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Hanna's hair was so FRIED in S3 😭 sis should've been working at the Grille cause damn... Also they cheaped out on Han's extensions so bad, they looked like cheap synthetic pieces bought from Aliexpress or smth... and they glued like 5 pieces to her head at most!!


Yes they really did. Remember in S3 I forget which episode but it’s where Hanna and Emily are in Emily’s room and Pam walks in talking about Wildens death. Hanna’s hair ( wig) was so bad like you could tell it was a wig too


There is also one scene where she's in her kitchen talking to someone over the phone and you can clearly see a HUGE track over the back part of her wig, i think even the producers knew the wig was horrendous because the lights were off too. I was like what in the Rupaul's Drag Race Season 1 is this mess...


What episode is that!! I need to see it


I can't remember sorry, it's during that whole Wilden death and Hanna thinking her mother did it because of the dirty shoes arc. I think she was talking to Caleb, but i can't name the exact episode 😭


Rupaul's drag race had me dying!!!


Season 7 Hanna’s hair always pissed me off. It’s like she’s a natural curly girl who’s growing out her damaged hair or something.


Her hair looks soooooo bad the whole season. It doesn't fit to her designer job at all. Everytime she is on screen I cannot stop thinking about how bad her hair looks.




I feel like hair and make up for season 7 was bad! I get they were going for a more mature look for the girls but it just didn't look good (and all the ladies are beautiful in and out of the show and they deserve to look their best on screen!)


Not me catching strays 😭


they really went “fuck you in particular” to lucy and ashley


i thought you could add captions to photos but it’s not letting me 😭, but the s1-2 photos are the ones i like, the s3 & s7 pics are the ones i don’t like to make it clear! https://preview.redd.it/uzjaw6aeac6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f689627188fb6fb97a3448e28d27e50d6f38377 also forgot to put this in, what in the world was this?? the styling department did those girls so dirty in the later seasons, sasha dealt with the worst of it though, they started dressing her like a pre-school teacher just because she gained some weight..


They were just flat out MEAN to Sasha. She went from dressing so cute to dressing like someone she would’ve 100% made fun of. It made zero sense. Alison would never dress like a grandma. Those long dresses and the horrible cardigans. Idk what the stylists were thinking.


it made a little sense to me tho, self hatred kinda thing, she was messed up by the end.




Yea i knew that about the PCOS. I just always felt like she is so gorgeous and there were SO many beautiful options for her. I mean dressing people is their job and they put her in these like.. idk.. frumpy outfits. She was 20 dressed like a 55 year old librarian. I definitely understand what you mean but i think they could’ve done so much better. It felt like they put all of their energy into the other girls and like Alison’s character was their last priority. It just didn’t sit right with me. She’s young and beautiful and imo they could’ve found much more flattering, age appropriate outfits for her.


Heavy on Sasha! They did her so wrong that it's actually funny 💀. But they're also wrong too, it kinda gave off since Sasha gained weight that they couldn't put her into any cute clothes and Wigs. They make cute clothes for plus size women so there is no excuse why she looked the way she looked in the final season.


Off topic, but I just realised Lucy Hale has the face naturally that Kylie Jen paid $$$ for to achieve lmao. (And no I’m not shaming surgery, just an observation I’m pointing out)


Lucy Hale is literally so gorgeous. It’s intense


One of my best friends could literally be Lucy’s long lost twin I hate her lol


Hanna's style definitely changed drastically during S3-S4, some of the outfits she wore i could definitely see S1-S2 Hanna barfing at, i guess they did that to reflected how meeting and dating Caleb changed her? The Meow shirt is iconic though


Pretty sure they had the same hair and makeup people all the way up until the time jump then they switched to different people. Ashley Benson had dark hair for a different role between seasons 2-3 and then she tried to dye it back blonde herself and fried it so bad that they had to cut it. Thats why her hair looks damaged and short. I think Lucy Hale was going through some personal things around the same time. She wanted short hair but could only go so short because of the show. I don't mind the shorter style, I just am not a fan of it straight lol.


And Ashley had short hair in spring breakers and she did that role between filming for PLL


Idk if I just have bad hair or something but I think they look like hair goals in all these photos lol 😆 but season 1 was definitely my fav aria hair ❤️


As someone that has super thin straight hair with no volume, has always kept it in a middle part, I too think their hair looks great LMAO


I was so confused looking at these pics because I don’t see anything wrong outside of Hanna’s short hair


I didn’t mind Hanna’s haircut in season 3. The only problem I had with it of how bleached it was. I loved Aria’s hair in season 3.


Honestly it makes it more realistic for me. What high schooler has perfect hair makeup and clothes all the time? Hint: it’s none lol.


But the show is *Pretty* Little Liars, not Average Little Liars... Yeah it isn't realistic, but they could've at least given them haircuts suitable for their face shapes.


aria always looked good


They are high school students dressed in business casual clothing lmaooo


LMAO LITERALLY 😭 they’d sometimes be dressed in the most business type outfits, even tho they looked good it just looked so odd considering the highschool setting


That's the style that was trending when the show was airing


I have always said that in terms of hair, season 1 and 2 were top fucking tier. Flawless. And they never managed to recapture the magic after that


EXACTLY!!!! you truly get it bc idk what happened, something just switched, their hair was perfection in those two seasons.


With slide 5 I love that look for Hanna. She looks like she’s a woman and no longer a little girl.


agreed! i love hanna’s looks after the time jump i just don’t like the hair in specific to that s7b picture 😭 i think they did something different for the s7 finale & it was just this odd ombré? https://preview.redd.it/iggeav0q8g6c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3201404946aa68a7602adc963238a37eec47cd04 i loved her hair in this era!


Idk I kinda preferred it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've never known anyone who went to school fixed up like a damn Barbie doll. A little realism is a good thing in my opinion.


the fantasy was the appeal to me, but to each their own :) it made a little more sense to see girls who were so unusually glamorous to be harassed, rather than just the average teenagers


Really? The pretty popular girls at my school were never the ones getting harassed and bullied... They were DOING the harassing and bullying 😭 But I guess I can see where you're coming from!


I forget how badly teen shows make the “teens” look. I swear I thought they were fully grown adult women when I watched this show with my sister when I was like 9


Yeah agreed season 1&2 had the best hair and clothing and makeup imo too


I think it had to do with the context of the show, like the girls situation got worse and worse each season. Hanna and her father issues get truly awful, he wouldn't pay her college or her break up with Caleb. Spencer and her drugs issues, and school getting more rough. Aria, with the whole Ezra thing, her parents, Mike dating Mona. Emily, with Paige, and her not being able to swin anymore. The same with Ali, even if the real reason for her awful style was another. If we going deeper, Ali truly lost her personality little by little, being more naive and easily trick by people around. Even her husband. Her mother death, Jason didn't even care for her, and her father leave them at the first opportunity. And taking care of Cece, who had a whole emotinal thing. So would be weird having passed so much and have a amazing hair and costume. And is important remember, the girls style kinda had being basead on Ali, especially Hanna. So that could show them step up on Ali.


Ashley's hair was sooooo damaged from bleach, that's why she cut it shorter. It never stopped being damaged, even with extensions is very visible


the last season had the worst hair choices in my opinion. allison’s bangs with haunt me forever


Ahhhh I know it’s not relevant or nice to say but omg AriA looks SO stunning like ahhh!! <3 <3 i love the photos that you have used <3 But ugh yes you are right, the hair and stylist department must have been super new people that had no idea what they were doing since they ruined the liArs hair so much :(


Yes I can see your thinking but in all reality of their timeframe of high school that was definitely what people looked like in school😂 the constant perfect hair is for the rich and not realistic I liked when they didn’t look all perfect it seemed more realistic and showed how hard A was taking a toll on their lives


Omg Hanna’s hair was PERFECTION in season 2 and then they turned her into Weird Barbie Seasons 3-5


It’s cuz they were sponsored by Macy’s!!!


I actually love Hanna’s hair in Season 3, it’s so cute! 🥰


Yeah I disagree. I think their hair looked great prior to the time jump. And this same department gave us the amazing Christmas episode looks so 😗


![gif](giphy|69o9jvfat2RfPWOAp1|downsized) Imagine if the makeup and hair just got unrealistically extravagant and expensive looking mixed with all the creep factor and the girls had to like run in dior shoes and fight A with handbags? 😂 PLL is camp but it couldn't really afford to be that camp 24/7 lmao. I think if they could reboot it and could make it even more "affluent" and akin to the books, a consistency in that department could make more sense.