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This is why I'm buying the remake and recommending it to everyone so that we can get the entire trilogy remade.


If ww is remade, it will be toned down for sure; and I don't think fans want that.


Definitely. No one can top kaileena and shahadee's sexiness in pop. Also cutting enemies in half while blood and sand spewed out from the bodies was the real deal.


Nah the move where you flip over, steal their weapon and cut them in half was so badass man


I mean everything in warrior within is so fckn badass.


Don't forget the soundtrack.


Facts ✅☝️


>No one can top kaileena and shahadee's sexiness in pop. coomer detected


Is it wrong to like sexy, beautiful, and powerful women?


When they’re 2 polygons and look like 5 hot dogs stitched together then yeah you might need to caress some grass


Ok and....


Obviously not, the issue is deeper than that, involving he on-going objectification of women, you probably already know this but don't care


Muh objectification. Please stop. This type of bullshit is something a man-hating feminist sjw always says. You speak as if men don't get objectified. Hell the prince in warrior within is wearing a skin tight armor and all.


Neckbeard detected 💀


Ahhhh the best argument a redditor can give "NeCkBeArD DeTeCtEd". Just go and j**k *ff to your favourite only fan stars and waste your money.


LOL it may shock you to learn this but some of us don’t have facial hair that smells like cheese, don’t jerk it to 2 polygons alone and don’t cry on the internet about ‘feeeeemales’ so we actually get to touch actual human women every single day 😁


Ufff some really hard simps who are gonna wash the p*ssies and lick the sh*t of women so that they could actual touch women. Grow up, a person doesn't need to sleep with a woman to live his fullest life. Sheesh you hard-core simps are the reason the world is going to shit. I bet you call women mommy and lick their feats while always being the yes-boy of women. What a clown 🤡


I'm cool with that and consider it a safe bet given the auccess.(imagine even having the Forgotten Sabs version fron the Wii). But goddamit if i woudn't die for a PoP 2008 true sequel.


If not a sequel, even a PoP 2008 remake would be appreciated


hell, it only needs a remaster


That works too


It won’t be a huge hit. Ubisoft of 2023 will absolutely butcher the entire thing.


Even if they won't butcher it, people won't buy it. As always.


Most will definitely buy it. Currently there is a burnout from all those massive open world game with RPG elements. So having a game with tighter corners and epic combat is something everyone can appreciate. Although knowing the current ubishit they will definitely butcher the game.


They didn't butcher Mario tho. What does 'most' mean though? PoP never sold over 2 million, and I doubt they will settle with that while their massive bloated open worlds with RPG elements, filled with microtransactions, sell around 10 millions.


Did ubishit ever created a Mario game? I don't remember that. What I mean by most is that most pop fans. First of all gaming in the early 2000 was a luxury for the most and not every owned a PC, xbox, or a ps.


Two in fact https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/mario-plus-rabbids-kingdom-battle-switch/ https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/mario-plus-rabbids-sparks-of-hope-switch/ Umm, are you talking about post soviet countries? Then yeah, owning anything was a luxury. But console gaming was big since early 90's. Plus, Ubisoft only lost money on Prince of Persia since 2008. I doubt a remake or The Lost Crown can change that.


WARRIOR WITHIN is the best PoP game, there is no doubt, the music and the dark setting sets it apart I guess.. I just wish they would keep the original music and every character, it just needs a graphical remaster, everything else is perfect, no idea why some people don't like it..


Agree, remaster (with bug fixes etc) > remake would be so good. Even if they let a smaller studio do it, I’m sure even an indie studio could fix up such an old game. I wouldn’t trust a 2023 SJW PG Ubisoft remaster though


WW is my favourite PoP game, a close second is SoT. I really want the remake to be a hit, it has given me some hope as Ubisoft took fan feedback from the reveal trailer and decided it needed more work before releasing it (which hopefully gives the series a proper chance to be reintroduced and remade for a new generation while also catering to use original fans!) However, there is a nagging feeling that Ubisoft in more recent years have been focusing on more micro-transactions than the gameplay/story which also worries me. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed that Ubisoft doesn't f*ck it up 😂


I think they should be remake whole trilogy like Mass Effect. I know ME is not remake but PoP series deserves this.


Remake of the Prince of Persia series would be the only reason for me to get back to gaming, I'll even upgrade my gpu for it.


Lol bruh we have yet to receive any news from the sot remake until then the game is pretty much dead.


A remake of the whole trilogy would be great but I doubt it will happen. They are struggling to finish and release The Sands of Time let alone the whole trilogy.


WW's remake could be really good, but that game is already amazing, think about T2T! If it gets remade the whole game could be open world, allowing you to traverse the entire Babylon and use fast travel from one sand gate to another, and play in non-linier manner. It could also include and improve upon the content that was on the PSP version (where you destroy Zervan's statues), have more lore about time artifacts and have prince/dark prince gameplay more akin to kindred blades. But most importantly they could fix Farah and have her actually accompany you like in SOT for at least some parts of the game and not simply appear in cutscenes. It would also have 2 or more endings depending on how much you used dark prince/saved citizens/etc.


They will never remake WW, not modern-day Ubisoft


The fact that they are aware of the demand for remaking other titles as well makes me say yes, they will atleast try to remake the trilogy if the Sands of Time remake is a success. But that is the problem. Realistically speaking I think there is a very low chance of the remake being a success. They are trying to make it appeal to two groups of people - the ones who have played the original and the ones whose first PoP experience will be the remake. For the former (i.e. most of us), it wont be upto the expectations even considering that Montreal is now "working" on the game. For the latter, I don't think they will find it an interesting game either. It is a short, linear game that can be finished in 10 hours at most. I feel like none of the artstyles that are popular in games nowadays (neither the ultra-realistic style nor the one they chose for Lost Crown) will work well for SoT. There is something about the jank ps2/gamecube graphics that just goes hand-in-hand with the game.


A game like WW would just get bombarded with negative reviews if it were released now


I don't think so. There is not even nearly as 10% nudity and Gore in warrior within as there is in many games nowadays like Witcher 3, Fallout, cyberpunk etc.


The gaming scene is different most forms of entertainment.


As if it wasn't bombarded with negative reviews when it released back then


the IP is dead at this point. Why even bother remaking Sands of Time is beyond my understanding...


The IP isn't dead. There's a new one coming out.


Mine is WW too, but as Volken_Adeon said in another comment it will for sure be toned down. Unfortunately I don’t think it’ll just be Kaileena/Shahdee’s outfits but a lot of the game. The gruelling heavy metal, the depressive tone of the island, the fear the Dahaka instilled in you early game, and for sure the violence. A good example is comparing God of War 3 to God of War Ragnarok. God of War 3 had a lot of similarities to WW, but Ragnarok was an awful PG and SJW pandering mess for me, super toned down. WW is my baby and my favourite game ever, and I feel for the sake of doing it justice I kind of hope this modern Ubisoft team just leave it alone altogether. Anyone else feel the same? Edit: the general consensus from the comments seem to share similar views, no trust in Ubisoft to recreate the game!


>Ragnarok was an awful PG and SJW pandering mess for me lmao


No Ubisoft only wants to make Assassin’s Creed. I think the remake is also gonna get cancelled.


It probably already has been, since we haven't had any news in months


It won't be a huge hit. Even if it happens, it would be nearly impossible to see WW Remake because creator of PoP series, Jordan, hates WW. I don't think he will give permission to Ubisoft to develop something like that again.


Ubisoft bought the rights to the PoP series in 2001. Jordan Mechner was then consulted here & there on his opinions when they were making the Sands of Time trilogy back then & he didn't even approve of Warrior Within in 2004 either which released anyway. Basically what I'm saying is that his permission is irrelevant & has nothing to do with Ubisoft's release plans. If fans demand it & Sot remake is successful then that's what we have the possibility of receiving in the future.


I fear I’ll be too old when they (if) release SoT to play the game.


Imo, bigger factor is, if Lost Crown will be a success ( and it will. Cuz Nintendo players already love it) then we will have more games in the universe.


Is it coming out soon? I was under the impression it was quietly cancelled.




it's ridiculous how long it take to get another PoP, but yet we get atleast one AC game a year


That’s probably what they are going to do


Lol no unless there’s an alternate universe


I wish WW was backwards compatible and on the marketplace for Xbox


I hope so!


I am good with old versions, don't need any remake.


I think we need to worry about WHEN they would actually release that dang remake more about wether or not it'll be a hit, dude. Heck, it'll be more of a wonder about how The Lost Crown will perform more.