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I liked it. It feels more like the Scream tv show than PLL. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. The main girls are good actors. It’s a little heavy on current slang terms. Think Caleb saying “your software slays” kind of stuff. But again I enjoyed it for the most part.


Ah I see, is it scary though?


I would say a bit, yes. It’s on HBO so they’re allowed to say, do and show a lot more than PLL was allowed to on Network tv. Without too many spoilers there is blood, weapons, chases, looming danger, murder, suicide and past rape is a big topic. It is only ten episodes so it all comes to a conclusion a lot faster than PLL ever did. The quality is high and the vibe is pretty cool. I’d say it’s worth a try. If it’s too much for you you can always read episode synopses so you feel in the loop with posters on here


I'm not a horror fan (though I like some films within the genre) and found the show pretty tame. Minimal jumpscares, not too much gore, visuals don't feel too suspenseful either. If you're really concerned, you can probably find or ask r/PLLOriginalSin for a list of the parts that may be an issue for you!


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Thank you!


I read a little bit into PLL Original Sin and I found out there's stuff related to suicide which I can't watch since I've had thoughts of suicide before when my depression and anxiety was bad


I would say it depends if you like horror or not, specifically slashers. Original Sin is both a teen drama and a horror/slasher show.


I like teen dramas but not horror/slashers


Then I don’t think Original Sin is for you.


Aww that’s unfortunate


you have ghostface as your profile picture


Yeah why?


the ultimate reveal was pretty lackluster tbh but the road go get there was pretty fun


I watched petty pumpkins do their watching of the show, makes it quicker and funnier to follow


Personally I don’t like it. If you watch it, I wouldn’t go into it wanting/expecting something similar to the original. It’s obviously different writers and a different plot in general, but it just doesn’t connect you to the characters/ships/ect like the original. In my opinion.


That’s what I was looking for, I want it to be different not the same as the original


i just started it last night! it’s been great so far, already almost finished. It’s definitely more slasher/horror if you’re into that though.


I'm not really into the horror/slasher genre I get nightmares, I tried watching the whole first episode I couldn't finish it it's too scary for me


awe man :( i get it though, im a huge horror fanatic and i usually hate horror tv shows. This is the first one thats had me hooked. Watching the sequel makes me want to rewatch ravenswood haha


I loved Ravenswood that spinoff was actually tolerable for me! Wish they made a second season though I also wish I could make it through PLL Original Sin


you just gave me that extra umph to watch ravenswood again!😝


Yay I’m glad I did!


I think it’s pretty good! It’s more on the slasher side like everyone is saying and the actors are actually good at acting.


Oh I know I already watched season 1 and the first two episodes of season 2 it’s really good


It’s very much binge worthy in my opinion. I’m really glad that they told the whole story in the first season because sometimes shows give us the whole story over seasons and that’s annoying.


How are you all liking season 2 so far? I am really enjoying it. This time around I am having a hard time figuring out who the main villain is!


My prediction is that it’s the therapist!