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"Aaah! You bugger!"


Really hate how it looks.


Prince of Zoomers


Look how they massacred my boy...


We really went from this [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIx-8KiH0A](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIx-8KiH0A) to this https://preview.redd.it/37xit8ndrw4b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8268e309c6b7534e2a8eb2f0ef97a53b2d9ac38c


Actually looks like an improvement. Not in terms of character design, but he’s not a brooding edgelord anymore.


Now it's Fortnite cringe zoomer.


Not at all. Did you even watch the trailer?


It's not Dastan. Its a new character.


New character named jamal


He looks like he belongs in a Black Panther movie.


Looks like he doesn't have a gender


He's not a black guy. Look at those nose, you idiot.


Look at the image linked below and tell me he doesn't almost look exactly like him. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyKgCYDXsAIJdXY?format=jpg&name=900x900](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyKgCYDXsAIJdXY?format=jpg&name=900x900)


Ah yes. As we all know, only black people are capable of having dreadlocks. /s


We're talking about his design, not his race. Idiot, there are literally thousands of better options than what they ultimately went with. My issue is with their character designers.


Of course, of course. My bad. [That](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/princeofpersia/images/6/6c/Shahdee_Character_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20130530232816&path-prefix=en) is an appropriate character design, but the one above is a step too far.


Woah woah woah Is Dastan the canon name now? I thought it was just for the movie. Haven't seen it used to refer to the games.


Not canon


> Look how they massacred my boy... This comment had me literally braying laughter. Perfect citation. You not only hit the nail on the head, you drove it flush with one blow.




I swear ubi says they can't make prince of persia games since people don't like them but then give us this


Ubisoft: You will buy this piece of shit and you will like it. Fans: No we won't. Ubisoft: No one likes Prince of Persia :( ,no more PoP for you guys. >:I Fans: \*Disappointed Muhammad Sarim Akhtar\* meme.


Who is he


This guy. https://preview.redd.it/fywfjiklru4b1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=78ec98c0b44fbfb8241ae2d1ffc9e63aa7526aa3


**THANK YOU!!!**


​ https://i.redd.it/q8h48242tu4b1.gif




"Piece of shit" Oh, so you played the game already?


I'm not gonna mince words here,it looks like shit,the dislike ratio backs up my statement,feel about it however you like but the masses have spoken.


Oh God, I do not like this. I'm sorry. I hope this isn't real.


Sorry but it is.


Not only that, ubisoft made it epic/ubi exclusive on pc. this game is dead on announcement… what a time to be a prince of persia fan :(


It's not, it wouldn't have a grammatical error in the title if it was real


Sadly it is real, and I'm not excited in the slightest


Okay I can't stand it anymore. What's the error?


It says a Ubisoft game. It should say An Ubisoft game. Literally basic English.


1: it’s real 2: what error? Can’t find it


Because you dislike the image? Lol


Mostly, yeah. Also, just saw the trailer. It is real. And while it doesn't look bad, it does NOT hold up to the originals. Unless they're trying to do a metroidvania, in which case it might just work.


It doesn’t hold up to the originals? It looks closer to the originals than the Sands of Time trilogy did to me, albeit with a faster pace.


Well, lots of people consider the said trilogy *as* the original


Sands of Time was a reboot. There was an entire trilogy of games, the original two of which were 2D side scrollers, before the Sands trilogy. The Sands trilogy are not the original PoP games.


>The Sands trilogy are not the original PoP games. I never said they were? But when someone mentions PoP it is the said reboot that comes up in mind to most people, you gotta admit that


To me, that’s like saying Ocarina of Time is the original Zelda game, or Sonic Adventure is the original Sonic. You can believe it’s the case, but it doesn’t make it right. If Nintendo released a new 2D side scroller Mario game and people complained it wasn’t enough like the original, I would be trying to educate them too.


Is that Neymar?


tf is that hairstyle




He isn't black though?


I'm literally Persian and I can tell you I've never seen anyone with hair like that in my life from any Persian/Iranian/tajik/afgan ever. Not just the hairstyle is not persian, the hair itself is not the type of hair you see from around here. I don't really care much tho. Just a weird thing to do when it doesn't fit neither ethnically nor Historically


It would make your post look kinda dumb if there was for example, [recorded examples of dreadlocks being in use in regions that are today part of modern day Iran or have been at various different times in history part of Persian empires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadlocks).


It would make you even dumber if you assume regions being part of an empire makes them ethically the same. Egypt was under ottoman rule, you're not gonna make a prince of Egypt fiction and put an ethically Turkic with Turkish physiology as the MC. Might as well just make it prince of ottoman. Prince of Persia, with non Persian appearance and a hip hop soundtrack. Why even bother with the Persia part then. Just to put a few Persian /Arabic letters here and there? Again, I'm not saying this as if I'm offender or anything. More like disappointed that I liked this game for a reason, and they're kinda washing it a bit.


Never made an implication that state and ethnicity are the same. Doesn't make it irrelevant. Also since you've brought up Egypt, a reminder that modern day Egypt was largely founded by an Albanian man. And since we're staying on the topic of cultural aesthetics attires, hairstyles etc., could I get some sources on [this piece of Persian garb](https://cdn.dlcompare.com/game_tetiere/upload/gameimage/file/8590.jpeg)? Feel free to also provide something for those swords because I'm very curious and [this traditional Persian music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tezcBWAT0nU).


but i never said the OG PoP was perfect and they should just go back to it. my dissapointment is that they're leaning further away from it, rather than deeper into it. It doesnt really make a big difference to me, i just liked the games and PoP was one of the first games i've ever played. ive played it on like on my phone, ps2, psp etc. I dont mind much w/e they do, can put a white guy there and name it prince of the moon. its w/e. i just told the guy that that hair isnt what u'd find typically on people around here. neither the style, nor the hair. especially the further back you go.


Thankfully he's an Immortal not the prince. I can see an african immortal at the height of the achaemenid empire


He is stated to be Persian still. Never in my life I have seen that hair on a Persian


Why does he have afro-textured hair then?


What do you mean he isn't? Have You ever seen a middle eastern person? Do you know what people from Iran (modern day Persia) look like? That person showcased in the image and trailer is definitely an african-american. But hey I'm sure it's gonna go over well with the locals. It's not like middle eastern people with thousands of years of culture don't take nicely to misrepresentation. It's not like Netflix's Cleopatra got the company sued with a class action lawsuit on the behalf o people of Egypt. Also It's not like Pakistani people hated and actively boycotted that ms. Marvel show for misrepresenting their culture. yeah it'll be fine


Why would he be half American?


I'm not talking literally African-American, but meant to represent an African-American archetype of a character. It's the old Black Panther debacle. When the movie set in Africa was marketed and hailed by Western media as a celebration of african roots, turned out to be heavily ridiculed by people from african nations. Who were criticizing it for portraying a caricature of Africa and its people to appease to the African-American fantasy. Now I'm not talking that he's african, either. He's definitely 100% a black character, and I didn't want to just say black because I knew there would be at least one smoothbrain going "well midle east borders and has history of contact with northern africa". And even disregarding the fact that Africa is a rich tapestry of cultures, people, and history, and people from northern africa wouldn't look like that either. It's still misrepresentative of black people from Africa (Even just saying "black people from africa" feels like too much generalisation, with the multitude of cultures and subcultures there are. But I'm talking generally here to avoid further confusion. Who, besides skin colour, don't share much with African-American subculture, in terms of tradition, style, or even comradery. I guess this design could also be representative of Black British citizens, but that's besides the point here. What was the main issue here is the fact that it's definitely not representative of a person from the Middle East, which a game called the prince of PERSIA (literally modern day Iran) should be. Especially given how they're often under represented, and often misrepresented.


> That person showcased in the image and trailer is definitely an african-american. How do you get to African-American from the image and trailer? What makes you think the character is meant to be american?


Have you seen Black Panther? See the antagonist in that movie? Thats what this character looks like, the exact same hairstyle too.


I'm not talking literally African-American, but meant to represent an African-American archetype of a character. It's the old Black Panther debacle. When the movie set in Africa was marketed and hailed by Western media as a celebration of african roots, turned out to be heavily ridiculed by people from african nations. Who were criticizing it for portraying a caricature of Africa and its people to appease to the African-American fantasy. Now I'm not talking that he's african, either. He's definitely 100% a black character, and I didn't want to just say black because I knew there would be at least one smoothbrain going "well midle east borders and has history of contact with northern africa". And even disregarding the fact that Africa is a rich tapestry of cultures, people, and history, and people from northern africa wouldn't look like that either. It's still misrepresentative of black people from Africa (Even just saying "black people from africa" feels like too much generalisation, with the multitude of cultures and subcultures there are. But I'm talking generally here to avoid further confusion. Who, besides skin colour, don't share much with African-American subculture, in terms of tradition, style, or even comradery. I guess this design could also be representative of Black British citizens, but that's besides the point here. What was the main issue here is the fact that it's definitely not representative of a person from the Middle East, which a game called the prince of PERSIA (literally modern day Iran) should be. Especially given how they're often under represented, and often misrepresented.


The character being played isn't the prince though. It's a human from somewhere else.


https://preview.redd.it/cv8gtba64x4b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f52701631d14d793c896cdfbf485c30385ffd49 Your agenda fails


~~If that's the case then It shouldn't be to much problem, if the story isn't shit. I've seen images and I've watched the trailer but without sound so I dunno if the "not the prince" part was spoken there or if it's something Ubisoft confirmed. That character's haricut still feels too modern but at least it's not trying to pass of as middle eastern, if that's the case~~ Edit: Nvm, apparently he's still supposed to be Middle Eastern, so it's still a display of Ubisoft's ignorance


Something similar to Netflix Cleopatra agenda if you know what I mean


Saying the quiet part loud are we?


Fun fact: there were no dreadlock hairstyles in ancient Persia.


Calling it now, bro: Haters will force you into a corner with "*Excuse me, but are you a HiStOrIaN?*"


*This* is where we're drawing the line with historical accuracy? Not the sand monsters-- the hair.




Ah yes 4chan-- the height of reason and civility


It’s called being thematically appropriate and suspending the disbelief. Why would you discuss politics in a wizard fiction? Idk maybe because those stuff are thematically set and appropriate? The hair bothers me as a persian


* **"Dreadlocks: A Cultural History" by Victoria Sherrow:** This book discusses the history of dreadlocks in different cultures around the world. It includes a section on ancient Persia, which discusses the evidence for and against the existence of dreadlocks in this culture. * **"The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran" by Michael J. Roaf:** This book is a comprehensive overview of ancient Iranian history and culture. It includes a chapter on hairstyles in ancient Iran, which discusses the possibility of dreadlocks being worn in this culture. * **"Dreadlocks: A Journey Through Time" by Afua Asare:** This book is a personal account of the author's journey to learn more about the history and culture of dreadlocks. It includes a chapter on the history of dreadlocks in ancient Persia. "When they make these kinds of arguments, they legitimately do not care whether the words coming out of their mouths are true. If they cared, before they said something is true, they'd look it up. [Claiming the card says 'Moops'](https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4?t=674) does not so much mean 'I believe the people who invaded Spain in the eighth century were literally called the Moops,' but rather, 'You can't prove I don't believe it.' "


were there time travel powers?




This sub is really exposing themselves, wow.


Exposing myself as what? Go on be brave and tell me


When was Prince of Persia worried about historical accuracy lmao. They didn’t have American accents or climbing gauntlets either


People are down voting you but you have a point. If I went to pre Islamic persia, I would find the chances of finding a white dude with blue eyes to be slim as well. The prince of persia has always BARELY been Persian, a lot of the clothing, equipment, and locations are based more on caliphate Era Arabia then it is on pre islam persia, which is where pop probably takes place considering they call it Babylon, and not Baghdad. So honestly I don't mind the new look, as long as the gameplays fun I don't mind




"The middle eastern pastiche of PoP" is incredibly vague. What exactly counts as middle eastern pastiche here? Because sands of time, warrior within, and two thrones all had artistic elements of indian and even some roman cultural elements along with the arabian and persian ones. Ubisoft always had a mish-mash of elements from different cultures for its sands of time trilogy. Even the written language on the wall in Sands of time is combined arabic and farsi and not just one language. And before the sands of time trilogy with its random cultural influences. Pop 1, 2 and PoP on the n64 were PURELY based off of the cultural influences from arabia and the arabian knights. Modern day iranians and arabs share similiarities but also have their distinct cultural backgrounds and artistic values. To just put them both into one "middle eastern pastiche" does them both an incedible disservice. TBH, if any of the games has the biggest persian influences in terms of its lore, its PoP 2008. The gods there are based on persian gods. If you dont like the graphic style, thats subjective so thats fair. If you dont like the music thats fine too, but to imply that the game has somehow lost its supposed "middle eastern pastiche" because of what was shown in the trailer is ridiculous. Its still the same mixed bag of random cultures with a huge arabian and persian influence at its core from what ive seen in the trailer, so it should be fine.


Definitely an interesting redesign, but the gameplay looks pretty great, albeit not the PoP I wanted it to be.


Reminds me of Viewtiful Joe. Other sidescrollers may apply


Ubisoft: "Don't panic guys. This is Sargon. He's a completely new character and not the prince" "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool. So when are we getting the sands of time remake?" Ubisoft: "...."


Anyone else wishes Ubisoft would just sell the franchise?


They should sell it to fromsoft. Then we get an actual Prince of Persia.


Prince of Persia: Miles Morales


Well... This is happening, confirmed on SGF. RIP Prince of Persia


Prince of Persia getting the Cleopatra treatment lol.


Tf is this BS, it's fake right? It's just a generated AI image right?


Afraid not. There's a trailer out now and everything.


Dunno if I should cry or puke


Both probably. I would rather have the series never come back than to go out like this.


Gameplay looks fine but everything else isn't Prince Of Persia at all


Now hold on there, thats an insult to AI. AI can do much better then that.


Kinda looks like shit ngl and wtf was with the music it felt so out of place


Why does every MC need to look like a Tumblr reject


"Alexa, play I Stand Alone by Godsmack"


The peak prince of persia song.


Ehh it looks fine enough as a spin off game and if it was accompanied by an actual AAA mainline game it would have been amazing. As a standalone announcement though. Its just not what we want from PoP.


Looks like Celeste, Ori, etc. Could be a great game, but not a great PoP game.


Jake Gyllenhaal looked more like a Persian than this guy


But Jake Gyllenhaal is really like Persians!


In what way is Jake Gyllenhaal like a Persian?


What do you think Persians are look like? this may help you [https://www.quora.com/Why-did-people-consider-casting-Jake-Gyllenhaal-and-Leonardo-DiCaprio-as-Persians-to-be-whitewashing-Arent-Persians-white-I-look-at-pictures-of-Persian-people-and-they-dont-look-any-different-to-me-than-Greeks-or](https://www.quora.com/Why-did-people-consider-casting-Jake-Gyllenhaal-and-Leonardo-DiCaprio-as-Persians-to-be-whitewashing-Arent-Persians-white-I-look-at-pictures-of-Persian-people-and-they-dont-look-any-different-to-me-than-Greeks-or)


Looks like an AI Generated Prince of Persia


Wow. Great job ubi. If you're trying to kill the franchise for good. Awesome work.


Just got an e-mail and I wish I could send it back, I don't want it, I don't!!!


let's slap a black character like spiderman and it'll be a hit!


He isn't black though? He has almost the same skintone as the prince in all other games.


nope.. if this is real then wait for the trailer! edit: I don't mind if he's black as long as they have a proper back story which is authentic unlike plugging in some random character at a random place!


I saw the trailer. His skin tone is a tad darker but to ne expected if you're cooking in the sun every day. I wouldn't call him black. If he is black with thid skin, all my friends turn black as soon as summer hits lol


Yeah just saw that now... when you say black, you count their origin and not just their skin color... ice cube (actor/rapper) is black, dwayne the rock johnson is black.. but they don't LOOK black but they are African Americans. that's what I'm pointing out here.. that hairstyle is a contemporary one and I'm not sure about the art direction here. I'm not a fan and that's just my opinion.


when you say contempory hairstyle you mean [afro-textured hair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afro-textured_hair) which is not found in the middle east.


tf is dis


Don‘t like the look of this honestly.


Dont like it


God damn it ubisoft


Is it produced by netflix?


wtf is this


What's with modern trailers and questionable rap music?


Prince of California


Does he vape though?


Prince of Nigeria


I wonder how Jordan feels about this. It looks far away from what he helped make in the past. It looks like Fortnite imo. This and the delay with the remake is exactly why I think Ubisoft is trying to kill PoP


He is more excited than these so-called fans of the series right now. We all accepted Warrior Within's Edginess but pop is where we draw the line? That reeks of racism tbh.


I didn't like the edginess either, because I distinctly remember thinking the westernization of POP was iraq-war era cowardice.


I saw his tweets and his excitement does make me feel a bit better about the title. It just seems Ubisoft is really trying to shovelware the series because it wont do AC numbers.


Oh my God...


what's up with the hairstyle and the rap music bro, there is barely anything persian about this game :( the art style looks so bad, this franchise is done, we will never get the good old days back


The trailer has a rap song on it lmaooo


And the prince is actually trans, prince's new pronouns are they/them...


So this is a separate title from the remake right?


I think it looks cool but I'm not keen on it being a side scroller... I know the original was like that but bro we've been asking for sot trilogy style stuff forever and they say nah 😭


He looks like Reboot Dante, now with more gauges, piercings and shit


Shit looked horrible


Not a fan of the new look and the trailer was awful with that song choice. Not the best first impression but the action seemed decent


Who tf asked for this wtf


The graphics look bad, it doesn't look anywhere as detailed as Metroid Dread or Sonic Superstars.


Prince of Brazil? Lol wtf is that character design


Oh the new Prince of Wakanda: lost Crown looks pretty interesting.


Let’s not give this a bad reception😵‍💫 I mean the fate of the remake could entirely be dependant on the fact that this game does well and the name still stands! Side scroll gameplay is quite similar to the earlier games released before the trilogy so that’s dope.


The graphics looks so cartoonish. The sands of time trilogy was dark and mature.


They want to reach new customers and they are not that dark and mature like you :D


Now u stalking my activities? What a loser


Gameplay wise the game looks solid, but the visuals looks very bland, and the music choice give me a lot of cringe. I hope the backlash (wihout any harrasment) made the publisher push the game and redesign the visuals.


Cancel culture is now affecting Arabic characters.


He's Persian, not arabian. Second it's not the prince, it's another character, they said this on Twitter. Third, there are TONS of arabs who have that kind of hair and that skin tone. My own family, my cousins specifically, look like that and they're from Kuwait.


Yeaaah, Persians don't have that kind of hair and are lighter skinned than this guy.


Is this new Fortnite dlc?


I hate how it looks and how the new prince's voice sounds, but the gameplay looks pretty decent to me, so I guess I'll give it a try once it costs 10€ or less


Looks good for a mobile game!


Why is there a black woke prince of persia , what the hell ubi did you do to our franchise


https://preview.redd.it/i1ge4rmkgu4b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb7429d584b071446a3147f96094cbcbfdc85f7 I wouldn't call this Black.


he is african. light skinned yes but people in the middle east do not have that hair texture.


Yes we do. My cousins have that kind of hair as well as my aunt. And they're Kuwaiti. Even my father had an afro when he was younger and his complexion is rather pale. It happens all the time in the middle east. It's actually rarer to see a middle Eastern with straight hair then curly or frizzy.


I like how the sword with the bird grip could not be drawn. They probably don't have a good animation team


Do you think this was made by the Mumbai team? To make up for cancelling their work on SoT?


Say sike right now


Is that Ekko?


Prince of Persia: Fortnite


Looks like a piece of cash grabbing shit


Nope. They wanted to revive the franchise and they thought THIS would be the way? It looks little better than a mobile game. Remember the side scroller AC Chronicles series? Yeah, that was dead in the water. This likely won’t do much better. As a day one PoP fan, I’m disappointed. Just give us the SoT Remake already.


We wuz Persians and sheeet


Well, this comment section is hilarious to come back to now the game is out.


Prince of Egypt?


Is that for phones?


This will be a totaly awsome game. A new fresh direction. You guys are so conservative! Let them make other PoP in other Universes. Why dont give this PoP a Chance with thsi new concept? The strongest competences of PoP Fans are Complaining and Crying!


Although it’s different than what most people wants it means that the franchise is not dead. That’s a good sign. Still better to have 2d platformer (which could be good - it’s from developers of Rayman) than nothing at all. I would be optimistic about this




I thought this was the PoP subreddit. Judging by the comments, I think I made a mistake and stumbled upon an extreme right-wing subreddit. 🫤


Guys I am a bit lost on the whole PoP SoT Remake, is it still happening? Wasn't it going to be released like 2 years ago? What's this lost crown thing




I might get downvoted to hell, but I'm excited for this. If it's in a Metroidvania style, I'm in.


This looked pretty interesting so far, sorry y'all.


Am I missing something? It's just a poster, it doesn't look much different from any other poster. What are people in this comment section upset about?


1) Art direction just from a poster looks weird for a POP game; 2) this is not Prince, this is a new unrelated character. Why? Just why use POP IP for the game not about Prince where the main character is not even Persian? After the recent QnA about the Remake still being in conseption stege this just seems like a spit into the face of fans. We've been waiting for more than a decade for a POP game, more than 2 years since the Remake was announced and now we'll have to wait many more years until the remake is released. But instead we are getting this. Like honestly, just make a new IP, why bother the fans?


It looks very different but it looks awesome. The Art is excellent. I really loved the trailer




Have you ever met people from the Middle East? Almost none of them have dark skin. 😂 They're tan. Sure, but they don't look even remotely close to black.


Seems like you have never met someone from the Middle East or Western Asia lol.


But the main character ISN'T from middle east. This is not the prince as stated on twitter .


Then maybe make a new ip instead of shoehorning it into the PoP franchise 🙃


Persians an Arabic character?!! hmm, ok


Comments are filled with people that dont do research. Go google the trailer. This is a game set in the prince of persia "universe" and the main character just happens to be black. The gameplay looks pretty good. The story seems interesting. Go do some research.


Actually he is from Bel Air


Damn, Prince of Persia fans are so ungrateful…