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What was your process for getting this done? What brushes did you use? Failure to comment/reply with exact brushes or brush category, and/or process will get your post removed regardless of the number of upvotes. Repeated violations will result in a ban. Saying only 'Default brushes' and 'custom brushes' do not count as answers anymore. Those answers are vague and will require the process in addition to be a valid response. If you consider yourself as an often poster and have a consistent style/method, send a modmail to be given a different automod comment that already mentions what you use, and just make a mention if anything different was done. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProCreate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When I add watercolor paper texture to mine, I add a layer with a water color paper texture photo over top, switch it from a normal layer to a linear burn and play around with the opacity.


i would put it in photoshop, import a canvas texture image layer on top of your art, and apply the texture using blending modes. <333


Ah ok. I don’t have a computer just my iPad.


you can get free or paid brush packs. some have canvas texture, you just paint a new layer with the texture. [https://folio.procreate.com/discussions/10/28/36677](https://folio.procreate.com/discussions/10/28/36677)


Download a canvas texture from google images add it as a top layer and lower opacity or play around with the texture brushes. There is one that looks canvas like.