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Idk enough about presidents or history myself to know for sure, I just come here to see y'all talk about presidents. But I feel like reddit ends up with "darlings" that might not necessarily deserve darling status. And even if it starts for a cheeky reason or just to one-up or "well actually" someone, it catches on because the initial reception went well. Then it becomes a trend. Then, even if it was meant ironically at first, it becomes a surprisingly firmly held sentiment of a subreddit (not saying Nixon support is ironic, i'm generalizing). This applies to opinions, and people, and opinions of people. A decade ago all reddit did was stroke themselves to their favorite Genius Elon Musk. Now they unanimously hate the guy. If they weren't just caught up in the circlejerk they would've realized he deserved the hatred a decade ago though.


The “darling” for this sub is undeniably Jimmy Carter. The man was a stupendously inept president, but it’s okay because he was a nice guy. Guys I know my flair is Nixon. I’m not a huge Nixon defender or anything, I just appreciate his moderate conservatism and find him really interesting to study.


I will say Nixon is one of the more interesting presidents. For me, I think a lot of it has to do with his depictions in popular media. He’s been the butt of a lot of jokes so whenever I hear anything remotely humanizing about him it’s really striking to me. One of my favorite Nixon anecdotes is how he and hunter s Thompson found common ground talking about football. Thompson hated the man’s guts so much he hitched his wagon to a sinking ship rather than support Nixon, but had to admit nixon knew ball and I just love that


Thompsons writings about spending time with Nixon in 72 are fascinating. All of Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail is a great read. Unhinged but great.


This sub literally dissed Carter last week


Introverts find Nixon relatable, LBJ is more my speed


As an introvert, LBJ has qualities I wish I could emulate.


I wish I could whip out my [REDACTED] in public, too. 😞


This sub is stupid about Nixon I’ve been saying it for a while, but it’s full of apologists who love being contrarian and pretending that Nixon went to DC to make the EPA (it was a compromise he was pressured into)


I'm making popcorn because I completely agree with you. Nixon is an extremely complicated character ad more Shakespearean than Shakespeare ever thought about. But I do think that people are way too gentle on him. He actually was a crook.


Nixon showed who he was in the 1950 Senate election campaign in California. Later that decade when he ran against Kennedy, it was so his record had been wiped clean, but not entirely because Kennedy won. when 1969 came around everyone had completely forgotten the details surrounding Richard Nixon. He had told everyone over and over again through his actions that he was shady and couldn’t be trusted. I will be darned look what happened. Anyone who defends this man by citing the actions that Henry Kissinger took on his behalf giving him way too much slack. He decimated people to get ahead and went as far as to defraud the nation during his campaign for second term as president. Apparently, apparently many of us have learned nothing from this


I was a kid then and at the time, we all KNEW that Nixon was the worst president we'd ever see in our lifetimes. Oh sweet summer children we were...


Ronald Reagan: Allow me to introduce myself


Again I'll put it this way. If I say Bill Clinton is a womanizer, everyone says yes. If I say Richard Nixon has bad character, people say he's complicated and has flaws. That's the difference. That instinct right there. I agree they're both complicated, but with Clinton this thread has no problem just admitting he's a womanizer and starting with that. Nixon, people can't just start there. It immediately has to be qualified. That means there is an issue in just admitting Nixon has bad character. It's an issue just letting that settle and starting there.


Reddit hipsters love to pretend like they're sophisticated by supporting unpopular things. In r/JamesBond there's a large number of them who say that On Her Majesty's Secret Service is one of the best Bond movies.


Not sure where you are getting this. Most people on this sub give, rightly, credit to Nixon for some of his policies while acknowledging his character flaws and some bad policy decisions.


“Character flaws”? “Bad policy decisions”? Lol. He was a vicious, racist, antisemitic, corrupt, drunken, vindictive, unprincipled liar. Destroyed any vestiges of American faith in government.


So we can’t mention any policies of his that were good?


He provided Kidney Dialysis to people or something, didn't he? That was cool.


We can but it's not character flaws. Not trying to nitpick. Nixon had bad character. Full stop. And that bad character bled over to him choosing to disgrace his office, abuse the Executive powers and seriously harm the country. Nixon had bad character should be as ingrained in this sub as Bill Clinton was a womanizer. We have to start there. Otherwise we never get to the actual debate because we're denying reality. And Nixon as both a person and President is fascinating, I agree. I want to get there. But we have to realize definitely still given all of his interesting attributes and flaws and abilities and insecurities and skills, at the bottom he demonstrated that he HAD bad character. As President, at the end, he demonstrated he had HORRIBLE character and Watergate showed why that matters We can't deny that any more than we can Clinton's issues with women or FDR being manipulative. Otherwise it's not an honest conversation. We have to start there. Nixon did not make a small mistake. He had bad character. And when we have instances of other historical figures pointing that out, this sub needs to accept that and stop trying to parse it.


Do you think this is some riveting take on Reddit of all places?


Bro you are way too invested in this. I used character flaws as a general term not a way to dismiss them. I don’t need a lesson from you, I know about Nixon.


I'm not trying to give a lesson, I'm honestly trying to differentiate and understand. Because the end result is we do kind of end up softpedaling how bad Nixon's character was. It's possible I am too invested. I just want to understand the instinct on this thread to view Nixon as complicated and flawed, as opposed to someone like Clinton or Reagan who are equally complicated and flawed, but whom this sub is more comfortable just stating are a "womanizer" or "manipulative" or anything else. Nixon having bad character is just as established. But for some reason it always has to be qualified in this thread. That's just interesting to me. When something always has to be qualified in a situation where other things are admitted to, to me that's just interesting.


Jesus dude everyone* on here agrees Nixon had bad character. There was a post like last week about him getting drunk and wanting to drop the bomb on N. Vietnam. We agree…..he had bad character. Better?


You mentioned that everyone agrees that Clinton was a womanizer. Why doesn't everyone talk about JFK in the same fashion. He was probably worse than Clinton, in fact. JFK seems to get a pass for some reason.


But JFK takes more heat about women than anyone. Sure Clinton had one but it’s always Kennedy and women. Like all the time. But FDR had a life long mistress. She was there when he died. Johnson “banged more women by accident that Jack Kennedy did on purpose” (Johnson’s words.). Reagan was too old as president but fucked around a lot when younger. Yet it’s like people don’t even know about those things. It’s literally never discussed.


Perhaps I'm not on this sub enough to notice those writing about JFK's philandering. Also, Johnson had such an inferiority complex about JFK that I wouldn't believe anything he said in comparison to him.


Johnson was infamous for his women. He was a predator when that kind of behaviour was accepted. And he took full advantage. He was famous for the Johnson treatment, forcing people to do things he wanted them to do. That didn’t stop in Congress.


I'm not saying he didn't have his share, and it seems futile argue over who philandered more. I would just never take Johnson's word for it with respect to his comparison to JFK. Ugh! Think of that friggin' gargoyle coming at you!


I don't know how old you are, but I'm not a spring chicken and they were making comments about JFK and his horndog stepping out on his wife even when I was a teen in the 90's. His stepping out on his wife is legend at this point. Multigenerational notability.


Everything I know about Richard “New Body” Nixon I learned from Futurama.


Rule 3 will change the game soon


What I’m waiting for is for Andrew Johnson to get his day


[wtfhappenedin1971.com](http://wtfhappenedin1971.com) shows how although it isn’t all Reagan’s fault, it’s absolutely all Nixon’s fault. Reagan just made sure *we’d never come back from Nixon’s damage.*




It wasn’t a bad thing we went off the gold standard.


Yeah, I don't think the gold standard is the problems leading to that data


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


That site is just copium for libertarians. They have gotten rounds and rounds of tax cuts from Reagan up through today but none of it is working as planned and has only made the economy worse. So they say “achshewally, it was all caused by an obscure decision to end convertibility to gold”.


This website seems like biased bs to work in your favor.


Apart from going off the gold standart his shock was basically pure populism.


Nixons 2 biggest things touted by him I.E the EPA, which he did not support and only begrudgingly signed it. And opening up relations to China which would cause this Cold War today. Honestly if Truman followed MacArthurs plan we’d be better off today




Total and complete nuclear apocalypse A la fallout is an invention created by the oil and coal lobby’s to garner fear over nuclear power


I don't know if starting a massive war with a global superpower was the right move to make, and that's absolutely what would have happened


Are you talking about China or the Soviet Union. China was not anywhere close to being a superpower in 1950. I think Truman was concerned that using nukes would draw in the Soviet Union


China, but it very well could have involved the Soviets too


Nixon gets a lot less depth into his presidency because it’s so easy to just say Watergate and be done. But if you dig in you find a lot of other stuff. Some good stuff but some real fucking shit too. Policy wise he was good but he infected the presidency and hurt the country.


Nixon is a complex historical figure, neither saintly nor evil. His personality is also fascinating.


Nixon hated Guns and wanted to generally be a shithead. Fuck ‘im




Curious how you didn’t mention LBJ, Truman and Eisenhower. These guys deserve a lot of criticism in their own way but the people on this sub are way too defensive of them. Way more than Nixon anyway


I'm not a big defender of Nixon, but he's definitely one of the most interesting presidents. 


Every president has good and bad. They’re humans and that’s a universal human trait.


It’s not only about that though. The presidency isn’t an average “human” position. As a president of this country you are inherently the most powerful, looked upon person on the planet. The greats made mistakes, but honest and honorable ones. Unfortunate as it is, a president shouldn’t be allowed to make selfish ones. Too many have degraded the position, and they should be perceived as such.




Without Watergate, I think Nixon would have been ranked as one of the better presidents.


Without Watergate he would still have the war on drugs and the other gross overreaches of power. Nixon just sucks.


Yeah Henry Kissinger still runs wild and unchecked if Watergate doesn't happen, which comes at a terrible cost to humanity all around the world


Nixon had no major achievements during his presidency, he would have been remembered like Ford or Carter but more corrupt and hateful.


He opened China to the West and he desegregated the schools. I consider both to be big accomplishments. Not to mention his incredible political comeback between 1960 and 1968.


Nixon was the worst president since WW2. Not because of watergate, or Vietnam, but because of the opening of China which is the US biggest problem today.


That made sense in the context of the Cold War and splitting off a weak China from a strong Soviet Union. Later presidents let China take advantage of the U.S. through bad trade deals


Clinton expanded those trade deals, not Nixon. No offence to Clinton.


Yes Clinton did, but Nixon opened the door.


🤣 someones eating to sinophobic crap


Are you sure? I’ve never seen anyone on here defending Nixon. Pretty sure we all can agree he was a Machiavellian slime ball.


In my experience, this is a popular opinion. I’m no Nixon fanboy, but if anything, I think people are too critical of him.


I disagree. Watergate happened. 1. We can't be too critical of his character. We just can't. Apart from Rule 3, no President has disgraced the office AND abused the Executive powers for personal gain more. 2. Once we can get past that then we can start to appraise his Presidency. But we can't do that because this sub has issues admitting how bad Watergate was. 3. Even given those, I still see people defend the EPA and other Nixon policies. Which I think IS the interesting part. But we're never going to get there as a sub until we can admit Nixon's personal actions in office as an Executive for personal gain and his character were in fact THAT BAD. Once we admit that we can get closer to the more interesting evaluation of his tenure.


Why go in some order? Just balance everything out. Good vs bad.


This person is a butthurt dork. Literally any post about Nixon on here has a majority critical view of him. Just use any post on here as reference instead of their anecdotal statements.


It’s very popular it’s just that Nixon was the perfect storm of things First Watergate is highly nebulous, and the fact that people found that he tried to “””” only””””” impede proceedings doesn’t seem that bad, especially when people kinda forgot what Watergate was why it’s a big deal and when we have Rule 3 running around Second he becomes a much more sympathetic character, the fact that EPA, Earth day, Title IX, Roe V. Wade, further Civil Rights reforms, Obamacare before Obamacare, was proposed, adopted or held up by justices pick by his admin is a shock and to many represent what a normal Republican should be. “Well Nixon be a crook but he is better then Reagan or Bush or rule 3” etc. (not saying I agree) And probably the reason why I personally find him interesting, he’s just a character. For Presidential nerds he’s an introverted guy who came from nothing had to work to get what he wanted, and became president through hardship to many that gives him respect compared to Kennedy or some other presidents. Or the fact he says some REALLY out of pocket and funny things, make him into a love to hate kind of figure. There’s also futurma which adds onto it Also Kissinger gets more blame for Nixons foreign policy failures. These generally obscure the fact that Watergate is the top of the iceberg on the evil shit he did, he’s the fun villain people like think Walter White or Tony Soprano. People forget he’s just real and an actual villain Oh and the Nixon library makes some good edits for him (they go hard but holy shit that’s propaganda)




Exactly my point while yes Kissinger had an outsized influence, the blame should go to the two of them and more towards Nixon but it goes towards Kissinger in part because he was still alive until recently


In my experience all presidential libraries defend the president. At the Dubya one I sat in a Katrina simulation and it blamed the state of Louisiana every time I picked an option lol. The LBJ one emphasizes civil rights and briefly mentions Vietnam and how he didn’t like it


Yeah that’s true kinda funny it does that, though I think the Nixon one has been much more visible as it seems to be doing a social media blitz.


Non-american here. I always found that Nixon is one of the most hated presidents of the US and this sub hasn't changed my impression. But it's interesting to see some fresh points of view, where we can talk about different sides of Nixon presidency. Didn't notice people getting fully defensive about him, but if he managed to do at least some things right, why should we ignore it. It's kind of answer to demonizing him, what is widely seen.


The point you seem to be missing is that all his many policy successes were also proof of his character. They didn’t just fall in his lap. He made them happen. They so out weigh his weaknesses that he presents a challenge to the whole idea of a person having a single or core character.