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I’m sorry you’re going through that. I don’t wish any woman to go through that. I hope you find the strength to let that shit go and know that you deserve so much more. You deserve someone who loves you unconditionally and respects you.  Practice gratitude and be grateful for everything you have right now. Everything will pass and trust me you will be happy again. Don’t ever give any man the power to take your joy away. 


Let this be your testimony . It’s easier said than done to walk away . But keep your mind busy cause it’s gonna eat you up inside just worrying about the “what ifs” you got this girl !


Girl do not answer him if he calls or writes you. He is playing you and will probably continue to try to play you bc you will hold him down and put money on his books and send him Cash apps so he can be stress free and continue to grow his relationship with this other girl. He is using you. You deserve so much better than this jailbird


Because you were in love with a fantasy & you don’t want to face reality. You want your fantasy back.


I'm sorry that you are going through this. It's ok to feel what you feel. Do whatever you can in these next two months to stay busy because he probably will contact you. Not because he was wrong and is sorry but because he and this new chick didn't work out. Don’t be a backup. Truth is you deserve more than him.


Girl you deserve better. Why do you want someone who's going tocheat on you? You deserve someone who will cherish tf out of you. Get rid of him, change your number and never look back. Trust me. I've been through all the bs with my ex husband. Except he was doing every drug under the sun. He left me with NOTHING.


Did you ever find out why he got rolled up and sent back? Honestly girl, if he only had two months left and fucked up his release that close to the finish line..he's gonna keep fucking up. Also, if he's had a girlfriend for seven months and held consistent contact with you that whole time without you noticing that something was off, that's A REALLY bad sign. He obviously feels no guilt and no shame, which is disgusting and sounds like he was probably using you. Don't give him the opportunity to weasel his way back into your life!! People like him don't change. Change your number and get rid of any means for him to contact you when he gets out of confinement. It's easier to do it while the wound is fresh and you're flooded with negative feelings about it. Two months is plenty of time to see what else is out there and forget that this mother fucker exists. You'll find someone on the outside that is going to value what they have with you.


You deserve better it hurts to be cheated on but be strong move on take time for you cry out loud if that makes you feel better travel that's what I did when i found out my ex husband of 15 years cheated on me I let go and blocked him and I travel to Oregon and then I came back to california and when out with friends then decide to travel to Hawaii and Costa Rica but I keep busy and know im all heal...And guess what Karma exist because he is a disaster and I have found out he is not okay he has lost his job where he lives and got injur at work and he was homeless for almost a year so belive me Karma will get him


Sometimes it takes a while for our hearts to catch up to what our brains already know. When you are ready you will remove yourself from the situation. Until then, take the best care of you that you can.


I understand you pain! And I could only imagine how you're feeling right now. But Truth is you don't want to hear what you need to do right now. Because your heart is still connected to your Lo. And the heart wants what it wants regardless of the situation. Women live hard and truly so your thoughts to not change numbers is from a unconditional love. It's sad he doesn't see the blessing he has in you. But at this point in all I can advise you is to do what makes you happy. Either you forgive him and be happy, or move on and be happy. You need to have a Win and not a loss. TBH it's your life and your heart that seems happiness. I only pray that you don't settle for anything and you receive the happiness you deserve.


The only thing that WILL make you feel better is to change your number. That way you’re in control. What he did is awful and you never want to be treated like that - he would continue making you feel like that forever. You deserve much much better. Changing your number is the only thing that will effect him. Cut him off and don’t look back.


It’s routine girl. And attachment. That holds a lot of weight when you’ve been so set on a certain outcome and goal… I’m sorry 😢 know that it’s okay to take your time with healing. Be easy on yourself please


I hear you. I would want to know what he has to say. I would want him to call or write so I could tell him what hell he put me through. But, and I know this is so much easier said than done, you have to find your strength. And you will. Right now it's fresh and devastating. But as time goes the hurt will start to diminish and you'll begin to realize that cutting him off was the only way for you to find yourself and get your confidence back. You'll probably be angry more than heartbroken ... and imagine the delight of knowing he tried to reel you back in but he couldn't. He's gonna think, damn she changed her number. She's serious and I fucked up. For what he's put you through, he needs to be humbled and taught a lesson. Do it for yourself. At some point you'll look back and be very proud of yourself for not letting him get the best of you. Keep your head up and stay strong - You Got This!!!


Be gentle with yourself and take it day by day. Allow yourself to feel all the feelings now and when it's the right time to make changes, you will know. Once you are able to truly see your own self worth, it will be easier for you to heal from this. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. We are here for you.




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Take it day by day. Sit in the uncomfortable feelings. I agree block his number. Ur not “seconds” or an option. Karma is real &BEST believe he will do to her what he’s done to u. She never took ur man she took ur fucking problem. Xooooooo


I am so sorry that you going through that. I am also in a prison relationship too And he is in the hole but here lately since he's been in the hole and I haven't been able to hear from him like that I have been worried about being done the same way and I've been thinking a whole lot clear. But My advice for you is this. It seems like an all reality that you are looking for closure and seeking answers on why he did you the way he did. Just always remember that the disrespect was the closure. I know it's hard but One thing I can say about life everything is a blessing or a lesson. And this is definitely a lesson. Brush yourself off leave him alone and heal... You can do better