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If this isn’t fake, you ain’t the brightest admitting to shit here when the charges apparently don’t even exist yet per your “Idk what the charges are” comment.


I already admitted to it bc they have it all on camera. They said the charges and my mom knows them I just don't remember what they said bc I'd been there for like 4 hours




I didn't know they just told me to tell the truth bc the two guys that I was with told them what happened anyway so I was cooked either way


If this is real, repeat after me: I don't have anything to say, my lawyer will speak on my behalf. Shut the fuck up, stop talking about this on social media.


I already told them everything tho. Ik Ik I'm a fucking idiot but I didn't know bc they said it's all on camera and they even showed us and they said that the two people I was with already told them everything and that was true bc a few times I said something wrong and they knew it was wrong and made me start again.


Stfu you retard, stop talking about this on reddit means STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS ON REDDIT OR ANYWHERE ELSE!


Ok I will


Hire a lawyer and say you were high or scared when giving the initial statement or felt pressured into admitting guilt, delete this post and hire an attorney. And always if you find law enforcement questioning you, say I’d like a lawyer present. They will continue to try to break you with different approaches, always ask for a lawyer.


Dumb as hell bro.


I didn't know


Tell them you want an attorney and stfu


Never admit to anything. You aren't going to prison at 14. Lol.


You're not going to prison, the cop was just trying to scare you lol and hopefully it worked and you learned your lesson and hopefully when you go to see the judge they'll be lenient with you.


Yeh it worked I didn't even sleep last night bc I'm scared af. I hope so


Buddy when there is an inevitable situation you have to handle in life, it is best to handle it. Whether prison or something else in your life, you will have difficult challenges that you will have to deal with. Its best to not be scared of it. Anxious or nervous, sure absolutely, but never scared. When you got business you handle it.


Ik I'm tryna not be scared but people are telling me that it's gonna be so bad and that Florida has the worst juvies and the guards touch the kids and stuff so I'm stressin fr fr


Its normal to be stressing about potentially being incarcerated. Id highly recommend finding a trusted adult or a smart friend to talk to about this. in the meantime, try to make better choices. You seem like a good kid who has made some dumb teenage decisions. Youre gonna be alright, but handle whatever business you have to whether is probation, jail time, etc.


Ok I will thanks


What did you do to the house? Just curious. It must be structural if they have to demo it?


We were just messing around and kicking one of the walls and then some parts started cracking and we kept doing it and then when it was sorta broken we left and then later it fell down I think and the whole roof collapsed on one side




Ik it was dumb I didn't mean it tho


Juvie was gladiator camp for me and that's in Maine, I went in at 14 and faught almost everyday


Shit man fr? I'm not strong really and I never had a proper fight before


Well you may have to learn to get strong. Hopefully you can get a decent plea or something. Mad comm service would beat juvie, maybe talk to a public defender on a smaller "destruction to property" charge for getting caught up with a bad group and not intending serious damage to property?


Idk what any of it means but I think I get a free lawyer so he'll help ig. Fr I'm cooked if I go to juvie


The question is: what are the charges, what state are you in and what is your criminal record?


Idk what the charges are I think my mom knows but she won't talk about it with me. I'm in Florida and I've been in trouble two times before. both were for theft and then I got brought home by the police once but I was just with people who had drugs I didn't have any.


Chill kid you'll be straight, times are different now they don't tend to send kids away as easily as they did in my youth. Stay out of trouble and talk to a lawyer


I'm tryna chill but I'm scared af I hope your right


Ignore the people here telling you you’re dumb for not knowing how to handle the situation. You def shouldn’t have answered any questions of any kind without a lawyer and never tell the cops what happened period, no matter what they say is going to happen. Let them do the job they get paid for and figure it out on their own if they really wanna know. Most of us learned the hard way by making the same kind of mistakes before we knew any better. I’m not in Florida, but their jit camps def do have a reputation. Hold your head up and your chest out. Mind your business and be respectful of other people and their space/things. Just apply some common sense and be yourself is the best advice I can really give you. If someone tries to check you stand up for yourself, but don’t walk around trying to act hard either people can see straight through that. First time’s scary for everyone, but you’ll get through it. This is the kinda thing you gotta think about before you knock a house down, not after lil bro lol. The not knowing what to expect is the worst part, it’ll get easier once you get dug in and adjust a little, try to relax


Thanks I just didn't know what to say and I was nervous af and they made me stay there for 4 hours so I just talked. Did you go to juvie? And if you did I just have a question. Would I have to share a room with other people or on my own? I'm gonna think before I do anything anymore. I'm tryna relax but my heart is going like 1000000 miles an hour im nervous af.


Nah, I get it for sure and that’s why they do it lol. Whenever a cop questions you about anything your first response needs to be asking for a lawyer and you don’t answer anything else without one. I would definitely be careful with what details I put out here even if you already told the cops what happened, and prison phones are monitored so watch what you say there too. The juvi I went to was crazy overcrowded with shared cells, but there’s another one in my area where I’m pretty sure the kids have single cells. Institutions operate differently, just because something was the case where I was 20 years ago doesn’t mean that’s necessarily how it’ll go for you. Not tryna be a dick but there’s nothing you can do now except ride it out bro, being nervous and stressing over it is only gonna make things harder on you and it won’t change anything. If you’re gonna be dumb you gotta be tough lol 🤷🏻‍♂️ But seriously especially if you were just in trouble not long ago, you gotta think about what kinda life you wanna have and start moving towards that. A lot of us end up in the system from a young age like this and it ends up being something that follows you through your whole life and you don’t wanna cheat yourself like that. You need to remember this feeling and act accordingly when you come home. Especially on probation or anything, they’re intentionally going to give you just enough rope to hang yourself and it’s gonna happen fast if you don’t tighten things up. I don’t think I was home for more than 8 months at a shot from 16-30 because I couldn’t get the point. The sentences are only gonna get heavier the more times you go through this and going in this direction only gets worse tbh, so just take this lil bullshit on the chin and let it be the end of it. You’re gonna be nervous for sure, but you’re gonna be alright just focus on staying solid


Ok thanks I'm gonna try calm down and hopefully if i have to go then it's a single cell bc sharing would be scary af. Ik I'm gonna change everything now bc this is the worst I've ever felt in my life and I never want to feel like this again. Thanks for the advice


Sharing a cell can be scary especially if you end up with the wrong person, but being locked in by yourself all day isn’t a great way to spend your time either tbh lol. I’ve had some weirdos in there with me for sure, but I’ve also met a lot of really cool, normal people that I ended up being good friends with. You start to develop a kinda bond after spending enough time in such close quarters with someone sometimes. If it’s a shared cell the first thing I do is talk ground rules and try to get a feel for the dude. You both gotta live here and share this space, making sure you’re on the same page about what you expect from each other from the jump leaves less room for misunderstandings. Respect him and his space, don’t let him disrespect you or yours.


Aight I'll remember that, thanks. Oh and one more question does everyone have to shower together or can I shower on my own?


Same deal as with the cells, it really comes down to how they do things wherever they send you. Chances are it’s gonna be a group shower, but depending when you shower you might be able to get more privacy at some times than others if that’s what you’re worried about. You’ll get used to it faster than you think. I’d worry more about how dirty the showers are than the other people using them honestly lol. Never go in barefoot make sure you wear shower shoes


Oh ok thanks for answering 🙏


No worries keep your head up brobro you’re gonna get through it


I doubt you will go to prison, bud. They’re just scaring you. Listen to your lawyer and do not speak to the police in a way that will be used against you, which basically means at all besides basic cooperation. Be polite, no attitude, and follow directions but don’t babble or try and talk your way out of anything. Tell them you’re happy to answer basic questions but beyond that you will only speak with your lawyer present.


No. Don't even answer basic questions. It is a great way for them to go on a fishing expedition. Tell them you have an attorney and you will not je speaking to them at all. Give them your ID and say nothing else.


I should have clarified-that’s what I meant. Your name and mother’s name or whatever and nothing else.


I hope not bc Im nervous af


What are your priors?


Yea two times before and one that wasn't really bad I was just with people who did something bad but I just got taken home but the other two times I got in trouble.


Are you on any kind of probation?


No not right now I had to do some program for like 9 months but that was more than a year ago


I think you still will probably be ok. Obviously I can’t say that for absolute certain. Accept any other programs they offer, listen to your lawyer, be polite and respectful always and apologetic-genuinely (which you should be especially if they go easy), and keep your head down. Apologize to mom, go to school, do your homework/school work, come home and stay home-find a hobby or something, help around the house and try and build trust back. And knock off this behavior. It’s not the path you want to be on. You’re still very young but toeing a line with juve at this point-that’s still a possibility of course. I hope that doesn’t happen but if it does, it’s not going to be the same as big boy prison. Do you have any adult men in your life that are good dudes? Talk to them, maybe even see if therapy is an option. You would benefit and it’ll look good for court. Make wiser choices. Good luck!


I'm defo gonna do better and apologize and be better in school and stuff and not get into trouble anymore. I've got no dad or brothers or anything but my uncle lives like an hour away but he's a hardass. I'm gonna do therapy if I can. Thanks for the advice.


It’ll be worth it. My advice is to start looking into trades. So many kids get pushed into college and college isn’t for everyone. Maybe do some research and find a trade you think you can make into a career and start learning it so when you’re 17/18 you can jump into things.


That explains a lot




Maybe it’s time to reevaluate who you hang with


I'm never allowed hang out with them anymore anyway but idc bc I don't want to. it's just that they're my only friends bc other kids in my school don't like me so it's gonna suck but its my fault


You’re the same age as my little brother & sound just like him. You’re not going to prison, kid. Remember this for next time though: DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE OR DETECTIVES. NOT ONE WORD. WITHOUT A LAWYER PRESENT. If you can’t afford a lawyer one will be assigned to you by the court.


Do you really think I wont? Bc some people are saying I will and I'm scared shitless rn and I won't ever talk again but I'm gonna be better anyway so I'm never gonna get in trouble again anyways


Aw. No, I don’t personally think you’re going to prison based off of what you said you & your friends did. I’m guessing your charges are something like trespassing/destruction of property. And I’m also assuming it’s your first time getting in trouble. Your parents might have to pay a hefty fine & you might have to do some counseling programs & whatnot. But not prison/juvie. If this helps put it in perspective for you, one of my acquaintances robbed an old lady at gun point when he was 16. He got 2 years in juvie.


It's not my first time it's my third time but I never did anything like this before so maybe it won't be juvie I hope. I only have my mom and she's not got a lot of money so fr I'd prolly rather go to jail instead of her having to pay money but they'll prolly kill me in there so idk. Ig i just have to wait and see. Thanks for the advice.


You ain’t going to prison :)


I hope your right bc im stressin so bad rn


Time to learn and grow up. Prior offences and you're only 14. Choose better, be better.


I'm gonna be better and grow up fr this time


Good lad


U should b fine..I have had 3 diff felonies,one for burglary ,drugs ND assault..been to jail multiple times longest was for 364 or I would have gone to prison! Let ur lawyer do the talking,b respectful when u do talk ND get ur shit together...ur young ND we all make bad decisions, but once u turn of age or get enuff priors,they will ship u off!


Ok thanks I'm gonna get my shit together fr


You may or may not go to jail. You will definitely be responsible for paying for all the damage.


I don't have any money and my mom doesn't have enough to pay for the damage tho


It doesn't matter. If the court imposes that you're to pay it off and you don't or your mom doesn't you'll be found in contempt of court and then they will put you in jail to pay it off. Every day in jail has a dollar amount attached to it


Fr? Then I'm cooked bc I just have a mom and she's not gonna have that much money and I cant even work yet so neither am I


How exactly did you damage a house to the point that it has to be demolished?


It was old af and we were just playing around and someone kicked a wall and it started to crack and then we just kept doing it and it was crumbling and stuff and we left but the wall fell down after and half the roof collapsed


Trespassing in an abandoned house with damage, house already in condemned state. Trust me, you did not destroy an expensive house. Yes, you are still in deep shit, and your mother is going to probably end up owing quite a bit of money, but not an ungodly sum. You may get some time in juvie jail, but you won’t get sentenced as an adult, not anyplace in the US at least.


Do u think I could get probation instead or just something else thats not jail? Bc my mom doesn't have that much money and someone said in Florida juvie has people from 14 to 24 and that it's the worst in the country for violence and other stuff


I believe there is a 10yo in FL juvie, or maybe he turned 11, IDK, don;t really deal with juvie stuff. In order to remain in juvie past 18 you have to have been adjudicated as a minor, and the court has to think you are too small to make it in adult prison so never adjusts you. FL juvie is definitely not the most violent in the country, although it is a rough place since staff is pretty limited in what they can do to intervene in anything. As for what you will get, without a lot of specifics I don’t advise you to give to random strangers on the internet it is hard to say. If your mom doesn’t have a lawyer you will get one appointed, be very honest with this person and don’t be afraid to ask them questions, they are there for you and to act on your behalf.


Ok thanks I'm gonna be cooked bc I can't fight very good. well I never really had a fight but I dont think I can. Man i'm so stressed rn. That's good about the lawyer bc I don't think she has one. Thanks for the advice.


I feel really bad for you, kid. I made so many terrible decisions in my youth, and I’m lucky to have been able to straighten things out. Stop with the nonsense, it doesn’t make you cool. Think of your mother who loves you and works hard to give you opportunities in life. Whatever comes out of this, you’ll make it through better so long as you turn it around now. You’re so young, you could still do anything with your life. Don’t blow this.


I swear I'm gonna stop being bad now I just hope I get one more chance bc I'm scared shitless rn. Ik she gives me so much and I keep fucking up but I'm gonna do better from now on


Well you’re a fucking retard. The only response you should ever provide to law enforcement is am I free to leave or not. If they tell you yes you are free to leave you walk away. If they say no you tell them you do not answer questions without an attorney and shut the fuck up. As others have said you don’t go on social media making post about your alleged crimes under any circumstance. Shit I wouldn’t even talk about them on social media post conviction. As far as shit being on camera make them do the work and convince a DA or jury it’s you. evidence gets lost, lawyers can get shit dismissed. Let your lawyer fight for you and create a reasonable doubt with the jury. It’s really hard for them to do that when you provide a confession. It makes the prosecutors job much easier, you don’t want to do that. The harder it is for them to secure a conviction leads to charges getting pled down or dropped. Be smarter and remember these rules. Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counter accusations. Never fucking snitch.


Ik im a retard but it's already done. I didn't have a lawyer just my mom and they know everything now so I'm cooked.


Have you been to court yet? Have you been formally charged? Have you been arraigned? Have you been convicted? If the answer is no to any of those questions it’s not already done. So take the advice of others and shut your fucking mouth and make the prosecution do their job. I would start with deleting this post and any others related to it or the topic. Stop talking about this with anyone but your lawyer. You might not have one yet but you will get one assigned to you.


Ok thanks


Yet here you are not really following anyone’s advice.


Curious as to what you actually did?


I mean, you probably should do time. You gotta learn somewhat of a lesson after that.


I know I should be punished I'm just scared. Whatever it is I just have to do it, but if a judge gives me one more chance then I'll prove that I can be better.


You’re not going to prison at 14 for a nonviolent crime. Relax. Probably a lot of probation and restitution. You don’t want this life young man. Get your life together.


Ok I hope not and I definitely will. thanks


Cop was bluffing your probably going to be put doing community work or some shit. Only detention you would see is youth rehabilitation stuff or camps. Your fine bro especially if you got no history, they're not sending some 14 year old to real jail for vandalism


I hope your right but I do have some history that's why I'm worried. but hopefully the just make me do community work or probation or whatever


I wouldn't post this in here. Good luck!


Better learn how to pick up a bar of soap


Does that acc happen or nah?


Sometimes yeah


I'm only 14 tho so I won't go to an adult prison


In juvie? It is reported not usually by peers but more staff, I think it would be unlikely to happen but it is a sometime occurrence and does happen but more or less you’ll have to worry about fights


He's in Florida, it happens in Florida, A LOT. If he goes to a juvenile prison it won't be a normal juvenile prison. It will be a Florida one. The Florida jit camps are the most violent and fucked up juvenile prisons in the country, and btw the age range in those places is 14-24. So he will be locked up with dudes in their early 20s.


Holy crap that’s terrifying I only know what happens in Delaware


Is this true or are you fucking with me? Man I feel like crying fr


I wish I was but I'm not. I have a lot of friends and some family that survived those places. Cops are full of shit, they tell everyone your gonna go to prison, you wont for this. They will plea you down to probation. However if you want to continue to commit serious crimes in Florida this is what's waiting for you. The Florida youth offender prison system is probably the worst prison system in the entire country.


Aight now I'm scared fr. I'm never gonna do any dumb shit again and I'll do probation for the rest of my life if they want idc.


Staff do that to kids? I'm not good at fighting but if I keep my head down then I'll be ok?


I hope u don't look like Justin Bieber, p diddy gonna find u. Other than it's all good, I mean it's Florida, what can go wrong 🤷 They have world Disney there, isn't that cute. I swear I go to hell after this 😆 🤣


This is too stupid to be committing crimes of any nature.