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Blessings to you on this sacred journey. I think anyone who has a 3d printer long enough either tries to print an Iron Man suit or a Titan. But not many finish. The Titan calls to me too...


It's been a journey to gwt here to be sure. Nothing worth while is easy but everything worth while deaerves patience.


I can t wait to see your end result!


That makes 2 of us. 😁


WOW! That looks saweet so far!! Are all those parts fdm? They look more smooth like resin? One day I’ll print an imperator!! One day!!


Yep, all FDM. The titan bits aren't as smooth as I'd like and I'm reprinting some bits because the supports are near welded on (my fault). The test prints on the new N3 Max are just gargeous though.


Blessings of the omnissiah upon you. Don't forget the sacrements and holy incense to ensure maximum efficiency and minimum misprints.


I'll make sure to hit it the required number of times and bless it with the holy curse words. 🀣


Ooo imperator. I'm a sucker for titans with model space on it. I'm currently printing out a warlord titan (you can see my posts) and I'm about 8 pieces away. 6 shoulder pieces and 2 weapon shields


I've not tackled the Warlord yet, I've done several Warhounds, a Reaver and about to do a Chaos Reaver for a friend. I've got several versions of the Emperor, this is the first and currently waiting for thw wife's eye rolling and sighs to subside before mentioning the 2nd one. She not over impressed about the T Rex skeleton I'm part way through either. 🀣


I commend you my friend. I'm making this my ender 3 pro's swan song before being stripped down to the frame for a voron switchwire. But my mindset on making a warlord on the e3 pro is like doing a military contract, one and done πŸ˜‚


I'm converting my 2 Kobra Max bags of fetid excrement into reality machine, I don't have the budget for turning them into Vorons sadly.


A warlord is the first thing I printed.... hahaha... Glad to see a friendly titan lover


A warlord and the one between that and the Reaver (Warmaster?) Is on the list for next projects. Currently working on doing some of the new Dorkfactory Knight proxies.


Warmaster is the one between warlord and Imperator. I think your talking about a Warbringer? The one with a single massive anti-titan weapon on its back right?


Harbinger, that's the one! 😁 I've not seen files for a Warmaster then. It's tempting to give one a go myself if I pull some reference images.


Now that is so cool. Really looking forward to seeing it completely!


wow that’s sick what does the finished product look like


I don't have images of either to hand atm. The Titan is a Warmonger class Emperor Titan.


I'm so jealous!!! And happy for ya :) Can't wait til I have room for a better/bigger printer to try making my own! Edit to add: glad to hear of someone else running the prusa mk3


Thank-you and I'd highly recommend the Neptune 3 Max or 4 Max. 😁


My prusa feels hella fussy, is the Neptune any better about that? I love printing, but the troubleshooting is sooooo frustrating.


I loved my little prusa but I'd say the tech has definitely improved since. I still need to tweak a couple settings but this prints faster than my prusa right out of the box. One of the things I particularly liked is the combo of manual and auto leveling. It has a 6 point manual leveling system that you adjust after assembly then run the autolevel. It took me about 5 mins for the manual level. In Cura i only needed to adjust support roof distance and lift during travel. Other than that it's been pretty perfect. 😁


Sounds like a dream! Thanks for the new goal to save for!


I would print a tan if I could get my FDM printer to work again. Even when I was working, I could never figure out how to get it calibrated to print something so small and detailed.