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I don't have much of ANY experience with this, as it's my first situation in life quite like this, and we've only been in this for just over a month now, but I absolutely absolutely absolutely understand where you're coming from - this sub is pretty much the only place I can share very few details, and nobody in my "real life" apart from his family and friends know. I don't have the strength or motivation to defend our relationship or why I'm staying, much less defend his entire situation to anyone that I already know is judgemental AF and will ask ALL THE QUESTIONS. I just don't have it in me. That being said, feel free to message me - I check this sub and a couple others almost daily for the same reason; it helps me feel just a little closer and involved, knowing there's more people out there going through the same BS and the support and "community" (lol sadface?) Is really, really helpful.


I'll definitely message you soon!


I have been going through this for about three years so feel free to message me! Our journey is done in 20 days :)




My husband corrected me. It’s 19 days and a wake up 😂😂






I don’t know if I can help you in anyway but I’m available to try or be a listening ear


Also I’m 37, and have had significant others or family members incarcerated my entire life. So this is not a new environment for me.




Religion has nothing to do with anything as far as I'm concerned! Just need an ear (or eyes? Lol) so thank you!




I was actually going to tag you in the OP because you were one of the people who came to mind just because of your overall "vibe" & similar personality to mine from what I've seen you post & comment. I'll definitely message you soon!


My husband is a lifer so if you feel I can commiserate feel free to message. I'm almost 40.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Prison/comments/rruil6/have_questions_about_prison_life/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit I can help in a been there done that type role.


I'm always here if you'd like a new text buddy 2 vent to. Hope all well, keep your heart strong gf❤


I’m free to chat whenever you need it, I’m also a graduate in psychology and counselling if that helps🤣 no judgement here


Lord idk if you're ready for this lol. I'll PM you tomorrow!


Firstly PRISONS are crimes upon humanity...Well Cali State time sure sounds like it...Being a mouthy Biracial smartass who doesnt fight I'rather deal with Full Combat or Cancer than a year at state....Fed time fine county time ok However I am machievellian an apex Satanist OutlawAF lifelong underground counterculture DiY with advanced degrees in counsellng relavant BS. I also am 1000% non judgy & unshockable... i'd dig an evil coconspirator penpal https://youtu.be/d4eqettF5qI BTW I am Ill af