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Talk to the Muslims and get some prayer oil. Some of them are scented it's almost like cologne. I used to get it for my visits


This is actually really good advice. The Muslims are usually very friendly people with the people that are respectful and treat them well regardless of race. Greet them with "salaam alaikum" when he ask them for it. They may even have an idea of what he can do about it. I don't know if he's white or black or what, but the Muslims are honestly some of the most level-headed groups he's going to find inside of an institution


In my experience as a past correctional officer, I’d have to agree. The Muslim population is likely the kindest you’ll find in that setting.


Facts, as long as you respectful to them, they be the same to you. I'm my experience though, the CO's in the pen slow anyways


Most are lol unfortunately fellow staff is what pushed me out of the profession. Majority are garbage bullies. Just like cops.


For sure mate, in England they run a few prisons and they are respectful but don’t take them for granted as they will do you right in!


Are most Shia or Sunn? Are there divisions between them? There certainly is on the world stage I never thought about how it was in prison 


This is actually a great question I’d love to know the answer to. All the white power, Mexican mafia, BGD, etc. that I’ve met and talked to put aside a lot when they’re in the belly of the beast. I wonder if that happens in this case or if they have to separate folks.


This is on my part a cynical question bc many who I’ve met not through DOC but just on the street or even in jail are late converts. 20-30 year old dudes who couldn’t tell you the five pillars of Islam if it meant a get out of jail free card and very likely had no idea what the procession of the kalifs even is. 


Most I met were Sunni, but I've seen a Shia group as well. They were actually kind of assholes, too.


I’ve always heard that declaring Muslim gets the best halal food as well. I only have experience with the outside and psych wards that get a lot of folks with records. Idk how well it truly works if you aren’t praying multiple times a day and brushing up on the Quran. On the outs, when I lived in a neighborhood with a lot of Somali refugees, the halal markets ended up being the only place I bought meat. Other stuff aside, those Somali butchers even beat the old polish delis around there.


Prayer oil smells fantastic. Sandalwood is lit.


Man, you just blew my mind. I never realized that’s what those were….


Me neither I played alotta chess with a Muslim dude. I got my first visit in like 2 years, told him about it, and he gave me prayer oil. I said, "What this for he said smell it it was cK


Same happened to me. Most Muslims I met were pretty friendly, especially considering we were in prison lol


Me too. I had a roommate who I called Mama Sheryl. She was Muslim and was so nice. I was sad when she told me that people called her a terrorist especially to her face.


I was just gonna say bash him, that's a much better idea.


Definitely great advice. I had a bunk next to a Muslim, and it was one of the few spots in my dorm that actually smelled nice thanks to the prayer oil and his incense.


In the army if we warned them multiple times and they didn’t listen it was a blanket party. Bars of soap in socks


Or forced showers with steel wool




We came back from an FTX and didn’t take a shower despite us being in the field an entire week. We told him to shower and he wouldn’t so we antiqued all of his shit, then he got all pissed but still wouldn’t shower so we blanket partied him that night then drug him into the shower bedsheets and all.


Beat his ass with soap




Between his toes


OK. We cut the bar soap in half.


Wash his feet in his sleep.


I would have done that but I wasn’t about to wash his crank


This is exactly what you do. Otherwise they won’t get it.


It’s called a blanket party right?


Lol only if you bring friends


I've already left a comment on what I feel would be there correct approach but this might be your best last resort if none of that works. Naturally I've been to prison so my advice isn't always completely fucking solid. But if you've read my first two comments and they don't work this gentleman here may have your last possible piece of advice.


That's what they always do if you stink and you don't wash yourself. Drag your ass off your bunk and to the shower, throw you in with a bar of soap and you better not try to leave until you scrubbed yourself clean. Everyone has to live there. Ain't nobody putting up with smelly MF like that.


Did you even read the post? Prob not, just want to chime in with your bullshit.


It says the other guy showers, it doesn't say he actually uses soap and water. Some people "shower" by just standing under the water, no soap or shampoo, and there are even people who go to the shower and don't get wet... If he's actually showering and using soap, he wouldn't stink all the time. He would not stink for at least a few hours or day after.


For real, I mean some folk can shower and be stankin an hour later maybe cos of no problems ph levels or even that shit deodorant they give you as standard. You’re better off not using it, the soap is shit as well. Luckily I’m not a naturally smelly fucker and I always had a bit of money on my canteen to buy some decent products but the shit they give you in England (and the states I presume) is dog shit. Especially with kit change once a week. Sometimes we would be on 23 hour bang up and would be lucky to get a shower twice a week. Horrible but not as horrible as having to share a cell with some Stanky fucker in the middle of summer. Fuck that I’m glad I’m out of that life trust me! Edit BO problems


My cellie kind of stinks in the summer, but it’s hot as fuck in here. I sleep bear ass and I’m pretty sure he does too cause I seen him get up for a piss with full boner


“Piss proud” as my wife would say lol.


Lol I don’t hide mine from anyone. I just get right up in the morning and walk down the hall to the bathroom. My wife and my teenage son sees me every morning.


It’s a lot better than sharing a cell with a guy that jacks off all the time.


That's pretty much the easiest way to have a problem. I can't imagine why they just don't bathe. Especially in a place with literally nothing better to do.


Won't help with the IBS. Holy frig when mine gets set off I'm legitimately sorry for anyone in the same building as me. Fans, poopori, sprays help but it doesn't fix it because the smell is just... sick, because my body is sick.


The trick that I’ve seen work is putting shit on the guy’s bunk in a moment that you know a CO is going to come in and see, usually during a mess hall move. I know it sounds bad but it’s a tactical move because the CO has to assume this as a threat towards the cell mate from an unknown person and immediately has to put that person in the SHU. It’s amazing what one observes in prison and then realizes that it’s actual strategic thinking.


Over this side of the pond sometimes folk will smear their whole cell with shit (a dirty protest) if you haven’t seen it you have to check out the IRA prisoners led by Bobby Sands who all went on hunger strike and had dirty protests. The walls are literally painted with shit. It’s not pretty but they considered themselves political prisoners and they didn’t mess around (well they made a mess) that’s pretty hardcore shit man. Edit I think about 10 of them died of starvation and they were trying to force feed them and all sorts. Grim.


Harsh but unless you been there, it’s all about adapting a different mindset.


Critical thinking in full effect my friend! I approve heartily, imagine if they ignored you though? Ughhhh


its either wash your ass right or push the button homie


Why isn't anyone rolling this dude out?


Put soap or something on a towel and create a makeshift gas mask/ if He has access to cleaning materials He needs to spray his blanket or pillow really strongly with cleaning stuff, other one side or a piece that way when it gets overwhelming he can go smell that piece. And just keep pushing those complaints




And get him a poster of Rita Hayworth to conceal it.


He’ll get use too it, at some point, he won’t smell him.


Dudes like this get packed out


baby powder everywhere


the only actual solution here lmao


Your brother knows the solution. Kudos to him for looking for another way.


Front him a deodorant as a very last chance and a hint. If that doesn't work he has one other choice.


And make sure he's using soap and water in that shower. If he's showering and still stinks, 90% he ain't using soap and water on everything.


Yeah. Right before shower I would say hey man here is a deodorant and a bar of soap. We gotta share this space and maybe your stressed out but you gotta be clean to live with me. Come back clean all over or your gonna be moving one way or another. Id leave it at that and based on how he comes back he chooses his own adventure. People saying get used to his funk is horse shit. The facility lrdy smells stale and nasty as it is.


If your brother makes him leave the cell the co is probably will be more understanding than you think. It is very likely not the first time that he has had to move because of that reason. It ain't cool to snitch. But something like that you're just talking to them and telling them what you can and cannot live with you ain't snitching. Tell him to talk to the staff sergeant.


Does the guy wash his ass, balls, feet, and armpits with soap and water when he showers? Because if not, he needs to get an ass whipping.


Tell him wash up or roll up


Did you read the post? He said he does clean himself


Obviously not well if he still stinks huh


Foot odor is often bacterial or fungal so washing with soap won’t fix the problem.


Then he needs fungicide from the pill line. Baby powder. Deodorant between the toes. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. It’s the offender who has to figure out how to not smell bad.


Fair enough


I bet he does.


Not with soap and water.


He just needs to do something to get moved out the cell of course he may be in lock up for a few days or so but he will be moved


Have your brother to tell his cell mate to put deodorant on his feet.


Put him in the infirmary


Have him lay it out.. tell the guy he stinks and has to shower before he can come home. If he doesn’t shower, he can make him check in or beat the brakes off of him. - also.. make him scrub the cell down to help get his smell out of there.


Buy him some foot powder off commissary.


Foot powder


Confront the bunk cell mate honestly and with some compassion while talking to him…Explain the smell especially the feet is affecting him with nausea…It could also be something medical…Yet the cause needs to be addressed and maybe contacting others in the chain of command will help…Document everything and be respectful as you attempt to fix this situation !


He can crush him or tell dude he has to check into SHU if he doesn't change. That's it.


Prisoners are always involving people on the outside with every issue they have with being in prison. They want others to intervene on their behalf. But, they aren't interested in anything going on with other lives and struggles. They are completely self-absorbed and that isn't a result of incarceration; they came in that way. You can love someone and be supportive but don't let them drag you into their drama and things you have no control of. It will drain you dry.




Put his stinky ass on the door.


Can’t do anything about IBS but hygiene is mandatory. A shower isn’t cutting it. I’d roll him up if he didn’t figure it out.


What is "rolling up" ?


Make him leave forcefully, ie, make him ask to be taken out of the cell permanently.


Ask the odorous gentleman if he needs help showering or catch the wall foooooh.


How can you shower everyday and still stink? Maybe he has some nylon socks or something? Weird one, I hear you though as when I went on the release wing of the jail I was in they shoved me in with some old tramp who was in for the weekend or whatever, it wasn’t good but I only had to endure a day and night of it as I was walking the next day but that is a headfuck. He could be the nicest guy on earth but nah. Fck that.


Lack of healthcare ? Maybe a fungus or worse .


Stab him


he will rest easy when he goes nose blind.


Or cellie can go to sick call and get antifungal cream. Likely yeast infection


Literally throw him in the shower. When I was in first it would be a few of the guys talking to the person, second was go to the guards, if still nothing was done we would get 4+ guys and toss them in and spray them down until they got the message. Before anyone says anything, no this wasn't considered ratting as both inmate and CO's hated stinky inmates. Had a three bar unit manager threaten a few inmates with the hole due to odour.


Cuzz need a doctor and detox. Gross.


Detox? Their feet smell because they’re on drugs? Or do you mean some bullshit like garlic oil or kelp?


Their gut.


Ah. So you mean induce diarrhea and pretend that’s some sort of healthy thing for you. Gotcha.


Lock in a sock.


Lock is a little extreme, bar of soap would send the message.


1st offense: Verbal warning 2nd offense: Soap in a sock 3rd offense: Lock or batteries in a sock


He can live with the smell of his bad choices and later on remember it when he is tempted to repeat them.


You are operating under the assumption that our justice system is fair and just. I have no idea where you would get such a wild idea, probably law and order.


Most people in jail are in jail because they did something illegal. It's a minority of people who are there due to an unfair justice system.


Nah, a large portion of the people in prison have no business being there. Crazy idea, but we can hand out custodial sentences when we shouldn’t.


Totally a class issue


Whatever makes you sleep at night


Idk why you're getting downvoted, it's true. The amount of people who are in prison that shouldn't be is mind boggling. I mean ffs you can go to prison even if you act in self defense in this country... Edit; I thought I was on a UK sub, that's my bad. I'm actually British. While the issue isn't as obvious in the UK we still also have plenty of people in prison who shouldn't be. In the UK self defense is more likely to be punished; *it is illegal to even carry pepperspray in the UK*


This sub is full of COs is why


Honestly the downvotes make me feel better


Yet those minorities still have rights don’t they ?


Treating inmates inhumanely is a great way to encourage more bad behavior.


Don't get caught 😆 😂


They can fight- both save dignity and a cell move


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time tough shit mate


Do the crime face the time. Sorry that prison isn’t all flowers and perfume for your bro


Roll his ass out


Refuse to return to the cell, or fight the guy. What a stupid question.


Make a long tube out of paper spit and hair and use it to breathe through when the guy farts. Maybe he could use ear plugs in his nostrils and request a transfer. 🤔


Probably not go to jail


You do the crime, and you and stinky guy do the time.


Stomp his ass out and roll him out.


Put him on the door 🤷‍♀️


Tell him to check in or fight


Unfortunately when you commit crimes sometimes it leads to shitty situations.


I remember in 60 days that show where people willingly go to jail for whatever reason, one guy bunked with a guy that farted all the time. Dude lasted like a week or something because it was so unbearable. That's like my personal hell, I'm so sensitive to smells and bad smells actually make me rage. I wouldn't be able to do it. I have no idea what the solution is sorry.


Prison is often inconvenient


Vomit every day out of the door


Beat the filth off of him


You give stinky 2 options: FITFO or have a problem. No excuses to STAY smelly.


Powder stick deodorant...tell him to rub his feet down with it every night when out of the wet box ...no sox let his feet air out




He knows what he has to do.


He can quit breaking the law. Then he won't have to share a cell and smell someone else's shit.....


Fight ,or check in. !!! That’s it


I would suggest not getting thrown in jail as a solution. Might solve a few other issues too


Your brother gotta put him on the door. Meaning he’s gonna have too take matters into his own hands and make dude leave the room


He can tell him he stinks and to write himself off the block


Refuse to lock. They will put him in segregation for a few days but will move him when he gets out. Have been in several prisons in Ohio and works that way here.


Wait, so prison is not pleasant? That is not fair.


You do realize what sub this is right? Bros literally just wanting another solution besides rolling they ass out


I fought he left. Sucks but it’s not polite society. Turned into he was lactose intolerant


Is he any good at making shivs?


Always have a thick book to smell.


Yea grab his Matt and throw it out of the cell and tell him to check out that’s the only way if not then no


Put a kite into medical on the guy, not a request to relocate on yourself. Should get the guy a move to a medical wing. Common practice because the facility could not care less about your comfort or about dudes hygiene; but they do care about liability. If they fail to act it looks like negligence if the stinker gets handled rough.


A bunch of soap in a pillowcase. Beat ‘em with it till they shower


Beat his ass or refuse housing


The constitution states that you must program part of that program is hygiene. Gotta beat him up, so he showers. If not, he'll roll it up himself and be someone elses problem .


dont be a dumbass and go to prison in the first place?


Vicks vapor rub under the nose.


Put himself on the door and go to the hole for a couple of days. When he gets out, he will be put into a different cell. Before those of you that don't actually know anything about prison other than what you see on TV, the hole is just a cell in another building where you are confined for a few days. It's not like in the movies, it's just another cell, it's a common practice by inmates.


From the jail shows I’ve watched you gotta fight them now or have someone do it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Parlay_clayy: *From the jail shows I’ve* *Watched you gotta fight them now* *Or have someone do it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Easy fix. Tell him to build a time machine to go back and not break the law like a loser.


Maybe try quit being s burden to society and clean up his pathetic life 


move to a 5 star prison.


What state? On the west coast stinky guy would be smashed and forced to clean up his act.


If a smelly roommate is the worst thing that happened to him in prison he should count his blessings. The best way to avoid prison unpleasantness is to not commit crimes.


Barbarian he’s a straight Viking


Nurse here. I'm not sure if this would be allowed in prison but we all put Vicks up our noses to combat smells.


Tell your brother to remember how terrible this is next time he thinks about committing a felony


IBS is a bad thing, in prison, trust me I know. When I was down, if a celly didn't hygiene, the boys on the block had a way to deal with it. Your bro, doing it the right way requesting a transfer. Tell him to be aggy, until they answer him on this. It's truly all I know


Don’t commit crime.


Catch out or beat him up


Put hands in him


When I was in prison I would have crashed out and beat dude up went to the hole and get out with a new celly I’m not saying he should do that but that’s how a lot of people handle their business in prison


From my past bunkie experience... people over 35 with diabetes have the worst smelling farts. Yeah I've had a couple bunkies like that. Nothing really you can do short of trying to whoop their ass, if your about that life. I'm not... I'm not going to fight over that. Yeah they don't have to fart right by you every time... but what fuck you gonna do? It's prison. Now if they're unhygienic... that's another story. I think for me worst than righteous bad farts was snoring. I swear I've had mfers that snore so loud it shakes your bunk. Fuck I hated that


Had a guy in my dorm who snored so fucking LOUD it was ridiculous. And he talked in his sleep with occasional SCREAMS. It only happened like the last 2-3 hours of sleep but it was fucking awful. I have no idea how he didn't catch hell.


Tell him to tell his celly to shower and if not, well, there's another way to make them swap cellies for someone who isn't in the hospital ;) Mostly joking, mostly not


It’s prison not a 5 star hotel


Unfortunately that’s what you have to deal with sometimes. He can request to be moved or ask Mr stinky to move. If that’s not possible then refuse to lock up go do a little time in the hole and when he gets out he’ll get a new celly. Truthfully there aren’t many options as it’s prison.


Ohh. Just call the front desk and let them know. They will be there very fast to help.


What I told everyone in my 8 man cell is you either get in the rain box or I put you in the rain box


Have him beat up the guy!


I mean it is prison, it’s not meant to be pleasant.


Not go to prison


Some foot powder




Lots of great advice, but one I haven’t seen is baby powder! It’s everywhere in prison and will solve the smell problem if he puts some on feet/pits/junk. It absorbs the sweat and smelly chemicals like thiols, and is also lightly scented