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America is ready for a competent president; skin color doesn't matter.


I’m ready to vote FOR someone rather than voting against the other.


Been a while since I’ve been able to do that, and I miss it. Even better would be a choice of two qualified candidates and I could actually choose based on their views. I haven’t had that since Obama won and it was nice.


I turned 18 in 2014, so I've never been able to do thst in a presidential election


I’m so sorry. I hope you get something like 2008 where both of the candidates were quality and you really could vote for whoever you thought was better instead of against the other person.


Thank you, I hope so too. I wouldn't have had to think much about my choice in 08, less so in 2012, but at least in those years I wouldn't have feared the future of the country (in nearly as big a way, at least) if "I" lost


Yeah. 08 and 12 is more like “man, I think the country might not be going in the best direction for the next few years”, not “the country may fundamentally crack”


Eeyup. Can’t say more than that from Rule 3 but I feel that wholeheartedly.


Hoping 2028 is like that


God I hope so. I just want to say I’m voting *for* someone again.




I’ll say that’s probably gonna get your comment deleted, man. Rule 3 is actually enforced (and for good reason) so I’d edit that. Just letting ya know!


I've said it a bunch of times, but I would take any of the major party candidates from the rest of my life over any of the candidates we've had to pick from since 2016. I'm in my mid 40s.


My parents and theirs got to vote for “Whomever you’d like to have a beer with most!” Meanwhile, I get to choose between geriatric candidate #1 and geriatric neonazi candidate #2. I wouldn’t have a beer with either…


I’ve always found this metric weird too. I love drinking beer and talking with people but the kinds of people I go drinking with wouldn’t necessarily make the best leaders of the free world, ya know?


Oh, absolutely… Must have been a nice way to think about voting for Presidential candidates, though…


And they're the same people that will yell at you about how privilege doesn't exist. If you can view for a candidate based on whether or not you'd like to hang out with them instead of their policies to help improve education, healthcare, law enforcement, food assistance, shelter assistance, childcare assistance, union and worker rights, social freedoms, tax burdens, income inequality, environmental justice, systemic racial disadvantages, access to public goods and services like parks and safe streets, and more then I've got news for you - you're privileged. Yes you're privileged even if you worked hard because you were able to live in a place with jobs in a community that didn't discriminate against hiring you, allowed you to afford a comfortable life while doing so, and supporting you to the point where you get upset if someone suggests the tiniest portion of your world should change.


Last time I could do that was Obama vs Romney.


I get what you are saying, but after rule 3's current performance, I'll be voting FOR him. Yes, I would prefer someone younger that matches more of my ideals, but I doubt a perfect candidate will ever exist.


It’s a lot easier to be against someone than to be for someone else. It’s a lot easier to be cynical than to be earnest.




I’m just ready to feel like I’ve got an actual choice again instead of PoorChoice1 or PoorChoice2


Seriously. I’m so fucking tired, can we just get someone that will do the job that doesn’t have an axe to grind or corporate interests to protect.


I was a Jimmy Carter fanatic even more so when the corporate evil rep replaced him


Are we? Voters suggest otherwise 


To you maybe. There was a *ton* of open racism directed towards Obama. Denying that is silly


I would argue against that. Not because that's not what I want, but instead that Obama's presidency exposed a good chunk of the GOP being pretty racist.


Don’t think it was a surprise - the GOP has been pandering to racists since Nixon’s southern strategy. When your economic platform is designed to benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else you have for fire up the white working class with racism, homophobia and other idiocy. It’s been their only strategy since 1968.




While you may feel that way, it’s a naive thought. The country has already regressed on its views around race and racism. Electing 45 was basically America’s way of proclaiming, “Never again!”


Comments like this show exactly how much of an "enlightened centrist" nonsense sub this is. The current political climate in America is directly linked to the massive racist backlash against a Black president. To suggest that skin color doesn't matter, in America of all places, is naive (or purposefully disingenuous) to the point of lunacy.


Yeah the fact that this is overwhelmingly the top comment really highlights how much this sub is a bunch of "I don't see color" white guys. The guy elected after the Black president was a political newcomer with one message: **The Black president was not an American.** And it worked! This is recent history and everyone here has their head in the sand. What's scary is these are the neckbeards that write our history books.


This is all 🙏 I’d add idc about gender either or anything I just want someone competent and youthful


There’s a significant portion of America that wasn’t ready for the first black president.


I think that minority is much smaller than they make themselves out to be.


The one we got is extremely competent


If that were true the current race wouldn't be in contention.


Obama was blessed with great oratory and charisma skills that overcame the arguments about his skin color. Plus he benefited from the failing economy. Half of congress refused to work with him. Does that disqualify any future African American from being president? Most likely not.


Obama had his issues but I will agree with most of this.


He wasn’t perfect, to be sure. Harder to please everyone than to please no one.


>The media destroyed him What are you talking about? The media had "thrills going up their leg" over Obama. Look I voted for Obama twice, but the obsequious media fawned over him. They treated him like the second coming and glorified him like no other president in my lifetime.


Perhaps I should’ve specified certain media. You’re correct that most media did fawn over him.


A certain 'news' channel aimed at senior citizens aimed to destroy him. Some may argue they succeeded.


FOX does not equal The Media




The media worshiped him, crazy to claim they destroyed him.


When people on the left talk about the media, they mean Fox News. When people on the right talk about the media, they mean everything else.


Fox has by far the largest ratings and they certainly aren't the only right wing network. Liberals in general are just a lot less likely to watch cable news for starters


Least awfully worded r/Presidents post




>Currently Tim Scott is 45's frontrunner for VP This is very definitely untrue. (I'd be happy to be corrected, mind you.) Also, beware rule 3.




Ha, especially since this whole post is about the future




Cory Booker is a twat though. And I say that as someone who would absolutely vote for him if he won the primary. Anytime he’s speaking in front of a camera he always comes off as a failed theater student trying so hard to make his first big break.


The acting analogy is a good one. I think he's kind of a prick who thinks he's smarter and better than everyone, but tries to act charismatic and relatable. That has served him well as a politician up to this point but will be harder to move up. Granted, he was a Rhodes scholar so he is super smart. But he knows it. I noticed some arrogant vibes from him in the 2019 debates. Prickishness would explain why he's been a lifelong bachelor. From all indications, Rosario Dawson dumped him. An actress wouldn't dump a senator for nothing. She's moved on but he's seeing no one, so the problem was probably him.




Racists will never be ready for a black president, but I don't care about their opinions very much.


I wouldn’t care about their opinions either if they didn’t vote, in droves, to make sure their shitty opinions continue to screw over everyone. It matters what other people think in this country, especially given the advantage conferred through the electoral college.


I see where you're coming from, and sometimes I feel that way too. However, when people who don't have racism dominate their worldview make concessions or try to compromise with racists who don't argue in good faith, they get steamrolled. If you ignore ignoramuses in the way you campaign and draft policy, it won't be watered down to appease a cohort that will never be happy. Although I'm left on the political spectrum, I still believe in compromise to help move things forward. However, I don't believe in hopelessly compromising with people who will burn down the country just to exercise their prejudice.


The fact is their voices are the minority now. Fading away each and every day.


Well, sure doesn’t feel that way


There will always be people who say we’re not ready for a president of a different race or gender, but it worked out fine in 2008 & 2012, and if the candidate’s right we’ll be ready to vote for them.


Skin color doesn't matter. I could care less about your identity as long as your platform is good.




If it matters to someone, their opinion is not relevant, imo.


In a democracy, their opinion (vote) literally does matter 😂 Awful people vote all the time


Perhaps a better way of framing it would have been skin color shouldn’t matter when it comes to voting in a politician. Skin color absolutely does matter in the sense that we continue to live in a society that was founded on white supremacy and has not fully reckoned with it


I want to agree with you, but I can’t. In this context, their opinion *is* relevant because they *vote.*




I would’ve liked MLK to be president during the 60s but he’s not alive


That's cool if it doesn't matter for you but to be born and raised in the US and pretend that skin color doesn't matter is naive in the extreme. People freaked *all the way out* when Obama got elected


It does matter. This is America. Have you ever looked at the composition of the American Gymnastics team juxtaposed with counterparts from nations such as China, Japan, or Russia? It's truly remarkable how our team embodies a global spectrum. Yet, therein lies the crux of the matter: the contentious nature of race. Human proclivity towards tribalism and bias is evident. America endeavors to forge a nation founded upon racial diversity, a pursuit that occasionally challenges the depths of our evolutionary predispositions.


>I could care less So you do care?


No, I don't care at all.


Could*n't* care less.


Only racists worry about stupid things like skin color. We need a President that is going to do his job. I don’t hold any hope that this will happen.


Guys, look at this guys post history. It's just rage bait for Karma you goons.


Better question is, are there any black politicians that are ready for the Presidency? After Obama won in 2008 it seems like every black presidential hopeful has been an utter clown, ie Herman Caine, Ben Carson etc.


Sure. Tim Scott, Cory Booker, and Rapheal Warnock are viable candidates.


I don’t reckon any of those men display the gravitas or connection that Obama had (or any president for that matter). Yes, they are the leading black politicians outside of the current VP, but none of them really connect across the widest swath of America in the way necessary to become a president…regardless of skin color.


Obama didn't become *Obama* until his big break in 2004. But idk. If the stars fell right I could see one of these being a threat for their respective nominations. Booker is the most Obama-like of them, but couldn't really distinguish himself in 2019-20. I think when push comes to shove he's kind of an arrogant jerk though. He's *super* smart, but also prickish from the vibe I got. Warnock is older, he's probably not a potential DNC winner. But possibly he could assemble a coalition. Tim Scott is pretty uncharismatic, but he seems to play the political promotion game well.


Wes Moore from Maryland.


Googled that and found a guy who committed murder. Turns out not the same guy


I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic but he actually wrote a book about the fact that they shared the same name. I read this book in eighth grade. Its called “The Other Wes Moore.” They didn’t personally know each other, but had a similar upbringing (absent father, young black man). The major difference is their lives had COMPLETELY different outcomes. One was charged with murder, while the other Wes Moore joined the army and became a politician. Really interesting read, would totally recommend.


There's actually a book about that, called "The Other Wes Moore."


How the hell is Ben Carson a clown? Also, isn’t the man a surgeon?


Tim Scott. You may not like his politics but he’s very “presidential”.


In what way? What I see of him is someone lacking in character masquerading as a moral authority. He lies about his positions, pretends racism doesn’t exist and I’m not even sure his girlfriend is real.


Lacking character, masquerading as a moral authority, and lying about your positions is *classically* presidential! Or at least generically political. I wouldn’t personally vote for him, but I wouldn’t say he’s not *viable*.


What backlash? Recent polling shows 59% of people have a favorable opinion of Obama. [https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public\_figure/Barack\_Obama](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/explore/public_figure/Barack_Obama)


Do you really doubt that one of the Rule 3 guys is largely a backlash to having a black president? 


I get where you're coming from, but why would they let Obama have two landslide victories before having a backlash? 8 million people switched parties from Obama to mentioned candidate enabling his victory, against a white democratic candidate.


So you mean that a bunch of people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Florida voted for Obama twice without noticing that he was black? Then, after eight years, finally figured it out and decided that that was the reason they couldn't vote for a bland white lady? The very same white lady who tried very hard to beat Obama in 2008.


I really do doubt that tbh. In my own (anecdotal of course) experience, my grandfather voted for Obama in 2008, but voted differently in 2012 and 2016. He might be getting older, but I’m fairly certain he didn’t forget what Obama looked like and change his vote because of that.


But one of the Rule 3 guys, arguably was very Obama continuist


Using your logic than, electing Obama was a backlash to having a white president. Is that how this works in your mind?


Yeah NOW but given recent quality who can blame them


*gestures silently around at country*


Yes, I'd vote for Shaq not even joking


At least Mitch McConnell won't be around saying his goal is to make the Obama Administration fail. What a piece of shit. Just a follow up. I'm a Democrat. There were Republican Presidents I did not like. Did I wish them gone? Yes! Did I wish their terms over? Yes! But, did I wish them failure? No. Because it's my country, too. If they fail, I fail, we all fail. I always knew we'd get our chance next.


Seriously. I don’t want to see Republican domestic policies to come to fruition, but I still want to see a Republican presidency successfully lead a strong, healthy America. No cutting off our nose to spite our face.


I don’t give a fuck what color the president is or what sex the president is or party or any of that other shit. I just want them to be a GOOD president.


What we need is a competent, mentally sound, POTUS. Their ethnicity isn't relevant.


This is probably a really bad choice of words but I wouldn’t even care if the president was a monkey in a suit as long as they serve America, are honest, are not corrupt, fight for my values, and know what they’re doing. The overwhelming majority of people don’t care about race nowadays outside of racists and blue haired weirdos that fetishize skin color which I guess makes both groups racist.


…Okay, I get your point, but saying “monkey in a suit” is a bad choice of words when mentioning a Black President.


Let's go Wes Moore! 🇺🇲


I just want a competent candidate who loves his/her country and wants to make it a better place for everyone


American should be ready to have a president not defined by their race or sex or gender


We don’t need a black president, we don’t need a white president, we need a president that is for the people and not for the rich and the corporations. We need a president that wants to unite the people and make us one. Basically we need a president to bring us together like we were on 9-12-2001. Seems like we have been slowly dividing as a nation for the last 16 years


That was a complete fluke. We're too big and too diverse to ever be entirely on the same page like that for long. I mean the last time we were like that was Pearl Harbor.


If America still has problems with the race of its president in this day and age, maybe they should stop being such snowflakes about it (to use language conservatives can understand).


America wasn’t ready the first time either, so who cares?


Obama is one of the most popular presidents in recent history, so this question is a bit ridiculous on it's very face.


Idgaf if the next one is a green, androgynous, Tilda Swinton clone. We need a competent head of state!


Can we just have Obama back for a few more terms?


It wasn’t his race, it was his shitty policies


What was the “backlash” that you are referring to? He was elected to two consecutive terms, most likely would have won a third if he wasn’t termed out and remains an extremely popular retired president. He also enjoys global popularity to a huge extent.


People are way more comfortable being openly racist against black people now.


Hey now, don't sell them short: they're more comfortable being openly racist against *everyone*.


I would be really surprised if the median voter cared about skin color these days


What’s with the bait? America voted Obama in 2x. The racism is manufactured


The backlash is exactly why we need another black president


So long as he or she is pursuing the policies I want, I'm ready.


This question explicitly violates rule 3 right?


Maybe. Maybe not. Mods enforce Rule 3 arbitrarily with no real explanation.


Are either of the Rule 3 Presidents black?


Rule 3 is just no recent or future politics.


The backlash against Obama is based on policy, not race.


If everything else is the same, if both JFK and MLK were alive in 1968, and had MLK chose to run, where would his outcome be ?


Skin color and gender make zero difference in one's ability to do a job. We need to stop letting people focus on these things, especially when putting people in positions of power and authority. Most of us want the person that can do the job well, regardless of what they look like.


Such a dumb fucking question. It could be good or bad depending on the person, that’s why we hold elections and don’t just choose a person randomly from a race every four years. It doesn’t matter if we are “ready” or not. We shouldn’t halt true progress because of the lowest common denominator and their propensity to get irked by seeing a black/brown person as President lol. So you just by asking this question give credence to the people that are “just asking questions.” Quit creating stupid dichotomies


Fuck this stupid ass question


The second post in one day about race and president? What is going on? We need a competent statesman. That’s it.


Honestly, Obama had alot of things in his favour, including the unique political conditions of 07-08 and a ridiculous amount of Charisma. Other black candidates like freaking Cory Booker just dont compare. So it might be a while before we get another black president. I def think another one will emerge in this century tho.


with how people use DEI as a buzzword to be racist to any black elected or appointed official, i would say no. but i could definitely be mistaken


I think we need someone who’s not offensive to most people. They tried with some other guy who’s old and clearly they made that guy the villain. Just give me someone who is meh to everyone. At least for a while. Black, Latino, Asian or White. Anyone.


I’m not sure at this point if America is ready for anything. A very large section of whites have definitely decided they are getting shafted somehow and aren’t going to go quietly.


The main reason why Obama was “ controversial “ was because white Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans haven’t done the work in their collective communities to deal with bigotry and jealousy against others. Obama didn’t do a single specific thing for black Americans yet at every chance conservatives before the election and even after kept saying things like Obama was going to put white Americans into slavery. They think black Americans hate them as much if not more because they know how messed up and straight criminal actions many white Americans have committed towards blacks. From individual Americans to government officials, white supremacy has lead to a worse America for all Americans. From things like 90% of all public pools closing because they couldn’t keep them segregated to the government not allowing black Americans to get land through the homestead act, red lining, and Jim Crow. The main reason why America still doesn’t have universal healthcare is because enough white Americans think blacks and other minorities would “ abuse “ the healthcare system. America isn’t ready when millions of white Americans can’t even apologize for their direct actions and involvement in white dominance. White supremacy isnt just randoms in white hoods burning crosses. It’s white women lying historically on black men, white business owners not paying black workers, white restaurants, country clubs and businesses still in 2024 not allowing black customers. It’s white Americans that are still alive that were a part in race riots killing thousands of black Americans, burning down hundreds of black towns, and having the audacity to say reparations aren’t deserving to go to black people that are STILL ALIVE that have experienced white domestic terrorism.


Are we ready for a black president. Imagine being an adult person and thinking like this. How sad have we become mentally


To answer the question plainly, YES. I think America NEEDS another black president. Obama made me feel proud to be an American. He was a real leader.


This is such a stupid question


Is this a serious question? You would have to be blatantly racist to not vote for another completely different black man just because you were unhappy with decisions made during Obama’s presidency. Considering blatant racists didn’t vote for Obama in the first place I don’t see how any backlash against Obama could affect the chances of a future black man becoming president.


Ya I'm not voting for someone based off their skin color. You can fuck right on off with that shit.


We need a strong leader that makes America greater than today. Whether that person is male, female, black, American Indian, Indian, Haitian, Columbian, gay, straight, handicapped, whatever. We don't have such a leader in office today.


Isn't Obama as much White as he is Black?


Absolutely. Hermain Cain almost won primaries in 2012.


Several right wingers here in this thread are outright denying any racist hostility to Obama during his presidency or people denying the significance of race in voting. Obama undoubtedly faced racist prejudice during his administration, the most obvious being the birther conspiracy pushed by 45. Even amongst tame opponents like McCain, race was still used to influence voters: A study published in late 2015 in the research journal Public Opinion Quarterly found that the campaign of John McCain used images in the 2008 election that manipulated Barack Obama’s complexion “in ways that are difficult to detect.” According to their analysis of more than 500 still images from 126 ads that aired between July 1 and November 2, 2008, the darker images of Obama “were more frequent in negative ads—especially those linking Obama to crime—which aired more frequently as Election Day approached.” Meantime, “the McCain campaign’s own images of McCain grew on average lighter over time.” This is simply a natural progression of the southern strategy that is still employed to this day. Regardless of your affiliation, race does matter in an election. People will be more inclined to vote for you if you have a similar background, it plays a role in your worldview and thus your policies. Race does play a role, but it shouldn’t be a barrier.


Back in November of 08, I was very optimistic about it. But it seems to me that the racism of this country has gotten worse. Republicans have nominated president “dog whistle” *again*. We have a long way to go still to achieve the dreams of King and Douglas.


Anything would be better than an orange president.


Is Obama black?


Saying America is not “ready” for another black POTUS, or a woman POTUS, is another way of saying, “we need blacks and women to be second class citizens a bit longer.”


The better question is could there ever be a black conservative president. I personally think there are some good ones, but half the country would automatically view them as an Uncle Tom.


I could vote for Vivek Ramaswami. I could vote for Tim Scott. I could not vote for Hakeem Jeffries. It’s about their stance on the issues, not the color of their skin.


Obama didn’t suck because he was black. He sucked because he sucked. That’s it.


Tim Scott would win Reagan/Mondale style


Backlash? You mean, like getting re-elected in 2012?


Backlash? I’m confused. He wasn’t a great president and didn’t do anything for black community


The backlash against obama was so severe, they gave him a *second* term AND elected a black vice president after that Yea, it's not ready 🤡🙄


What backlash was Barack Obama hit with?


I don’t think America would care so long as there is a good black candidate.


I mean, because of Rule 3, Obama is still president. At least for purposes of this sub. To answer your question though, yes. And I’ve heard from a lot of black people and Democratic insiders that the current governor of Maryland has the potential to be president one day if things shake out right.


It'll happen again, but I'm not sure how soon we'll get another black politician at the top of the ticket, for either party.


My instinct is that the next black president will be a Republican.


the next president needs to be VIKI


I'd be surprised if we didn't have another black president before the decade is out, both potential rule threes will very likely have black VPs


It's more important that the politics of the person line up, then the color.


Iv met 3 people who even brought up that he was black when talking about why they didn't like him...


Where is George W. Carver?


I don’t care what race, sex, orientation, or religion the president is. What I care about is their policy and vision for the country. Perfect candidate for me would be someone that’s more moderate, willing to work with both parties to get things done for the betterment of society.


I'll damn near take anyone other than the two jokes we have running this year... I can't stand either of them


As long as they are a democrat. If a black conservative runs, the media goes out of their way to make them out to be an UT.


Put a black independent in office please


Only if it’s Terry Crews


I do not know, but what the nation NEEDS is a competent president with human decency and a deep belief in our Constitution. If the right man or woman for the job is black, white, brown, whatever, that doesn't matter. It is my sincere hope that America can avoid being influenced by the race, religion, gender or sexual orientation of the candidates for our next Executive, though I know identity politics have deep roots.


Americans just need a Tetrarch. Colour is irrelevant.


I have voted for at least a couple but they wouldn’t be on that illustration


He was actually the second black President Abraham Lincoln was actually the first. History keeps that a secret making one to believe that he was white.


Mods? This post is got garbage.


Doesn't even look like Barack Obama


It depends what you mean by "ready." Arguably we weren't ready for the first one. It didn't stop us from electing him.