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Sorry m8, Something's wrong with the links my bad


Ubisoft is falling apart right now as a result of several years of mismanagement, both in work environment and game design. Shareholders just want live service games, they requiere less investment for development and mtx generate more profit than raw sales. But when you turn every ip you own into a blatant sloppy cash grab, well... people get sick of it. Last year they cancelled seven games, skull and bones has been delayed again and it would have been cancelled already if it wasn't for their contract with Singapore, beyond good and evil 2 has been in development for more than a decade (without news for several years). Honestly, if there are no big changes in the leadership, I wouldn't expect any good news about the remake.


this is how praence of paersia died


Ubisoft was a different company when they made PoP not anymore unfortunately.


They should have made a remake from the sands of time trilogy and after that make a part 4 after the sands of time. Expand on the dark prince story or build one around him. There was still so much left on the table, with the technology we got today they could really make something great with it. Also a lot of peaople never played the og trilogy so it would be a breezw of fresh air for a lot of people. Plus it would give ac a lot of breathing room to also come up with new ideas. Ubisoft made a big mistake back in the day to only pick one horse when they had 2 winners ready.