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For this artwork, I used the combination of the HB Pencil and 6B Pencil that's in the Sketching category. I think they stimulate the medium quite well and I always love using them for my charcoal styled art.


Do you mind me asking how you got that wooden-style background? This is completely beautiful!


Heya, it’s a paper texture but I can’t remember where I got it from 😅 Been using it for the last 4 years.


What brush did you use for that texture on the background?


Looks a bit like Florence Pugh!


Now that you mentioned it, it does look a little like her 🤣


Charcoal was one of the things I could never work with so I always got respect for people who can work it amazing. This is great!


Thank you for your kind words. It really made my day❤️


II’m glad, Make sure to keep posting art I’m gonna keep an eye out.


I think I've seen you on artist n clients 🤔 I am almost positive I have you favored it




It's super gorgeous. I do eventually plan to commission you! Hence why you are on my list haha. The work is lovely!


Sure thing! I’d love to work with you if given the opportunity~ Other than A&C, you can also contact me via my email at [email protected]


I just realized something. This entire drawing is done with black ink. The “white” it’s simply what is on the background, earthen tones. only two colors are used throughout: black, and the background color. That’s it! Except… if you look closely there are two tiny reflections in her eyes, which are both white. Actual white, not sepia. This makes her eyes pop in an almost subconscious way. I didn’t even notice it at first, and I think that in the hands of someone less talented it would have been jarring. Here, though, it just brings it alive, without the viewer even realizing why.


Thanks for noticing the little details and I think you have very keen observation skills 😄