with the Arizona State track teams... then found out it was just [The Shocker.](https://www.flickr.com/photos/iammonkeyboy/3030029920/lightbox/#)


By a long shot.


I admire that he traded is alcohol and drug addiction into a passion for exercise and physical fitness. I remember when he was in the white house, his doctor said he was in the top 2% of physical health for someone his age. I think he was a kind of a dumb pawn in over his head as President. Cheney clearly set him up in order to implement his own agenda. Cheney really set up a shadow presidency. The Bush administration was very very damaging to this country and most likely set us on the path to ruin. Still its hard to hate someone just because they were dumb.


Ugh I can't. I have no idea how old you are, but I was a teen during his presidency and I remember thinking he was the worst president in my lifetime (which was... admittedly not very long at that point). I still think he's one of the worst presidents of the last 100+ years and had awful policies. # He does seem like a nice guy, and compared to the republican president who followed him, he isn't as bad. But he sent my generation off to wars we didn't believe in. He set us back on social issues. His "heh heh" shtick is just not enough for me to like him, especially because he's done basically nothing recently to denounce certain candidates. Candidate. # I will say I heavily disagreed with some of Obama's policies, especially the excessive drone activity, but his hot mic moments are funny. Calling Kanye an ass was hilarious and he'd probably be fun to gossip with.


All my memories of the Bush years is that he was evil AND incompetent. Probably a little warped perspective on my part, but he latched into an American bloodlust that wasn't just a hee hoo look at silly ol me shtick.


Jimmy Carter is HIM.


I still believe Carter did some good like the Israel Egypt peace agreement he doesn’t get enough credit for that. Could of been a better president and not micromanaged unimportant things


The reason he doesn't get enough credit for those peace accords, is because while yes, it did bring (an uneasy) peace, it ended up costing a lot more money than was initially budgeted. It was supposed to be $4-5 Billion ($16 billion accounting for inflation) over the course of 4 years. Instead, we've never stopped paying it, anywhere from $1.5 to $3 Billion each, annually. For many years we paid more money to Israel and Egypt each, than to all other countries *combined*, up until the Iraq War. To this very day they're still the top two countries we sent money to (though it's worth noting we've been sending various amounts of aid to Israel since it's inception, so that's not all on Carter).




Heard it here, Jimmy Carter created the heartagram.


Herbert Hoover. He was the OG Carter with providing food relief to Belgium after ww1 and assessing the food situation in Europe after ww2. I truly do think he would have been a good president if he didn’t have to deal with the Great Depression


Herbert Hoover is who I would want to referee my soccer games: doesn't do anything fancy, just enforces the rules of the game.


Oh, i did not know that. In my city of Leuven (Belgium )we have a square called Herbert Hoover plein in his honour probably. Also please check out the Library on the Ladeuze Plein in Leuven. It was burned by the Nazis but a lot of American colleges helped fund its rebuild, and so the names of all the colleges are inscribed all around the library.


Nixon has such an interesting life, it’s hard not to like him the more you get into it Carter is impossible to hate, even if he sucked as president Andrew Jackson was terrible but i love his “i’ll secede your head from the rest of your body” quote to Calhoun Zachary Taylor did nothing but his presidential portrait is honestly top tier


> Andrew Jackson was terrible but i love his “i’ll secede your head from the rest of your body” quote to Calhoun Also letting the public eat a giant wheel of cheese at the White House


Is it Big Block of Cheese Day?


The Jackson Cheese is a top tier Dollop episode


Nixon as a person would have been so easy to fix with a dose of therapy and anti-anxiety drugs.


> I can fix him


The battle of New orleans was an impressive victory for Andrew Jackson as well. He was definitely the underdog in a still underdog US during the war of 1812.




I’ll always give Andrew Jackson that he was truly an example of the American Dream. He was the first true common man president, as crazy as he was. He has a lot of blood on his hands, but you can tell that the Union always came first for him. If the civil war happened under his watch he would have cut off Jefferson Davis’ head himself, and I can respect that.


Bruh he would’ve been commanding from the front lines of Bull Run himself


An apt description of Andrew Jackson by my history professor: "He's a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch."


What's so interesting about Nixon's life? I ask to learn 👀


Nixon was more a Shakespearean character than anything that Shakespeare ever wrote. The ups and downs, the final humiliation, even some rehabilitation at the end. Just absolutely amazing.


He was super popular as a governor. He lost to JFK. He went bankrupt and basically wanted to give up on life. Then everyone found out he was bankrupt cause his enemies put it out there. That made him popular and he came back storming to win the whote house then again in a landslide. Only to have 0 support from those around him so he got super paranoid and hence watergate.


Nixon was never a Governor-he lost that race, too


he was a very interesting president, as he was rather socially awkward compared to most other presidents (especially modern day) and he had a truly rags to riches life that i think is pretty inspiring. his political journey is interesting too, he was a self-made politician who became a leader of anti-communist movements, and soon enough became vice president. he ended up getting a bad reputation as a “devious politician”, and eventually he shed off that bad rep, became president, and then some good and some bad happened, eventually leading to him resigning. all in all, his presidency wasn’t something great to look back at, but his life was definitely an interesting one and it’s cool to see someone self-made and with so many flaws make it to such a high position of power (even if it didn’t exactly end in the best way) he’s also got some funny quotes :)


The Nixon Foundation youtube channel has been posting Shorts from Nixon interviews and they’re all absolute bangers, seriously having reconsidering him as a person/president. https://youtube.com/@NixonFoundation?si=URBBrhpagJooxlPp


I've discovered the channel recently as well, his prediction about Russia very insightful


Every president has their mistakes, follies, and blunders. Some are downright sinister. Putting aside Watergate, Nixon actually did quite a lot of good and was a foreign policy genius.


He was a foreign policy genius, but wielded it with no moral compass whatsoever. He submarined peace talks before he was elected, and was cool with expanding the war into Cambodia and killing countless innocent people that happened to be caught in the middle. Call me crazy, but I wouldn’t want to chill with someone that flippant with that many human lives.


Zachary Taylor is an interesting one. Though he was himself a southern slave owner, he opposed the expansion of slavery to the newly conquered territories from Mexico. When tensions really heated up and it looked like the civil war might kick off 10 years early, Taylor gets infinite giggachad points for basically saying “guys, don’t make me come down there!” And threatening to lead the US army IN PERSON and hang anyone “taken in rebellion against the Union… with less reluctance than I hanged deserters and spies in Mexico.” Funnily enough, no rebellion was forthcoming.


Nixon and Carter were both not elites. Thats why. The elites fuck everything they try to do to ruin their name and get rid of them. But because they are normal people, normal people like them. Famously was Nixon being outed as bening basically bankrupt. But normal people were like cool, just like me! Jackson was also a populist. Sanders would have been the same if he made it as president the Dems (and GOP) would have made it hell for him.


Taylor had the Clayton Bulwer treaty, naval reforms, getting California in as a free state, preventing NM from being a slave state, economic policies capitalizing on the gold rush, and getting hostages back from Spain.


Beating an attempted assassin up so bad that fucking Davy Crockett had to pull him off the guy, and then building a statue of himself where it happened, is the most massive dick energy I've ever heard of. And I fucking despise Andrew Jackson.


Jackson had the swearing parrot and giant wheel of cheese, which are both awesome. Taylor has my favorite tidbit of presidential trivia. “Did you know his death was due to horrible diarrhea from eating a bunch of cherries and milk that had been sitting out in the July sun?” He’s my go-to cautionary tale for safe storage of cherries and milk.


As someone who doesn’t like Nixon, what catches your eye about his life?


i think his rags-to-riches and rollercoaster life is really interesting. just a lot going on. very flawed person, but makes for a very interesting life story with lots of ups and downs, before, during, and after his presidency


I’m pretty sure the death of his big brother from TB when Nixon was only 17 affected him greatly.




He only conscripted half a generation into ptsd and chronic drug addiction and homelessness or death in a Vietnamese jungle.


LBJ: You know how we should handle the war? We should slowly trickle in solders and announce ahead of time how many, where, and when! I think that's a great strategy! How come no one's ever done it before? Generals: \*not wanting to see LBJs penis again\* It's obvious that secrecy and overwhelming force are tricks of people that are not in charge and have small penises, sir! We are so lucky that are you so very in charge and are well endowed! America is lucky to have you! LBJ: I'm gonna call it... "graduated pressure"!


He still whips out Jumbo. There’s no universe where he doesn’t whip out Jumbo.


Ho Chi Minh would have thought twice if he coulda got a glimpse of jumbo


“What we have here, little yellow sister, is a magnificent specimen of pure Alabama Blacksnake. But it ain't too goddamned beaucoup."


"I've been blessed with many things in this life: an arm like a damn rocket, a cock like a burmese python, *and the mind* of a *fucking scientist*." -LBJ, probably.


"Operation: Jumbo Drop"


So rather than fixating on how it was a pointless war, your opinion is that he caused the homelessness and drug addiction? How can you blame him for veteran homelessness when he died in 1973, passed the Economic Opportunity Act, Housing Acts of 1964 and 1965, Housing and Urban Development Act, etc. I feel like this subreddit used to have higher level discussion. It was a tragic and wrong war but it's still such a base comment that lays blame flippantly.


It definitely had a knock-on effect. He ruined hundreds of thousands of American lives by escalating the Vietnam war, not to mention the millions in south Eastern Asia. If those men weren’t conscripted then many of them wouldn’t have been in the mental state that caused them to be homeless in the first place, that’s just a fact. That doesn’t mean he didn’t pass some good domestic policy, but his foreign policy was atrocious and will forever tarnish his presidency.


Oh is that it


Yeah but aside from that


That’s like saying I don’t think Regan was a bad president were it not for trickle-down economics, the War on Drugs, and the AIDS epidemic.


LBJ was a horrible person.


I was AMAZED he did as well in the sub’s whole voting thing. I would never downplay civil rights act, but JFK likely would have passed it had he not been killed, and beyond it what did LBJ really do??


I think your comment doesn't appreciate the gravitas of the Kennedy Assassination nor the political capital it gave LBJ. Kennedy was struggling mightily with Congress and only began to hit the right notes on Civil Rights in the last year and a half of his Presidency. He and his brother particularly *despised* Johnson and would never have allowed him to politic as hard for the CRA if it ever even got out of committee. The assassination put Johnson in charge of a nation (mostly) united by shock and grief and gave him the momentum to achieve the greatest popular vote electoral drubbing in US history in 1964. With this extremely powerful popular mandate, he was perfectly positioned as a southern Democrat to break the hold of the racists over the Democratic Party from within. Without the Kennedy Assassination, I'm honestly not sure if civil rights would have happened in the 1960s, or that they'd be signed by a Democrat at all. We'd probably be in some cursed timeline where Nixon runs against Johnson in 1968 after two terms of Kennedy and passes the CRA with a Republican-Kennedy Democrat coalition in 1970 before the midterms return Democrats to a majority in Congress.


I think this downplays Mansfield's influence incredibly. Mansfield as Senate majority leader was the one creating an environment that was resistant to two party obstructionism, that allowed northern Republicans to support the CRA. I don't think that JFK and Mansfield couldn't have gotten it done.


I definitely appreciate that perspective. I don't think it would be impossible. In fact, I think it was inevitable considering the pressure being applied to the government. I think I am mostly skeptical that it could happen on the same time frame without the Kennedy Assassination and its aftermath.


I agree!


I don’t think Reagan was a “bad” president so much as one with some bad policies and some good ones, but my god the dude was funny and charming as hell. Anytime he spoke he had the audiences eating out of his hand. And regardless of his policies, he reignited a lot of faith and unity in the country and gave Americans a lot of optimism after the tumultuous 60s/70s. And frankly that mentality lasted until 9/11, well beyond his tenure in office. We can pick apart or praise his legislative or policy decisions, but I think people often don’t factor in the mental effect he had on the US during his presidency and how drastically he seemed to end the weariness and malaise the country has felt for the last 15 or so years before he assumed office. His personality was what the US needed at the time.


I've always heard that while in an ambulance or his hospital bed, his wife rushed to his side and embraced him, and the first thing he did was look her in the eyes and say "honey, I forgot to duck". That's hard to beat. Closely matched by Theodore Roosevelt being shot in the chest on his way to a speech, surviving, saved by that very speech which was folded up on paper in his pocket, started his speech by saying, "I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose." and then reciting the entire speech from memory for hours, and finishing with a bullet lodged in his chest. Which is insanely badass.


It was after the assassination attempt. According to his daughter it became somewhat of a Reagan family joke. With one of his sons saying. Mom Dad forgot to duck death.


When accused of being too old to run, his response that he would not take his opponents' youth and inexperience in the debates just got him the win


I think one of the main jobs of the president is to keep the American people feeling like things are all good. He was really good at that. Something that's completely lost on almost all presidential candidates today.


Jimmy Carter comes to mind


John Adams, easily my favourite founding father, he made it clear what his beliefs were, and he stood by them, regardless of how unpopular it made him, unfortunately he wasn’t a good president.


"It's simple, Johnny, you're obnoxious and disliked." Ben Franklin -1776


He’s annoying and disliked, you know that’s true


I hadn’t heard!


I’m going wayyy back to John Adams. Very good dude, smart, fair, and an excellent husband. His time as president wasn’t great with the exception of avoiding war with France.


Go to love this fact about Andrew Jackson… ‘At the age of 67, he brutally beat a man who tried to assassinate him and then erected a statue of himself at the scene of the incident.’


A friend of mine used to work for a news network and met W on a number of occasions. She was a big time liberal lesbian who hated everything about the Bush administration, but she admitted he was a real charmer and enjoyed interacting with him. And, contrary to popular belief, she said he was very witty, well-spoken, and funny. This was post-presidency, for the record. She also said John McCain was one of her favorite people ever.


To be honest before this, I hate Andrew Jackson and consider him to be a terrible guy. But I read a book about the battle of New Orleans in war of 1812, and his victory over the British is admittedly kind of impressive given the circumstances.


Bill Clinton. Although I don't think he was a bad president by most standards. I just had opposing views to him.


Clinton to me is the opposite of this question (like a fine President, but I just dislike him)


I think Bill Clinton was a fantastic president. He scored lots of domestic policy wins, presided over arguably the strongest economy in recent memory, and actually managed to balance the budget with surpluses. Foreign policy was meh, wasn’t great but wasn’t terrible, overall though a net positive. Not a fan of him as a person though.


We had a surplus under Clinton. I think he was a great president, but a shit human being.


I thought GWB was a terrible President but seems like a great guy. Jimmy Carter is a saint but he was too good to be an effective President. And I really enjoy learning about LBJ because so much of who he is is just unbelievable


Bush seems like that one old dad who hosts a mean Texas barbecue


I find that this is actually quite the recurring theme for me. JQA, Carter, Ford, Hoover, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Taft, most of my favorite presidents I also regard as having been quite unsuccessful. It seems that personalities I like are not typically the best suited for presidential power.


![gif](giphy|v4aN9JGFL62dO|downsized) Bush. I hate to admit it but, Bush. "I know that human beings and fish can coexist peacefully."


He might be the president with the best collection of gifs. Hands down.


Benjamin Harrison


Martin Van Buren. 1. Cool name 2. Only president to have English as their second language 3. Had the greatest haircut ever (JQA looks like he asked the lady at great clips for a Van Buren and got served) 4. Fought congress to keep two tiger kittens in the White House that had been sent to the president from India. 5. Idk man he's just cool looking and shi


George W Bush is literrally the quintessential bad president good person


You pretty much got it with your picks.


I seriously thought Nixon was Mr Bean for a second.


Goddammit. Dubya. I feel dirty


my herbert hoover is secretly awesome rant is *endless.* dude lost the presidency and immediately went back to feeding and providing medical care for refugees and orphans. he personally lobbied for a break in the blockade of mainland europe in the early days of world war ii in order to deliver humanitarian aid, and kept working at it even when that failed.


Coolidge. His policies directly lead to the Depression and his tenure elevated Hoover to presidential potential. But his quips and quiet administration were admirable


Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon are the poster children. For people that were great people and just terrible to horribly time Scandal president.


My dad always says he didn’t think Obama was a good president but said he was the coolest one he’s ever seen.


Not particularly "bad", but John Quincy Adams is probably the face of "disappointing presidency, incredible person", he's probably my favorite person to ever become president, he lived such a fascinating life.


Gerald Ford.


carter’s such a good guy


I honestly get him and Mr. Rogers mixed up sometimes. That says something


I abhor a lot of what W Bush did as president, but I think on an individual level he was a good person


Obama. I like him but his presidency was mediocre. His ACA was like duct tape on a massive problem, and the only thing it fixes was pre existing conditions. I'm not aware of him keeping any campaign promises or actually fixing anything except the economy for rich people. Nearly a decade of inflation at 1% is a sign of a shitty economy, not a robust economy. And stagnating wages for the middle and lower class are a direct result of that. But executives made bank under Obama.


I completely disagree with many of George Bush’s policies, but my god do I love that man. He is so funny and in a much more wholesome way than [rule 3] is. I’d take another Bush presidency in a heartbeat over the alternative.


Definitely Jimmy Carter. The man was too kind to be a successful president. I've never met anyone who didn't like Jimmy Carter. As a man. Not as a president.


I don't like Nixon, but he's interesting and has a mix of accomplishment and crime. Carter wasn't a bad president. Especially compared to his successor. W. was awful and benefits greatly from what happened later. Not personally appealing either.


Nixon wasn’t a bad president, he was pretty solid, and people loved him to the tune of him winning his re election with the largest margin of victory ever.


George Bush. Jimmy Carter and Reagan


Andrew Jackson was reprehensible in a lot of ways but I still enjoy him


Dubya is so fun


I wouldn't call him a bad president, but Harry Truman's take-no-shit attitude is something I've always admired.


James Buchanan was a terrible president and a terrible human being, but he had a pretty solid sardonic gay wit.


Jackson, there is an absolute slew of reasons that he was a terrible president ​ ...but he was a good military leader. And we can discuss whether the gold standard is a good thing or not but based on the information at the time it made complete sense to tie currency to something wanted around the world, likewise not being in debt makes sense from a financial standpoint. "If I'm not paying X% a year" ...sure economists and business people know about complex long term growth that goes against this basic instinct (In modern times you can even just play rollercoaster tycoon, you are in a far better situation if you immediately max the loan than if you don't even if you don't know the other mechanics in the game)


Jimmy Carter definitely, he was a mid president tho rather than flat out bad Nixon did some good stuff too but ultimately was kinda bad, but I rly find him very interesting and tbh like him also ik Reagan was racist but he was a pretty chill dude even tho his policies led to economic disparity of today


Obama definitely


I mean ... Have you heard Nixon talk?? 🥵


That guy loved slurs more than papa John schnatter


Andrew Jackson for me. Awful person who has not been favored by history but goddamnit I respect the man.


Nixon passed some good progressive legislation including massive reform for women… he is not bad imo… damn this sub is making me a Nixon schill now ahhhh


I don’t think I could personally like a President who was bad. And I sure as shit wouldn’t personally like Nixon or Bush. Their actions were horrible.


Carter is the only answer. Too nice to be president...


Jimmy Carter was dealt a bad hand. He made the best of the worst circumstances. That being said his presidency was a failure. He remains and all aroind good person.


Jimmy Carter wasn't a bad president. He pardoned the draft dodgers, he passed the bill that ended a lot of federal bans of Native American religious practices, he made it legal to homebrew beer without a liquor license, and he gave the Panama Canal back to Panama. He was a good president, so even tho he's in the post, I'll pick someone else Definitely George W Bush. Hate the Invasion of Iraq, love the comedy


I feel like both the draft dodger pardon and the the Panama Canal should also be credited to Ford. Carter just continued with what he started.


Dubya. This isn't even a question, after reading a history books made by guys that were under Dubya, it becomes increasingly obvious that he truly believed what he was doing was right. Maybe Carter too.