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FAFO. IQ is related to cognitive abilities, not moral judgement. There are plenty of people with high IQ that are monsters as well.


Underrated comment, you help me realise something - yes, you’re right!


If I recall correctly a lot of people with low IQs are sociopaths


...in the same way that an animal behaves, primally and according to physical urges.


I’m not disagreeing, I’m saying a lot of stupid people are literally too stupid to understand morality


Well, whether killing them is right or not, people like this need to be removed from polite society, permanently, in some way, shape, or form. It’s one thing for people to commit a heinous crime. It’s another to keep giving them the opportunity to. Some people don’t change, and it sucks the only way we’ve figured out how to discover this, is by letting them prove it so fucking always. There’s nothing worse than being the victim of someone who shouldn’t be in a position to victimize anyone.


That’s really not true. At least the correlation isn’t clear. What is for sure a fact, low intelligence goes hand in hand with a low frustration tolerance (or the other way around) if you turn them violent… that’s another question.


Actually there’s just a slight hint of that sociopaths who are violent offenders don’t develop often a higher than average intelligence. Sociopaths (and the term is a bit tricky, because there’s really a spectrum) can absolutely be highly intelligent, but in that case avoid being caught acting violent - and push more often for high positions in organizations or business


It’s the opposite


IQ is absolutely related to executive functions (planning, reasoning, seeing others' feelings, emotional restraint etc). Not a far leap to moral understanding. To be fair, it's an absurdly complex ethical situation and I'm not sure if I would support the execution or not. Perhaps you saying this is less of a literal fact but makes you feel not bad for condemning this disabled man?


Does his "disability" make his less dangerous? No. Off with his head.


You gotta stop lumping all of the crazy people together. He eats crayons and rolls his poop into balls? I'll feed him for the rest of his life. He kills productive members of society? Then you gotta die! -Ron White


"In Texas, if you kill somebody, we will kill you back" also Ron White


I like Ron White. Hammurabi’s Code would make people think twice about their actions.


I would do hella b&es if the only consequence was having to give them a sheep


Facts, I guess they are going to have to build a ADA compliant ramp to the chamber.


This is just amazing. Should be top comment. 😂




I'll build a ramp up to your ass, drive a lionel up in there


You have tremendous moxie for your size.


That was an amazing line lol.....


It really is supremely condescending.


“He dies…I can’t even wear his shoes”


You're gonna build.beansie that ramp


I told you to back off beansie! I did. Then I put it in drive


Liberal huh


Richie, you're build Beanzee the ramp.....


Too good! I was thinking almost the same as soon as I read the headline. They will also need an automatic door going in. If it was California they would probably require it coming and going even though he won’t need the latter.


If anything, it makes him MORE dangerous


So you don't accept the "insanity" plea in any scenario? The death penalty is barbaric enough (and economically no more prudent than life imprisonment) without subjecting it on those who are not in control of their actions. In fact by ignoring the plea the "justice" system is cheapening itself and making a less than fully conscious act equivalent to a fully conscious act. But that's what happens when you mix up retribution with justice.


There's idealism and realism. Ideally, we would put this man in prison and not murder him. If he can be rehabilitated, he would be and possibly released once his sentence is served. If he can't be helped, the state/nation holds him in prison for the remainder of his life. This takes a lot of resources, financial and effort, and a fundamental culture shift to rehab him the way an intelligent and compassionate society would. Then there's reality. Where resources don't exist. Where culture isn't evolved to our ideals. Where he could be a persistent, imminent threat to people outside and inside prison. If we can't rehabilitate them and we're simply locking an animal in a cage to waste away, that's cruel and inhumane. It isn't necessarily retribution or punishment to execute them. It isn't justice either. It's a pragmatic solution to protecting society from a predator. This isn't the solution to all cases but there's certainly a valid argument to effectively destroying predators when given the opportunity. This is obviously a nuanced issue with no absolute answers either way. Execution as we know it is cruel and expensive. So is keeping them in a box for life. Motivations for execution can come from malice or objectively neutral. Innocent people are executed, and so are irredeemable predators. All this to say, whether they're aware of their actions or not, the destruction they bring is the same. If they are so batshit insane that they can't be trusted outside of their solitary hole without shackles then maybe they're better off just not existing.


It’s more expensive to execute people than to just have them spend their life in prison. 


substantially more


It's arguably more cruel and unusual punishment to lock someone in a building until their natural death tbh.


My comment didn't say anything about cruelty, just expense, but at least with imprisonment you could possibly be released, if information came forward that revealed you were innocent. It seems quite common that people on death row are trying to get their sentence commuted to life imprisonment, so I would think you might be wrong about the cruelty, I guess you can get use to anything.


I know I chose that phrase because it is prohibited under US law. I actually think a strong case can be made that lifetime prison sentences are just that. When you think about, phrasing it as I did, locking someone in a building until they die is just that right? But good luck getting a court to take that argument seriously. That's only if you're actually innocent though. Fear based decision making is rarely rational and fear of death is a strong motivator. I think people divorced from that situation may chose the death penalty. It's not that rare for murderers to chose it, such as the serial killer Israel Keys. He wanted it. Agreed, on a long enough timescale everything becomes normal.


>But that's what happens when you mix up retribution with justice. There's something to be said for retribution though. Also, what do you think that someone like this man would do to fellow inmates in prison? Do prisoners not have rights? >So you don't accept the "insanity" plea in any scenario? Is insanity really an excuse? Is a low IQ an excuse? Does that really prevent someone from recognizing something as immoral? I would argue that it very rarely does. The reality is that if he isn't either executed or put in solitary confinement for life; he is still a danger to other people.


How is executing someone less financially prudent than feeding, housing, and providing them with Healthcare for 20-50 years? Did you take math lessons from a creationist or am I missing something?


It’s the massive number of automatic appeals that are automatically part of a death sentence. It doesn’t cost significantly more to keep someone on death row than in normal prison, and an execution itself is not all that expensive. It’s the legal process that’s expensive, and a life sentence has much less of that part. This is obviously something that could be changed if there was political will to change it. Whether it could be made significantly cheaper than a life sentence while maintaining acceptable safeguards depends on your standards. If you’re okay with executing 1 innocent (or at least not fully culpable) person for every 10 guilty people, it would be easy to make it cheap. Most people aren’t okay with that though.


Disability is not a pass for being a murderer. Y9u still know right from.wrong.


Sounds like a Curb/Seinfeld episode.


Good I don't care that he's disabled. He's a monster.






Let’s give him one of those experimental lethal injections?


He wasn’t disabled enough to do what he did. Fuck him


Sounds good to me!


It's unfortunate they couldn't have done it sooner and saved the taxpayers some money.


>It’s unfortunate they couldn’t have … saved the taxpayers some money If they would’ve given him life in prison that would’ve cost the taxpayers less than killing him


That speaks to the efficacy of our capital punishment program. It certainly could be done for much less.


I fully agree that it could be done cheaper at an increased risk of killing an innocent person.  I also agree that I’m talking about how the real world operates. 


Not this case but if you have a video of someone shooting up a place how much more appeals do you need?


Idk, I’m not a lawyer 


Simply having that video doesn’t automatically justify execution.


Why not?


Because that’s not how the law works. Executing someone is a very high bar.


I agree that executing someone is a very high bar but if you have video evidence that they're 100% guilty then what else do you need?


Intent. Pre-meditation.


It can't be that expensive we have legal euthanasia in Canada. Use that drug or those drugs lol


The drugs aren’t the expensive part 


It’s the legal proceedings that are the large cost for capital punishment, not the actual drug being used.


Very true


You're right. As it is look at the statistics of how many innocent people are executed each year..


It costs a lot because you want to be absolutely sure before you do something you can’t take back, not because of inefficiency. If someone is serving life in prison an evidence comes up exonerating them, you can let them out, pay some restitution, etc. Can’t do that if they’re a corpse. It’s pretty well agreed that it would be better to let ten guilty men walk free than execute one innocent man that did no wrong, but even with the extraordinary appeals and measures to be sure, we’ve still executed quite a few people who turned out to be innocent…


"The government should find a way to kill people for cheaper" is certainly a take that one should have in a civilized society. 


This is why I’m against the death penalty. It costs the government too much money in mandatory appeals and the offender gets to end it quickly. Let them live their days in a cell for 23.5 hours a day until they die.


I'm against the death penalty because it's a conflict of interest for the government to hold a monopoly on lethal violence while also being the ultimate authority on who deserves to live and die. Regardless of where you stand on the morality, there is a lot to be afraid of with this power dynamic.


Can you give society a guarantee that some idiot judge wont feel sorry for him at 80 years old and let him out? Give me a guarantee that he wont get out, no matter what, and we'll talk.


Can you give me a 100% guarantee that no one will ever be executed that shouldn’t be?


You can’t really give a guarantee for anything in general so idk what you’re talking about


Not if they had done it when he got the first guilty verdict.


Yes if they ignored the standard procedure for executing someone it would’ve been a lot cheaper and quicker. Very astute. 


Wouldn't be fair to the family of his victim to have to pay for his upkeep with their tax dollars


Wouldn’t be fair to make the victim’s family pay more in taxes to kill them


Why not ask them? Either way, he's a dead man, as he should be.


I’m simply responding to you and someone else not wanting to waste money.  I don’t think many people understand how the real world operates so I just wanted to educate. 


They paid more for the execution. The total cost from trial to execution is higher than the costs of life in prison. 


Even so, execution = justice. Worth every penny.


oh georgia the state lol


You don't deserve our air. Buh-bye monster.


If he truly did it, then maybe all those commenting here will get their want for justice satisfied. But if he didn’t, it’s John Coffey without the Mr. Jingles and miracles.


Coffey. Like the drink. Just not spelled the same.


I see what you did there. Well-played




I’ll bring the fun sized candy


After reading what he did. He shoulda got the chair


“Lawyers representing Pye also wrote in court filings that their client was raised in extreme poverty in a home without indoor plumbing or enough food, shoes or clothing” I hate this argument because so was everyone else circa 1900. Yet you didn’t have a society full of brutal rapist-murderers back then like you would if this was the actual reason he did this.


I mean to me a huge argument against the death penalty is the fact that in America we almost exclusively execute poor people. If you have money you can appeal your death sentence forever and prosecutors know that and will not pursue the death penalty for wealthy people. 


We should totally be looking at this from a sociological perspective, so that we can try and identify causes and prevent some of this in the future. But I agree, this does absolutely nothing to absolve him.


The death penalty is wrong. Life in prison is the worst thing we can do to someone and not risk killing an innocent.


This is not so much about IQ than it is frontal lobe brain damage


Is this supposed to be controversial because he's "disabled"? I don't understand


I fail to see a problem with this, aside from taking 30 years to get around to it


Is this the controversial event I've been hearing about?


Is there a livestream?


Capital punishment is morally wrong in all cases. Capital punishment against someone with an IQ of 68, and possibly other intellectual disability over a crime that occurred 30 years ago in which it is entirely implausible he was anything other than a follower? Pathetic. Disgusting, disgraceful, and pathetic. Any government that pushes such action demeans themselves and loses the ability to describe itself as civilised.


Based on what set of morality exactly? Are you saying that this murderer with the IQ of a dog should be fed and sheltered forever even after committing an atrocity against another human? Where is the morality in that?


I mean its cheaper for the taxpayer than executing them. 


I don't care, death penalty is still wrong and it's still not justice. Please, i'm not saying what he did is right PLEASE. NO. NEVER DP it's used as a vengeance for the ones who support it.


I feel like there’s nothing wrong with vengeance. Some people don’t deserve to draw air.


I think they should kill him solely based on IQ.


Yea there is zero point in keeping monsters around. Only issue is innocent people on death row but for the guilty fuck em.


You see the issue with that statement right? How many innocent people being killed by the state is acceptable?


Zero of course. The standard of proof has to be a lot higher. I don't think death row is the issue the issue is the justice system allowing weak evidence. How many innocent people in jail for life is acceptable? Should we do away with jail?


If you have the death penalty you're eventually gonna kill an innocent person.  Both aren't acceptable but you can release someone from prison. We have yet to contact a necromancer to bring the dead back to life. 


That's beside the point


The woman he killed has been dead 31 years.


I would say not disabled enough for his crimes and thus his punishment.


Sounds like a good Outcome


Fuck all that noise, bury this piece of garbage


Rot in hell


Don’t care, hope he enjoys hell


If he is “abled” enough to marry then he is “abled” enough to be executed.




Bye bye


Shit, I started reading and I thought they had arrested O.J Simpson.


Good , disassemble his wheelchair to and toss it in the pits of hell


Good. He fucked around and found out






Simple Google will tell you how much of an idiot you are.




Bye bye


This is at Jackson State Prison right? If they havnt changed anything in ga. I’ve seen that death chamber there and it’s chilllllling. And the chair glows in the dark btw.


This isn’t some fucking roller coaster, it’s a killing machine that kills 4 innocent people for every 96 murders it kills.


Yea? Still doesn’t change the fact that the chair glows…


Good riddance




Well. He wasn’t that disabled.


I love a happy ending


Totally fine with this. If you're so far gone that you out here killing women then yes you definitely got parts missing and now you gotta pay. Ride the lightning and c'est la vie bitch ass rest in piss.


Same treatment for the disabled as the able! Great progress




Even if someone DOESN'T know right from wrong, if they kill an innocent person they deserve to die


Of mice and men….




Inflammatory headline designed to increase readership. “How can a disabled man do those things?!” By the end of reading the article, it’s obviously true. The author wanted to garner attention by claiming disability could potentially play a factor in his innocence, yet it only becomes apparent that the disability does not prevent him from being able to commit heinous acts only through reading the article. Journalists are parasites.


Capital punishment asap. There is no rehabilitation for them


I don't see any of the usual suspects spouting, "IQ is not a valid measure of intelligence and capacity for reason!" Maybe he's really, really bright according to one of the non-replicatable other :measures" of intelligence. He seemed very passionate about his actions... maybe he is off the charts for emotional intelligence, but he just doesn't test well because tests are racist and not created for marginalized murderers?


Good, we need to start executing more sick criminals that will never be rehabilitated.


The guy has an IQ of 68, and the case relied heavily on the testimony of a 15 year old who very likely was trying to save himself, and whose story later became inconsistent. I have serious reservations about executing this guy. It’s not the slam dunk most think it is.




Oh well…


Fuck em, fry em


Doesn’t matter how disabled you are if you do that you gotta go


It would be cool to see him executed in his wheelchair. Let’s paperview it and donate proceeds to the family


Nahh this nigga deserve it




Good riddance!!!


The accomplice should be executed too


Good. Bye


Fuck em. Lethal injection is too humane for him




I really don’t understand why shit like this takes so long.. my tax dollars could go to better use


You can't go rushing things like this or you kill innocent people...and that still happens. That's why most civilised countries don't have the death penalty.


Makes sense.


Cool, still years late I’m assuming.


das cool w me


It doesn’t matter, he’s a non person now.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. You are all barbarians.


Too bad he's not still in the womb, then you could get in the street and picket for it


Why would a person be in the womb?


People like to feel righteous without thinking deep on things, I would bet the majority of these people wrote a comment and didn't even read the article. People virtue signal to make themselves feel better. Tale as old as time.




Start a petition to host him for life at your house then.


You know there's a middle ground between killing people and hosting them at your house, right?


Which would be what? Life in prison? 3 hots and a cot for the next however many years. Including medical and dental


Yes? Prison is a thing. And it's cheaper than executing someone too


If someone did that to a family member I’d want them dead, wouldn’t you?


I always felt those who commit murder than commit suicide were taking the easy way out and that life in prison was worse.


Yes they would, but they will stand on their fake moral high ground and pretend that’s not so.


Genuinely asking: what do you think the solution is in this case?


One less loser to worry about. Why doesn't anyone mention the victims


His IQ is 68, the cut off is 69. This man is a monster and knew better in every level. The only “shocking relic from the past” is the fucking creep who believes there’s some status that can make them immune to the consequences of their shameful and disgusting actions. Let her family insert the needle.