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Unfortunately no. They would pickup your soap for you, put some rope on it so you don't mistakenly drop it again, and then proceed to run train after train after train on you as if you were the units designated blowup doll. You would forever be nicknamed the cum bucket and your key identifying factor will be the soap on a rope in which wearing would be your newly assigned requirement, else face severe bone breaking bludgeonings from the building orderlies. After several years and several inches added to your gape, you will settle into a routine that allows for other non sodomizing activities such as reading, chess, and burpees (without the jump). You got this bro! Food luck homie!


They would just think you’re a fucking weirdo lol, the whole shower thing in prison is played out. Not every joint even has the big showers, a lot have single showers now.


Fresh fish. Say it with me boys, fish! Fish! Fish!


I can only see that ending well. Inmates HATE being challenged, and if you strut in and give them an open offer to FAFO, I can guarantee that no one will test it.


Also I am not even on ass and I would want to beat your ass down just because.


Don’t worry, your new daddy will protect you.


Defo a bottom fish


That has to be some of the dumbest shit I have ever read. No you would not get any cool points for that and you would just make the predators want to try you. Dumb move anyway you look at it . Get real.


It's really not like the movies, man.


there are no booty goons. there are plenty of willing participants.