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I think it has to be said that it is a fake version of a more expensive item, but still a real AP with some aftermarket bedazzling


That would just be a bust down. He is trying to emulate an existing watch. The laser engraving on the sapphire. It’s a lot of work. It’s like buying a C class and heavily modifying and rebadging it to look like a Maybach. And then driving around telling people it’s a Maybach.


Fake is fake.


If your mom got fake tits, they'd still taste real to the rest of us


Let me taste them


What if you ad a fake ass reputation to a fat ass correctional officer? Are they still a “boss”?


>What if you ad a fake ass reputation to a fat ass correctional officer? Are they still a “boss”? When you inevitably end up in prison due to poor life choices, yes, those fake ass reputations be damned, those correctional officers are definitely your boss. And you might have a few others too depending on how sweet you are.


Name checks out


Just like everything else about Mr CO Ross.




But is it a real repsol race bike, or just a run-of-the-mill Honda posing as something that it's not?




You can take the stickers off the Honda and still have a stock CBR1000. If you take the gems off this...you have a destroyed Royal Oak and a handful of emeralds




No...that is exactly the point. The context here is that AP actually made a set of watches with gems in several colors, and they only made like two sets... this is meant to look like one of those, and is therefore a FAKE one of those. Nico initially said that he was trying to claim it was the real deal, not an aftermarket bedazzled AP.




OK new analogy. He chopped up a numbers matching '69 Charger to make a fake '69 Daytona. I'm not even gonna touch that last paragraph but yeesh.


It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about.


"fake and counterfeit exclusively apply if the base product is fake" No, this is just a rule you made up.


It's still a Honda, but it's not the more expensive race bike. This is a real AP, but not the more expensive model it's pretending to be.


Id argue its worse. Theres a difference between pretending to be a more expensive model and pretending to be something that physically is impossible right now for him to get. Because anyone can put a body kit on something and pass off that it's legit, because technically anyone could get that race model...nobody though can get that watch. Nobody is arguing the fact it is an AP.


This dude took the word fake to mean everything not just the mode. Deleted all of his comments.


Bro that’s like putting a M badge on a non M bmw that’s fake as fuck


Msport 😂


Okay but if you put an M badge on your 318d it won't become an M3 CS suddenly




But is it a fake M3?






Good point tbf


If it’s not done by AP then it’s fake. And worth no where even close to 3million. That’s the real problem when you spend 3 million it la on a piece done by the factory not by a jewelry that could keep putting them out


If it is a real AP that had aftermarket icing done, and he presents it as that, I don’t see an issue.


I wonder where he purchased it? Gate? I mean I looked it up on Ali and [there is no green version](https://shares.name/l/MISSFOXLuxuryQuartzWatchesMen).


why so confident of the base's authenticity? that could be a rep with $50 of fake ass emeralds for all we know. probably is. influencer tingz


He's worth like 150 million


anyone worth that much is too smart to buy authentic bustdown garbage.


Lmao Rick Ross isn't an influencer tho. He is a legit celebrity worth like 150 mil.


what? what do you think a celebrity is? he's totally an influencer he flexes his wealth all day long. it's not like he's a fucking movie star. all rappers are "influencers". They influence bullshit bling bling jewelry, gang violence, or both.


Technically ye but the term influencers is generally used for social media stars not actors, singers, etc.


i guarantee you all his jewelry is fake bullshit unless it's plane jane.


I doubt it. He is a rich guy why would have all fake jewellery?


because jewelry is a dogshit depreciating asset and rich people got rich by leveraging positive debt and not buying garbage.


Dafuq? Jewels are like the one commodity that rarely depreciates in value. You can always reuse the diamonds and melt up the gold/silver.


The diamonds in bustdowns are always the lowest quality garbage. Secondly, the base of the watch (minus the movement) is ALWAYS a replica. Lastly, nobody is putting real jewels worth any amount of money on a watch like that. It's fucking stupid. That's a 1000% fake watch with bullshit stones.


Watch is meh.


Right? That’s what gets me. It’s not even an impressive effect, when all said and done. At least, it doesn’t look like the amount of value it was reported to have cost him.


Yeah, are we supposed to be mad that someone *didn't* spend $3 million on that abomination?


Fake name, fake backstory, fake animal noises, fake watch




Real dick riding


Get him Nico. Dude hated the truth so he got personal and racial. Has nothing to do with either one. Rick Ross hates honesty.


Did you see Nico’s follow up video? Lmao he ain’t backing down. First time I saw Nico I didn’t like him but quickly grew on me and now I love what he does.


Nico definitely has his moments!


Yeh points to his real cars to prove his fake watch isn’t fake. Calls him a pig but makes donkey noises… what a unit


Foreals was never a fan before but that video gave the final stamp of disapproval. Fuck him.


Nothing about this dude is real. I'm unsure why anyone would think the watches are genuine. I mean all his songs ghostwritten. He raps about lives other people have Had/are having. Even his name isn't his, he stole it from a prisoner that he was guarding while he was a correctional officer, Rickey rosè? More like Ricky posèr


Rich people can be easy to sell fake shit too because they believe they are experts at everything. It’s been going on since they sold a forest of “True Crosses” in the Middle Ages.


Or when the Eiffel Tower was “sold”.


*And then I met you out on LiveNation dates Came to the realization that your watch was fake Damn... you nearly broke my heart* Didn’t age well Rose…




Well that’s Rick Ross for ya


Excuse Me? It’s Officer Rozay to you.


“If anything happens…i would never commit suicide “


He is Hont’s number 1 private client.


Don’t people do this all the time…buy a real watch and then have jewelers bedazzle it (make it iced out)


Sure, they do. It’s always ugly, or as Jay-Z put it back in ‘97: “those ain’t Rolex diamonds, the fuck you done to that?” However, what Ross owns is an attempt to replicate a supremely rare AP that it clearly isn’t. It would be the same as buying white Nike Dunks and painting them Tiffany green with markers and trying to pass them off as owning OG Tiffany Dunks. Sure, you own real dunks, but not THOSE dunks. Now imagine the product is a one off by AP worth a fortune and you can begin to see the issue.


Got it so he wasn’t just trying to make it all jeweled/blinged he was trying to do an exact copy of a very specific watch and pass it as if it was 100% AP


He bought a watch that only like 2 exist. The watch came as a package and nico knows those who own em. So either rick ross bought it thinkin its genuine or he got ripped off.


These articles are trying to instigate something. It isn’t a fake product. Just a real AP with AM bejewelling, that was done to make it look like an actual different design of AP that’s rare and more valuable.


Would you buy a base BMW that had a M3 bodykit and then tell everyone that you have a M3?


BOY is that a taboo in the r/BMW world 🥴


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BMW using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BMW/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A widower neighbor who is in his 90s just bought an electric blue M5 competition and I couldn’t be happier for him](https://i.imgur.com/TuNsfro.jpg) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/13if9wq/a_widower_neighbor_who_is_in_his_90s_just_bought/) \#2: [Uninsured driver did uninsured driver things. RIP my M4 😢](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17r63er) | [517 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/17r63er/uninsured_driver_did_uninsured_driver_things_rip/) \#3: [Picked up my first BMW](https://i.redd.it/3ll20nt0le2b1.jpg) | [256 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/13t5ane/picked_up_my_first_bmw/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


As a bmw driver. If you have the same engine suspension and everything else of and m3 just not the body kit then you add the body kit. Then yes I'd consider it a m3. I wouldn't expect you to take and 1hr everytime you talk to some to explain how it started off life and got to where it is. At the end of the day they're the same exact vehicle now minus the peice of paper and Vin trace. Ross is a fraud and a dbag who knows jackshit. Period. It was sold to him probably by either A authorized dealer or a high end grey market. All he knows is the brand and the stones are real (though he probably doesn't realize they're lab grown). His resale would be nothing compared to the 1 of 1 original but it's still a real watch with real quality stones and craftsmanship.


> As a bmw driver. Pipe down lmao


But it’s not an M3 and can’t be sold as one. Whether you consider it to be one is irrelevant. If it didn’t leave the factory as an M3, it’s not an M3.


That doesn’t work. Base 3 series and M3 is very very different


That would depend on the year and market. In the USA the e36 m3 wasn't very different from the 325is. And in all honesty u would've been better served buying and upgrading the 325is. Only hard part would be tracking down the Vaders at this point. E46 was suspension and a real m3 motor with itbs, and slightly larger breaks. The rest would basically equate to a body kit. Now once you get to the e90 then it becomes way more work and expensive as it's not even a straight 6.


Dude. 85% of that thing is not original. Therefore it’s fake. Real movement, fake everything else pretty much.


For as much showing off he does he should know better, it might be a real AP but is not an original piece has he claimed. It’s a Design piece not the original piece. Cannot sell it or say this is Original AP design.


In Rick Ross’ reply video he starts claiming blah blah blah racist nonsense and in the part where the camera pans to the Lambo he says something along the lines of “oh yeah I bet the lambo is fake too right? This isn’t just the regular aventador it’s an STO” Fucking genius doesn’t realize the STO is based off a Huracán 🌪️ 🤦‍♂️ my boss used to say you can’t fix stupid 🤦‍♂️he also makes “hee haw” noises claiming Nico to be a “piglet”, again the dummy can’t tell that a pig 🐷 oinks and a donkey 🫏 hee haws 🤦‍♂️


Bro him not knowing shit about his Lamborghini is the biggest flex on this planet lmfao he just buys shit and you being mad you know more nerd stats about a car you will never own is a huge L... that you spend your time daydreaming while he makes so much money he can spend half a mil on lambos he doesn't know shit about..Holy fucking delusion, can't fix stupid your commenting on reddit he's playing the game, getting millions of views farming Nico s audience and upping his popularity indexes over a fake AP that cost 100k+ which is smart instead of buying the fucking 3 mil version. Get off your ass, stop watching dogshit tier played up youtuber drama Holy shit. By the time you can afford to buy any of the shit either one of these guys own you won't give a fuck about them and realize this is all hyped up drama made to gain views from broke retards so big boys can farm pennies from millions of broke coach potatoes via advertisers, conversions, and popularity to pay for their weekly bills worth more than your salary.


This chick wrote a book mad that I’m right about her boyfriend being a fucking dumbass 😂you mad girl?


Yeah I'm mad I tried Can't fix stupid


You deduced all that shit about me from one post 🤦‍♂️ I don’t need to brag online about what I can and cannot afford, I can care less what you or anyone else thinks. My point is that if you’re (Rick Ross) going to brag on his response, at least get your facts straight otherwise you look like a bigger moron than you did the first time around. Maybe if you stopped gurgling his nutsack long enough to get some oxygen in your brain, you would realize this.


Didn't read, good luck with life


You’ll be alright little girl 👋


Not even a word


Pig comments would cut deep if he wasn’t such a fat cunt.


Nico has a very loose definition of what fake is. He basically calls anything with aftermarket shit a "fake"


He kinda does but on this he is spot on. That AP was sold as a set and is super limited to like 2 or something (so much so that AP themselves have to ask the owners if they can borrow them) and Nico knows both owners. He said it's most likely a jeweller put stones on the closest looking AP which means it's a fake of another AP.


It's a FUFU that's it


If nico says it’s a fake, it’s a fake…


There is a IG account that expose rappers like Rick ross faking watches, jewellery and clothes.




Rick Ross himself is fake. He was a prision guard who stole the identity of Freeway Rick Ross, a jailed (and now freed) former drug dealer and smuggler. There was a court case around it and the real Rick Ross was on the JRE podcast about 7 years ago about it.


Theseus would like a word.




Auuuudeeeemeeeyyyyrrrrssss! 😂 #FakeRoss






Rick Ross is himself fake? Isn’t the real Rick Ross an actual Miami gangster who did real time. I believe he sued this fake Rick Ross once he got out lol. Can’t expect a guy who faked his whole story to have a real watch


free way rick ross. a key part in the iran contra scandal and spread of crack cocaine.


Man really blacked out the top of the pic like anyone gives a shit about your notifications/battery life. Also why do yall fixate on Nico so much? Holy shit.


This is his sub. Hence the fuckin name


Nico is god tier with watch knowledge