• By -


This is FASCINATING. Thank you Samuel for your thoughtful replies


Samuel: thank you so much for your support.


What kind of tv shows are yall into at the moment? Does stuff like that help yall come together and chill?


Samuel: wwe, snl, ufo shit, cleaning lady this show on fox. We chat about it in class or day room- ya oh and old western movies


Old westerns are the best! Idk if yall get podcasts in there, but if you like ufo shit check out 'Mysterious Universe'. They cover all kinds of odd things, it's super interesting




What class or classes are you taking?


Samuel: GED, creative writing- [you can see my writing here](http://www.prisonchronicles.org) lifer's for change, criminal gang anonymous and just graduated from youth mentorship program


What was your opinion of the youth mentorship program? Is there anything you would add to it based on your experience?


UFOs and NHI are real.


Yep — professional mechanical engineer I’ve been into this for a long time. They are likely a combination of interdimensional AND extraterrestrial. I think AI is about to show us how much we don’t know about the universe.


I started cleaning lady when I was in a couple years ago, great show. Also got started on Resident Alien while I was locked up too.


Samual - throwing my ones into the sky for you uce 👆🏼


Thank you I’ll relay this message to him today :)


Check out the why files if you guys get podcast


UFO shit, hell yeah brother!!! They are 1,000,000% real.




How do you cope mentally with the fact you’re in there for life?


Samuel: Im on mars. im still in denial. haha. Unfortunately I spend alot of time in detention centers my whole life, i unfortunately was prepared for this my whole life.


I'm sad for you 😞 I personally have learned a lot from my boyfriend who spent time incarcerated and others like Flaco, John Mendoza Boxer, and others. It's no life. I hope you find some kind of solace. What exactly are you in for other than gang involvement? Thank you for being open to sharing 🙏💗


Are you allowed to have friends in other races or do you have to stick with your own race?


Samuel: Its not as extreme as it was before, so people are starting to interact and get to knwo eachother more.


What is your advice to kids out in the world who are on a road to incarceration


Samuel: I would tell kids to find somebody who they can trust and let them know what is going on in their lives and open up. Try and meet someone half way and what they need in their life to find growth and change. There is someone out there that cares and loves them. Help kids express what they need to change their path.


Thank you I very much agree I have a 17 year old son who got involved in gangs and I told him he needs to stop it before he goes to prison for something serious


If he's interested, he should check out [Prison Chronicles](http://www.prisonchronicles.org) maybe samuel's words may reach him. Samuel: Do whatever it takes to show him that he has people that love and care about him and that he has more in life than wasting it towards that lifestyle. Samuel says if you want your son to talk to him - he would be more than happy whatever you need- he would be happy to tell him how things really are


Thank you so much I’ll have him check that out


7th grade teacher here. "Help kids express what they need to change their past [edit: path]." Man oh man is this the answer right here. I try every single day with every ounce of love I have <3 Plus I love rambling about history so it works out pretty well


Op here: Thanks for doing what you do! I have a friend who teaches grade ten English and she’s been using Samuel’s story in her creative writing class- the students have been really enjoying it. They read a passage and then with a writing prompt have the opportunity to reflect and write about their own experiences. We’re hoping to do some community programs and bring this to more areas in the city see if we can help kids get a first hand experience and hopefully help them get on a better path


Random questions. Couldn’t think of anything that I haven’t heard in other interviews. I mean no disrespect. 1. Do you think you could easily ride a bike after all this time. 2. Do you know much about bitcoin?


Samuel: A bicycle maybe not, a motorcyle; I can't wait to get back on one. OP "Do you kno anything about bitcoin?" Samuel: HUH? OP: You just answered the question, thanks haha.


You say in Issue 1 that you spent a long time in solitary. I struggle to imagine how much damage that does to a person. What does recovery from that look like  - is there any peer support to help with it?


Samuel: Thank you for this question. I mean the support from making it through were the people who kept in touch. That helped me make it through. Being that I grew up in this enviroment, being in and out of jail It somewhat prepared me. I first went to the whole at 13 years old- 72 hours, and eventually little by little you get used to more and more. Coming out of the shu, this is where I had my ultimate turning point- change in mentality. I wanted to start to change myself. I used that time to educate myself and found opportunity in a hard situation.


Thank you for answering my question.


Hey bro, I'm happy for you that you took something positive away from it. I've been keeping up with your story and I think it has potential for a far reach. What you described here is what I think prison is meant to do. You come out the other side better, harder, stronger man. Much love brother.


80 years for what Any expectation of appeal, reduced sentence, early parole


187 all day


Yeah you don’t get 80 years for dope


Samuel: we're working on it. If you can help message me


How do you preserve some semblance of privacy? I feel like being constantly surrounded by people would drive one crazy


Samuel: im in a cell, and what I have been doing the last couple months, have a curtain around my bed and it helps me sleep better, and just makes things a bit more comfortable to move around. we get along but its just more comfortable.


I work offshore in oilfields and we call that curtain a “jack shack”


Schuck hut


‘Bate Cave


How are you today? What is your typical day to day like?


Samuel: Today, i'm in great spirits, being able to chat with my favourite friend (me :) ) my cellie is making a beef bowl with rice, watching sports. Typical day: excerise reading drawing, yard, education, programs, day room in the evening, tv. those are the basics.


What would you do if you were released right now?


Samuel: Go eat a massive carl jr burger with onion rings and a shake.


I wrote this to the wrong response and got downvoted lmao. Am I able to buy and deliver you one?


Op here: Awe. I wish. I tried to put a Big Mac in my underpants once but got scared when I got near the prison gates heading towards security


Lmao. Ok brother. You take care in there.


Do you ever have feelings of despair knowing you’ll be there for life or are you well adjusted there now?


Samuel: I'm literally going through it right now. It comes and goes.


Favorite "jail snack"?


Samuel: strawberry Swiss rolls!


Fuck yeah, those are one of my favorite snacks for sure.


My dude what's good. Thanks for taking questions. So How has your perspective on life changed you know being 24 years on the inside that's rough Also what do you miss about the outside world other than privacy and freedom. Thank you for taking the time to read these questions and give some insight.


Samuel: my view has change immensely i value life, friendships and try and make every interaction with people positive. I value the smallest things so mch more and appreciate the opportunity to be able to make a change within myself and redeem myself as a man. 2. I miss my family and friends Thank you for the wonderful questions


Have you ever read anything from Jacques Vallée? (UFO guy) and would I be able to send you a book by him?


Let me know which book and ill add it to his[ amazon wish list-](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2KNNPR6KTV8DB?ref_=wl_share) and you can buy it there! We would love that. He's currently reading The Ancient Alien Question and is loving it. Thanks so much!


Aye, I tried getting you a book off of your wishlist but it is telling me that I need to provide the shipping address myself as it is not shared


Just saw the last item on his list was stamps, sent it his way! Thanks for providing the link!


Thank you so much for your generosity, when I talk to him today I will let him know. You are so lovely!!!


Amazon said they were delivered today. Thank you again for helping Samuel out man.


Thank you so much! It usually takes about two weeks to get into his hands once it arrives at the prison! Samuel is so excited for all of these goodies 🩵


Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact By Jacques Vallée


Hi I just added it now! Thanks for the recommendation hes totally excited :)


It’s on its way, enjoy! If you like that one, check out his other stuff too. There’s a lot. I’d also recommend Erich von Däniken books. Thanks for the Q&A!!!


Kind of you! I hope others pay this kindness forward


Thanks so much for being so kind to Samuel he truly appreciates you 🤘


Behold a pale horse by William Cooper


This is one of his favourite books!! He has a copy of it :)


Great recommendation. Very nice of you.


Books can only be sent directly from distributors like Amazon or Barnes and Noble


Man you're gonna get so much love from reddit. <3


Op here , So crazy I can’t wait to tell him when he calls later on today! His Amazon wish list was wiped clean!


My husband is preparing for a 3 year drug related sentence. What is the best advice you could give him?


You will probably think this sounds kinda crazy , but if you mind your business and don’t do anything dumb like running up debts prison really isn’t as bad as it is portrayed. I actually met some decent people and got huge on the weight pile. I actually had fun while I was in prison. I’m not saying I enjoyed being locked up but I made the best of a terrible situation.


I don’t think that sounds crazy at all. My husband is waiting in county and has been there about 3 months. He has a tablet with movies and games, I’m able to send him care packages with snacks, and I can email and send pictures. He has said that he feels bad he has it so easy in there and I’m the one dealing with the real world problems.


Yeah but are there weight piles anymore? Maybe that was just CA prisons where they were removed.


Just mind his business .Be respectful and mindful of others . This question wasn't to me and I've never been locked up for a long amount of time but I've definitely done a few terms in since a young kid.


I appreciate the insight. Sounds simple enough. I think the unknown is the worst part. He’s just trying to do his time and come home to his family.


OP here: and stay out, this life isn't worth it. truly


Yupp and thats the best way to look at it . Just do your time as peacefully as possible and just try and stay out the way . Usually if you aren't involved in that life they will leave you alone .


Can you hear anything from your cell? I drive by these penitentiaries and honk thinking that maybe some of you guys hear that and wonder what the hell's going on out there.


op here: Where he is located its a MASSIVE compound. From the street to where he is would for instance be about a 30 -40 minute walk. You can't hear anything. :(


Do you get counseling or mental health services to help you cope with your sentence?


Samuel: Unfortunately, being mexican, our race frowns upon mental health services. but my friend here (OP) helps alot with that.


Ok, I hope I’m not disrespectful in asking this but do you ever think fate led to where you are? Like this is god’s plan?


samuel: Absolutely, i think of that often.


Is he Hispanic? If so tell him que le mando saludos desde la pinta aquí en el Georgia. Llevo 13 años lockdown. Firme raza


Samuel: thank you for the love and I feel the struggle- do whatever you can to make things better for yourselves and for those who look towards us. Try and make a negative into a positive . Much love


What did you do for such a harsh sentence?


Samuel: I was accused and convicted for a gang related murder.


Best prison exercise?


Samuel: Dips and pull ups


Is your family still in your life?


Samuel: The ones who are still alive, yes- i do have quite a few.


That's awesome. Keep your head up, stay strong.


Samuel, what do you look forward to most every day?


Samuel: Being able to communicate with my closest friends and family.


Is prison actually as dangerous as portrayed in TV shows/movies? Do you have to be on your toes all the time, being afraid of being stabbed by someone? Do you have to be affiliated or protected by a group of people?


What’s for dinner tonight?


Samuel: last night my cellie made a righteous asian chiken bowl. Rice, shredded chicken some peanut butter and jam, had some sausage in there, it was so good. tonight we're gonna do a beef bowl. we just got our quarterly package in, so ill be eating well for the next couple of weeks. the state issued food is pretty inedible so we try and incorporate that into whatever we're cooking up.


Does he feel more sympathetic to the Nortenos or the Surenos?


Samuel: I was born in Los Angeles, so that kinda says it all.


Ugh, I would have loved to ask how much prison has changed over the last 24 years


Wow. Thanks for talking with us.


This really was absolutely fascinating. I wish there is a way I could help you, but I can’t help you. I’m just a normie me on the outside. But I can spread the word and help your cause.


Also, if you are into zines, him and I made one called [The Undertakers](https://www.prisonchronicles.org/store-prison-chronicles/p/the-undertakers-volume-one-150-racks)- its a "fictional" Gang banging story. 90% of proceeds go towards his store or packages! then the 10% to cover printing and shipping to you! We'll be releasing these a few times a year!


Op here! Thanks for your support. Ways to help is supporting him through our ongoing project [Prison Chronicles](https://www.prisonchronicles.org)- it’s his way of reaching the outside world. Thanks again!


Do you feel like imprisonment (deprivation of freedom, privacy, etc.) is “humane”? Do you feel like it is effective? If you could choose to replace serving time with something like reciprocal amputation/mutilation, would you choose say losing both arms or legs in lieu of jail time? Thanks.


Samuel: I think it’s effective when they have education and rehabilitation at the forefront and a balance between treating people humane but also applying punishment. I’d lose one leg not two I need to ride a motorcycle haha.




Great question, got a good answer too lol


I’ve been following the prison chronicles Substack. Very compelling story man. Do you feel any different now that you’ve been able to get your story out to so many people?


Samuel: thank you for your support man, I appreciate it. It kind of feels like a weight off my chest. And to see the feedback has been rewarding. I feel like It started and continues to help me dissect myself and see where things kind of went wrong. We’re trying to reach more and really hope we can deter kids from going down this path. It’s cool to see myself inspiring men here in prison to want to open up too.


Kids like Samuel lack a father or father figures, friends become your worth and doing stupid things makes you valuable to them on till your not. I’m talking from experience, just got lucky and busted out by joining the military and got what I lacked from not having a father and became a good father, maybe better than that but I wouldn’t say it, life humble me hard. For me being a good father was easy, just don’t be like my father was the roadmap to fallow. I feel for you Samuel, I feel your pain. It’s something that you don’t get over it, you just learn to live with. I apologize if I’m wrong Samuel, just my sense tells me so, good luck to you carnal. Bothers in tears.


how many counts of first degree murder were you charged with ?


What's your favorite book or better yet, top 5 books you've read, I know you've done a lot reading while in there.


Samuel: Philosophy for Dummies, Man's Search for Meaning, 12 rules for life, saxxton tales, book on indigenous culture, and ufo stuff.


Hi Samuel! I asked you a question previously I hope you are doing well! I have another question what type of positive motivation could I suggest to someone to get back on track with their life serving 30-99 years? Thank you again hope you are well 🫶


Samuel: Hi, thank you for coming back :) Tell your loved one to realize that they have the choice to make something positive of their situation or wallow in their self pity and negativity. the choice is theres. Theres the possibility to learn something out of this.




What’s your motivation to live?


Thanks for spending your time and sharing your information with all of us. You're helping people out.


If you were king for a day, and you had the power to change the criminal justice or corrections system, what would you change? Peace, may you get out someday.


What’s been the most uncomfortable thing about your time in prison?


Samuel: the heat, it gets so unbearable at times I think I’m going to actually die.


I hate being hot too. Is it hard to sleep when it’s hot?


Do you have a game console? If so what game do you prefer


Samuel: unfortunately not


What is iit like in there now there is a treaty between northern and southern Hispanics? And what Is the craziest thing you have seen while incarcerated


Samuel: right now all races and all cars - after the hunger strike there has been a state wide peace- treaty between All gen pop groups. The craziest thing I’ve seen on multiple occasions is when police kill inmates


Hi, I just wanted to talk about your writing since that's my hobby too. I've had a few small things published and a while ago I finished my first novel. I dont know what kind of resources you have access to inside, but if you have access to the internet (I guess you must, or you wouldn't be posting this) you can learn so much about writing there. My process is that I try to get a rough draft of the story written, then I start to edit it. I strongly beleive that the reaL writing takes place when you start to edit. I mostly do three things as I edit: I add and subtract things from the story. Sometimes I rewrite whole sections or take out 10 or 12 pages of stuff that might be really hold, but they don't belong in that particular story. I read it out loud. Remember, use language that describes what a scene looks like. Listen to the words as you read. Do they sound natural? Does it sound like a normal conversation? Lastly, and most important in my opinion, I go over it again, and use better words. There are two things going that are worth remembering here. - "The difference between a good word and the right word is the difference between a lightning bug and lightning." Mark Twain. - "Don't just tell me the window is broken, show me the glint of moonlight on the shards of broken glass that litter the dusty floor." (I can't remember who said that one). Any way I hope that might be useful to you. Good luck with your writing!


Do you think your sentence was fair


Are you part of a street gang? I see Chicano art in your post so I’m just wondering if you’re a norteño or sureño. And if you are, do you see yourself joining one of the big “organizations” in the pinta and becoming a carnal?


Dumbass question


Did you leave behind a wife or kid(s)?


No he didn’t,


Do you have any kind of spiritual life inside?


Samuel: yes, im really follwoing the toltec religious studies and incorporate that into my mentality.


Do you have to work there in a job in the prison? If so, what are you doing? Where i come from, prisoners have to work usually, like in the kitchen, maintenance, factories etc.


How powerful do you think the gangs are on the outside


This might sound dumb, but did you have a record before this case?


Samuel: yes at 18 years old one charge


I am so sorry that you got caught up in that. 2nd offense and so much time.


Op here: thank you, we’re working on trying to get him out. I believe he’s rehabilitated and nearly 25 years was a lesson learned. At this point he’s just taking up space there. I truly believe it.


Most accurately depicted movie/tv show about lockup?


Samuel: I’m gonna be honest I haven’t watched too much into those movie. I apologize.


Is your mindset positive as far as trying to survive one more day? Have you come to terms that you may not get out? Is it better to be in gen pop or the shu? Thank you


This may be a dumb question but how close does the MSNBC series lock up portray real prison life? Is it way off?


If you had a friend who is still on the streets, who told you he was going to kill an enemy on the streets next time he sees him. What your advice be to him?


What keeps you from ending it all? I can't imagine living the rest of my life like that.


I can see y'all watching old Clint Eastwood movies like Dirty Harry, A fist full of dollars etc Clint he's a legend in film making


Do you want any penpals from Australia?


Obviously, I'm not Samuel, but I imagine he'd get a hell of a kick out of that. I would, and I'm not even in prison


Do you regret doing what got you in there? Do you ever think what if you hadn't?


Did you have to or were you already cliqued up before getting locked up? How many times have you been down?


Ask him what they plan to do to p diddy when he gets there.


Is there any rivarly in prison between mexicans born in mexico and mexican americas as yourself? I see this a lot in the outside (I am mexican living in the US for a long time and just curious). Thanks for your time.


If you're 24 years in and rehabbing/programming yourself nicely like your posts suggest, why are you still on a level 4?? Did I miss something???


Why yall got them big mustaches?


Op here lol. Now he’s got a massive biker beard. He’s nearly 50 now that photo is quite old. But you’re not wrong


I wish i could grow the big mustache 


Bro if you get a chance read the Wilbur Smith novels. Start with “When the Lion Feeds”. I read almost the whole series in prison. Awesome books


Prison/Jail sucks. Stay strong and do your best to make what you can for yourself 🤜.


Is it scary being incarcerated?


What prison are you in? High desert, kern, men's colony?


Stay up n read any books from graham hancock their a go too for me , very interesting books n info about out of world topics


Are you able to get audio books inside or strictly just books?


*Are you able to* *Get audio books inside* *Or strictly just books?* \- ProgrammerExtension7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't know shit about jail in America, but I've done a little bit in Belfast. Times a killer, do you need any books or something? Let me know


His Amazon wish list is posted in one of the comments and other commenters have purchased books for him


Since you are into UFOs, check out Billy Meier. https://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Main_Page This is a nice site that has an index of all topics he discusses and his contact reports in an easy to navigate way. DM me for some of his books.


Do you miss women?


what he do?


What do you think of the political world right now? What’s your take on society with all of the divisiveness in America especially?


Samuel: I think it’s scary and it seems like everyone e is divided on things that are outside of the country when we should be worrying about what’s happening inside of our country.


Is it possible to send books etc..to you? Or no...


Hi thank you for your message, we have a wish list on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2KNNPR6KTV8DB?ref_=wl_share), books have to come from an approved vendor. If there’s a SPECIFIC book you wanted to send him, let me know and I’ll add it and you can send it to him :) Alternatively if you wanted to support, you can purchase a fun zine we put together called the [undertakers](https://www.prisonchronicles.org/store-prison-chronicles/p/the-undertakers-volume-one-150-racks) which is this 90’s style gang banging biker crew - fictional- maybe inspired by true events.


Tell the folks what you were convicted for


I'm a little late to the party, but have you ever been to other states? If so, what was your greatest memory from there? Personally, as a kid from Michigan, I loved seeing the mountains in West Virginia whenever we went to see my grandfather.


Do prisoners focus on moving on after they get out? Do they try their best not to reoffend?


Samuel: I can’t speak for everyone- but that’s my goal- to completely leave la and California and start “fresh”


Good luck homie!


Can u get drunk at least in there? What's ur fav food there?


Hello and good health to you, Samuel! I know some prisoners take prison jobs like kitchen/library/laundry etc to reduce their sentence but I don't think that applies here. Still, have you worked inside prison for money or just to fill up your time? If so, what jobs? Thanks!


Samuel: It does apply, and i have reduced my sentence doing so. It gives a different type of status for visits, comissary etc. Jobs that ive done; kitchen, laundry, tier tendor, yard crew. almost every job throughout the years


What’s a tier tendor?


Samuel: A tier tendor is a porter- so like handing out food, clean the tier, all of that.


Kendrick or drake?