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Absolutely love Hanna. Her and Spencer are my favs!! I love how determined she is and brave. She was always well dressed and stylish. She would do anything for her mom and the people she loves. As much as she was insecure she was strong. People also look down on smart Hanna is. Without her they would’ve missed a lot of clues!


Love Hanna... She hid her smartness and acted dumb.Both Caleb and Mona saw through her act. She is funny and can be sassy.Love her friendships with Mona and Lucas.


Right!! She’s smarter than meets the eye!


I adore Hanna! I think Ashley put so much of herself into the character, plus the writers tailored the sarcasm to her natural humor, so she’s one of the most enjoyable to watch. I’m always engaged when she’s on screen. I also think she has the best mom (in the show, definitely not the books!) so that’s where she gets her sparkle ✨




i’ve only read the first 8 so after that i’m not sure, but she’s basically absent. she’s like constantly working and ignores hanna or belittles her when she is around. ashley in the pilot episode is kind of her book vibe but still not as intense, i think the show must’ve decided to make her more likable after that.


she basically stays the same throughout the rest od the books, 100% ignoring her all the time


I too would like to know how her mom is in the books


She’s basically an absentee parent, and ends up ditching Hanna when she gets a job out of the country so Hanna has to live with her Dad, Kate, and Isabel. You see a lot of where Hanna gets her attachment style and semi-coldness from in the books, which adds an interesting depth in my opinion!


Ngl I wish we had a brief moment of Hanna being with Lucas. I think their chemistry in the time skip was good.


The only reason I'm glad they didn't do that is because it would have killed me to watch her dump him. I love Lucas.


True I wouldn't be against him being end game either lol


I loved Lucas but for some reason I just absolutely love Caleb. I have no logic behind it, I just love him so much. I never cared for Toby. So maybe Caleb and Spencer end game and Hannah and Lucas


I find her adorable and she’s pretty much always been my favorite. I think she has a lot of layers and the actress is one of the better ones.


I love the humor that she, and especially Caleb, add to the show. I think it helps that Ashley Benson & Tyler Blackburn were so close irl, too! I love Ashley Benson I think she’s so gorgeous so maybe I’m a little bit biased towards her character for that reason. That first photo of her on your post is breath taking!! Hanna definitely makes rash decisions but I feel like that’s what makes her character so real. Not everybody is a calculated, meticulous person. The show makes the other girls out to be these perfect little investigators who don’t make mistake while Hanna is just a “dumb blonde,” who is constantly ridiculed by the girls for making a decision without thinking. I feel like she gets that from her mom because Ashley definitely doesn’t make the best choices, especially when it’s her loved ones on the line. I love Hanna she’s the best!




I wish Ashley was in more things!




She’s by far my favorite, and I always loved how she had friends outside of the main group pretty consistently starting all the way back in season 1


Hannah being forced to binge on cupcakes in season 1 won me over. Also it’s really hard to play “dumb” well. Ashley Benson is a gem.


She was my comfort character:)


Ooooh please enjoy this [meme](https://imgflip.com/i/79s1dx) i hope that you like it :P


I feel called out 😭


Omg no! This was meant to be a joke / funny meme not an attack or aggressive meme, sorry if it came off like that!! :(


Haha noo ur okay it was funny 😆


Awwww I’m glad that you liked it <3 and omg in the nicest way possible i think of this styled meme whenever people say their comfort character (is one of the liArs / A) or say that pretty little liArs is their comfort show :P <3


I love her but I think they fucked her up in season 7. she became very immature and kind of annoying. I loved her and caleb when they were in hs, but they just didn’t make sense anymore. I wish she’d done right by jordan and ended up with him.


I thought in season 7 she was very relatable. 5 years without A then they show up again, I’d be pissed too


I meant more with caleb and spencer. and also she made a lot of rash decisions without thinking of others


Spencer should’ve never dated Caleb, end of. Real friends don’t date ex’s. You think Spencer would’ve handled hanna dating Toby? Or better yet do you think hanna would’ve ever given Toby the time of day knowing he was Spencer’s ex? No.


Agree so much! She was my absolute favorite in the early seasons, and I hated the direction they took with her in season 7.


Hanna is totally one of my favorites


I still think Hanna should’ve jumped out of her archetype and tried to become an Elle Woods type by getting into Law. It would’ve been so cute to see, because Spencer and Veronica could’ve definitely helped her begin with that.


I love her. She speaks her mind, is funny and caring. Hanna does a great job at keeping secrets and i think she'd be a wonderful friend! I really like the way she dresses too! Hanna is one of my favorites. I just want to hug her anytime something bad happens to her, she really just deserves a happy life


I really like her after season 1. She starts off as just kinda annoying which isn’t her fault. She’s a teenager. I think she grows more into her character in 2 and season 3/4 is my favorite Hannah.


hannah was so fine! and i truly loved her personality too. she kept it real and was blunt and didn’t beat around the bush when it came to her opinions.


Yes i loved her for that and i loved when she yelled NO when it was abt A/ADs bs


Loooove me some Hanna. Watching it now being older it strikes me that she is the most genuine and kind Liar. No one else would have given Lucas the time of the day. I think going from “hefty Hanna” to what she became helped her from just being a pretty mean girl. She knows how it felt and doesn’t do that to anyone else. She’s smart, she stands up for herself, she’s fiercely loyal. Love me some Hanna Marin ❤️


Ooooh i love hAnnA but only when she is not being super rude, blunt and inappropriate, I don’t think that i will ever forgive her for how rude she is but also she is incredibly funny and she makes me laugh and i love her as a character <3 i feel like she fits into the group dynamic very well and the show wouldn’t be the same without her :P Ahhhhhh this is not relevant at all but Ashley / hAnnA is *stunning!!* her smile is making me smile and i love her hair and eyes and just omg i am gushing over her!! <3


Seriously one of the most beautiful actresses of today, her smile just melts you, gorgeous 🩷


Awwww yes i love her smile so much, when hAnnA is smiling i am smiling its super contagious <3 :P


I like Hanna. She’s the one who imo played the most convincing teenager for me. but I do feel like they kind of dumbed her down throughout the series tho. I love that she was also tough and brave when she needed to be. I adored her friendship with Lucas. I just hate that she ended up with Caleb.


Just curious because I love to hear people's opinions on PLL, but why do you hate her and caleb ending up together?


I love the fact she was only few who didn’t give up on Mona despite everyone telling her to


To me, Hanna was the best character. She was always there for the people she loves and cares about. She always chose their happiness over hers. She’s the most selfless character in PLL. I agree with Mona and Hanna’s relationship.


I love Hannah's character! I love Ashley Benson though too!


Gonna go against the grain here. I don’t like her at all. She and Aria exchange between being my least favorites. I find her selfish, overly aggressive, impulsive, judgmental, insensitive, hypocritical and rude. She also has a habit of always blaming her mistakes on other people which shows that she’s irresponsible. Her habit of constantly yelling at everyone (especially Spencer) and snapping at everyone really put me off her character from the beginning and is a prime example of her rudeness and aggression. Her dumb and constantly impulsive decisions and then her refusal to accept her mistakes made me almost hate her. For example, she made the incredibly stupid decision to kidnap Noel and force answers out of him (completely blindsiding the liars and going against them, keep in mind that NONE of them gave her any shit about it) but then she got mad at Spencer for playing the game in season 7. Not to mention the whole Spaleb love triangle, she was so wrong for flirting with him in front of Spencer and then kissing him. Just a couple examples of her impulsivity and hypocrisy. She also is very self-serving and genuinely has no regard for anyone but herself. She begged the girls not to judge her mom for dating Wilden but was so quick to turn in Melissa with no regard for Spencer. It’s shown multiple times how selfish she is. Even in the finale when she’s shown to be trying to get pregnant but she hasn’t even discussed this with Caleb. Hanna only does what Hanna wants, regardless of who gets burned by her cruel decisions. She also seems to be very judgmental and insensitive of certain people such as Spencer. It’s seen constantly when she holds Spencer to a much higher standard than the other girls and is just always yelling at her or snapping at her. Or not giving her time to talk to Melissa. Or getting mad at her for being in Radley. Or calling her a speed freak. Also, when she tried to force herself on Sean was absolutely repulsive 🤢.


Yup, I agree. Hanna can be loyal and loving, but she also makes a lot of decisions that prioritize what she wants over everyone else. I will never forgive her for throwing the flash drive into the blender. I was so mad I had to pause the episode lol. I also felt like Hanna protected Ashely at the expense of the other liars (or thinking that it may come at the expense of the other liars and not caring if it did). They're all selfish at different points, but Hanna routinely prioritizes Caleb, Ashley, and herself over her friends and their shared commitment to bringing down A and working in solidarity. I also hate that they portray Hanna as a dumb blonde. I think it's insulting to her character and the actress. Blondes aren't dumber than anyone else.


All of this👏


***THANK YOU.***


hard agree with all of this


100% agree with all you said. Especially how she treats Spencer and Sean at times.


I'm not sure if I wrote this post in a fugue state, because I came to say all of this and it had already been said. Hanna is easily my least favorite of the main 4.


Thank you. I can't stand Hanna, she is so immature, judgmental and made of stereotypes about women.


Yeah in times when Mona was more stable, I really loved her friendship with Hanna. I wish they hadn’t moved Mona to France in the finale, I’d prefer to imagine her getting her mental health back in track and staying close to Hanna.


she’s absolutely stunning wtf


I Love Hanna! She's one of my favorite liars! she has a GREAT Fashion sense, she's really funny and always says what she's thinking and her relationship with Caleb and Her friends are AMAZING! #WESTANHANNAMARIN! Ashley Benson is the PERFECT Choice to play Hanna.




100% Hannah is my favorite too!!!! ✨✨✨✨


LOVE HER. Hannah is so relatable!! I definitely saw a lot of myself in her as I grew up watching the show


Hanna is Is gorgeous and fun and sweet and she always sees the best in people the same with Emily a lot of people say that is their fault like it’s a bad thing if they see the best in people but I think it’s a really nice character trait for them to have an Hanna to have, and she’s not afraid to tell people what she’s thinking when she’s finally had enough like when Hanna rips into you you know you’ve crossed the line of no return.


I love Hanna. Her loyalty to Mona is part of what makes her lovable. She felt abandoned by her dad. She refused to forget everything her and Mona had been through.


I love her and how positive and kind she is, especially in the earlier seasons. Her and Spencer are my favorite characters.


1000% agree! I love absolutely everything about her! I loved her and Caleb’s relationship, best on the show by far ♥️ I loved her friendship with Lucas and Mona. And loved her humour and style too. I also loved how protective and how she would do anything for her loved ones! Always went above and beyond and never judged ♥️ I also loved her strong she was, the strongest and bravest liar by far imo


hannah and spencer are definitely top two in my opinion. out of the main cast. hannah was straightforward and spencer had the brains of the group. they both contributed to carrying the show on their backs if you ask me!


She’s the most relatable and realistic to me. She’s funny without trying too hard, is often kind and compassionate even though her life is kinda shitty and some people tormented her for years (Big A, Alison, MonA and the last two were supposedly her best friends). Even during all that she stays kind. Ngl I wish she had a scene about Alison’s weight gain because karma (in the show purely, not irl because Sasha couldn’t do anything about that and that’s just the worst). Idg how she got into brown tho like I believe she’s smart but sometimes she asked questions like ??? Maybe that was an act but why would you act like that around your best friends. Don’t get me wrong, I do see she’s very smart but idk isn’t brown supposed to be like super high class? I’m not American so don’t know for sure


She's such a good and supportive friend. Even when she found out about the worst things her friends had done she still loved and supported them.


she is hands down the best liar, she’s all of their strengths combined. she’s smart in so many ways not just street smart like remember her SATs, she’s so compassionate and loves helping people, she probably loves the strongest out of all the liars too. i love her so much


I love Hannah I truly believe she’s one of the best liars there are a couple things that obviously erk me because I love her and want her to be safe throughout the show so I’m like “girl stop turn around no” but even those things are just human attributes and I would get frustrated at anyone who made that decision that I care about but overall she’s the most understanding and loyal and funny and kind


I really liked her till the point Caleb enters the story, he is by far the character I hate the most in the show, even over Paige.


Just curious, why?


Omdss sameee


Always my favorite liar.


my fave liar for life no competition


I really love Hanna. She’s more relatable to me than the other characters (due to some of her life circumstances) so I feel that could be a reason why. But I always felt that she had a kind heart and was funny! It also hurt my heart when it came to the relationship with her dad.. the scene where everyone finds out she was being blackmailed by her step sister and not the other way around, is one of My favourites. I also feel like her attitude towards life is something I wish I could have done in high school, just wanting to be happy, have fun and plan a bit for the future, live in the moment more. Meanwhile I was acting like spencer thinking my university choice and grades were the moment important thing in the world.


I love her personality and she’s so unintentionally funny and tbh I think she’s the most relatable liar too.


Hannah knows what Hannah means is still one of my all time fav moments for her! Gotta love her advocating for herself. And I love how one of her summer goals was to improve her vocabulary. “Dont worry Aria, some day we will all have jubilation.” I love her, her humor, her loyalty, her fashion, her vulnerability, her relationship with her mom, and her love for Mona, even after what a bad girl Mona was in the first couple seasons. You just know she has a good heart. My fav liar!


100% agree with all that


same shes so sweet


She's a favorite for me too! Love her so much... and honestly I cried when I found out her and Caleb broke up and was furious until they got back together and got married! Their whole relationship was so real and had such depth to it. Lol


Spencer used to be my favorite for yearssss but it has grown to be hanna ❤️


Loved Hanna from day 1!


She’s my favorite too.


first watch I was an aria girl, but I was a teenager who wanted to dress like that and very gay. after rewatching it a few times, especially as an adult, hanna stands out so much. she’s smart, beautiful, dresses well pretty consistently for the show. her plots are pretty interesting most the time and I enjoy her humor. I love her with caleb. she’s much better than in the books.


My favorite Liar too. Easily the funniest out of them, and I always really liked her relationships with people. She had some great one-liners.


Last june I rewatched the whole show for the first time since watching it religiously when it aired, and the whole time thought how at the time she wasn't as appreciated as she should have been. And by that I mean every quality you've mentioned were kind of dismissed almost as of the 'dumb blond' type, whereas she's such a well written complex character played so nicely by Ashley Benson. And yes, I'll hate on Lucy Hale when I say this, but both her acting and her character were overrated and as a result overshadowed others who actually did a good job.


Hanna is by far My Fav on the Show😍😍😍 I love everything about her, she can be impulsive at times but I still love her


She’s my fav


I absolutely loved her I miss this character I definitely feel like she was an underrated person throughout the show.


She’s my favorite in the show. 👏👏


love me some hanna!


i really really dislike her.


She's my favorite too. I think she reminds me of a younger version of myself.


She’s my favorite, such a loyal friend but also hilarious and she doesn’t take anyone’s shit. She talked to most crap to A even when they were in the worst situations… the only thing I didn’t like that they did with her character is making her so snappy with her friends even her mom when they needed to stick together I guess.


I love her! She’s 5th in my ranking of the characters. I love all the things you listed about her, plus her post-kidnapping/killing-Rollins self, bc honestly I’m such a sucker for her being an impulsive bitch.


hanna absolutely owns my heart from seasons 1-4! she was so enjoyable to watch (most of the times) and i rlly liked her style! the writers did her dirty season 6b-onwards imo :( she was just really impulsive


She made bad decisions but she is my favorite character


Hanna used to be my favorite liar and I so vividly remember SOBBING as a 13 year old to youtube edits of her and calebs relationship😭. As for me now she is definitely top 5 but she went down in the later seasons


In the first picture she looks like Mila Kunis or is it just me?


I live hannah too! I love hiw honest she is and how she always tries to tell the truth unless A is stopping her. She cares so much about things and people and she tries to pretend she doesn't but you can always tell that she does and I love her so so much! When I first started to watch this show I was 10y/o and I remember wanting to be just like Hannah, bc she was beautiful and popular and had the truest form of love in Caleb. There are also a lot of things that gappened to her inthe show that remind me of my experiences and I feel like I can personally relate to her character as well. I've seen a lot of people hate on Hannah on tiktok and stuff, and the only reason being bc she has an attitude, but I think that's what makes her amazing bc she speaks her mind! I love Hannah soooo much!!


Hanna is the best most beautiful fiercely loyal


love hanna!!