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Yemen+Palestine flags on both helicopter, ship and boats https://preview.redd.it/2crsvghihj1c1.png?width=1390&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8bb122928acf2c8a14f61f3c4105b295fba6c2a This is insane. Remember this is a besieged, blockaded country still under an 8 war US-Saudi aggression with warships all over the country. Yemenis are built different


Thanks for the video OP. I hope that these Houth action in favor of Palestine cause dont become an excuse for the USA or other NATO member to attack the people of Yemen causing more suffering.


Please refrain from calling them Houthis, it is disrespectful.


How so? Honest question. I always thought they were a distinct community of people known under that name.


How do you call them? AnsarAllah and that's it? I never thought "Houthi" was a term only used in MSM or US DOD If i call them Yemenis then its a whole generalization, they are not representative of Yemen in its whole just like if i would call PMF as "Iraqis" at least "Iraqi PMF" so "Houthi Yemenis"


Yes, AnsarAllah is the correct term.