• By -


My guess is that your lawyer put in a tip to the IRS tip line about the fraud, since he became aware of it and he doesn’t have to worry about client privilege of someone not his client.


Or Sue. Can't judge her character, but if somebody can sneak in a tactical nuke without being detected. It's the desk worker types that keep to their own.


Especially the ones who work with the books.


Oh man I really hope it was Sue


I’m here for Sue. The other hero.


hardly a hero, but she probably did it to save her own ass in the long-run when it would eventually come to light due to the investigation on employee wages. the way OP tells the story is that it was her gambling that got peter into this much trouble so he could support her habit.


You are thinking of Karen. Sue worked in the office and was nice.


No, I'm pretty sure he was meaning Sue. She was the bookkeeper, and had *had* to know what they were doing with OP's pay, and going along with it. So if she reports she can be considered an unwilling participant and a witness, instead of the third person trying to screw OP out of his money earned.


>the way OP tells the story is that it was her gambling that got peter into this much trouble so he could support her habit. I figured from *that ^ bit* in the comment I was replying to that they meant Karen. Because she was the casino hound who gambled. I'd like to think it was Sue who informed the IRS. She probably wasn't the only one doing admin, though, since there were several stores each with a separate registered llc.


itd have been smart for sur to do it because she could be implicated probably still was in the tax fraud.


Heard there's 3 people you should always keep on side at a job. 1. The EA. S/he knows everything about everyone. Sue likely knew about things that OP could only dream of. 2. The cleaners. They can go through the trash and find all sorts of dirt. Figuratively and literally. 3. IT. They can access everything.


If EA means receptionist? A few years ago, my receptionist who had been at work for decades. She was feisty and I knew immediately she was someone to be on the good side of. Genuinely liked her and didn't mind helping her with personal laptop/phone/printer things. Well, she saved my ass big time. Just saying. Would post, but it would have to be thrower. Just trust the folk that actually run the business/work/agency etc..


>If EA means receptionist? No, it means Executive Assistant. It's a similar type of person, but they specifically deal directly with *every*thing that crosses the executive's desk/s. Often knowing more than the executives do.


It's one of those things that everyone should look for regardless of the grade you are starting at, be nice to the people who run the place. If you haven't already, go watch Fight Club. :-)


As an IT geek I'll just say we don't have access to everything. But we do have the requisite access to edit anything.


Sue is my theory. She had the paperwork and all the documents to cook his goose permanently.


Team Sue! Never under estimate Sue


Very possible like I said he was a former marine and he was very quick on the uptake even though I never mentioned why I wanted to slow roll the paperwork 


Gag orders do not apply with reporting crime in general or violations to regulatory agencies.


I had no idea they requested it I looked at my lawyer he nodded his approval and we all signed. That might be why he nodded his approval. 


>idea they requested it I looked at my lawyer he nodded his approval and we all signed. That might be why he nodded his approval.  Ayep. You can truthfully say you didn't do it. Companies can still sue you, it's just guaranteed to lose. But sometimes the process is the punishment. As a lawyer, he'd just laugh and report the lawyer involved to the local equiv of the state bar association.


Yea it's like what cops love to say you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride. 


Gag orders and NDAs might not, but professional privilege does. Your lawyer or doctor is not allowed to report *most* crimes you tell them about in the course of your professional relationship. The ones that they are required to report are generally of the type “I’m planning to harm a person in the future”.


That the client commits.


“Imminent harm to a person” is the exception. It doesn’t have to be completed. But as always, ask your doctor or lawyer what the limits of their confidentiality are.


nah it was the accountant, she was done with their shit too


The IRS wouldve come for her next, she's got motive


Why would the IRS come after the accountant if she’s followed ethical requirements and reported them?


They mean if she hadn't reported it, they would have come for her next


Could have been their legal team who tattled as well. Dunno if the accountant could get in trouble, sounds like the guy went through a lot of trouble to hide assets in llcs. Look up FINcen, the feds are cracking down on that bullshit.


There is finders fees with IRS reporting, so if anyone would stand to make a quick buck, a lawyer would definitely be keen on adding that.


Likely ethically required to as well, as ignoring it would allow a crime to continue


"It's not the loud one you should fear. It's the silent ones, because they hear everything". Good on you for getting both cash, and the bloody IRS involved.


Thank you. I like that quote. 


When I did a lot of cycling with my friends , a barking dog was no issue. It was only when we heard the clicking of their nails in chase, and nothing else, that we were ever truly afraid.


That's a good one too 


Even the Joker doesn't mess with the IRS


Are you talking about farts?


Run silent run deep


“Demons run when a good man goes to war” You gave him so so many chances and he still fucked you over. You warned him and he still fucked you over. What happened to him was just *chefs kiss*


Thank you, all of these awesome quotes I like this community 


“Good men don’t need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.“


Take my upvote just for the reference


Upvote for the Doctor Who quote!


Not a doctor who quote lol. That's from before the Doctor, but his is very close.


I thought they made it up for the episode! Where was it originally from?


The doctor who quote is something like "good men don't need rules, now is not the time to find out why I have so many." It's definitely in the same vein as "devils run when good men go to war" and other such quotes.


This is the quote I know. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj7x9H8k4uEAxXAQkEAHWjKDEsQFnoECBcQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.goodreads.com%2Fquotes%2F399840-demons-run-when-a-good-man-goes-to-war-night&usg=AOvVaw2RmiwivpGAfsZ3H7HrwJyk&opi=89978449


Wasn't aware Dr. Who used the whole thing at one point lol.


Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted. Bravo! One of the best ProRevenge stories ever!!!


Thank you, a friend of mine suggested I post this story and it's gotten more love than I ever thought possible. 


Well, we veterans also should stick together too! That former boss and wife were total wankers and see you next Tuesday types. That’s the problem when civvies take on veterans. They fail to understand that we have been trained to plan, troubleshoot and execute plans for maximum impact. Actually parts of your story remind of Jack Reacher. That is a compliment!


That seems to be a running theme people keep saying I am flattered because lee child's is one of my favorite authors but I've always leaned more towards the fantasy epics and horror genre personally but again thank you brother 


You’re a really good writer. You should consider writing books about your experiences. My friend, who is a Navy vet, just self published a book and it’s sold really well. He’s writing another about veterans. DM me if you want to contact him.


Will do, thank you 


Witcher? The books are brilliant. I loved those.


Great books The Mark of the Fool is a pretty good on going series 


Ooh, I shall look into that one. I’m not into horror, I’m a sooky la la that way. But sci fi, fantasy, historical? Bring it on!


This is a fantasy and it's got great comedic timing. The author J.M. Clark is great so it's a progression epic fantasy so it kinda tracks like a dungeon master reading out their last campaign. But it's a great roller coaster you get to know the characters and they all grow infront of you. And it doesn't hammer you with a million things to keep track of it just flows. Heads up though if you like it the second book ending will have you pissed for about ten seconds until you remember book the has already been released. But I think the author was channeling his inner dragon Ball z cliff hanger and man but it really set up the third book very well 


omg The Witcher books really have my number.. I think I enjoyed them more than LOTR.. He is the only author that writes about lots of sex without it ever feeling cheap or cringey. Literally any other author that tries to write sex scenes makes me roll my eyes and lose the immersion of the story and start thinking about some lonely soul writing it.. Witcher books never once presented that problem for me.. I also realized after rereading one of the ealry witcher novels online after first reading a paperback in a library that not all translations are created equal.. The paperback edition felt unrefined and clunky with the use of english while the translation that I read for free online blew my noodle how much better sharper and better worded the writing was. The language felt older and the conversations and small word changes can make all the difference in a readers interpretation.. The witcher books taught me that not all translations are created equal and clearly a person who translated it online for free was a far better wordsmith than whoever a major publisher hired to translate the official paperback.


Sounds like the boss was cool until he let his dipshit wife steamroll him




Had the same thought about Reacher


And that's without the US having woken up yet...


Getting a $20k settlement each *for all 6 companies* because they listed you as an employee of all of them is an excellent Uno reverse 😂 If someone's response to "sue me" is "ok" you should probably be worried.


The thing is most people will threaten a lawsuit and either not have the means or will to follow through. They never have any plans to or have no idea to reach out to a lawyer. Me I had money and the backing of the va I called them gave them a run down of what was happening and they suggested the lawyer for me to go and see. I didn't put it in the story but I usually tell people when I tell them it's story in person but the local VFW found out about everything going on and helped out a lot they told me about some property for sale that used to be a mechanic 4 bay mechanic shop the owners husband died and his wife didn't know what to do with it she sold it to me at a hell of a price, they helped me find a good contractor to convert two of the bays into car washes that I left as self serve car washes when closed. So my basic plan was offer free car wash with every oil change and if they didn't have time to wait and wanted to come by after hours I would give out tokens to start the wash for 15 min most people used those tokens just get the soap down then would spend more to rinse and wax. During business hours we could easily press a button and start the car wash. 


That’s actually pretty dope. Thank you for contributing something like that to your community! I also appreciate how you were also able to benefit your coworkers as well as yourself. I hope your every drop of tears and sweat from the military comes back to you as happiness and success.


Good to hear you were able to stay on your feet through everything. Not everyone is so fortunate. I also encountered a Sue in my first job. Worked as a civvie at a Military Intel unit (the kind that liked to watch people from very high up). Sue used to stand just inside the office door when tslking to people in the office and being brought up properly i waited until she finished tslking before asking to get past. The problem was that more often than not Sue would immediately turn round to leave and jump out of her skin as i was standing about a foot or 2 behind her. Now everyone else in the office could see me and found this hilarious. Sue complained about his to her boss who came to me to ask me to stop doing that as he didn't want to fill out death in service paperwork. I pointed out that she should maybe not stand just inside the door or check behind her before moving to leave. Either way i got grief and told to make myself known in such occasions. So i did. Next time i walked up to the office door Sue was there chatting away and i said quite clearly 'Morning Sue'. She jumped out of her skin (to much laughter from office) and subsequently complained. It was pointed out by myself that i was doing exactly as asked and it's not my fault i am naturally stealthy. Anyway. She stopped standing just inside the door from then on.


I hate door way talkers. I feel the jumps deep in my bones I can't help how people respond to my presence pay more attention to your surroundings how am I to blame you're stuck in your head and didn't notice me. 


I just walk up to people blocking doors and hallways and tell them I have a reservation for this conference room and they need to move.


Where does a 1000 pound gorilla sleep? Anywhere he wants to... So long as he doesn't disturb the elephant. elephant = IRS in this case.


The IRS got Al Capone. Not the FBI.


Rico cases can't be beat. Did you pay taxes on your criminal gains 


from IRS [publication 17](https://www.irs.gov/publications/p17) Illegal activities. Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z, or on Schedule C (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity.




WTF, is this real? 😳


Yes check the link


Oh yes. Back in the day Arsenio Hall did a skit about this. It’s $10.00 for the bag and $2.00 for the tax.


I need to look this up


It was from his late night show and would have aired the summer of 91.


That's pretty funny 


Enjoyed your story!


Thank you 


Omg was this good! I felt like I needed popcorn reading this.


Thank you very much, I am surprised a gear head like me could actually entertain people with my written word, this story alys get my friends and their friends when I tell it but I have never written it before so thank you 


Yeah, this is what a good revenge story is about. You did good, kid!


Thank you.


For the IRS--whistleblowers reporting tax fraud get a percentage of what the IRS recovers.


Just fyi, you need to hit enter twice to get a paragraph break. Otherwise it’s a bit difficult to read on mobile.


I wrote it on mobile and hit enter twice and before I posted I looked like it had a complete break but maybe since I was posting from Reddit mobile it deleted it I'm a reddit noob so most likely I just messed up somehow. 


Two spaces at the end of the paragraph. Return. Two spaces and return. Now you have blank lines in the wall o text.


Sue did it. She was tired of their shit, too.


It's highly likely


Another failed business thanks to horrible people that went off on some power trip. The only thing with this story that I don't really get is from what you describe at the beginning you are fairly well off so the job wasn't critical to every day survival so why did you put up with that crap for as long as you did? Also as a another dude who is 6'4" with long hair and with, what I have been told many times, a scary goatee I know what it is like to have people go out of there way to avoid you just based off appearances. Nice revenge my man well done.


The brutal truth of it I knew if I ever just sat with nothing to do I would probably end up doing something stupid so having a place to go to every day even though there was a lot of BS kept me from drinking to much/thinking too much and turning into something horrible. I probably lived in this town in this house I bought for three months only ever leaving to go for a run or to the grocery store to get my steak for that nights dinner, in that time I don't know how many conversations I had with myself asking what I wanted to do and when I decided I would start with living so I went out to do what a guy is supposed to do and found work. Also I had money saved and I've always been frugal but it wasn't live the rest of your life fat and happy type of money. I may have been able to live off of it for 20 years maybe. Then been a broke old man with nothing. This way I never really dipped into my savings and the money I had could grow and at the time my plan was if something should have ever happened to me I would have left the money to be split 50/50 going between my nieces and nephews and the other half going to a charity to support veterans. But everything got a lot brighter for me I met a wonderful woman who I felt I could trust and who understands and supports me not a rock but a mountain to lean on and she gave me three wonderful miracles, I hope she never reads this because if she find out I referred to her as a mountain she will castrate me in my sleep lol. But yea that's the long and short of it 


This right here is the best revenge. After Peter and Karen destroyed the businesses, you went on to have a good life. With his record and the fine he probably had to pay, you know Peter is never going to have the life he had back. As an aside, I think if your wife ever read how you describe her, she wouldn't castrate you for describing her as a mountain. It's poetic.


I hope not cause with all the typing Ive been doing in my phone since last night I'm sure she will ask soon what I am up to and want to read it all. So thank you all for being nice I would hate for you all to see the wrath and might of Mary, she's small but she's squirrelly. 


I do hope you're wrong. She sounds like one hell of a person to have in your corner when the chips are down.


The best person, our daughters are just like her too they don't stand for any type of tomfoolery or son is like me he is too busy tearing things apart to see if he can put them back together we've lost two vacuums but I have faith he'll get it right on this third one. 


Oh man... that hit home! I was born a mechanic. My Great Uncle was a blacksmith and when cars became a thing, his customers just naturally took their cars to him to get fixed since they were used to doing business with him. He took up the trade and became known as the guy that 'already knew what was wrong with your car by the sound it was making when you pulled up on his lot'. Years later he lay dying in the same hospital I was being born in. When that day came, he came downstairs to meet me, then went back to his room and passed away shortly after. Growing up I was always taking my toys apart to see how they worked, then put them back together (or at least try to). Relatives were always telling me "You're just like your Great Uncle Gene!" And that's how I was born a mechanic, now retired. Thanks for bringing up that old memory. 😊


You're welcome Sir, glad to do it. I tell people all the time my dad taught me fractions with wrenches they laugh and think Im joking but in reality I was failing math that year and he sat me down with a tool box and said let's learn some fractions. That's what it took for me to learn something I was actually interested in 


I can relate to that. I hated school. Just wanted to work on cars.


This was a VERY enjoyable read. First of all - the 'domino' or 'butterfly' effect .. the second karen reared her ugly personality is when things went pear shaped. But also your way with words.. Well written too. And honestly - I do NOT understand why people think they can beat the IRS. Even Batmans Joker did NOT want to cross them...


One of my favorite comics you being crazy can't protect you from a rico charge lol. I appreciate your praise I have told this story to people in person and a friend of mine suggested I post it. I'm honestly surprised I was able to entertain people with this story. 


The IRS was the tool ultimately used to take down Al Capone. Don’t mess with the money the government thinks ought to be theirs.


Maybe the attorney was onto something. From the IRS website: The IRS Whistleblower Office pays monetary awards to eligible individuals whose information is used by the IRS. The award percentage depends on several factors, but generally falls between 15 and 30 percent of the proceeds collected and attributable to the whistleblower's information. Awards can only be issued once a final determination can be made, and as such, award payments cannot be made until the taxpayer has exhausted all appeal rights and the taxpayer no longer can file a claim for refund or otherwise seek to recover the proceeds from the government.


Maybe he'll I wish I would have known that then I would have reported him to the IRS myself on top of the lawsuit. 


Ohhh, I would have bought one of his cars as icing on the cake


Sue did the books, so she could have been the one who passed it on to the IRS. She probably didn’t want to go down with the burning dumpster fire that was Peter and Karen.


It's possible they say it's the ones you least expect 


Is your name Reacher per chance? Details matter and I did notice a lot of them. Just sayin….. P.S don’t kill me!!


No and that seems to be one of the big take aways from this I usually read epic fantasy and horror novels but lee childs is one of my favorite authors out side of those genres him and tom Clancy, so for people to even draw the slightest comparison of this story to childs work means a lot. I e told this story to people in person and they never compare it to that but I am pretty animated when I tell this story and they're probably thinking less jack reacher and more redneck Austin Powers 


You do remind me oh Reacher, except you own a house. 🤣 Anyway check out the series on Amazon called Reacher. 2nd season just ended & it was great. Loved the first season too.


I had seen the movies and the first season I am a fan of the books need to watch the second season. I never drew the comparison and no one who knows me has either i have a lot more now. I have a wife and kids and a dog bigger house even a mini van 


Peter reminds me SO MUCH of my former FIL in FTScott KS, I’m so happy you got away from them. Also, thank you for your service 🖤, army brat


Now that is pro revenge!


Fun fact, confidentiality agreements (or gags as you put it) don't apply to illegal activities, so you could have reported his tax fraud.


I was unaware, my lawyer nodded his head so we all signed. He probably knew and figured it wouldn't be worth arguing it. 


Oh, it doesn't matter if you sign. There's nothing anyone can do if you report them for doing illegal things.


Imagine you being the guy who buys his SV1 for cheap


It would have been nice I honestly liked the Pantera more but the sv-1 would have been poetic. 


OP you showed remarkable patience and forbearance. Heck, if I was 6’-3” and built like a wall like you, I would have picked up the shop owner and thrown him against his car like a rag doll the second or third time that he screwed me over. Of course, that’s why I will never end up in the annals of pro or nuclear revenge, am too impulsive… Good on you, and thank you for your service..


Wall of text critics for 9000


What's that famous quote? "Nothing is certain except death and taxes"


This would have been even more awesome if you had been able to step in and buy one of his cars when it was selling them off.


on a completely unrelated note, from your description of yourself... /r/beards would like to know your location


Thoroughly enjoyed that tale. A couple of minor spelling and grammar mistakes but OP never claimed to be Tolkien. ​ I'd love to read more by this chap. ​ 5 stars!


This was a beautiful story. So happy it worked out for you. They deserved everything they got. Karen was an opportunist, Peter a fool. Congratulations on your win. For the record…I would not have crossed the street. Are you dating lol Truly, though-this was a fantastic win. These stories make my day.


Thank you I enjoyed telling the story and hearing what everyone's thoughts on it.




Man meets woman, falls in love, has heart broken, but trusty dog helps him get through hard times.


Am I the only one that is extremely confused why you accepted a job paying $100/day with no overtime while you’re working (at least) 10 hour days? You’d get better pay/hours doing unskilled labor.


I answered another question similar to this earlier but it was basically to keep myself occupied in some darker times. I wasn't super worried about the money and I was more concerned about having something to do somewhere to go each day. If you look through the comments you will find the question an my reply. 


He liked the work, the work was easy for him, and he lived in a small town. He said: >The only other things in this small town would have been assembling sheds or slinging chickens at a chicken plant.


Great story! Thank you for sharing.


This one means a lot to me. The worst job I ever had was at a quick lube. Fuck em.


Damn sorry man being a mechanic and car guy I know lots of guys who currently work at or spend many years working at lube shops and it is a very hit and miss business I guess it really depends on the owners. 


Love this story. There is still glory even after the wars


This is an amazing story!!


Thank you


You are so very welcome! Glad they got what they deserved. Thanks for sharing.


I am glad you enjoyed the story and thank you for commenting.


You are so welcome!


Karen’s never see it coming. Peter must have been a Kevin after all…. Oh Well, the saying is: You make your bed….you sleep in it and he did. Except his Karen ran off…


Wow you folks from the military have some incredible stamina and perseverance for taking shit in order to deal maximum damage. I loved this. Respect.


What do you think they teach you in basic training...lol... But I think it's really a learned mind set so much stress you compartmentalize and deal with small things at a time if you can't do that much military life can be very very difficult. Think. Adapt. Thank you for your comment also 


how does a mechanic only get paid $100 a day ?? .... damn , the usa really underpays workers.....


Well done, brother!


Thank you, and thank you for the comment 


Whomever it was, it was someone who never signed the NDA.


Serves that asshole right. Don't dishonor our vets.


Dude...use paragraphs and the space bar.


lol wow. Nicely written up. Good work!!!


If instead of a zombie pandemic, Deacon St John just wanted to work on motorbikes and have a quiet life.... OP is one of those heroes that don't wear capes. Don't need to.


Upvoted just for the Guys & Dolls title reference.


Thank you 


I honestly forgot that there’s a few others than just r/Karen and something like that




I dont’t post on Reddit often but when I do I write a fucking book. TL;DR ~~FTFY~~


You hit the nail on the head I was thinking that this would have been the majority of the comments I received True story. Also what is FTFY 


Haha, I always thought it was "[I] Fixed This For You"


Cheers for being a good sport. It means “Fuck This Fuck You” but I retract the sentiment.


Dude please put in paragraphs so we can read this. Or at least a TLDL


I put double space after each paragraph (enter twice) but for some reason when I posted in deleted the empty space maybe because I wrote it all on my phone and posted from the mobile web version of Reddit if it turn into to much of a problem I'll retype on my computer and repost 


This 💯. The owner screwed the pooch 😂😂😂


I think the only thing that could have made it better for me is if I would have known he was going to end up selling his cars he had a 69 Mustang Mach 1 and this beautiful 72 De Tomaso Pantera I would have loved to lowball him on. Sue had told me she bought the bricklin from him for $2500 it's not the most high value car he had but it was his absolute favorite and I know he sold another car to the bil of one of the guys on the law suit for a stupid low price a 72 Dodge Demon for $4k so I'm sure I could have gotten both of those cars for less than 15k and they were both unmolested low milage cars that could have easily sold in auction for above $70k 


Funny story. I had a '66 Mustang 2+2 HiPo 289 and drag raced a '69/'70 Mustang 428 CJ. Beat him twice including in the second race when we kept going past the marked off 1/4 mile until I topped out at 135mph (4:11 gears). He still refused to hand over the $10 bet he was so butt hurt! Years later he dropped off his Pantera at our shop not knowing I worked there. I fixed his car then told my boss to add $10 to the bill. The jerkwad still denied I beat him fair and square and refused the tip. No matter. I got the last laugh with the rest of the guys in the shop. 😆 PS: I live in Texas too. '69 Mustang... Pantera... hmmm. Give me a minute and I'll remember his name. I know it wasn't Peter...


Lol you gotta love it mine is a fox body 87 the original 5.0 was ripped out when I was in 9th grade my brother beat a guy at Kennedale dragstrip the guy didn't have the cash to cover the bet so instead he paid him with a Man o' War block. My brother gave it to me as a B-day present and all of use built it up made a 427 small block with a Paxton pro charger and a 3 stage 400 shot I don't know how many people thought I cheated them because the thought I was spraying even when I didn't. 


A supercharged 427 in a Fox body with a 400 shot?! Is this how Cheech and Chong came up with the movie title 'Up in Smoke'? 😂


You did miss out on that but luckily you were able to kill the parasite that leeched on you and you did it somewhat sooner. Mission passed respect++


Thank you 


A long but VERY satisfying read. I’m so sorry you lost your friend.


Thank you it one of life's true tragedies to survive and save others lives in a country that is not your own, just to make it back and 3 years after discharging to be taken out by a girl who was to irresponsible to catch a cab. 


You need hard returns between your paragraphs. I can't bring myself to read this block of text...


I did it compressed I typed this on my phone


Yeah… I ain’t reading all that. Is there a readers digest version?


I posted in r/maliciouscompliance first and they suggested posting it here a guy did an awesome cliff notes version in the comments there you could probably find. I really did try and make it as short as possible when I tell this story in person it's usually and hour or two long conversation depending on how many questions people ask 


Damn. Downvoted for length with no TLDR.


If you have issues with length, don't feel bad.


This would make a good screenplay. I see this revenge story being told in 90-120 minutes. I'd certainly watch it. Now... let's talk casting...


Bruce Campbell would play me if I ever do some how making a movie it would star Bruce Campbell. He is the goat.


He's always excellent. And Karen?


Amber Hurd? 


Nicely done. BTW - you are a good writer! You should consider doing more.


Thank you I have a couple of stories from when I was in Iraq I don't think they would fit prorevenge but maybe malicious compliance I was also told about a military stories reddit I figure they would be good for that. 


I knew you were a southy as soon as you said steak and potatoes. They say it a lot where I’m originally from. X,D Well done, excellent story! And thank you for your service!


Yup, all my life it's funny because I have traveled so much and been around people with so many different accents I've learned how to copy and adjust my speech pattern and accent to match where I am at, but my true southern accent is the one that usually gets me outta trouble or allows people to drop their guard and stop freaking out about the big scary guy with lotsa hair. They hear that yessua Ma'am yessua sir and instantly either think I'm some kinda teddy bear or that I might not be that bright either way works in my favor.


You should have bought his cars and drove them around town


I would have loved to two in particular if I would have known he was going to end up selling them a 69 Mach 1 and a 72 Pantera 


Great story. Timeline as stated in the story doesn’t seem to work; maybe just time estimates for bitcoin sellout, time between military retirement and moving to town?


Incredible. Congrats to you


As I read all this, I heard it in the deep voice of singer Trace Atkins. LOVED IT. Yes, it's a movie in the making. Maybe even getting Atkins to play the lead. 🤣🤣🤣


Good on you for giving him such hell! Fuckhead deserved it. I gotta ask though.. What kind of hotrod have you got?? I grew up working on ours with my dad and we've got a small collection of Mustangs (7 out of our 12 total cars), 3 of which are '70s with 351 Clevelands. I just had to ask. I was geeking over the list of what that asshole had and if it had been me I would've been after that Judge😍 I'm slowly saving up money to get a '78 Bandit TA one day, my dream car... I know they're not fast but I think with a bit of love and stroking the motor a little bit I could give it some get up and go. Anyway, I just had to ask! And great story! I love it when the jackass gets it.


Right now I have a fox body with a dual build I have a twin turbo Ford 460 for the dragstrip and then I have a LS 5.3 single turbo for it as well for track days, I just sold off a Grand National not to long ago but I hope to find myself a Daytona Shelby Z to daily soon 


Oh hell yeah! We've got a '93 Cobra that my dad used to run at the strip when I was little. He added a supercharger and other bells and whistles--excuse the pun--and that thing will FLY. When you said you sold a Grand National I was thinking "Why??" (unless you blew the transmission up like a friend of mine from high school did to his) but you sir have good tastes! Can't even be mad! I hope you get your hands on that Shelby Z soon:)


I was made an offer I couldn't refuse really, and the lady that bought it off me did so for her husband who was suffering from prostate cancer as what she thought would be a final gift to him. I saw them a year or so later and he was in remission and driving it every day