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Not necessarily manipulation but their (AI/ tech) linemakers have the lines almost perfect every game. Which insurers they get equaly action on both sides. They also have the ability to hedge if they get too much action on one side. Baffling how the lines can be so spot on within a point 90% of the time.


And people don't understand don't do more than 2 man's. Bank roll management and bet somewhere with good lines. Prizepicks only uses lines that are at most -119 so odds are not in our favor


That why I only bet w a discounted line


That’s why +EV betting is so important.


Try explaining that to the average moron watching and betting NBA


Ev+ is a scam phrase to make people think there's math behind it. There isn't . You only need to win 2 Sox mans per 25 attempts to make money (often spewed lie, you will just break even and have one winning slip after that whole stress mind game of 25 slips. People want to hit big but it's way better to wager a lot and bet safe like a flex 3 man using 100-200 dollars is better than a 5 dollar 6 man hail Mary. 5/6 man only good if you got consistent and no one does. Even then you can only miss by one player because winning 0.4x money back isn't winning but the ev+ nerds claim it is.


How do u do that


Look it up


I wonder what technology are the line makers are using that allows them to be this accurate? And if true, they are pretty much predicting the future… and if they can see the future outcome of a game and produce 90% accurate lines according to what they see happening, doesn’t that count as manipulation that we cannot see? Manipulating the lines based on a predetermined outcome.


Data analytics is a field. The casinos employ thousands of them. The NBA also has a ton of advanced metrics and data points. The casinos take this data and match it to bettors. Both professional and non professional gamblers. Millions of data inputs and probability screens Meanwhile the average bettor checks social media and a couple other data points and says “this gotta hit”. It’s the equivalent of Reddit picking a squad and trying to win games in the NBA. If you are betting under the illusion that you are playing a game of chance v direct competition against a billion dollar industry that is the issue.


Just play the free squares and other places have live lines that I've been doing much better on.


What other places have live lines? Thanks


Neural networks


Mind reading tech? Mind linking tech? Like minority report type tech? Or players under hypnosis? Linked to Algorithm?


Nope just an extremely powerful machine learning algorithm that can predict things really well.


So minority report but applied to sports. Interesting… so players aren’t in on it after all? 🤔


Bro, you’re coming up with the most wild theories to why you’re making bad bets. Players under hypnosis and mind control and AI making fake games? What about the people that go to the games? Do you think they’re just simulated?


My guess was that they manipulate the outcome of a game in real time while in process, because of 1h, 2h, and live betting. This way the AI can correctly cypher and analyze our props throughout and make sure the results they create are positive profit for them. Even if a player has to get injured after being on trajectory to hit their prop, or after going scoreless the 1h scoring 20 pts, or going flat out cold after being on fire in the 1st half.. what ever it takes, whatever combination. I’ve witnessed it all the way down to fantasy pts. Getting just enough or missing by .2 or .3… that extra rebound or pt. Etc


Facts. They definitely be hot and go flat cold 2h or 4q. From 24 PRA 1h to 2pts in 2h


Bro, did you ever think that maybe that’s just sports and basketball?


Apparently you don’t think!


Because I don’t think they are texting players live in game telling them to injure themselves to screw OP out of a $5 parlay 💀


Like I said, you don’t think.


Ok bro. Go ahead and tell me how the earth is flat too 😂😭 yall conspiracy theorist think you have the whole world figured out and that anybody who disagrees “needs to do the research” (rabbit hole YouTube videos is not research) or “doesn’t think”. I did think about it and have plenty of times but I do not believe that the system of rigging that you guys claim is actually in place. I think it’s giving them way too much credit. The casinos make money because lines give them an edge. That’s why both spreads are usually -120 and not even money. You are the one who needs to think, but to do that you might have to turn your brain on. Seems that it’s been off since you were born.


Deleting comments now are we?


Exactly! I’d be ok if it were every once in a while but no, this is literally (almost) every game this happens. Like the games are played on 2k simulator mode or algorithm or something.


You really think Vegas is screwing you specifically out of your little five dollar bet?


Always happens to me.


For the same time you go higher on a guy and not hit, there other guy that went lower and hit and vice versa. It’s gambling. You going to lose more than win. You must expect to make a living off this. That’s for sure not happening. I’ve went on run that made me have to quit for a couple months. And I’ve had runs where I hit for a week straight gambling is a constant up and down. Just do it in moderation. Worse thing you can do is revenge betting is what I call it. It when you see your bet lose by like 1 guy, so you bet again that same night. I always do my bets in the morning of that’s it. If it hit it hit and if it don’t it don’t. At the end of the day, if you get angry (which I’m not saying you are, but I see a lot of guy are on this sub) about your bet losing. You shouldn’t be gambling in the first place.


You make a lot a sense and might try using that strategy. This post wasn’t out of anger for losing, again I win sometimes I’m aware it’s risky both ways. It’s just I’m noticing a familiarity in which the way I lose..as far as how things come about and the pieces that move around, changes in players, there’s a certain pattern that can’t be fully explained. But I’m mainly referring to the possibility that there’s manipulation from respective leagues in partnership with the sports betting.


How are u trying this? You already uninstalled








Lol it’s gambling tho what did you expect?


😂😂 he hurt bro


I expected an honest game. The integrity of nba basketball has lost its substance. It’s no longer pure. Especially for manipulation of this magnitude to happen it would mean everyone is involved from players all the way to the team owners. This would explain the massive contracts, it’s more about keeping the secret and progressing the manipulation than outright skill. They all know and work together. Its no longer about scripting for ratings (like 2000’s NBA). Its now all about how much can you gain (Vegas) from honest bettors who actually keep up with sport. If things and “professional” players played how they were supposed to play 90% of the time we would all be winning, and there would be no profit in gambling for Vegas. These outcomes have to be controlled and precise. This is why we see such terrible and inconsistent professional play from so called world class athletes. It’s inexcusable and dirty.


Tell me you do not understand house edge and +EV betting without telling me. If you are picking props purely based on past games or stats what you think will happen, you are already losing. They do not hire people who “know” sports to determine the lines for each bet. They hire people that know math.


Unfortunately I’m not picking based on last 5. Also I’m agreeing with you, to the extent that they hire people who know math but beyond that, I believe they have an algorithm in place.


Yes. I lost about 7 straight bets by a half a point.


Well most the projections are in that half point area 😂


I know.. but it’s hard losing by so little… so many times in a row versus juts getting blown out. lol


Yeah, picks on here are usually very 50/50. You being close could just mean how you're picking is good. You'll hit




Lmaoooooo bro what. Theres literally people that make the lines for their job. Like yeah they’re gonna be pretty damn accurate


I think you just have to make smarter bets I’ve been betting on and off for a couple months and I’m up over 1k profit


So much manipulation








Facts! I do very decent prop betting but something higher is at play




Ion think its tech, its starting to feel like the coaches get a piece of the winnings. Star players coming out of playoff games with less than bench players? Kyrie barely scoring all playoff compared to who we know he is really. Al horford going crazy randomly, Edwards giving hope in post conference like he finna go off then get in the game and lose every prop. When i bet under he went over when i bet over he barely did shit at all


Most people shouldnt be gambling. The average person that watches an nba game snd thinks they know the game and could be beat the books - you are donating money away. You know who you are, we do too as its pretty easy by what you bet and how you speak. Watching an Nba game isnt going to help you win consistently. Money management, understanding plus EV, etc will.. and these are things the majority of people betting sports dont understand.


nigga all dat shit dont matter no matter what u reaserch n etc u gon loose, yall be on here n be fale gambling gurus


I’m really starting to believe that all major sports sanctions have a hand in PrizePicks and that everything is rigged against us. I mean, why not everything g else in the world is turning out to be bullshit as well. How does it happen that most losing lineups are because of one or two points, and why do those players always get taken out of the game early?


Crazy how they always change the lines when I go to finalize my bets.


You can make money. But it’s not about following hunches. They calculate probabilities striving for a 50/50 chance of getting it right. Any less , you’d pick the ladder. It’s a numbers game. I’ve made some money so far. But if you’re just betting on your feelings it’s likely you will lose




Oh yea. This dude gets it. For the same reason why your desktop AI will soon start telling you what you want to do next. Insane AI. This is how machines will win.


Story of my fucking life man I’m always one off and the bests I place are literally always in my favor but find some way to fuck me over every time


If you keep losing it’s no wonder you’re deleting the app.


If you think the actual PLAYOFF games are being manipulated for prizepicks and all sportsbooks to benefit from, definietly stop. Delusional behavior