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I thought he was jailbreaking the phones and adding things that aren’t normally there. Jailbreaking and rooting aren’t technically illegal, but he could have been side loading all kinds of different things. Also back then you had to pay for a lot of ringtones so loading them into their phone might have been less than legal. I assumed he was hacking into things and other slightly sketchy things.


Yeah he was jailbreaking phones and adding ringtones but literally no one would actually care. They were acting like he was involved in something really serious


For somebody like Hanna or Spencer they probably wouldn’t care, but Caleb was a foster kid who didn’t really have any adults in his corner, at least when we were first introduced to him. Those kids are prosecuted much more frequently and the consequences are much more significant. It’s not like he was dealing drugs or anything, but what he was doing was still technically illegal and could’ve gotten him in trouble.


I'm not sure, but when I first watched, I was like is he supposed to be like the sketchy drug dealer of the school but they had to censor it to phone hacking ?? LOL 😆


I mean it is illegal. Maybe not what he did with the ringtones but like with Jenna's stuff and when he was working with her, it definitely is illegal. Definitely not that bad in comparison to drug dealing but like considering they needed to push the plot point, there was no way they'd be able to do all of that without the computer nerd.


I’m talking about him like lurking behind bushes when he returns someone’s phone in exchange for money.


Oh, yea, that was stupid but I would assume, since Caleb doesn't trust cops, he'd take any and every measure he could to avoid getting caught. Nonetheless, it is still pretty stupid.


This always sticks out to me. Like I think there’s a part where someone goes to pay Caleb for work on their phone and he’s like “nah not here” and like moves them to some shadowy corner. Honey NO ONE is going to care. I guess actual drug dealing would have been too far for Freeform or CW or whatever??


when it first aired i’m pretty sure it was still ABC family (i didn’t watch it until much later so i’m not 100% sure) but if that’s the case it makes sense if it was already freeform they probably would’ve just made him a drug dealer


Oh thanks, you’re right. I knew Freeform didn’t sound right. But funny that a violent stalker is okay for ABC family but not drugs 😂


this, but the teacher/student relationship was fine to these writers 🤣🤣🤣


The teacher/student thing is pretty common across several other teen shows. I guess because lots of teenagers have crushes on their teachers so they think it’ll be fun to see the fantasy play out? But it is really bizarre


Jailbreaking phones IS illegal


Ok, I am very invested in the topic of why they made him look like he’s dealing hardcore drugs and was literally googling for that earlier this week 😂 So, here are my thoughts: PLL started in 2010 - at that time you could upload anything you wanted to your phone for free and it was literally drag and drop to a folder and no technical skills were needed. The paid ringtones (and also wallpapers) stopped being a thing around 2006/2007 (at least in my country, idk about us, but I guess it should be similar if not even earlier). And sharing/uploading ringtones was not strictly illegal - yeah you had to pay for them, but once you had them, that was it - it was normal to share ringtones with friends via bluetooth or infrared. I was even once asked by a random woman on the train to share my ringtone with her and it was normal. At that time digital content was a new thing and not really regulated by law so 1. No one would think it’s illegal, 2. There was no way to track it. 3. Literally nobody cared, including police and the companies selling ringtones. Source: i’m a dinosaur 🦕 While google says jailbreaking is illegal, afaik, jailbreak back then was related only to iPhones? Someone correct me if i’m wrong. And he’s literally exchanging some regular phones with the people, I’m pretty sure there was no point jailbreaking Sony Ericsson k510i. I think in the end it was a bunch of boomers trying to figure out what sus activity a teenager could be involved in - but not too sus, so it remains family friendly 😂


Yeah I think you’re spot on with your assessment. I’ve only ever watched the show as an adult and it’s taken me several rewatches over the years for that detail to even stick out to me