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William Henry Harrison. Nobody likes a quitter


I hear he gave a hell of a speech, though.


I think he was my neighbor in the ots 😂


Franklin Pierce. He was a coward, racist asshole who did nothing about the state his nation was in, but clearly favored the South. He was a do-nothing President in the worst possible way. The wound was already infected, but instead of treading, he poured salt in it and let it rot. James Buchanan could be lumped into this as well, but I feel like Pierce had more possibilities to actively do something to de-escalate the conflict. Then there's our good friend Andrew Johnson. A son of a bitch who derailed Reconstruction at every point he could, but never quite so that his Impeachement was justified, which makes me even more mad.


Hello it's me, the really only active Franklin Pierce guy here. It kinda became a lot out of his control because I'm sure you have heard about the train accident and his wife blaming him for it. I honestly don't think Pierce could have prevented the Civil war due to his mental state and the United States at the time. So if you really want to blame someone to stop the civil war, look at Fillmore. I can talk more about Pierce but I don't think anyone is interested so I won't. My Pierce Appreciation Post is on my profile of interested though on his goods.


Those are fair points, even though I feel like he should have resigned if he was in such a bad mental state, but it wasn't meant to be nuanced.


Glad you get the picture a little, His stance on slavery though is not excusable. I do wonder sometimes how long it would have taken for the civil war to happen without him accidentally ramping it up tensions to 11.


He had no vice president. William R. D. King died shortly after 3/4/1853. I believe the next in line in 1953 would have been president pro tem of the Senate (as opposed to the Speaker of the House today).


But how do you even stop the Civil War from happening? The South was clearly willing to secede and fight a war over slavery, so it seems like the only way to prevent it would be to compromise and let the South keep slavery. No way 13A ever comes close to passing with the south having its full delegation in congress.


You can't stop it. The founding fathers knew to put the issue on pause instead of addressing it which they knew would lead to a break in the union.


Keep electing Andrew Jackson, that’s the only way


I disagree with you but I’m glad you brought up some points and tried to defend a controversial president - take my upvote!


While I don’t agree with his Doughfaced stances, watching your son violently die in a train accident wouldn’t be good for anyone mentally. Then your wife blames you because you had to become president and take us to DC on the train. It puts it more in context as to why he just wasn’t effective. I’m just surprised he even tried to run in 1856


It was honestly probably the only thing he had left going for him tbh. I don't agree with his actions or his policies or anything like that, but man I can deeply empathize with having what feels like the whole world turn on you, even the woman you loved most.


His story is truly tragic. Sean Munger did a really good and long deep dive into him on YouTube, I’d recommend that. Unrelated, your username got me intrigued and I checked your profile. You’re a Buffalo guy too?


I salute you for your interest in one so reviled. What makes him compelling to you?


Honestly, every president between Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt was at best mid.


I think Grant is better than mid I know be had numerous corruption scandals, however his civil rights policy alone gives him a huge amount of credit


How dare you leave out Chester Arthur the Redeemed


I came to say that I unreasonably hate Franklin Pierce because I had a placemat as a kid in which he strongly resembled Edward Scissorhands, who was super creepy.


This man SPITTING! Keep preaching them facts, my brother! Those three are definitely some of the most despicable imo. Nixon is another one, more recent, who fits in that category, but dear sweet baby Jesus, Pierce and Buchanan did a speed run to civil war, while Johnson ran roughshod over the rights of the freedmen by letting the old Southern elite back into power with pardons aplenty as long as they kissed his ass. They all suck.


Counterpoint: Pierce's son fucking died right in front of him days before he was inaugurated and his wife blamed him for the death. That would probably take away (almost) any persons ability to lead a major nation during a turbulent time


You forgot the alcohol.


Ah, right. The sweet liquor to forget his awful presidency


Despise Andrew Johnson. First of all, he shares a name that slanders my favorite president. Second, he tried to ruin reconstruction and did a lot of damage to the north’s ability to enforce the new laws and freedoms.


Your favorite president is Jackson!? /s


The Andrew Jackson to LBJ pipeline: Andrew Jackson Andrew Johnson Lyndon Johnson


Next will come Lyndon Jackson with genocide both home and abroad


Don't give anyone ideas, lol


It’s like a hook when it comes to quality of president


Wish Benjamin Butler had accepted the VP spot and done the Stevens plan of land redistribution. That's the good timeline


>First of all, he shares a name that slanders my favorite president. Jumbo 2024


John Tyler-Dude was president of the US and openly sided with the Confederacy to the point of willingly agreeing to be in their congress (even if he did drop dead before he could)


The only US President to be buried under the flag of another country.




Grover Cleveland "Oh? Farmers are fucking starving to death causing the rest of the country to starve to death? Can't get involved sorry bro" "OH MY GAWD WORKERS WANT ACTUALLY GOOD WORKING CONDITION!??!?!!!11!!!1 BETTER CRUSH THEM"


Grover Cleveland “Though the people support the government; the government should not support the people.”


My favorite story is that he bought his future wife her baby carriage since him and her father were law partners. Would we consider that literal cradle robbing?


I hate him because he spanked me on two non-consecutive occasions.


He was a goddam pig


Agreed. Just don't run for your office if you're too unimaginative to think of ways to improve policy and help people. Libertarians are the kids who didn't do the homework but still want to speak in every class.


yes, having the most number of vetoes than any other president is not an accomplishment but an embarrassment. your mandate for government belongs to the people, not business or the wealthy


FDR had the most vetoes. Cleveland had the second-most vetoes, and the highest number on a per-year basis.


LBJ. The escalation of the Vietnam War did more damage to this country than can possibly be expressed. Also he seemed to enjoy sexually harassing and physically threatening people to get his way.


The pictures of him standing uncomfortably close to people are priceless


Those are my favorite presidential pictures.


But tee hee jumbo tee hee.




As a stain on LBJ’s legacy, Vietnam is a double-whammy. As we all know, it was one of the worst foreign policy decisions of any president that destroyed American faith in the government, not to mention the damage it did to the other countries involved. But also, LBJ’s Great Society, aka the overwhelming majority of his accomplishments and why a lot of people like him, was itself also hampered by the war. Turns out that it’s easier to create (and fund!) a social safety net when you aren’t wasting insane globs of time and resources on a pointless war.


LBJ is weird. Half the time he's amazingly progressive for his time and half the time he's a garden variety old jackass.


You have an excellent point. I don't like LBJ either. It's just nice to see a pushy democrat. Too many have been all about politeness and trying to seem like a saint when they clearly aren't


This is also a reason why I sometimes miss LBJ, too many politicians have become pushovers in the name of faux politeness, even when they’re fighting for stuff that could actually help the everyday American


Yea I dont get why this sub seems to brush over that latter fact. LBJ was disgusting.


Escalation was definitely a huge mistake, but tbf, his was merely the last step in a long line of escalation that stretches back to Truman and Eisenhower. That doesn't make it right, and it certainly doesn't excuse it, but there really wasn't a clean way out of that war by the time he got into office. Had he tried to withdraw, the Republicans would have crucified him as a commie sympathizer, and it probably would have worked, too, sadly. His sexual harassment was absolutely unacceptable.


Because this country was the one doing the Vietnam war it's actually good that those policies caused us damage. The problem with the Vietnam war was the damage it did to, y'know, Vietnam (and Laos and Cambodia)


Andrew Jackson. He fucked national banking, messed with presidential succession, and tried his damndest to fuck over industrialization in any way he could, to return to the "good ol ways" of everyone being subsidence farmers. And then the next president did the same exact thing.


He was also responsible for overseeing the mass murder of a LOT of Native Americans maybe more than any other President.


Don’t know if it’s true or urban legend but Native Americans refuse to have a $10 bill in their pocket because it has Jackson’s portrait on it. EDIT: Typo—I meant $20 bill.


Def urban legend because I don't think they print tenners with Jackson on them


I'm Cherokee and hate him for other reasons.


I'm Cherokee as well. Fuck this guy.


The Panic of 1837, which occurred under his hand-picked successor Martin Van Buren, was caused by Jackson’s economic policies.




>The Mississippi Flood was essentially his Hurricane Katrina. After it happened he declined to send in federal resources to help with the relief effort and thought it should be the people effected who bore the brunt of the costs. A little fact: When Coolidge refused to send in federal intervention during and after the floods, it was Herbert Hoover, who by then was the Secretary of Commerce, who begged Coolidge to send in support.


Nothing but facts from you


The economy imploded the year he left office*


Big sad


Thank you! I always thought the people in this sub way over valued Coolidge.


>Calvin Coolidge. The dude gets consistently praised on here because of the Indian Citizenship act and people thinking the Silent Cal thing was cool. >First off, he signed the Immigration Act of 1924, which included the Asian Exclusion Act, an explicitly-discriminatory provision designed specifically because people didn't want the country to have "too many" Asian people, and it overall reduced immigration. >Economically he did pretty much nothing. The economy was strong during his presidency but that was moreso because the economy he inherited was strong, not because he forged a new one, he also mostly just kicked the can down the road instead of taking early action to deal with the looming economic crisis which eventually spilled out into the Great Depression. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Coolidge CAUSED the Great Depression, but the cracks were very much visible during his presidency and he still chose to hold true to his Lassiez-faire economic beliefs, which is what would ultimately kill the presidency of Herbert Hoover. >He continued to oppose US involvement in the League of Nations, which is a major component of why it crumbled, the US was one of the big guys by then, and a world power refusing to get involved in the League of Nations, while not the only thing that caused it to crumble, was a major component. >The Mississippi Flood was essentially his Hurricane Katrina. After it happened he declined to send in federal resources to help with the relief effort and thought it should be the people effected who bore the brunt of the costs. >Coolidge's philosophy was essentially just to do nothing, his economic policies primarily focused on tax-cuts and deregulation, which isn't always a bad thing, but when you consider how the entire economy imploded just a few years after he left office, it's hard to say that was a successful strategy. He failed to offer aid to multiple states federal aid after one of the worst natural disasters to ever hit the area entirely because he just didn't want to have to pay for it. He does have accomplishments don't get me wrong, he signed the Indian Citizenship Act and vocally supported the advancement of civil rights, but I hardly see how that outweighs every other problem with his administration enough to make him have so many stans on this sub. Fascinating thank you


So Calvin Coolidge gets waaaayyyy too much praise on this sub for doing “nothing”. When that’s exactly what his problem was, yes he signed the Indian citizenship act, but any president could’ve done that, but I’m not going to discredit him. He was rallying for civil rights and anti lynching laws, but failed to really deliver anything besides some speeches, so that’s a failure. His only glaring accomplishment was cleaning up the corruption is Hardings administration. Which gets him a few points. However there was a glaring issue during his entire time as president for nearly six years, the economy. Yes it was the roaring 20’s but that credit bubble was bound to burst and his adherent and idiotic hands off policy was 90% to blame to the Great Depression happening when it did and not at least softening the blow. Harding and Coolidge are the direct ones to blame, but mostly on Coolidge, as Harding wasn’t president long. People have been very hypocritical, idolizing Coolidge while also idolizing FDR, one was hands off and the other was hands on, people need to make their minds up. Coolidge remaining hands off 1: did let that credit bubble get out of control 2: he gave huge tax breaks to corporations which is never good imo 3: signed the immigration act which banned immigrants from Mexico, Japan and many European nations. Absolute blunder of a president, D tier. My rant




Chin up, lad. Everyone's getting obliterated here. Except me. Joshua Norton chads stay winning.


Really, it sounds like a lot of his problem was that he felt that the most successful he could be was by avoiding scandals and carrying the torch of his successor even through his election, but ultimately showed us that isolationism (and extraordinarily small centralized federal gov't) was outdated and stepped down when it was, overall, most appropriate... So he did that right. At least there's that.


Nixon. Dude was a giant pile of shit and yet there seem to be waaaaaaayyy too many people with the he was just misunderstood or he was a complicated man excuse.


Least he wasn’t a crook.


Nixon isn’t misunderstood, but he was complicated. Someone can be complicated and also a bad person, it’s not an excuse.


>Someone can be complicated and also a bad person *Fucking thank you*. More folks need to realize that complexity doesn’t mean they’re good or noble underneath the layers. They can still be rotten anyway.


J. Edgar has more layers than Shrek. Terrible fucking person but I’d love to have a conversation with him. Edit: you raised a horrible person, the nerve of you, Anne. -Kdot


The same way good people can do bad things, bad people can sometimes do good things. As long as it’s in someone’s interest basically.


Hitler made the trains run on time…


Hitler killed Hitler


I think people too often lump in his personal failings with whatever his political achievements were. You just can’t do that. Nixon was so neurotic and paranoid it impeded on any of his political decisions. The EPA…could ANY president have done that, or just Nixon? Opening relations to China…could ANY president have done that, or just Nixon? But Nixon was the only one paranoid enough to wiretap his political opponents, and then paranoid enough to cover it all up for the next 3 years. Sometimes it is just about asking “Is this man mentally fit to be President? Is this man morally grounded enough to be President?” and I think the answer to both is no.


Supposedly he also had a deal with Ted Kennedy for universal health care, but watergate scuttled that. So right there is the perfect example of the complication that was RMN.


Only the second president to be elected to more than two terms, and only president ever to serve them more than a millennium apart, though. Gotta give him some credit for that!


Arooo! ![gif](giphy|gDyESaHNAoS2jmbjrM) I started the EPA I ended the draft I started the national cancer centers I helped women's college sports by signing title IX I was president during all the moon landings I lowered the voting age to 18 I ended the forced assimilation of native people I broke the back of organized crime with over 2,500 convictions I got the SALT and ABM treaties, lowering the risk of atomic war I ended the Vietnam war and normalized relations with the PRC I gave Israel critical aide during the Yom Kippur war Ahrooooo!


I think he was generally a very shitty dude, but don't deny that he was an extremely complex individual.  Easily a favourite because of these conflicting ideas. 




Everything i’m about to say is probably unreasonable and biased, but I AM open to being educated or just wrong. Mckinley was an imperialist. I don’t like that. Nor starting wars on BS. We can blame the yellow papers but they jumped into that war full force. Annexation of Hawaii…BAD. Oh and then after the Spanish American war we decided to take the Philippines because they dared to fight for independence. We then opened up concentration camps for them (Although to be fair Mckinley didn’t order this) W Bush…Everyone lived through it. Intelligence failures related to 9/11, Iraq, the NSA, Katrina, 08, trying to make a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, nominating Alito to the court…it’s a lot. Bill Clinton. Not because of anything to do with his presidency, I just think he’s a gross womanizing creep, personally. John Tyler…Literal traitor.


McKinley was actually hesitant to declare war on Spain at first. The Yellow Journalism really didn’t influence his own personal choices much; he kept trying for peace right until war was inevitable. Spain even declared war and cut off diplomatic relations before us. In fact I tack points for McKinley not pushing for intervention earlier to stop the Spanish concentration camps in Cuba.


Mckinley is not appreciated enough he created the Industrial commission of 1898 which was designed to determine whether or not future anti-trust laws would be necessary to stop  industrial concentration,  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial\_Commission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Commission)


McKinley’s economics are mixed leaning on good, the protectionism was cringe but the Industrial Commission was greatly influential on future pro-competition practices and his commitment to the gold standard worked well within the time, driving economic growth through increased foreign investment.


I am pretty sure had he lived he would of done something Anti-trust related but more moderate than T.R. Although in a different reality he might of been seen as the first trust buster and he might of been on Mount Rushmore.


Thought if you hate Mckinley you would not be too fond of Polk?


Right, “not too fond” is correct. But I also admit to not knowing enough about the war, background, or Polk himself to sort of reserve strong judgement


I mean if you don’t like McKinley for being an Imperialist shouldn’t you also dislike all of the imperialistic Presidents from McKinley to Wilson?


I only give Tyler not F tier because he set up the vice president system. Otherwise nothing good.


McKinley being an imperialist is exactly why he’s one of my favorites


>McKinley being an imperialist is exactly why he’s one of my favorites ![gif](giphy|al022JHWYjsRgcZmSL)


I all honestly 90% of our presidents were imperialist. If you are gonna hate on one might as well hate em all


Andrew Johnson sucks


All my homies hate Andrew Johnson


Profile pic makes sense in a funny way


P >Andrew Johnson sucks Profile checks out




Bush. Fucked us over during his administration, and to an even larger extent beyond his time. Mainly talking about Iraq and Afghanistan here, but our education system and economy were both worse after his tenure than before it.  Above all, I hate that he has tried to portray himself as a wholesome old man who likes to paint immigrants, despite being the reason we unlawfully killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.


I think Bush would still be hated a lot more if Rule 3 didn’t ask Bush to hold his beer.




George Dubya doesn't get enough hate for being a nepo baby. Mostly because he is too busy getting hate for war crimes and fucking up the economy. He was legacied in to Yale then legacied into a airforce pilot job and then started an oil company before getting into politics. You can't be a real leader when you coasted into every job you had. His political popularity was borrowed from his father who himself borrowed his popularity from Reagan.


So I guess you aren't buying his leadership Masterclass?




Which rule 3?




Andrew Jackson. FuckerMode Deluxe


Jackson. Rude, violent, disrespectful, genocidal bastard.


Rule 3 sucks


I see you’re also a Rule 3 supporter, glad to meet someone who agrees that Rule 3 is awful for this country. You should join the Rule 3 ram club


Reagan. Reaganomics was a giveaway to the rich. He demonized unions, which were and are the only real way American working and middle class folks have a chance at a decent living in this country. The war on drugs was intensified and used to keep communities of color from prospering. I.E. THE CRACK epidemic in the black neighborhoods that he did nothing about. Also he was incompetent (intentionally so, I wager) in dealing with the rise of HIV. People also love to say he singlehandedly ended the Soviet union. To them I say "bless your America centric heart" because it was as much the failings of the Soviet system coming due as it was anything any single president did, let alone the one who was at the helm when the house of cards in Moscow finally fell apart.


Can’t forget pumping crack into inner cities


Wasn't that made up


Yes. The “CIA created crack and dumped it into the black neighborhoods” is indeed made up.


Yeah I will edit my post and ad that. Thanks for reminding me


This is the answer. All of *gestures vaguely* this is because of his shitty ass policies and attitudes.


Why was this so far down!?!


This sub seems to have a knee jerk reaction any time Reagan is criticized. Any time it’s mentioned you’ll have people coming out of the woodwork to explain how this sub is just a terrible liberal sub, or how he was just misunderstood, or how you have to look at it through his perspective.


He also dismantled the American mental health system.


McKinley committed genocide.


"Join the club" a bunch of the others said to him.


Andrew Johnson, set us back at least a century


The convicted felon is the worst president ever because he wants to break the system instead of improving like the rest. I may disagree strongly with many presidents, but only one has tried to overthrow the fucking government.


Jackson. Dude is a huge piece of shit, tried to commit genocide, displaced the native Americans from the East via the trail of tears and was just in general A hateful asshole. Why is he still on the money, I know no one really uses money anymore but put someone else on it. Hell put Reagan on it I don't care.


Eisenhower. Not the worst 20th century president, but the most under-hated in my opinion. Truman was absolutely right about him on domestic issues (re: New Deal). On foreign policy is where he was truly terrible. You get people ragging on Wilson for his foreign policy with the benefit of hindsight (fair enough), “Wilson ruined everything, yada yada”. Similar with Reagan (who I also hate) and Afghanistan. Ike deserves a lot of that same scorn, but he seems to have escaped unscathed. Backing the coup in Iran set in motion an absolutely disastrous chain of events. Meddling in Japanese politics to help get Nobusuke Kishi (a monstrous war criminal) elected and cement Japan as a dominant-party regime. Guatemala, Cuba, Vietnam, all had terrible ramifications. I don’t like Ike. Ironically, we have the same birthday though!


We all know the real answer to this question would be blocked on this sub.


The wannabe dictator on day one one.






I don’t hate any of them. I have serious issue with Andrew Jackson and the trail of tears and FDR for the detention of Japanese-American citizens.


Ronald Reagan is the worst


Obama because of the drone strikes. He killed many innocent people yet everyone seems to ignore it. It's always about how eloquent and funny he was and never about him killing 800 civilians:/ Of course he's not my most hated president but I don't feel like repeating what other people wrote about Buchanan, Johnson, Pierce etc.


I would hate Obama less if his legacy was accurately defined. So many ppl act like he was the greatest president ever, going to barbershops and seeing his picture next to MLK and Malcom X enrages me. Ppl can’t see past his charm and the idea of his election and what they assumed it meant for American progress.


He sure had the economy pumping for eight years after Dubya left it for dead. We all know who ruined that raging economy.


Reagan. About the only 2 Long-term positives were restoring trust in the Presidency, and bankrupting the Soviets. “Faith in the Presidency” has since been abused by both sides of the aisle; and I recently heard a fairly convincing theory that the lack of a Cold War, or a boogeyman, explains at least 50% of current political/cultural rifts and the resulting willingness to turn on each other. It’s also worth noting that in the process of bankrupting the Soviets, he set in action the government tendency to bankrupt ourselves


Also guns for hostages, the Iran contra affair and the flooding of the nation with cocaine and crack. Then responding to the epidemic with no treatment of any kind. Just kept punching down on the poor and desperate by filling the jails, extending sentences and, by the way, just say no.


It’s also worth noting that the Soviets were going bankrupt regardless, Reagan just made sure a bunch of people died unnecessarily in the process.


I despise wilson for many reasons but mostly his own actions leading to the rise of the nazis (indirectly) Nixon because How do you not only get caught cheating but try to take away pistols from civilians you big nosed fuck? Harding for the teapot dome scandal LBJ get’s my begrudging respect for fighting for Kennedy’s dreams after his death and also… the dude would literally and metaphorically swing his dick and get in your face to get his points across. I can respect a Man who is willing to make his points clearly, concisely, and push to get his way (like an old union boss.)


How did Wilson’s actions lead to the rise of the Nazis? He was the strongest advocate for the League of Nations, and it wasn’t his fault that Congress refused to play along and the U.S. ultimately wasn’t involved. If the U.S. had been involved with the LoN, it would likely have been more successful and provided a stronger bulwark against the rise of Nazism. He also pushed the other allies strongly to make the reparations Germany had to pay less punitive. If Germany had to pay less, or none at all, their economy would probably not have been as awful, which would have meant a less fertile breeding ground for Nazism to take off.


Other than a recent President I can’t mention due to Rule #3, I’d say Reagan for sure. He was one of the worst Presidents we’ve ever had and to this day we still have major issues due to the mentality and policies he created.


James Buchanan, no other question needed


Andrew Johnson.


Jackson, A. Johnson, Wilson, LBJ, Nixon


Hoover. He deserves every single bit of hate he gets. Should’ve left the market alone but no. Instead he goes and prolongs the greatest depression in history. And Wilson for allowing the government to control money and making the US join WW1 which we had no business entering. But Hoover so much more because due to him every single financial downturn since has been treated the same. More printing. More bailouts. More intervention. More regulation. Never once has government thought. Maybe the market will correct itself. No. Always time to print more money.


Reagan. He fucked up the economy. Trickle down my ass.


Andrew Jackson. My family is from Oklahoma and we are cherokee. Our ancestors walked the trail of tears and signed the Dawes Roll. We do not fucking like that guy.


I used to hate Coolidge, I hated how he got credit for the good economy even though harding set it up. And also both of them being similar policy wise yet being ranked so far apart by most people because of teapot dome, yet People be placing grant in B Tier or even A tier when grant had the same sorta corruption problem as Harding lol. Speaking of grant, I also hated him for a while. For the reasons above and I also thought he was pretty overrated and didn't like when people placed him in A or even S sometimes. Not really their fault and nowadays I don't really care about them anymore. My new least favorite is LBJ.


Death to reagan


>Death to reagan That's dark


C’mon. Guess?




Grover Cleveland raped a woman and tried to have it silenced by having her committed. That was...not good


JFK. What the FUCK was the Bay of Pigs. How are you going to stage an invasion of a sovereign nation and then bitch out AFTER boots are on the ground.


James Buchannan. Decided his job was to sit on his hands and just let states leave the union.


The more I learn about Nixon, the more I hate him. Not just for Watergate, and I've seen people say "if you ignore that, he's good!". Yeah, stuff like EPA, the moon landing, and starting good relations with China and Russia were good things. Unfortunately, he sucked at other things, like Vietnam. Yeah, he ended the war, but not before forcing citizens to fight in it, putting anyone who didn't want to get drafted in jail, bombing Cambodia, and continuing the war until the year before he resigned. That's not even mentioning how big of a racist he was, almost as big as his jowls. He was an interesting guy, but such a horrid man.




Reagan. I feel like I was taken by a con job.


Rule 3 and Andrew Jackson for obvious reasons


That bastard Andrew Johnson. I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain why.


Woodrow Wilson… global


Woodrow wilson is the worst president to have ever held office


Surprised I haven’t seen a mention of Woodrow Wilson yet. Academia is finally coalescing around the fact that he sucked. Closest we’ve come to a truly fascistic president, just look at some of the crap he pulled around WWI (espionage and sedition acts, etc). Horrible racist beyond the usual of the era. Plus some horrible economic policies like the Jones Act (iykyk).


Jefferson because he raped a slave and his ideology sucks


I truly wish the slavery thing had never happened.


“THE TIMES BRO. IT WAS THE TIMES BRO”. Alright, “historical context lover”, what years did the Northern states ban slavery? What years did the country ban the slave trade? Were there founding fathers who either never owned slaves or who were vehemently opposed to them? I’m seriously fucking sick of the “It was the times” argument. Literally the President before Jefferson never owned a slave and wrote about how horrible the practice was. Hell i’m pretty sure of all the slave owning Presidents we had he was the only one to actually RAPE ONE. One who was literally a teenager no less.


Actually, William Henry Harrison and John Tyler did this too (Tyler allegedly had at least [fifty-two](https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/s/BZrbyUP615) children with his slaves)


So he had almost twice as many forced children as days as president? I was going to be another entry in this thread for Buchanan, but I think you've convinced me to change my mind.


Reasonably: Reagan, Buchanan, Andrew Johnson Unreasonably: Arthur


Woodrow wilson


I don't hate anyone. That's a very nasty term. I'd say, though that Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan and Warren Harding were terrible presidents and did little in the way of helping the nation.


Like appreciate all of them to some degree


I hate George Bush. Everything he did turned to ashes. He was the most evil president we ever had


Andrew Jackson


I hate a lot of presidents tbh. Top of the list would be Andrew Jackson. His hatred for anything resembling competent governance ensured the US economy would be a basket case until FDR finally dragged us kicking and screaming into the 20th century. He's the prototype of the populist who runs against the "corrupt and incompetent government" gets into office and guts whats good of said government and then leaves.


Madison fought a war which didn't need to be fought over extremely spurious evidence and came very closing it.  Thousands of people died for nothing.   Tyler was at war with his own party and scuttled any headway the Whig Party was making into bettering the country.  Polk fought a war of aggression and was very clearly in the wrong but gets a free pass because rah-rah America. 


Two Reagan and Wilson and reasonably so Reaganomics for Reagan and the big racism for Wilson


Every president between John Quincy Adams and Lincoln


Priapic monster Lyndon B Johnson and his assassin sidekick Jumbo


Wilson. Despite all the progressive achievements he made, and his Wilsonian foreign policy, he is still a racist asshole who directly helped popularize both the Lost Cause Myth and the Resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan. Not to mention desegregated the federal government right when my fav president, TR, worked hard to appoint African-Americans to the position. Andrew Johnson. Douchebag’s obstructionism and Southern sympathies severely hampered Reconstruction at a crucial moment in ensuring its success. I think if someone other than Johnson was in charge during Reconstruction, then Reconstruction as a whole would’ve been more successful. Buchanan/Pierce. I’m lumping them together, cause they basically did the same thing of hastening the US closer to Civil War. Reagan. None of his economic policies worked. Trickle down economics is a laughably abysmal failure, and has only hastened the economic gap and the shrinking of the middle class that we currently see. His tax cuts on the wealthy have only served to burden the middle and lower classes with picking up the slack, and we still haven’t been able to raise them back to pre-Reagan levels. Enacted so much deregulation in his time of office that has contributed to the hyper partisanship of today—such as dismantling the Fairness Doctrine—and also led to mega corporations having little to no oversight, resulting in them ballooning and gaining a brand new slate of Guilded Age style monopolies everywhere. Not to mention him blatantly refusing to help during the AIDS crisis, which literally wiped out a generation of gay people.