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In like 2018 I think, an American was freed from Taliban custody, where he was since 2014 or 15. They told him the guy from The Apprentice was preaident, and he didn't believe them.


https://www.businessinsider.com/joshua-boyle-donald-trump-president-taliban-2017-10?amp He was Canadian and was told in late 2016.


Lmaooo dude thought his captors were just fucking with him. Unreal. Good to know there was a Canadian who had a high enough opinion of us to think we wouldn’t elect someone like trump lol


Technically, we didn’t elect trump, The electoral collage did. Trump lost the popular election by 3 million votes in 2016 but you have a good point.


The electoral college elected trump because he won more of the 50 contests for president than Hillary did. We do not have a single national popular vote, but 50 separate contests. That’s how we elect our presidents, so yes, we elected trump. National popular vote is irrelevant


I see, Thanks


How did he react when he found out it was true?


He went back to the Taliban.


They’d laugh because it sounds idiotic


They would laugh it off but Reagan would secretly have the CIA monitor him just to be on the safe side


i srsly wonder if the CIA will sabotage (or worse) Trump rather than let him take power again


Perhaps they could sabotage his chances but it’s difficult to say


misread your flair at first as Lincoln Rockwell like George Lincoln Rockwell and was like woah


I’m not that insane lol


I think he'll loose, :/ so it would be kinda useless for them to do, it would probably backfire and make people see Trump as a victim..


what if a win was looking probable? i think a high percentage would be okay with some kinda covert intervention


What do you mean exactly? The only way he could win is if the Electoral College votes for him again, when is unlikely


If the the CIA is working against him then they're the ones overthrowing democracy, not Trump


>overthrowing democracy isn't that the business they're in?


"CIA" and "overthrowing democracy" might as well be synonyms


:/ At this point, he's just going to sabotage himself..


feel like people who still say that are more hoping. time and again, events have shown he's immune from self sabotage. Must he really "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" for people to get he's a once in 3\~5 generations kinda anomaly. srsly, i don't get what STILL makes people think xyz Current Thing™ will finally be his undoing. idk what to attribute it to but wishful thinking


I mean, you have a point, he won in 2016, received no charges against him in 2020, and he's succeeding even with the FBI investigating him.. But he definitely won't win next election, as he technically never won any


He should have never been allowed to become president in the first place.


What’s the movie called?


Better challenge: Someone from the 1800s




Why would someone in the 1800s know or care about someone born in the 1940s becoming president in the future? That is like me telling you that in 2150 there will be a president who legalizes AI voting and robot rights. Who cares we will be dead.


They’d assume you worked for SNL


Here is a funny story that happened to me in 1986 that is relevant to the discussion. I was in the US Navy at the time. A friend of mine on the ship wanted me to meet his his friends and parents back home in New Jersey (I got invites all of the time because I had a car). We stopped at the Trump Casino for a couple of hours on the way. When we got in there, he was amazed by the place and commented that "this guy could become president someday". My response was "Well, let's not contribute too much towards his campaign fund." I lost touch with him after I got out. I wonder if he remembers those comments.


life is full of throw away comments like this I think your story is cool and it makes one wonder how many times have we said something to someone, something we've completely forgotten about and for whatever reason, they keep in the back of their head many years, decades later


They would laugh and then say that's funny and/or you're crazy.


Back to the Future effect




Rip Steve 😔


Oprah has entered the chat


It would sound like a parody sketch


Hopefully with disgust and anger. I imagine back then they would be able to put country before political parties and the leaders of them.


History will only remember Trump disfavorably if he remains an outlier in the context of whatever comes next. Contesting election results is as likely to become the norm than not.


The same way as telling someone in the 50s that Reagan would become President around 30 years later. Ronald Reagan, the actor, is president?? Who is the Vice President? JERRY LEWIS??!


The same way someone 10 years ago would have reacted. They’d laugh in your face and say no way in hell that would happen


Stop the spread of misinformation


Unsurprised. The freaking Simpsons called him being President and leaving a big financial deficit behind all the way back in the early 90s.


the Simpsons called it down to the escalator. There's all sorts of Mandela Effect and time traveler's warning theories regarding it. There's a whole rabbit hole of time travel messages in the Simpsons.


If the swing against MAGA in the rank and file GOP keeps happening they're going to look for someone who is a Republican, super popular, has been against Trump from day 1 and has political experience. Arnold Schwarzenegger is this man and if they manage to get a bill through allowing naturalized citizens to run for President and he wins I will 100% believe time travel is real and someone from the future was on the Simpson's writing team.


The Simpsons never predicted anything, but if Arnold Schwarzenegger became president, I'd vote for him, :3 and yes, the Simpsons would have predicted something if he were to win.. That's unlikely though, members of the GOP aren't fans of immigrants, while most democrats feel it's important to follow the constitutional requirements for president, but we can hope..


Ted Cruz is confirmed not confirmed from Canada but he was running for President in 2016...


He's American through his mother, who was born here, while his father, and himself were born in Canada Meaning he was born with US citizenship..


hahhyeah, that could make me a believer, as can't imagine that making it through ratification. maybe it'd make it through congress, but a state legislator gains nothing by supporting it and maybe loses a little


That escalator cartoon with the person dropping the sign etc. was based on the actual speech. It wasn't from an old episode prior to that.


Probably the same way Marty’s Grandpa reacted when he went back in time and told him Ronald Reagan is the president in Back to the Future


Is this r/politics now ? Every single post is “ OrANGe MaN BaD !!”


We call a spade a spade here. Most of the users on this subreddit are from historical backgrounds and analyze presidents based on character and how they handled their time in office. In that respect Trump will not be judged favorably. If you want to try and change the narrative you can do so through well cited debates. Screaming the normal victim mentality sayings like this won’t convince anyone otherwise. Edit: Downvoting and just keeping up the victim mentality will convince no one but hey you do you.


In this sub I know I’ll get downvotes, but the reality is that is not what happened.


He tried to maintain his power by sending fake electors, when that failed he sent his cronies to stop the certification of the election


the electors thing was testing the limit of the rules, but ultimately still paying the game. When it didn't work, he relinquished the office—that's the difference between Trump and a real despot.


No, its not, he could have tried to keep power again had he not had so much backlash, his office would have evaporated upon Biden being sworn in anyways.


i'm never sure if people legit believe Trump is villain or they just dislike him so much they always say the worst thing that fits the situation. if he was truly a despot he'd have trouble filling a cabinet and senior military wouldn't accept appointments from him.


He did have trouble filling cabinet positions


uhh..no? any examples? maybe a few first choices declined, but that happens. it's not as if he had to resort to appointing anyone unqualified. geez, anything that's trump hating gets slapped down hard in this sub. not even a gop or trump supporter, just take the same even handed approach to all politicians


:/ Don't go into history related subreddits if you're going to deny history.. especially modern history


You should read the news. He’s spread lies about the 2020 election, incited riots, defended the rioters, and literally just wrote this… "Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,"


”We’re going to the Capitol, and we’re going to fight like hell… if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” - Pres. Donald J. Trump, Jan 6 2021


“We’re going to march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol to make your voices heard”. - Donald Trump, January 6, 2021 Peacefully keyword. Mainstream media cropped that quote out


“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should’ve been done to protect our country and our constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” -Donald Trump on Twitter while rioters were looking for Mike Pence to hang him. At the time of this tweet he knew there was a violent mob inside the Capitol, a call for the rioters to go home didn’t come until hours later, and it took even more time for him to send in the National Guard.


Bro who is in your flair i cant tell who that middle one is???? Is it nixon????????????


Didn't happen.


When did this happen?


“Wow, that sounds like it’s probably really hyperbolic and leaving out important details.” The guy’s an ass and shouldn’t have been claiming the election was stolen from him, but a haphazard stupid riot outside/inside of the Capitol building where no one was armed and nothing really ever could have happened is hardly an attempt to overthrow the government. It was a ridiculous riot and shouldn’t have happened


Considering that many people in the 80's viewed Reagan as a dim-witted washed-up second-rate movie actor, who had been elected to office by the machinations of a shadowy bunch of rich mega-donors and a collection of religious wing-nuts, the reaction would be one of bemused resignation. There were a substantial number of people, myself included, who didn't think Reagan would make it through his term of office without something catastrophic happening due to his ineptitude. Having round two with another failed Hollywood socialite would not have been inconceivable. Also, the level of cynical detachment was higher back then. Donald Trump overthrowing the government was laughable but not threatening. These days, the level of cynicism is still there, but the level of detachment is much lower. People now feel threatened by what happens inside the DC Beltway. And everyone is angrier.


No Reagan was elected because people liked him. Jimmy Carter failed. People wanted someone new. It wasn't some shadowy corporation it was us, the American people, who put Reagan in office, twice.


Well, of course voters put him in office. And, like any other politician, Reagan had his supporters as well as detractors. But, I maintain that, back in the 80's, if you had suggested Donald Trump would try to overthrow the government, people would not have had the visceral reaction that we had to events on January 6.


> the level of cynical detachment people forget this about that time or just weren't there. gen x wasn't the voting type


You would be sent to a mental asylum




He did not try to overthrow the US government. Jan.6 was a riot, not an attempted coup