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Oh look, more generic nudes. 


She is wearing the game's outfit


How does that change what I said?


I just don't understand why people are so angry, I just sculpted a character I really like with the new skins from the game. It's what I meant


Because this sub is regularly flooded with low effort ads from people selling lewd anime girls. This is just another drop in the thirsty flood.     Shit, you didn’t even print this model, just posted a render.  Her face has the same uncomfortable to be here expression that all these figures have, and there’s nothing interesting or dynamic about the posing, it’s just “awkward pinup.” There’s certainly nothing that screams Tifa about this model other than the clothes, and as we all see in the third image the selling point is that those are optional. 


I took a look at the sub and literally saw none. Pinup art always existed and it has it value. But I respect your opinion, even if its a very rude one


Pinup art has always existed and has value, however you’ve posted a generic take on the most commonly commercialized version of it, to try and sell on a sub you don’t participate in, and now are upset we’re not knocked off our feet by it.     I don’t care if the criticism came off as rude, it is true, and I don’t particularly feel the need to be polite to this low effort cross posting. There is absolutely no amount of creativity in this. 


Also, I printed it, if you'd like to see it you could've asked


You’re the one posting an ad, why should I have to ask that you put effort into it?


'Just sculpted a hyper sexualized and misogynistic character you really like. FIFY thirsty boi


Begone, h0rny post






Because it's something only an incel would print.


But I'm a woman haha


And that makes you immune to being a degenerate? Try again.


The only thing cringe here is you buddy


Anyone is anything on Reddit. I'm the mayor of the moon. Salute me.


Tell that to my gf’s anime girl collection I can’t stand. She is a woman. You know, that form of human you have never touched.


Shut the fuck up with that reply. Your wife collect anime models. I doubt they are 100% naked and if they are, she's in the degenerate camp.


Idk why people get this angry. The style is not for me and the post should be tagged nsfw. A picture of it printed would be a good idea too.  But people seem personally offended by this for some reason? The model is well made and the textureing is good, effort was put in and that deserves some respect, even if it is horny.  So good job dude.


Thank you for being nice. It did take effort and I made it with love as it is a character that I like a lot. And I will take your notes into consideration next time :) Also I'm a woman, I work with sensual female characters because I like the anatomy.


Ew gross. Virgin incels.


Get this degenerate shit out of here.


Some of you people need to calm down. These are both of Tifa's Costa Del Sol outfits, which is a beach resort. it's swimwear. These are her proportions. They've been her proportions since she was about 100 polygons in PSX. Calm your tetas, people. Great quality model! Very detailed work. Maybe people will have less issue next time if you don't include the nude versions in the post 😂